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PCGamer: "Just admit that your console exclusives are coming to PC already."

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Wrong thread buddy, nobody is port begging, learn how to read before you start your accusations. This thread is about Sony gatekeeping, the games are already coming to pc. Who are you to tell Sony what to do and pc users what to say?
The fact that port begging makes you sound like a bunch of little whiney ingrates that want better experinces because their playtform of choice simply do not provide what they need.

pc gamers are the equivalent of being surrounded by super models and still up and arms because they are fucking the fat bitch instead. They got the looks, they got the frames, but they simply dont have the quality that we have.
and lastly, arguing with console warriors is a futile battle because their main battle argument are console exclusives. Ya, that 3% of games which are the make and break argument. PC exclusives don’t count so don’t bring up any. Only console ones.

No one gives a shit about the massive amount of exclusive shovelware on PC. Furthermore, PC users should be thanking console users. If it weren't for console users PC would hardly have any AAA and AA games because PC users are cheapskates. Always wanting to buy shit during steam sales.
No one gives a shit about the massive amount of exclusive shovelware on PC. Furthermore, PC users should be thanking console users. If it weren't for console users PC would hardly have any AAA and AA games because PC users are cheapskates. Always wanting to buy shit during steam sales.
Thank you Sony! Without you, us PC gamers would have nothing to play!

With that being said... Are you done with that yet?



I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
If it weren't for console users PC would hardly have any AAA and AA games because PC users are cheapskates. Always wanting to buy shit during steam sales.
If it weren't for PC games you probably wouldn't even have 3D graphics on your console games.

See? I can make silly points too.
When the Demon’s Souls trailer with the typo was posted I was trying to tell PCMR that it was wrong. I was accused of being in denial. Then 5 minutes later the video was taken down and the typo was fixed. It’s not coming to PC.

I don’t know. I bet it was at least in a conversation or on someone’s mind at some point. I have a feeling that it will probably come eventually for PC. Mistakes like that rarely, if ever happen.


SBI’s Employee of the Year
I don’t know. I bet it was at least in a conversation or on someone’s mind at some point. I have a feeling that it will probably come eventually for PC. Mistakes like that rarely, if ever happen.

Honestly: It's great if it does.
I don't get why anyone would have a problem with Sony games coming to the PC 3-4 after PS4/PS5 release.
People who bought the console for the exclusive had a gigantic exclusive time window and PC gamers will also have a chance to enjoy those masterpieces without having to buy a console.
The fact that port begging makes you sound like a bunch of little whiney ingrates that want better experinces because their playtform of choice simply do not provide what they need.

pc gamers are the equivalent of being surrounded by super models and still up and arms because they are fucking the fat bitch instead. They got the looks, they got the frames, but they simply dont have the quality that we have.

Great retort, and Im the dumbass having to use a gif because I lack expression of thought...
I mean when you blame people of port begging, yet can't call anyone out, or saying a bunch of nothing, as facts, it's kinda hard to hold a conversation. Maybe drop the emotion, and argue the posts, not attack the people?

Why do you feel that you are above others and deserve to play Sony games? Why can't you accept that it's going to happen in PC, as matter a fact it's already happening, with plenty more to come.
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Yeah, I see it coming. I think Sony is eventually going to put more, if not most of their exclusives on PC at some point in the future. Personally, I think it could do harm to the PlayStation brand whether it’s day one or even 12 months. This is how it started with Microsoft. A few exclusives here and there with release time frames shortening until they became day one releases which imo contributed to damaging the XBOX brand.

I don’t think it will happen anytime soon, but IF Sony ever does day one exclusive releases that will be the day they walk the path of Microsoft and we all know how well that is working for Microsoft. Microsoft games didn’t have the sales Sony first party games did, so honestly it made a little more sense, but Sony games normally sell in the millions.
Honestly: It's great if it does.
I don't get why anyone would have a problem with Sony games coming to the PC 3-4 after PS4/PS5 release.
People who bought the console for the exclusive had a gigantic exclusive time window and PC gamers will also have a chance to enjoy those masterpieces without having to buy a console.

A 3 to 4 time frame probably wouldn’t be so bad honestly, but Sony has to be very careful with how and when they release their titles on PC. We already saw the confusion and backlash for the supposed Demon’s Souls on PC mistake which I don’t think it was really a mistake. The sooner they release, the less reasons people will have to buy their console unless they just want convenience above all else.


I mean when you blame people of port begging, yet can't call anyone out, or saying a bunch of nothing, as facts, it's kinda hard to hold a conversation. Maybe drop the emotion, and argue the posts, not attack the people?

Why do you feel that you are above others and deserve to play Sony games? Why can't you accept that it's going to happen in PC, as matter a fact it's already happening, with plenty more to come.

Why don't we attack the ports instead?

It's more than overdue for someone to make a game with production values taxing the finest PC hardware on the market, no matter the development expense, and adamantly refuse to tarnish the game's vision by simplifying it for controller users.


MS issues were, a higher price due to extra tech that no one wanted. Bad momentum heading the console release and terrible PR. Their games releasing on PC was not an issue at all.


Why don't we attack the ports instead?

It's more than overdue for someone to make a game with production values taxing the finest PC hardware on the market, no matter the development expense, and adamantly refuse to tarnish the game's vision by simplifying it for controller users.

That's what Chris Roberts is doing and Valve are also did with HL Alyx. Bethesda tried with Quake Champions but it bombed because Arena shooter fans got old, there's no audience for those games anymore.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
I mean when you blame people of port begging, yet can't call anyone out, or saying a bunch of nothing, as facts, it's kinda hard to hold a conversation. Maybe drop the emotion, and argue the posts, not attack the people?

Why do you feel that you are above others and deserve to play Sony games? Why can't you accept that it's going to happen in PC, as matter a fact it's already happening, with plenty more to come.
Because i buy their console aka their products....why the hell shouldnt I be entitled to exclusives, why do pc players feel entitled to get MS games abd Sony games etc. i dont have to call out anyone in particular its known even on this forum people having been begging for bloodborne and now demon souls, its not really a hidden thing. Some will come, but the elite games will stay exclusive


The issue is Jim Ryan and the PlayStation management are arrogant idiots.....

They think bringing one or two games to PC will tempt people to PlayStation. It's not like that Jim, they just get more entrenched and try to demand more.... now you have the PC rep media pushing this bullshit.

Either you put PlayStation gamers first or you become a shitty publisher and fill your games with MTX and cut corners all over the place and put them on other platforms.

People are buying PS5 like crazy right now because of exclusives.... they should be securing proper and full exclusives everywhere they can.

FFXVI should have been a 25th anniversary full exclusive, it would have been a great tribute to how FF is a big part of PlayStations success.

There have been ZERO acquisitions after MS bought what seems like nearly 10 developers or something..... what are they doing over there at PlayStation head office?
sony bought imsomniac,thats is more valuable that these "ten" studios you mentioned

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
I was going to say something, but then I remembered you don't know how to read, so I figured a gif is more than enough for you.
I can read and retort fine, its your I'm clearly on the spectrum brain that could refute it and had to resort to a gif. Hope your not a lawyer, hate to pay for an attorney that rebuttals in gif form in court


Gold Member
It's more than overdue for someone to make a game with production values taxing the finest PC hardware on the market, no matter the development expense, and adamantly refuse to tarnish the game's vision by simplifying it for controller users.
They exist, however only when its games whose vision require them. They don't make games with the sole purpose of using latest hardware, and i feel they're pointless in the first place. At best stuff like introducing new tech such as Ray tracing.
I know of 3 games like that. Of course i'm excluding games with naturally heavy CPU requirements like certain RTS's or simulation-heavy games.

FS2020 - New flight sims always require the latest hardware to run well, after all you have expansive scenarios that still haven't reached the possible top level of details.

Half Life alyx - A VR game with visuals that don't lose to any AAA, so of course its heavy. And its VR, which definitely classifies as latest hardware.

Starbase - A mmo with heavy focus on voxel and detailed destruction physics, plus player driven economy surrounding that. Naturally its a pretty demanding game.
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That's what Chris Roberts is doing and Valve are also did with HL Alyx. Bethesda tried with Quake Champions but it bombed because Arena shooter fans got old, there's no audience for those games anymore.

I suppose that kind of money is wasted on arena shooters. Even if the mechanics are amazing, the gameplay flow is limiting.
Single player gives the designer more room to create worlds for people to explore and discover at their leisure.

Speaking of the latter train of thought... IMHO I'd be ecstatic if Metroid Prime 4 tech wise is on par with, oh, Titanfall 2 for a recent visually comparable game.
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Gold Member
Because i buy their console aka their products....why the hell shouldnt I be entitled to exclusives, why do pc players feel entitled to get MS games abd Sony games etc. i dont have to call out anyone in particular its known even on this forum people having been begging for bloodborne and now demon souls, its not really a hidden thing. Some will come, but the elite games will stay exclusive
Why do you care if other platform gamers play the same game? Who cares about exclusivity. If anything, it's a benefit because more people can play it.

All a console, PC or tablet are mediums to play a game.

Some people want a $400 no fuss console. Some people want cheaper and will play on a $200 tablet on the go. A core PC gamer will pay $1,000+ for parts, have to mess with drivers and way more aimbot cheaters online etc....

Who gives a shit if all 3 can play.

Does it make you feel less special a tablet or PC gamer can play Spiderman? Why do you care random people around the world play the same game as you? Do you feel bad now since PS Now PC gamers can stream Spiderman? Or not yet since it's not a fully downloaded file? lol

Does it boost your ego that you could be among 10,000,000 PS gamers playing a game, but feel like an unwanted child if 10,000,000 PS gamers play it, 5,000,000 PC gamers play and 1,000,000 people on iPad play it?

Grow up.

Aside from the Genesis/SNES era where I had both systems, every other era I stuck to one. Nintendo, Sega, PS, or Xbox. Who gives a shit if some games go on other platforms or not. I got the game on my platform. If the dev wants to spread the love who cares.

Genesis/SNES had tons of exclusives games for each system.. Back then third party game makers due to costs or whatever did way more one off games. And sometimes even the same title could be different across both systems. I liked Konami SNES games, while also liking Sega Sports. With both systems, I can play what I want as I have both systems.

Never did I ever think..... Contra 3 and Axelay are awesome on SNES. Haha. Too bad for all those Genesis only losers. And when Konami made some unique Contra and Castlevania games for Genesis later on, I also didn't think, oh what traitors. I bought those games on both systems. Good to see a studio support both. And same goes for Sega Sports. Never did I think..... Haha Nintendo gamers missing out. Good to know my Genesis has them!

Heroes M&M 3 is one of my fav PC games. Played it a ton 20 years ago. When I saw in mags Dreamcast is going to get it (I don't think it ever released), you know what my impression was looking at pics in a mag and not owning a DC? Cool. I wonder what tweaks a console version will have for DC gamers. Loved the PC game. And maybe DC gamers will like it too as that kind of game is not a typical game released on consoles.

You got to have a real weird attitude to care about video game exclusivity ego boosting.
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Because i buy their console aka their products....why the hell shouldnt I be entitled to exclusives, why do pc players feel entitled to get MS games abd Sony games etc. i dont have to call out anyone in particular its known even on this forum people having been begging for bloodborne and now demon souls, its not really a hidden thing. Some will come, but the elite games will stay exclusive
So you have the Apple mindset. It all make sense now. You buy Sony's hardware, so you are entitled to their games.

What if I told you, Sony is allowing people, who don't buy their console, to play the best version of their games? Does that hurt you in any sense? Because if it does, you are a salty fanboy. You already played the games, and it doesn't take away from your fun or enjoyment, at all.

You seriously could have been any flavor, but you choose to be salty. Smh.


Gold Member
So you have the Apple mindset. It all make sense now. You buy Sony's hardware, so you are entitled to their games.

What if I told you, Sony is allowing people, who don't buy their console, to play the best version of their games? Does that hurt you in any sense? Because if it does, you are a salty fanboy. You already played the games, and it doesn't take away from your fun or enjoyment, at all.

You seriously could have been any flavor, but you choose to be salty. Smh.
Sure it hurts him.

He played the game on PS and had fun. His enjoyment is maximized if other people can't play the same game on another platform having fun too. It makes him feel swell that random dudes on PC half way around the world playing a Sony game in a town he's never heard of before doesn't get access to play.

I can understand braggers with nice cars or cool loud motorcycles rip roaring down the street showing off their sweet ride. Expensive, looks cooler, more powerful, and everyone appreciates seeing a nice car on the road or in the parking lot at work (who's car is that?).

But to have this entitled ego for coddling video games thinking it's a zero sum game where if one dude enjoys it on Device A means he loses that enjoyment if another guy on Device B plays it, that's sure some piece of work.
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Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
I'm not a PC gamer so it doesn't affect me whatsoever but the writing is on the wall and just a matter of time before Sony puts their exclusives on PC day one. If anything, Sony should have done it already because all they're doing is hurting the company itself by losing a shit ton of extra sales that they simply wouldn't get. On PC via The Epic Game Store and Steam equals extra money for Sony. Sony literally only has PlayStation and that's it. Sony needs to take full advantage of what they have. Putting their exclusives on PC day one is going after a market in which 90%+ doesn't give a fuck about consoles and never will. Sony giving themselves a second revenue stream is simply smart business and it's just a matter of time before their shareholders and investors demand it.


Gold Member
I'm not a PC gamer so it doesn't affect me whatsoever but the writing is on the wall and just a matter of time before Sony puts their exclusives on PC day one. If anything, Sony should have done it already because all they're doing is hurting the company itself by losing a shit ton of extra sales that they simply wouldn't get. On PC via The Epic Game Store and Steam equals extra money for Sony. Sony literally only has PlayStation and that's it. Sony needs to take full advantage of what they have. Putting their exclusives on PC day one is going after a market in which 90%+ doesn't give a fuck about consoles and never will. Sony giving themselves a second revenue stream is simply smart business and it's just a matter of time before their shareholders and investors demand it.
Sounds right.

But according to exclusivity lovers, if you put games on PC, every console gamer is going to dump it and go buy a $1,000+ PC, willingly mess with the intricacies of PC drivers and gpu updates and then go hook it up to the 60" tv in the living room.

Therefore, the console ecosystem is doomed.

Also, console makers have to watch the mental health issue too, since many console gamers will feel like shit if they know a faceless PC gamer 10,000 miles away plays the same game as them.


Sony needs the maximum user base on a Sony console. It allows them to charge for ps+ and for all 3rd party sales. That revenue stream doesn’t exists on pc unless they setup PSN storefront on PC. Till then, people will go mental waiting for drips and drabs due to lack of incentive on Sony’s part.


I like to play games when they're old. Said nobody ever. Pc gamers are the high school virgins who think they will get the hot girl. Yeah. After they're used up and old maybe.
except we are good looking dudes like henry cavill, its the console peasants that are the virgins trying to show off their lil spec machine to hot girls and never get any. trust me, as a handsome very very good looking pc gamer i get plenty.


The fact that port begging makes you sound like a bunch of little whiney ingrates that want better experinces because their playtform of choice simply do not provide what they need.

pc gamers are the equivalent of being surrounded by super models and still up and arms because they are fucking the fat bitch instead. They got the looks, they got the frames, but they simply dont have the quality that we have.

You are literally an embarrassment to yourself and this forum. I've never read such a comment by any user here be so full of embarrassing console war rhetoric that is also so hostile and offensive. If this is how you handle yourself in real life I hope you don't have pets or kids.
You are literally an embarrassment to yourself and this forum. I've never read such a comment by any user here be so full of embarrassing console war rhetoric that is also so hostile and offensive. If this is how you handle yourself in real life I hope you don't have pets or kids.
Be easy on him bro, he can't be older than 12 with that mentality. He'll one day grow up from that mentality, and hopefully mature into a level headed GAF member. But for now, maybe he needs to go to timeout from the internet, and play his favorite cinematic single player game to soothe his anger.


DeaDPo0L84 DeaDPo0L84 you might be laughing at him, but we'll be playing those same games as well bro, and we can tell him and Sony, "Thank you for giving us these bountiful blessings, Amen"
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This thread still going.

Yes PCMR we all know how great PCs are and how much better they are than consoles.

Please just stop begging for console games.

Horizon was released and it failed miserably.

What's the excuse?

It is a bad port. Yet all I read here from PCMR is that it's superior to the PS4 version.

That version sold 10 million+.

Just a case of simply wanting these games released to inflate their egos.
This thread still going.

Yes PCMR we all know how great PCs are and how much better they are than consoles.

Please just stop begging for console games.

Horizon was released and it failed miserably.

What's the excuse?

It is a bad port. Yet all I read here from PCMR is that it's superior to the PS4 version.

That version sold 10 million+.

Just a case of simply wanting these games released to inflate their egos.
Quote the ones who are begging. Didn't see any begging in here.

Sony devs oversaw that port. You calling the Sony devs incompetent with better hardware? Thought they were the best?

It's a bad port, but still runs better than ps4 pro. Yeah it's better, but still a shitty port with much to be yearned for.

Old game, not a great game, bad port, overpriced old game with bad port. We're used to good game with good ports, what's hard to understand?

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Why do you care if other platform gamers play the same game? Who cares about exclusivity. If anything, it's a benefit because more people can play it.

All a console, PC or tablet are mediums to play a game.

Some people want a $400 no fuss console. Some people want cheaper and will play on a $200 tablet on the go. A core PC gamer will pay $1,000+ for parts, have to mess with drivers and way more aimbot cheaters online etc....

Who gives a shit if all 3 can play.

Does it make you feel less special a tablet or PC gamer can play Spiderman? Why do you care random people around the world play the same game as you? Do you feel bad now since PS Now PC gamers can stream Spiderman? Or not yet since it's not a fully downloaded file? lol

Does it boost your ego that you could be among 10,000,000 PS gamers playing a game, but feel like an unwanted child if 10,000,000 PS gamers play it, 5,000,000 PC gamers play and 1,000,000 people on iPad play it?

Grow up.

Aside from the Genesis/SNES era where I had both systems, every other era I stuck to one. Nintendo, Sega, PS, or Xbox. Who gives a shit if some games go on other platforms or not. I got the game on my platform. If the dev wants to spread the love who cares.

Genesis/SNES had tons of exclusives games for each system.. Back then third party game makers due to costs or whatever did way more one off games. And sometimes even the same title could be different across both systems. I liked Konami SNES games, while also liking Sega Sports. With both systems, I can play what I want as I have both systems.

Never did I ever think..... Contra 3 and Axelay are awesome on SNES. Haha. Too bad for all those Genesis only losers. And when Konami made some unique Contra and Castlevania games for Genesis later on, I also didn't think, oh what traitors. I bought those games on both systems. Good to see a studio support both. And same goes for Sega Sports. Never did I think..... Haha Nintendo gamers missing out. Good to know my Genesis has them!

Heroes M&M 3 is one of my fav PC games. Played it a ton 20 years ago. When I saw in mags Dreamcast is going to get it (I don't think it ever released), you know what my impression was looking at pics in a mag and not owning a DC? Cool. I wonder what tweaks a console version will have for DC gamers. Loved the PC game. And maybe DC gamers will like it too as that kind of game is not a typical game released on consoles.

You got to have a real weird attitude to care about video game exclusivity ego boosting.
Because it devalues their brand, why do you think MS is in the whole and nobody wants to buy their consoles? Not only because their games suck but also because you can get them on pc. They are making some money short term however they would make even more money having more people buy their hardware and software from them and on their stores. You think is MS was market leader right now they would have back compat, games if not all of their games on pc and gamepass? Hell no, if MS was market leader they wouldnt be doing any of this stuff, the only reason they are is because they are desperate for sales. Sony on the other hand isnt, their games actually sell and have had more selling eclusives and new ip franchises this gen. Sony makes more money from third party licensing deals, exclusive games and services aka psn than they will ever make selling a few thousand copies of their games on pc. Simple, to play our games buy our hardware, nintendo is the only old school mindset yet and even though I give them shit for their pricing esp old ports they are selling like bangers and non of their games are on pc and never will be unles much like I know oc gamers dont always 'pay' for their games
Dear PC Gamer: Just admit you're dying for console exclusives :)
Been a PC gamer for over a decade. We never switched to PC in order to play ps exclusives. There were plenty of games to play then, and even more now. Just so happens that we'll be playing more Sony exclusives than ever, this gen. All thanks to Sony and Jim Ryan. They are the GOATS for wanting to make more money than previous generations. You should thank them too.

Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
Be easy on him bro, he can't be older than 12 with that mentality. He'll one day grow up from that mentality, and hopefully mature into a level headed GAF member. But for now, maybe he needs to go to timeout from the internet, and play his favorite cinematic single player game to soothe his anger.


DeaDPo0L84 DeaDPo0L84 you might be laughing at him, but we'll be playing those same games as well bro, and we can tell him and Sony, "Thank you for giving us these bountiful blessings, Amen"
With what mentality smart business? Does pc sales make them money shre but only short term, they make more money from third party licensing deals, services and exclusive content. It makes them more money in the long run to keep their games on their platform ala nintendo, nontendo wont ever bend the knee so not sure why sony would. Only reason MS is is because their content this gen jas been trash and they are starving for sales unlike sony and nintendo
With what mentality smart business? Does pc sales make them money shre but only short term, they make more money from third party licensing deals, services and exclusive content. It makes them more money in the long run to keep their games on their platform ala nintendo, nontendo wont ever bend the knee so not sure why sony would. Only reason MS is is because their content this gen jas been trash and they are starving for sales unlike sony and nintendo

Hahaha how much did it sell....ph whoops touchy subject for pc gamers that dont buy games.

You seriously sound salty bro. You seem to not enjoy games, but more so only fanboy for Sony. Not a good look. I'd hate to see your meltdown when all these games release on PC. But just for that purpose, I'll bookmark this post. Get some help man. It's not the end of the world I promise. It's just the beginning.

How old are you though, serious question? At least the age range.
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Maxwell Jacob Friedman

leads to fear. Fear leads to xbox.
You seriously sound salty bro. You seem to not enjoy games, but more so only fanboy for Sony. Not a good look. I'd hate to see your meltdown when all these games release on PC. But just for that purpose, I'll bookmark this post. Get some help man. It's not the end of the world I promise. It's just the beginning.

How old are you though, serious question? At least the age range.
Define all because i gurantee all of them arent coming, i would even say a select few at the most.


Gold Member
Because it devalues their brand, why do you think MS is in the whole and nobody wants to buy their consoles? Not only because their games suck but also because you can get them on pc. They are making some money short term however they would make even more money having more people buy their hardware and software from them and on their stores. You think is MS was market leader right now they would have back compat, games if not all of their games on pc and gamepass? Hell no, if MS was market leader they wouldnt be doing any of this stuff, the only reason they are is because they are desperate for sales. Sony on the other hand isnt, their games actually sell and have had more selling eclusives and new ip franchises this gen. Sony makes more money from third party licensing deals, exclusive games and services aka psn than they will ever make selling a few thousand copies of their games on pc. Simple, to play our games buy our hardware, nintendo is the only old school mindset yet and even though I give them shit for their pricing esp old ports they are selling like bangers and non of their games are on pc and never will be unles much like I know oc gamers dont always 'pay' for their games
If Sony values exclusives so much why did horizon come in PC? And also all those partnership games like DS and QD games?

why bother with allowing PC gamers to play 100s of games on PS Now?

also, if Horizon sold so bad on PC then it shows there’s nothing to fear from your apocalyptic scenario of PS gamers hopping the fence to $1000+ PCs making the Sony ecosystem barren.

look at you being a brand manager at head office. You’d think as gamers on a forum you’d care more about gamers holistically enjoying games on whatever device they have instead of ego boosting from video game walled gardens a bunch of marketing managers discuss in boardrooms.

Nobody cares about your show off walled garden of 100,000,000 video game console members except people like you who get a high from being part of an “exclusive club” which is so exclusive there’s over 100,000,000 members.
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Quote the ones who are begging. Didn't see any begging in here.

Sony devs oversaw that port. You calling the Sony devs incompetent with better hardware? Thought they were the best?

It's a bad port, but still runs better than ps4 pro. Yeah it's better, but still a shitty port with much to be yearned for.

Old game, not a great game, bad port, overpriced old game with bad port. We're used to good game with good ports, what's hard to understand?

Excuses to hide the fact it sold poorly and show how insignificant the PC market is.

The average gamer doesn't have PC on par with a PS4 pro or X1X so don't make a sound like PC standards are higher and less forgiving.

Piracy doesn't help either.

The PS4 version sold 10 million despite it being worse than the PC according to you.
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