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PCGamer: "Just admit that your console exclusives are coming to PC already."


Just admit that for all the dick-dangling and lead-swinging that the PCMR do, all they use their 'awesome' rigs for, is to play years old console games.
It's a trailer in a Playstation conference. Sony clearly paid for marketing rights. Their job is to sell you Playstation. They could give fuck all about any objective that doesn't meet that end.
Did you even read what I wrote? This isn't about Sony. Sony seemingly had no issues running a trailer at their event that not only made it very clear that the game was running on PC, but also ended with a note saying that the game would release on that platform as well. The issue is that Square Enix is acting like none of that ever happened, which is just stupid. The game is obviously coming to PC, and they obviously know it. Why deny it? It makes no sense.
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Did you even read what I wrote? This isn't about Sony. Sony seemingly had no issues running a trailer at their event that not only made it very clear that the game was running on PC, but also ended with a note saying that the game would release on that platform as well. The issue is that Square Enix is acting like none of that ever happened, which is just stupid. The game is obviously coming to PC, and they obviously know it. Why deny it? It makes no sense.
Same reason they haven't said a word about FFVIIR.
Money and contracts.

Edit: We will probably get a PC trailer on April 10th and a release not long after with FFVIIR, same thing will happen with XVI.
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Gold Member
PCGamer: "Just admit that your console exclusives are coming to PC already."

Sony: Ohh sorry, ohh PC Master race... I have an exclusivity deal... but I will disclose it just for you all mighty, to say that our exclusive is just timed and you'll get it in a year with better graphics, performance and mods... sorry, we're really sorry.
Same reason they haven't said a word about FFVIIR.
Money and contracts.
So Sony made them sign a contract forbidding them from responding to inquiries about a possible PC release, while allowing them to announce that the game is coming to PC in a trailer shown at an official Playstation event? What the hell is that supposed to accomplish? Surely they can't be that stupid?
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
If that PCGamer writer is so thirsty for console exclusives, dude, just buy the damn console and play them.

At lest thats what I'll do if the cool exclusives don't get ported.

Regardless of what sony'll do, i'm far more happy about Atlus opening up to PC than i would with Sony first parties.
I'm still dreaming of a definitive version of Persona 3 coming to PC.


So Sony made them sign a contract forbidding them from responding to inquiries about a possible PC release, while allowing them to announce that the game is coming to PC in a trailer shown at an official Playstation event? What the hell is that supposed to accomplish? Surely they can't be that stupid?
I agree with you, that's really dumb, but what other reason could it be?
They did change it in the Youtube trailers to *Timed exclusivity* and not that it will eventually release it on PC, could be just a stupid mistake on their part.
We are in September and they haven't said a word about FFVIIR on another platform.
I expect the same silence for XVI, we will only know the duration of the exclusivity by the time the game releases on PS.
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It’s kind of sad to see them beg for Demon’s Souls. Just get a PS5 if you want to play.

Sure, you could wait years and years and maybe get thrown something like Horizon but you’d still be missing out on most of the GOTY type Sony exclusives.

I say, stop begging for Sony’s games! It’s embarrassing.


The best part about being PCMR is buying $2500 rigs to play old games and beg for console ports. True kings.

(I own a gaming PC, still true tho)

that's because we know all of those exclusives at checkerboard 30 will play a helluva lot better Ultrawide/ 60. I was recently testing the HDR on my UW with the PS4 holy fck the frame rates. I was actually surprised they filled the screen, back in the day they wouldn't so its a stretched image doing about 20 FPS with Days gone and god of War. And BTW the price is laughable to the uneducated. The last time i upgraded it cost me around $600 with new VC/ MB and memory. You are now buying what a 3rd console?
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It’s kind of sad to see them beg for Demon’s Souls. Just get a PS5 if you want to play.

Sure, you could wait years and years and maybe get thrown something like Horizon but you’d still be missing out on most of the GOTY type Sony exclusives.

I say, stop begging for Sony’s games! It’s embarrassing.
You fail to realize that some of these PC players can own both console and PC, while also wanting to play x,y,z game on better hardware. What's wrong for waiting to finish a game, because the horrendous frame pacing, doesn't support ultrawide, or could look sharper/have better image quality? Sony will still make it's money, as matter a fact they can get a good amount of sales, especially if they get good developers to port the games.


Demon Souls is definitely coming to PC. you dont just make a mistake like that.

100% in agreement with this. Also FF 16 was running on PC so that's not even a secret.

Now I just play the waiting game. I'm hardened after buying an Xbox One a couple of years before all their games also went to PC and made the console redundant for me.

Yep, my PC only cost $1000 but I pretty much only play games that came out on console years ago lol

That's unfortunate. You should try broadening your horizons a little.
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I still don't know how anyone can look at a screen that says Demon's Souls is coming to PC _and other consoles_ and think that somehow guarantees a PC port.

I mean, it's possible, but this was clearly a mistake bigger than just announcing it early.


Not Banned from OT
I think PC gamers lost any port begging rights or arguments. Horizon sales say it all PC gamers are not a market worth pursuing unless it is microtransaction heavy. PC gamers are like phone and tablet gamers they love to pay for hardware but not games. Got to get em on play to win.

Embarrassing sales jesus.

Owners: 200,000 .. 500,000
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With that being said, will your ps5 look different from @Bryank75 ps5? What can you do different, put a skin on it, that others can purchase as well, and might even hurt the thermals of the machine?

Same with a phone, you just buy a case that several other hundreds may have. But I can guarantee no one else in the world has the exact same specs as my computer. From the hardware configuration, the choice of components, the brands that I picked, the cooling, lighting, etc.

You think ps5 will look good in the living room compared to a PC?

My point with the phone was that not everything needs to be customisable. Sometimes, you don’t want to tinker with things.

But I do think that the PS5 will look much better in a living room than a PC.
My point with the phone was that not everything needs to be customisable. Sometimes, you don’t want to tinker with things.

But I do think that the PS5 will look much better in a living room than a PC.
And it's fine to have things bone stock. Some people buy a console, some buy a pre built and some love to build. Nothing is wrong with either. But if you have framerate drops or if things look extremely aliased, you can't fix that on a console.

And that's subjective. I'd much prefer my case than an utopian big ass router looking thing on my desk. Plus it does so much more than just playing games.


PC gamers get the best version of each game. Where do you form your opinions from? Your ass? What console port this gen plays better than the PC version? Name some big hitters and I'll concede (I know you can't)
Except when they don't. A lot of these ports are hastily put together rush jobs.

Maybe it will be fixed in the future, maybe not. There is absolutely no proof the PC version will be the best


Just admit that for all the dick-dangling and lead-swinging that the PCMR do, all they use their 'awesome' rigs for, is to play years old console games.

It makes sense though, there are hardly any games on PC with high production values made especially for the platform. All they play is either shit like CS:Go or console ports with higher res and framerate, if they are crazy enough to pay for the hardware. There's nothing out there that has a 1080ti as a baseline, so of course they will beg for console ports, otherwise it's indie shit that runs on a toaster.
Except when they don't. A lot of these ports are hastily put together rush jobs.

Maybe it will be fixed in the future, maybe not. There is absolutely no proof the PC version will be the best
Just about every single multiplatform game gets the crown on PC, especially in the past few years. There's plenty of evidence around to support that. The most recent shit port was Horizon, which was handled by a team that Guerilla Games deemed competent enough to handle the port. And as poor of a port as it was, it still performed better than consoles, despite how unoptimized it was.

PC gamers should be thanking SONY and Microsoft exclusives are coming their way
We'll take all the games publishers push out. Most of the ones from Sony don't matter to me personally, but it's cool that everyone gets to give them a fair shot, right? People vote with their wallets.


I think PC gamers lost any port begging rights or arguments. Horizon sales say it all PC gamers are not a market worth pursuing unless it is microtransaction heavy. PC gamers are like phone and tablet gamers they love to pay for hardware but not games. Got to get em on play to win.

Embarrassing sales jesus.

Owners: 200,000 .. 500,000

That's a lot of owners for an almost full price port that makes Ubisoft games look optimized.
Guerilla has been fixing the game. Once patched it will sell like hotcakes, just like death stranding and persona 4 golden
Just about every single multiplatform game gets the crown on PC, especially in the past few years. There's plenty of evidence around to support that. The most recent shit port was Horizon, which was handled by a team that Guerilla Games deemed competent enough to handle the port. And as poor of a port as it was, it still performed better than consoles, despite how unoptimized it was.
Is it a surprise that a gaming device that costs 3-4 times the price of another gaming device runs games better?


Just about every single multiplatform game gets the crown on PC, especially in the past few years. There's plenty of evidence around to support that. The most recent shit port was Horizon, which was handled by a team that Guerilla Games deemed competent enough to handle the port. And as poor of a port as it was, it still performed better than consoles, despite how unoptimized it was.

We'll take all the games publishers push out. Most of the ones from Sony don't matter to me personally, but it's cool that everyone gets to give them a fair shot, right? People vote with their wallets.
Horizon, and Nier and Dark Souls and Batman just off the top of my head.

My point is it not a gurantee of being the "best". You are getting a rush job of a very old console release. Let's be honest what is happening here. You are getting scraps.


Gold Member
I think PC gamers lost any port begging rights or arguments. Horizon sales say it all PC gamers are not a market worth pursuing unless it is microtransaction heavy. PC gamers are like phone and tablet gamers they love to pay for hardware but not games. Got to get em on play to win.

Embarrassing sales jesus.

Owners: 200,000 .. 500,000
Its a shitty port of a 3 yo game that isn't even all that good, did you think this should've sold insta 3M or something?
With that said, heres how other ports of console games released months after the console launch did VVV

Monster Hunter world -> 4.5 million copies. It was among the most played games on steam
Dark Souls -> Over 2 million copies.
Nioh -> Over a million copies. One third of total sales.
Death Stranding -> Over 700 thousand copies on the first week just on steam alone. Its probably more than a million by now.
Persona 4 -> Over 500 thousand in a month, huge success according to Atlus. This is a niche ps2 game.
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Also, people forget how the same thing can be said as PC has lost a lot exclusives to consoles. I remember at the beginning of the PS3 era how PC had so many franchises exclusive to to.


Horizon, and Nier and Dark Souls and Batman just off the top of my head.

My point is it not a gurantee of being the "best". You are getting a rush job of a very old console release. Let's be honest what is happening here. You are getting scraps.

There are poor ports of course but. Scraps? Scraps is being Nintendo and releasing the most important 3d platformer of all time in a collection and not even tweak it to run at 16:9 and 60 fps.

Oh and having a native PC version that runs circles around it.
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Also, people forget how the same thing can be said as PC has lost a lot exclusives to consoles. I remember at the beginning of the PS3 era how PC had so many franchises exclusive to to.

The difference is that pc gamers don't care when this happens as long as it doesn't compromise the pc version of the game.

Console fanboys cling to their exclusive games because thats all they have. The platform itself is terrible for hardcore gaming.
Also, people forget how the same thing can be said as PC has lost a lot exclusives to consoles. I remember at the beginning of the PS3 era how PC had so many franchises exclusive to to.
That's fine, take as many as you want. We truly don't care about the consoles getting it. We care more about is it going to release on steam or epic, who has it the cheapest, and what time will the buddies be getting online, so we can game on!


The difference is that pc gamers don't care when this happens as long as it doesn't compromise the pc version of the game.

Console fanboys cling to their exclusive games because thats all they have. The platform itself is terrible for hardcore gaming.

More like waiting months for a slipshod, outsourced pc port that forces modders to step in.

Consoles are where you play brand new exclusives when they're still fresh and exciting to everybody.
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I can't even tell what an "exclusive" is nowadays. Is it timed exclusive? Console exclusive? A little part of it or whole game as a exclusive? 1 year or a lifetime exclusive? What the fuck is a "world premiere"? This guys even make trailers exclusive!

Fuck this bullshit. Be a man like Nintendo. Make them 60 dollars, don't ever do sales, and don't let any gamers play those games on any other hardware. Even in their future Nintendo ones!:messenger_grinning:
Imagine being a console warrior, and trying to start shit about PC's, in a PC eccentric thread? And yes, it's the children who throw tantrums because their beloved games are getting better releases on better hardware, for better prices at that. The adults can afford and have choices to get console or PC, or even both. Children don't have that luxury.

I don't get the port begging thing? Who cares if nintendo, Microsoft or Sony get to play my favorite game of choice?! We're not kids on the playground like Seth would like us to believe.

Looks like the fat friend who eats everyones fries. Damn steam for bringing back The Mooch.
Horizon, and Nier and Dark Souls and Batman just off the top of my head.

My point is it not a gurantee of being the "best". You are getting a rush job of a very old console release. Let's be honest what is happening here. You are getting scraps.
Do you not understand, we don't care what your opinion is. You whining on GAF will not change the fact that your Master Lord and Savior, Sony, are expanding their games to the PC crowd.

You can gather up all your buddies in the bandwagon, raid every thread, send letters and emails to Jim Ryan and Cerny themselves, and they will just laugh, and launch the next game in queue to release on PC.

Why are you so miserable that other people get to play these "scraps", as they were the warriors' GOTY prior to them being confirmed for PC. Did you see any PC gamers get upset when xcom, civilization, crysis, deus ex, etc came to console? Did we get upset that you guys are finally trying to embrace higher framerates and faster transfer speeds? No, we only embrace the fact that we can all game together. And then there you...


When you get older and realize it's not a war or religion, you'll understand what I meant.


Fuck moneyhatting, and Sony is the worst at it. But MS and Epic is not far behind.
If I'm a developer, I literally would think the exact opposite. So... you'll pay me money simply to only develop for your console right now, which in turn equals lower dev costs for me?

Okie dokie!


Besides... where are the super popular PC games anymore?
Animal Crossing New Horizons has rocketed past 20 million copies within 6 months. Name a PC exclusive that could begin to hope to compete.


More like waiting months for a slipshod, outsourced pc port that forces modders to step in.

Consoles are where you play brand new exclusives when they're still fresh and exciting to everybody.

I don't care about single player games at release. This month I finished RE7 and really enjoyed it, currently playing the wolf among us.
Played policenauts and snatcher this year on PC. FOMO is for kids and teens.
I play games at my own pace.


Besides... where are the super popular PC games anymore?
Animal Crossing New Horizons has rocketed past 20 million copies within 6 months. Name a PC exclusive that could begin to hope to compete.

What are the games on other consoles that sold that much? Hey let's cherry pick literally the best selling world wide cultural phenomenon of a game as evidence PC games don't sell

I don't care about single player games at release. This month I finished RE7 and really enjoyed it, currently playing the wolf among us.
Played policenauts and snatcher this year on PC. FOMO is for kids and teens.
I play games at my own pace.

Hell I don't buy most of the PC games that do come out day and date with console versions on day of release. Cyberpunk will probably the first one in a while for me. Buy hey gotta play it the day it comes out or it's irrelevant.
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