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PLAYSTATION 3 European Launch Date and Price inside (take it with a grain of salt)


Word is PlayStation 3 will be launched on 15th March 2006 in Europe and its price will be 399EUR. There is no official announcement from Sony Computer Entertain Europe yet, but we feel this is going to happen pretty soon. As you already know, Sony announced that PS3 will be expensive. It turns out the console will retail for the same price with the premium offer of Xbox 360 from Microsoft. Stay tuned for more news!



Check your math...

approx. $520 after conversion.

Take this with a grain of salt... but... I hate to be the guy that told you so...


Chili Con Carnage!
Straightballin said:
So will it be only 299 for the US if true?

Only if they use a different exchange rate than MS.

there will be two different hardware models at launch: Xbox 360 Core System priced at $299.99 (299.99 Euros / 209.99 pounds) and the Xbox 360 for $399.99 (399.99 Euros / 279.99 pounds).


thats just pulled off amazon.fr. Load of bollocks most likely.

edit: this board needs timings to 1/100th of a second.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
A) This story is pure nonsense.
B) Sony has no idea what it can or will charge until it gets closer to fruition.
C) That is all.


Well the Xbox 360 399 conversion would be about 520 USD, but that's 399 in U.S., so that's pretty much irrelevant.

Also, this is probably false, Amazon.fr isn't a reliable sauce, I think they put up the Revolution too saying it would be released in March.


I don't think it's totally irrelevant... you can tell a lot about where the price will go in USD from converting other countries native currency.

If 399EUR were true... I think 399USD is certainly feasable... if not... the real number to be looking at.

Although I still think it'll be $500 regardless... PS3 will be the one of the world's first Blu-Ray players.

We all thought PSP would be cheaper... didn't we?


I would really like to see Sony doing a worldwide launch for PS3 in Spring 2006,but I don't think this rumor has any real basis.


GAF's Bob Woodward
If it was €299 that'd mean $299. US prices are rarely greater in figures than the euro price - the dodgy conversions happen the other way :p

But this is just the same Amazon jazz. Would love to know what prompts them to put stuff like that up, but can't imagine whatever it is is very reliable at this stage.

I wouldn't expect any pricing details until after MS has launched tbh, at least if they have "good news" relatively. I doubt they'd want to give MS time to adjust plans (that's just my guess though..I mean I'd love to see pricing at TGS, but something tells me there's still too much of a gap between Sept and November for them to risk that. Unless of course, PS3 is >$400, in which case they may as well just announce it any time).


Junior Member
A March 06 European launch seems very unlikely unless the PS3 was released in Japan and America recently..


It´s hard to believe that such a high end hardware come to us that cheap , and is even harder to believe if you think how Sony have screw europeans with both PS2 and PSP buuuuut I´ll be very happy if I can get a Blue Ray drive and a next gen hard that soon and that cheap .


PhatSaqs said:
X360 FUD...

Nay - let me show you an example of a well organised FUD campaign:

The Halloween documents (leaked internal Microsoft documents whose authenticity was verified by the company) use the term FUD to describe a potential tactic, as in "OSS is long-term credible ... [therefore] FUD tactics can not be used to combat it." [2] More recently, Microsoft has issued statements about the "viral nature" of the GNU General Public License (GPL), which Open Source proponents purport to be FUD. Microsoft's statements are often directed at the GNU/Linux community in particular, to discourage widespread Linux adoption, which could hurt Microsoft's marketshare. In a 2004 interview on the growing prominence of Linux, Steve Ballmer's FUD-based ideas had chauvinistic undertones, when he commented, "are you going to trust some guy in China?"




PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
LOL. That is funny. March 06 for 399 euros. It's the funniest thing i've heard all year.
Wait 'till I tell the wife. She likes a good laugh.

Keep 'em coming...

March 2006 in Europe? :lol

Not gonna happen. Maybe 4th quarter 2006 at the earliest, but there's no way that Sony will release PS3 March 2006 in Europe.

Sony confirmed at Games Convention that they will show PS3 at the show next year (August). So why should they officially announce an european unveiling in 08/2006 if the console would be available since March 2006? :lol

AB 101

15th of March?

Thats not even spring yet.


Sounds great if true but I highly doubt it.

Would be half way believable for a Japan launch.


being watched
sonycowboy said:

It's amazon.fr for god's sake. Hold your damage control horses until the proper time comes.



Clothed, sober, cooperative
BirdySky said:
Looks like x360 could be the first console in history to get a price cut before it's even launched.

Yes. If the story were true. WHICH IT IS NOT. SO QUIT POSTING LIKE IT IS>>>>


Edit: I do not mean "this may not be true." or, "Let's wait and see if it is true." I mean, SONY HAS NOT FIGURED OUT HOW MUCH THE FUCKER WILL COST TO BUILD, LET ALONE WHAT THE FUCK IT WILL RETAIL FOR IN FRANCE IN A YEAR AND A HALF.


Stinkles said:
Yes. If the story were true. WHICH IT IS NOT. SO QUIT POSTING LIKE IT IS>>>>


There's nothing to indicate it's not true.

Why would Sony release at a higher price point and give the xbox a chance? When they can release at the suggest price point and win before it's even begun.


Stinkles said:
Yes. If the story were true. WHICH IT IS NOT. SO QUIT POSTING LIKE IT IS>>>>


Edit: I do not mean "this may not be true." or, "Let's wait and see if it is true." I mean, SONY HAS NOT FIGURED OUT HOW MUCH THE FUCKER WILL COST TO BUILD, LET ALONE WHAT THE FUCK IT WILL RETAIL FOR IN FRANCE IN A YEAR AND A HALF.



PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
BirdySky said:
There's nothing to indicate it's not true.

Why would Sony release at a higher price point and give the xbox a chance? When they can release at the suggest price point and win before it's even begun.

No more crackpipe for you....
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