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Possible hate crime in London involving acid thrown on victims

Acid attacks are a special kind of heinous, it's done to ensure the person remembers you and the hate you had towards them for the rest of their lives.

They can't get away from it, every time they look in the mirror they relive the attack. Not to mention the hundreds of procedures they'll have to undergo just so they can feel comfortable going out and not being stared at, laughed at or made fun of and even then, you'll still be extremely self concious and wary of everyone around you.

The anxiety, the depression, the pain,the fear of going out, the loss of freedom and potentially your career too. It can be life ending in a lot of ways for some people.


Unconfirmed Member
And I'm white chucking acid over a white person. This is to do with making sure a just punishment is served to some monster who has ruined lives.

Sounds like you'd be a great fit for Sharia law. You could move to Iran, that is how they deal with such matters there. Eye for an eye, true justice!
The sad news is there's hundreds of acid attacks in London. Usually it's gangs, family relations or ex partners. Innocent people get acid thrown on them as some pay others and get the wrong person.


Unconfirmed Member
The sad news is there's hundreds of acid attacks in London. Usually it's gangs, family relations or ex partners. Innocent people get acid thrown on them as some pay others and get the wrong person.

How difficult would it be to ban sulfuric acid?
You need to a special kind of evil person to perpetrate something like this.

It's unthinkable... I can't even understand this level of cruelty.

The person who does this deserves to be imprisoned and locked away from society for the rest of their natural lives.


Even though I probably have more of a chance getting hit by a golf ball on the motorway, this stuff (and recent happenings, including death threats during our local Eid celebration) has put my family over the edge regarding safety.

I feel like it's only downhill from here.


Living is already harder than dying.

Acid attacks are veil, its meant to constantly remind you that killing yourself might be better than the horrible state you're left with.
All I'll say is this. You don't know what people will do.

Someone did this to my father, brother, sister, mom, daughter etc.

I'm liable to take matters in my own hands. I'm truly happy some can know they'll hold themselves back. But I don't know.
If someone threw acid on your mother, daughter, etc., then I'm pretty sure you're justified in fucking their shit up in self defense. They're posing a direct threat to you and your family, so I think it's early arguable in your favor.


Y'all need to harness and direct your anger to the people enabling this. Right wing politicians.

Hate speech and ends justify the means propaganda they spew to rile up their base has consequences. These thing don't happen in a vacuum, they're the result of conservative ideologies deal with the devil to stay in power.
I believe that we should generally attempt to understand before we condemn, but I draw the line at things like this.

This type of sadism should always lead to a very lengthy prison sentence. There is no need for mercy when it comes to the truly cruel.


Junior Member
I'm sure this fine young gentleman will be rehabilitated into society and turn into a true credit! I'm sure he also fully regrets his actions and wishes to contribute to society in a positive, meaningful manner.

Anyone who suggests the attacker should be punished is EVIL!
No, most people in this thread also don't know how they'll react, but you can carry on roleplaying your righteous and judgemental vigilante role if that makes you feel secure. Just don't expect me to play along with the emotional character you want to build for yourself. Just a reminder, eye for an eye is why white nationalists are using acid to harm muslims.
so we're using the "both sides" pretense to equate the close companions of the victims in a hypothetical scenario where their loved ones get thrown FUCKING ACID on their faces to racist asses that commit hate crimes? nice one. something on this level of bigotry ain't ever happen to me nor my loved ones and probably not yours neither, but you can't shrug and be like WELL IN THIS HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO I WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT RESORT TO FAULTY VIGILANTISM whilst wagging your finger against those that admit to themselves that they probably won't maintain their composure during something like that. fuck outta here with that nonsense
Awful. I hope the victims can be healed completely, though the older cousin appears permanently injured.

The walking bag of shit obviously churned through the UK's criminal justice system. Violent crimes? Doesn't the tear drop face tat signify something?


Junior Member
Awful. I hope the victims can be healed completely, though the older cousin appears permanently injured.

The walking bag of shit obviously churned through the UK's criminal justice system. Violent crimes? Doesn't the tear drop face tat signify something?
Might signify attempted murder or prison bitch.

Now this acid attack - these 2 people will have their lives ruined, and the girl may be permanently disfigured. The psychological ramifications are staggering.

What will happen to the attacker?

Mr Git

The pictures in the article are fucking bleak. Absolutely heartbreaking.

I love my family enough to not through my life away over revenge

Let's face it. This is the UK. Even if this EDL thundercunt goes to prison it won't be for very long. :|

We need a serious overhaul of our legal and prison systems. Stop imprisoning drug users, free up space, lock fuckers like this one up for the rest of his life.


Is jealous of Matlock's emoticon
I am sure there will now be a nation-wide police response including raids in homes to bring this person to justice.
Came across the girls twitter account and she's pretty amazing in how she's dealing with it. Really positive comments about the future. Unfortunately hearing a rumour that a Bangladeshi man was attacked by acid in the U.K..


Reading about henious crimes like this, rape, child molestation and other damaging crimes where the ramifications are so large and life-changing makes me utterly sick. Sometimes I do wonder if they need to bring back the death penalty in the UK, just so people who commit such crimes are made an example of to the people even considering sick shit like this. Its utterly abysmal.


so we're using the "both sides" pretense to equate the close companions of the victims in a hypothetical scenario where their loved ones get thrown FUCKING ACID on their faces to racist asses that commit hate crimes? nice one. something on this level of bigotry ain't ever happen to me nor my loved ones and probably not yours neither, but you can't shrug and be like WELL IN THIS HYPOTHETICAL SCENARIO I WILL ABSOLUTELY NOT RESORT TO FAULTY VIGILANTISM whilst wagging your finger against those that admit to themselves that they probably won't maintain their composure during something like that. fuck outta here with that nonsense

Except I never said I would "absolutely not resort to faulty vigilantism". And in this hypothetical scenario there is no probably from the other poster. There is an absolute way in how he will react.

If you are unable to comprehend what's being written to a point where you make up things to argue against its probably best to ignore and move on.
Resham Khan


An aspiring model Resham Khan and her 37-year-old cousin Jameel Mukhtar have been left with ‘life-changing’ injuries after they suffered an unprovoked acid attack London, reported The Independent.

The two were out celebrating Khan’s 21st birthday and were inside their car at a traffic signal in Beckton, East London when the attacker threw acid into their car.

“The pain was excruciating”, Khan wrote on her Twitter. “My cousin struggled to get us away. I saw my clothes burn away in front of me.”

ASF report: Acid-throwing cases post sharp decline

The pain was so excruciating that it force them to strip off in middle of the road.

“He [Mukhtar] put his foot down as we were coming onto a dual carriage way but the pain took over and we crashed. We stripped off in the middle of the road, running around screaming and begging for water. We did this for 45 minutes. No ambulance came,” she added.

Finally, the pair was driven to the hospital by a passer-by and was transferred to a specialist burns unit.

Explaining how the horrific incident has changed her life, Khan said, her old self is “gone forever”.

Khan, a Business Management student, had recently completed nine months’ worth of study in Cyprus, Turkey, and was looking to start her new job.

A fundraising page has set up by fellow students to help the two said, “She feels as though her identity has been stolen from her.” It also stated, “The scars Resham and Jameel carry will last a lifetime.”

Khan suffered major damage to her left eye and was burned across her face body, needing a skin graft, the fundraiser also stated. Mukhtar is reportedly placed in an induced coma after suffering from severe burns across his head, face and body, it also damaged his eye and a skin graft was needed.
Theres usually no time to react when acid is thrown to the face. They make sure you're caught off-gaurd.

I guess I should say I would wanna throw hands. I'm realistically gonna be dealing with helping my fam or friend or whoever it was who has acid thrown on them. If I ever saw the person after I'm probably gonna slug them in the face a few times if I got the chance though. Cause I don't see myself handling that encounter well.


Acid attacks are a special kind of heinous, it's done to ensure the person remembers you and the hate you had towards them for the rest of their lives.

They can't get away from it, every time they look in the mirror they relive the attack. Not to mention the hundreds of procedures they'll have to undergo just so they can feel comfortable going out and not being stared at, laughed at or made fun of and even then, you'll still be extremely self conscious and wary of everyone around you.

The anxiety, the depression, the pain,the fear of going out, the loss of freedom and potentially your career too. It can be life ending in a lot of ways for some people.

Well said.

So what is the usual punishment in the UK for this?


I saw this on TV a few days before this thread popped up, and my initial thought was perhaps it was a jilted love interest getting revenge. But after seeing the picture of the attacker and reading about his interest in the far right it really looks like this was a racist attack.

The psychological and physical damage done by the acid is truly life changing. I read that apparently one third of all acid attacks in the UK occur in Newham. The "greatest city on Earth" continues to feels even more unsafe as each day passes.It increasingly feels as if mass civil unrest is just around the corner.


Or is it just one of Phil's balls in my throat?

That's a gorgeous smile, I hope she can recover from both the physical and mental trauma one day to smile like that again.

That fucker deserves to be locked up ASAP.

Man, first time seeing this; the guy looks utterly broken. It's shameful how little coverage this has got. I only heard about it briefly on the local BBC London news.

Sadly, we all know exactly why this isn't getting the coverage it deserves, i'll give you a hint, it has to do with their religion and color.


That's a gorgeous smile, I hope she can recover from both the physical and mental trauma one day to smile like that again.

That fucker deserves to be locked up ASAP.

Sadly, we all know exactly why this isn't getting the coverage it deserves, i'll give you a hint, it has to do with their religion and color.

Yeah, the chap in the interview was right, had it been an Asian man spraying acid onto a white couple, the press would have been all over it. This man was radicalised and yet the attack will be brushed off as a lone wolf anomaly. I don't believe this country takes far right radicalisation as seriously as it should and I think it's because a signficant section of the English population tacitly agree with the sentiments espoused by groups like Britain First and the EDL.
Y'all need to harness and direct your anger to the people enabling this. Right wing politicians.

Hate speech and ends justify the means propaganda they spew to rile up their base has consequences. These thing don't happen in a vacuum, they're the result of conservative ideologies deal with the devil to stay in power.

Most acid attacks are gang related, not hate crime.
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