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PlayStation and sequel fatigue.

It took only 2 games from each franchice for You to get tired lol, next you Will cry because You want those franchices return, just like killzone, resistance or infamous


Flashless at the Golden Globes
I can definitely see the argument, and I agree with some of it.
I've personally always thought it's ok for devs to release 1 or 2 sequels which are essentially just "more of the same", I don't need devs to try to re-invent the wheel and make something completely different with each new game.
But I admit that samey sequels were easier to accept when they took 2 years to come out instead of 4-6 years like now.

With that said I think the core issue here is long dev cycles and not really "sequels", and that's an industry wide problem and not just a Sony thing. As I mentioned, many of the current flagship Sony franchises are only on their second game which I think is completely reasonable. OP seemingly wants every Sony studio to make a new IP for every single new release which is unrealistic.

What I want isn't less sequels but rather less focus on graphic, which allows for faster dev cycles.
From Software are amazing at this, their games can be a bit samey but they've managed to remain on a consistent 2-3 years cycle with big new releases ever since DS2 in 2014 (Bloodborne 2015, DS3 2016, Sekiro 2019, Elden Ring 2022).
And I think a key to that has been not obsessing over graphics. Their engine is dated, their games rely more on art direction than graphics to look nice and they recycle assets, but they've been releasing big 90+ metascore games at a faster rate than almost everyone else.
I think From is definitely onto something. Insomniac too. I personally had my fill of the souls formula by the time Elden Rings came out, but i loved Bloodborne, DS3, Sekiro, and Demon Souls back to back to back. they felt different enough because From continued to change settings and combat mechanics despite keeping level design more or less the same. Id put them next to Final Fantasy and the OG Zelda games which kept the same level design but innovated just enough to keep them from feeling samey.

I like Horizon FW, GOW Ragnorak, and TLOU2, but they went with bigger, better and more badass approach instead of innovating like Kojima did with MGS2, MGS3, MGS4 and MGSV. Every game felt like it had a unique setting. Every game introduced tons of new mechanics that made the combat feel fresh. Every game introduced memorable new characters and even flipped protagonists to keep the series feeling fresh over the course of 17 years.

It might sound like im asking them to reinvent, but kojima and From show that you dont have to completely revamp everything. Just change enough to reinvigorate the franchise like bloodborne did with its fast paced action, lovecraft lore and enemy design. honestly, before bloodborne, i hated the souls series because didnt care for the methodical block and attack gameplay. BB turned it into an action game letting you dodge without rolling and it turned me into a souls fan. I dont know what SSM and GG couldve done with GOW2 or Horizon2, but it felt way too samey in comparison.


Pentiment, Grounded, Hi Fi Rush, Redfall, Starfield, Ara, Avowed, Deathloop, Ghostwire Tokyo, Contraband, Everwild, Kojima Project.

Microsoft has more new IPs than anyone else. Gears has been forgotten by everyone, however. So enough with this Xbox 360 narrative.
I wanna gears 6 so fucking badly so sequel fatigue is a term I know nothing about lol. My most hyped games of 2021 was halo infinite and Metroid dread, idgaf, keep making these until the sun burns out I’m fine with that lol.
We had 2 horizon games in 6 years and 2 new The Last of Us in 10 years, that's all. There's no fatigue, you just happen to not like them enough to want more, that's fine, but they are nowhere close to oversaturate themselves just with one sequel. If you are a gamer you already know how much biased is this kind of argument. Im sure I have seen you in the Armored Core thread, so you already know how it works.
Sequel fatigue doesn't exist, it's just you. Look around and see how many franchises and ips keep going year after year, generation after generation. It's really on you mate, totally not developer's fault here.
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Gold Member
The problem is that Kena, Stray, Sifu and PSVR2 stuff is so niche that no one cares about them.
While I don’t disagree with the rest of your post, I have a minor nitpick with the above.

Too niche and no one cares? An indie game made by 28 people was nominated for GOTY alongside the big triple A heavy hitters - Elden Ring, Ragnarok, Forbidden West — last year.
Yes yes yes. The sales are great. The figures don’t lie. Whatever. I’m not asking if Sony should be making endless sequels. I’m asking if you wish they’d stop.

The reason for the post is that GG have today confirmed that Horizon 3 is their next project.

Santa Monica are dedicated to GoW. Polyphony are dedicated to GT. Naughty Dog can’t seem to let go of The Last of Us. We know that an Uncharted game is in development based on the sizzle reel featuring Cassie. Insomniac will always have a Ratchet and Clank in the pipeline, and I don’t think anyone would be surprised if Spider-Man 3 follows 2.

A lot of these franchises don’t have the same ever green appeal that something like Mario or Zelda has. In my opinion it would be a hell of a lot more exciting if GG, ND and Santa Monica were looking at fresh new ideas and franchises.

You can post your lol emojis now.

Lets Go Reaction GIF by Mason Ramsey

Happened to Xbox with Gears/Forza/Halo and now Sony is stuck doing the same thing.

Too many sequels too quickly


Gold Member
Too many sequels too quickly
“Too quickly”?

  • Four years between GoW and GoW Ragnarok.
  • Five years between R&C Reboot and R&C Rift Apart.
  • Five years between HZD and HFW.
  • Five years between Spider-Man and Spider-Man 2 (I don’t count Miles Morales because that was more an expanded DLC than a true sequel).
  • Seven years between the original Last of Us and Last of Us 2.

The only property that could be guilty of being released too frequently is MLB The Show, but that’s the case for ALL annual sports games.

There’s an argument to be had that they’re too slow with their major sequels, which is why they end up doing rereleases (like the two different rereleases of TLoU and Spider-Man Remastered) to bide their time.
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I am a huge fan of Sony first party games.

But of late, the excessive amount of cut scenes and taking agency away from the player - is kinda annoying me. Or NPC's giving puzzle solutions away as soon as said puzzle is encountered, or their endless chatter. It did not use to be this bad.

Hope Sony devs don't go deeper into this rabbit hole.

If new IP is created instead of endless sequels I will feel it as a bonus now tbh. Hope the next GOW game is not an Atreus of War game.


Horizon was never a good game to me. GoW died when they left Greek mythology. Seen enough Spiderman. Other than that I don’t see a problem. Pray ND is working on something new and Sony consistently brings new games. They’re fine.
I think Sony has a stable of incredibly talented developers. Probably the best in the biz, and their ability to all work together to create something special is likely the secret sauce here. That said, as much as I love the games they are making, and I've said this before, but I would love to see them branch outside of their comfort zone and make something other than God of War or The Last of Us or any of the other 3rd person open and semi-open world games that all drive the narrative from the same perspective. My favorite games come from the Fallout and Elder Scrolls series, and I would love to see an SIE 1st party take on that.

Imagine CP2077 but developed in-house by SIE.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
While I don’t disagree with the rest of your post, I have a minor nitpick with the above.

Too niche and no one cares? An indie game made by 28 people was nominated for GOTY alongside the big triple A heavy hitters - Elden Ring, Ragnarok, Forbidden West — last year.
Stray is one of those indie games like celeste that will always be nominated at GOTY awards, but those are not the kind of games forumgoers like the OP want from Playstation first party. I think listing indie games bought by sony as proof that PS studios havent been working on sequels is kinda disingenuous.

Fans of Playstation first party are mostly people who loved the fact that sony was willing to kill off Resistance, MAG, Killzone, Uncharted, Jak, Infamous, etc in favor of new IPs that made the PS4 such a breath of fresh air compared to the xbox sequels and all the other third party GaaS and cross gen crap we got last gen. To see sony double down on sequels, cross gen and Gaas this gen is disappointing to sony fans who liked sony for that reason.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Yes yes yes. The sales are great. The figures don’t lie. Whatever. I’m not asking if Sony should be making endless sequels. I’m asking if you wish they’d stop.

The reason for the post is that GG have today confirmed that Horizon 3 is their next project.

Santa Monica are dedicated to GoW. Polyphony are dedicated to GT. Naughty Dog can’t seem to let go of The Last of Us. We know that an Uncharted game is in development based on the sizzle reel featuring Cassie. Insomniac will always have a Ratchet and Clank in the pipeline, and I don’t think anyone would be surprised if Spider-Man 3 follows 2.

A lot of these franchises don’t have the same ever green appeal that something like Mario or Zelda has. In my opinion it would be a hell of a lot more exciting if GG, ND and Santa Monica were looking at fresh new ideas and franchises.

You can post your lol emojis now.

Lets Go Reaction GIF by Mason Ramsey

Do you honestly believe they are working on any new IPs? Jim Lyin has already told us that half the games they are making are new IPs.


Gold Member
Resistance, MAG, Killzone, Uncharted, Jak, Infamous, etc in favor of new IPs that made the PS4 such a breath of fresh air compared to the xbox sequels and all the other third party GaaS and cross gen crap we got last gen. To see sony double down on sequels, cross gen and Gaas this gen is disappointing to sony fans who liked sony for that reason.
Not counting remakes:

Resistance: 3 games.
Infamous: 4 games.
Jak: 3 games (5 if you count PSP).
Killzone: 4 games (6 if you count PSP and Vita).
Uncharted: 5 games (7 if you count PSP).

Complaining about “doubling down on sequels” is pretty silly when the games you listed — with exception to MAG — have as many, or more, sequels than their current major properties.


hide your water-based mammals
I would be more interested in making a threat about concern when it comes to maybe Microsoft and even Nintendo. Sony also suffers a little bit from this but look at their portfolio. I'm not going to tell anything with the sales but just look at the variety and the consistency of which they've had success. And it's not like gorilla maybe just makes one game, they contribute in other games and much like their other big hitting studios, they are working on multiple projects at once. And they do have something of a unique IP and they might as well exhausted while they're at it. Make a third game and probably then they can move on to something else.

It wouldn't surprise me to see the next game after this get complaints if it's another shooter or the people that are saying well I want another horizon game. You can't please everybody but you can also question their quality and how far they've come. They are a premier studio in gaming.
I think they should make sequals to these. They are needed to grow these into big franchises.

But they should go to drawing board for every sequal. And not release a product unless there is meaningful advancement in every aspect of game design.

If it leads to longer dev cycle, so be it. Just buy more studios to churn out smaller games in the meantime.


Thing is OP Zelda and Mario dont have that Evergreen effect either, neither does Forza, Halo, Fable and Gears. Except of course to fans of those franchises.
Now a trilogy of games is not a problem at all. I would prefer something in between each entry though or a smaller game maybe. But no I dont agree theres a sequel fatigue especially when you consider Playstations stellar output over the last 2 gens or so that includes many singular titles.


The nicest person on this forum
To me games with continuous story that features same main casts needs to end at some point, any good story need have ending, you cant try to keep story going just because its popular.
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A lot of games get a pass for pretty much doing the same thing. Elden Ring is pretty much open world Dark Souls. I once accidently clicked on some youtube video of Dark Souls 3 and I thought for a few seconds that I was looking at an earlier build of Elden Ring. These games don't get called out on it by hardcore gamers because it was what a lot of them consider to be good game design.


I wish Sony was more like Microsoft who never milks their few franchises with endless sequals. Looking forward to Halo 7, Gears 7 and Forza Horizon 6. Maybe I should just stick to Nintendo and try this new Zelda IP I hear people talking about.


It’s a god of war game, if you don’t like it don’t play it
Loki is the god of mischief. How can you have a game titled God of War where you play with the god of mischief?

I like god of war games, and I'll play God of Mischief if the gameplay is good. I just don't agree with wrong naming to milk a franchise.


Thinks Microaggressions are Real
Successful sequels to successful games are necessary to buy yourself space to experiment with new things. These days, new things take longer.
Sony's top 2 premiere studios(Santa Monica, Naughty Dog) are both working on new single player IP's. It's really hard for studios to go from new IP to new IP compared to doing just a sequel. It makes complete sense to make a new IP or transform an existing IP(God of War 2018) and then make a quick sequel that only takes 3-4 years to produce. Having said that, I'm a little disappointed in a Horizon 3. I hope they completely overhaul the experience to make it feel different from the two prior entries. They need to simplify the combat imo. The combat wants to accommodate all playstyles but it perfects none of them. And way way way too many resources to keep track of


This is actually really depressing. Dev cycles are a fucking joke now. Sadly I guess the only answer will be AI to speed it back up.
That's what I'm hoping for. I don't have time for waiting 5-8 years between games lol.

Realistically if you start a new trilogy now and a customer is 30 he'll be 50 by the time its concluded. Madness.


I can definitely see the argument, and I agree with some of it.
I've personally always thought it's ok for devs to release 1 or 2 sequels which are essentially just "more of the same", I don't need devs to try to re-invent the wheel and make something completely different with each new game.
But I admit that samey sequels were easier to accept when they took 2 years to come out instead of 4-6 years like now.

With that said I think the core issue here is long dev cycles and not really "sequels", and that's an industry wide problem and not just a Sony thing.
The current length of the dev cycle is a major issue in my opinion. I’d take reused assets and less focus on bleeding edge tech if it meant games coming out in 2-4 years instead of 5-7.
As I mentioned, many of the current flagship Sony franchises are only on their second game which I think is completely reasonable. OP seemingly wants every Sony studio to make a new IP for every single new release which is unrealistic.
I don’t have a blanket issue with all sequels.

In my opinion, 40 hours is ample time to create a complete story that doesn’t need a sequel. The Last of Us was the perfect example of this. To counter this I thought having GoW 2018 & Ragnarök as a duopoly was a fantastic choice (although I suspect we’ll be getting a soft reboot in another mythology).

The entire arc for nearly every classic Sony trilogy (Jak/Sly/GoW/OG & Future Ratchet) has been played out in around 30 hours. A Horizon trilogy with all of its DLC will be around 150-200 hours.

What I want isn't less sequels but rather less focus on graphic, which allows for faster dev cycles.From Software are amazing at this, their games can be a bit samey but they've managed to remain on a consistent 2-3 years cycle with big new releases ever since DS2 in 2014 (Bloodborne 2015, DS3 2016, Sekiro 2019, Elden Ring 2022).
And I think a key to that has been not obsessing over graphics. Their engine is dated, their games rely more on art direction than graphics to look nice and they recycle assets, but they've been releasing big 90+ metascore games at a faster rate than almost everyone else.
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I really want them to complete the Trilogy for Horizon:ZD and FW. So I'm very happy that's their next game.

I'm fed up with TLOU now. I want something new from ND.

Bend is making something new and Suckerpunch should too.

Insomniac can make anything they damn well want and I will lap that shit up.

Sony Santa Monica should make a new IP, but a new GoW wouldn't be a bad thing for me. But it just needs to be mind-blowingly next-gen.


How many Halo, Gears, and Forza are we on now? We can now include more to the list. How many Call of Duty, Doom, Fallout? This just seems like a dump on PlayStation kind of thread.

I see you left out Sucker Punch studios which recently put a new fantastic IP
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I agree. Skip TLOU and make something else. Skip Ratchet and clank skip horizon too.

Alloy looks like a paprika dorito anyway
And TLOU is soooo ps3
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Horizon, 2 games in 2 gens
GoW's 6 games in 4 gens
Last of us 2 games in 3 gens
Gran Turismo 8 games in 5 gens

Hmmm, no


I think From is definitely onto something. Insomniac too. I personally had my fill of the souls formula by the time Elden Rings came out, but i loved Bloodborne, DS3, Sekiro, and Demon Souls back to back to back. they felt different enough because From continued to change settings and combat mechanics despite keeping level design more or less the same. Id put them next to Final Fantasy and the OG Zelda games which kept the same level design but innovated just enough to keep them from feeling samey.

I like Horizon FW, GOW Ragnorak, and TLOU2, but they went with bigger, better and more badass approach instead of innovating like Kojima did with MGS2, MGS3, MGS4 and MGSV. Every game felt like it had a unique setting. Every game introduced tons of new mechanics that made the combat feel fresh. Every game introduced memorable new characters and even flipped protagonists to keep the series feeling fresh over the course of 17 years.

It might sound like im asking them to reinvent, but kojima and From show that you dont have to completely revamp everything. Just change enough to reinvigorate the franchise like bloodborne did with its fast paced action, lovecraft lore and enemy design. honestly, before bloodborne, i hated the souls series because didnt care for the methodical block and attack gameplay. BB turned it into an action game letting you dodge without rolling and it turned me into a souls fan. I dont know what SSM and GG couldve done with GOW2 or Horizon2, but it felt way too samey in comparison.

Haven't played GOW but I did enjoy Forbidden West aside of the lacking story. Between the new enemies, weapons, improved melee combat, better sidequests and revamped traversal (and the really nice graphics) I do think it did barely enough to set itself apart. Though if we get a Horizon 3 I do think they need to make some bigger changes, hopefully they focus less on improving the graphics and more on introducing game changing mechanics and changing up the setting. (and getting better writers)
And to be fair Horizon is only the second Horizon game. By the time Bloodborne came out FROM had already released Demon Souls, Dark Souls and Dark Souls 2 which are all fairly similar to each other.

One thing I think Horizon could do to add a more unique feeling is to completely change the setting. I hope Horizon 3 (if we get one) is set in another country or a very different region of the USA. The "Forbidden West" felt too similar to the world of the original, it's just the same types of tribes in small towns and there wasn't even a big city like Meridian.
For Burning Shore Guerilla was like "Look at this new settlement!:

....and it looks the same as every other settlement in the base game.


Gold Member
Considering Diablo 4, CounterStrike 2, Baldurs Gate 3, Street Fighter 6, are all coming out there’s no issue with creating new installments for a franchise. At least Sony and Nintendo have multiple franchises in multiple genres to spread out in, unlike some others.

In addition to existing IPs there are also loads of new games like Returnal, Spider-Man, Ghosts of Tsushima, that aren’t just new but excellent GotY tier games.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
The sequels are like 5 years apart though. That's a long time. Theres only so many new ip they can make because it's a big risk. They usually make a few every generation though, so I'm expecting a few announcements at the next showcase. Last gen we got

Days gone
Ghost of tsushima
Death Stranding

And yet so many of their main games, despite being "year's apart" play so simlarly that it gives the average gamer fatique. Cinematic-focused, heavy narratives with third person gameplay, RPG lite elements, numerous shallow systems, and bloated collectibles in a semi-open to open world that copy/paste the same few tired puzzles repeatedly.

Bloodborne and Death Stranding are two of the few unique titles they were able to release. Dreams is a game design suite and hardly a game.

Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
*looks at Nintendo*
*looks at Microsoft*


Nintendo have many franchises with wait times of 5-9 years between releases, aside from a handful that release more often. Even then, those major franchises tend to have major differences between them. Zelda Skyward Sword is vastly different from Windwaker, which is vastly different from Breath of hte Wild. Mario Odyssey is vastly different from Galaxy, which is vastly different from 3D World, etc.

Though the few franchises that get sequels more often (Splatoon for example) are so similar there is very little reason to pick up the newest one as it is mostly just the same fucking game.

MS takes the same franchises and either runs them into the ground (Halo), make them solid but forgettable (Gears) or a mix of both (Forza).

Sony is inbetween the two. It has more franchises and uses them all more frequently than MS does, but most of the games play very similarly.

All 3 of them need to do something new/different/better than they are currently doing.
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