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POP QUIZ #2: Find the bug in the following code.

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These are fun. Anyone else have a cool one?

#define BUFFER_SIZE 32768
BOOL  VerifyPointerIsWithinBuffer
    const BYTE *pb, 
    const BYTE *pbBuffer
    return (pb >= pbBuffer) && (pb - pbBuffer < BUFFER_SIZE);


Hitokage said:
"Function" isn't in hungarian notation! ;)

Har har. :) True, but not the bug.

Honestly though, I actually like Hungarian notation.

(Though I only use a subset of Hungarian notation, not all of it. Just the well known types. No cryptic lphwfstfsdhefhdgBlahs. And I only do it on variables, not functions.)

I know a lot of people hate Hungarian notation -- I never used to believe in it either, but once I got in the habit of naming all my variables with it consistently, it really does help when skimming through code, because at a glance I know if something is a pointer, or a pointer to a byte, or a pointer to a string, etc, without having to go back to the variable declaration or inferring it from what's being done.

The main thing with Hungarian is you have to be completely consistent in your use of it.

Badly written Hungarian notation is worse than none at all.


NLB2 said:

The code snippet compiles in Visual Studio, so there's no syntax errors in it.

You will however need to include windows.h for the definition of BOOL, and you will need to write a main function for it to compile properly.


Setec Astronomer
Ok, here's my serious submission. I fully expect it to be laughably wrong.

The program seems to be a sanity check, making sure that pb isn't larger than its buffer, and neither is pb or pb buffer larger than a predefined limit. However, given that everything checks out, both comparisons return TRUE and thus the function returns TRUE, except... a nonzero return value is an error code... then again, I do remember Windows being bizzare in this respect... so yeah... nevermind.


Hitokage said:
Ok, here's my serious submission. I fully expect it to be laughably wrong.

The program seems to be a sanity check, making sure that pb isn't larger than its buffer, and neither is pb or pb buffer larger than a predefined limit. However, given that everything checks out, both comparisons return TRUE and thus the function returns TRUE, except... a nonzero return value is an error code... then again, I do remember Windows being bizzare in this respect... so yeah... nevermind.

Well the function returns a BOOL. It returns FALSE if the pointer fails this test, and TRUE if it succeeds. I'll clarify the function name.

As a side note, most Win32 functions return BOOL as well.

(BOOL) TRUE returned from a Win32 API indicates success.
(BOOL) FALSE returned from a Win32 API indicates failure.

TRUE is defined as a non-zero value, and FALSE is defined as a zero value.

If you receive FALSE from a Win32 API you are supposed to call the API GetLastError() which will return a Win32 error code indicating the specific failure.

However GetLastError() returns DWORD, not BOOL. ERROR_SUCCESS is defined as (DWORD)0, and all Win32 error codes are defined as non-zero values, which may explain your confusion.


Lathentar said:
Uhh... if pbBuffer is null, pb might be under the buffersize and the function will return true?

The function is trying to verify that pb is pointing to something within pbBuffer, assuming pbBuffer is 32KB in size and is valid.

While passing pbBuffer = NULL into the function is indeed an error (since a pointer with value NULL is always invalid), it is not the bug here.

You can assume the code calling this function will not pass NULL for pbBuffer.


Looking for Pants
aaaaa0 said:
The function is trying to verify that pb is pointing to something within pbBuffer, assuming pbBuffer is 32KB in size and is valid.

While passing pbBuffer = NULL into the function is indeed an error (since a pointer with value NULL is always invalid), it is not the bug here.

You can assume the code calling this function will not pass NULL for pbBuffer.

As a clarification, you're checking to make sure of this:

pbBuffer <= pb < pbBuffer + BUFFER_SIZE


Setec Astronomer
It couldn't be that it's comparing values and not addresses, could it?

(And thus I exhaust the C knowledge I have from dabbling in it from time to time. Ah well, it's been fun giving wrong answers.)


that's what I was going to say.

I assume that BYTE is a typedef for char, and so the >= expression will treat the pointers as strings and thus do a string comparison.

edit: Not trying to appropriate your answer, I was just searching on google to make sure ;)


There is no operator overload for comparison between BYTE* and BYTE* that will compare strings instead of the pointer's address values.

You can safely assume in this case that comparing the two BYTE* is comparing the addresses contained in each pointer.

Also, as a note, while BYTE* is indeed a typedef for char*, neither type guarantees the contents of the memory address pointed to contain a string.


Fafracer forever
I wouldn't necesserily call it a bug, but the second comparison
(pb - pbBuffer < BUFFER_SIZE)
is definately unsafe code.

The substraction result of two pointers will be converted to whatever integral type your specific compiler implementation uses for the purpose - and that type size MAY(depends on the implementation) be smaller then the size of pointers, which in turn will break the code if the two pointers are too far apart.

To be on the safe side, you'd want to write
(pb < pbBuffer + BUFFER_SIZE) which compares the values as two pointers.

If there's other bugs, I can't see them right now :|


maharg said:
Lets say pBuffer is 5 and BUFFER_SIZE is 10.
pb is 6 (thus, this should return true)
pb - pbBuffer = -1

HOWEVER, the result of a pointer subtraction is an unsigned int (size_t actually), and in an unsigned int, -1 underflows to the highest value unsigned int can hold, which is clearly > BUFFER_SIZE.

The relevant C Standard passage is:


When two pointers are subtracted, the difference is converted to a signed integral value by dividing the difference by the size of a value of the type that the pointers address.

But you are getting very close to the bug.


Fafalada said:
I wouldn't necesserily call it a bug, but the second comparison
(pb - pbBuffer < BUFFER_SIZE)
is definately unsafe code.

The substraction result of two pointers will be converted to whatever integral type your specific compiler implementation uses for the purpose - and that type size MAY(depends on the implementation) be smaller then the size of pointers, which in turn will break the code if the two pointers are too far apart.

To be on the safe side, you'd want to write
(pb < pbBuffer + BUFFER_SIZE) which compares the values as two pointers.

If there's other bugs, I can't see them right now :|

You are so close it's not funny. :) (I'd expect nothing less from you of course.)

Edit: Plus your expression is the correct cannonical way to do the comparison.


maharg said:
Just want to note that while I am indeed wrong, that's not the C standard :)

Whoops. :)

Sorry, you're right, that's not the C-Standard.

The C Language Reference describes the C programming language as implemented in Microsoft C. The book's organization is based on the ANSI C standard with additional material on the Microsoft extensions to the ANSI C standard.
The function returns TRUE if pb is less than zero, but I don't know the reason for it.

For those who are trying to figure out why it behaves that way, maybe this will help:

if pb = -1 and pbBuffer = 1...

(pb >= pbBuffer) = TRUE // -1 >= 1 is true, hmm
(pb - pbBuffer < BUFFER_SIZE) = TRUE

((int)pb >= (int)pbBuffer) = FALSE
(pb - pbBuffer < BUFFER_SIZE) = TRUE

Just tried casting the pointers in my test program to see if that would change the result of the evaluation.


BUFFER_SIZE would have to be > INT_MAX to be negative, and it's not (it is I believe SHORT_MAX, but not > it)


Hitokage said:
BUFFER_SIZE is negative.

No, BUFFER_SIZE is a preprocessor #define, which has no type.

It will take on the correct type in this case when the preprocessor substitutes it into the expression, and hence will not wrap.

(Yeah, what maharg said.)


Setec Astronomer
Damn. It was worth a shot, the binary starting with 1 and all, and me being way too tired to think of anything else.


BugCatcher said:
The function returns TRUE if pb is less than zero, but I don't know the reason for it.

So close.

Hint: pointers are all unsigned values, but when you subtract two pointers, the result is a signed value.


then if pb is very large with teh MSB being 1 and pBuffer being much smaller such that the MSB is 0 and the difference has MSB 1 then it'll be a negative and always less than the BUFFER_SIZE.


rastex said:
then if pb is very large with teh MSB being 1 and pBuffer being much smaller such that the MSB is 0 and the difference has MSB 1 then it'll be a negative and always less than the BUFFER_SIZE.

And that's the solution right there.

If pbBuffer is 100, and pb is 3000000000 (both possible values when you have 4GB of address space), then when the subtraction is done, the result will be negative, which will pass the validity check, resulting in the function incorrectly returning TRUE instead of FALSE, and quite possibly causing your app to crash when it tries to use pb.

(Now, to be nitpicky, C officially does not define what will happen when two arbitrary pointers are subtracted from each other if they're not from the same allocation block, though most compilers will allow it, so you can argue this whole function was flawed from the very beginning for bonus points.) :)


Setec Astronomer
(Now, to be nitpicky, C officially does not define what will happen when two arbitrary pointers are subtracted from each other if they're not from the same allocation block, though most compilers will allow it, so you can argue this whole function was flawed from the very beginning for bonus points.)
OS dependent, I would presume.


you should have used ansi c standard for the pointers and difference between pointers here wich means you should have used stddef.h for these types.


Shompola said:
you should have used ansi c standard for the pointers and difference between pointers here wich means you should have used stddef.h for these types.

It wouldn't have made a difference. The bug would have been there regardless.


The size of ptrdiff_t is implementation defined as well, so it could in fact be large enough to handle the difference between any two arbitrary pointers. You are, regardless, correct that this is a bug in any case, since:
[#9] When two pointers to elements of the same array object
are subtracted, the result is the difference of the
subscripts of the two array elements. The size of the
result is implementation-defined, and its type (a signed
integer type) is ptrdiff_t defined in the <stddef.h> header.
If the result is not representable in an object of that
type, the behavior is undefined.
In other words, if the
expressions P and Q point to, respectively, the i-th and j-
th elements of an array object, the expression (P)-(Q) has
the value i-j provided the value fits in an object of type
ptrdiff_t. Moreover, if the expression P points either to
an element of an array object or one past the last element
of an array object, and the expression Q points to the last
element of the same array object, the expression ((Q)+1)-(P)
has the same value as ((Q)-(P))+1 and as -((P)-((Q)+1)), and
has the value zero if the expression P points one past the
last element of the array object, even though the expression
(Q)+1 does not point to an element of the array object.
Unless both pointers point to elements of the same array
object, or one past the last element of the array object,
the behavior is undefined.76
it is undefined behaviour (C99 draft standard) in the event that ptrdiff_t is not large enough to hold it.

Practically speaking, though, you can't expect it to hold more than the C library would ever give you in one allocation (malloc, stack allocated array).

At any rate, the real fix for this bug is to never use pointers in such a way that you're left guessing on matters like this. If you're left guessing on where a pointer goes, you're doing something wrong as far as I'm concerned. (certain exceptions apply: asserts, gaurding against stack overflows (but there are often better ways) -- especially in a context where privilege escalation is possible).

And yeah, the rather obscure ways signed and unsigned interact in C/C++ are one of the worst things about them as languages. Even the best programmers make mistakes like this quite easily.


maharg said:
At any rate, the real fix for this bug is to never use pointers in such a way that you're left guessing on matters like this. If you're left guessing on where a pointer goes, you're doing something wrong as far as I'm concerned. (certain exceptions apply: asserts, gaurding against stack overflows (but there are often better ways) -- especially in a context where privilege escalation is possible).

You tend to see code that does checks like this in places where people are verifying input buffers from untrusted sources. Like in a network stack, operating system, etc.

So having to get it right is unavoidable. Someone somewhere has to write this kind of code.

And yeah, the rather obscure ways signed and unsigned interact in C/C++ are one of the worst things about them as languages. Even the best programmers make mistakes like this quite easily.

Yup. The latest exploit tactic going around these days is the integer overflow/underflow attack. Lots of code out there has bugs in boundary checking routines almost exactly like this one:

// read the header of the file
ReadHeader( &pHeader );

// verify buffer is no bigger than we are expecting
if( pHeader->cElements * sizeof( AN_ELEMENT ) > MAX_BUFFER )

... what happens if pHeader->cElements * sizeof( AN_ELEMENT ) > MAX_INT?


Fafracer forever
Nice excercise :p

Speaking of which though, IIRC C doesn't specify a requirement for pointers to be unsigned - so it might be possible a specific implementation could use signed ptrs for some obscure reason...
And of course, on something like a console without virtual memory, the original code, buggy as it is, would never have any problems (which is scary in whole different manner).

maharg said:
And yeah, the rather obscure ways signed and unsigned interact in C/C++ are one of the worst things about them as languages. Even the best programmers make mistakes like this quite easily.
Yeah these kind of bugs can be pretty horric, particularly since they don't tend to occur in predictable manner while testing.


Fafracer forever
rastex said:
I like these, do another one!!

Here ya go - nothing very hard mind you, I just thought some people might find this cute.

Tell me what the following program does.
a) Find what the output of the printf statment will be, without running the code.
b) What is it that is implemented here.

If you cheat and compile the code, you only get half points :p :p

template<int n>
struct F1
{ enum { a = F1<n-1>::a * n };

struct F1<0>
{ enum { a = 1 };

template<int v1, int v2>
class F2
{ enum {  a = F1<v2>::a,
          b = F1<v1>::a*F1<v2-v1>::a
  enum { c = a/b };


printf("Result: %d \n",F2<7,12>::c);


F1 computes a factorial. Each iteration multiplies N * (N - 1), and the template specialization of F1<0> is the termination condition for the recursive loop.

So F2 is calculating (12!)/(7! * 5!), but if that has any significance beyond that, I don't know it offhand.

And of course, the wonder of all this is that it's done statically at compile time without the language having a built-in factorial operator. The joy of templates and quasi-functional programming.

Spoiler tagged for those who don't know templates as thoroughly as I do.


Fafracer forever
Well you're almost there - "what is F2" is the answer I am looking for.

You were so fast I doubt anyone else even got a chance to guess though :p


Fafracer forever
Good idea about spoiler tagging, let's see if anyone else wants to have a go :)
maharg said:
And of course, the wonder of all this is that it's done statically at compile time without the language having a built-in factorial operator. The joy of templates and quasi-functional programming
Yup, this kind of stuff is basically an introduction to template metaprogramming. The things that can be done with it are quite fascinating, as a game programmer I can't help but be intrigued by any possibilities of improving compiler 'intelligence' so to speak.
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