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PSP2 (Next Generation Portable) Announced, 2011, BC [Up3: Info In OP]

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Looks like Sony might have gotten their act together. The fact that this has 2 analog sticks alone has greatly increased my interest, without all of the other stuff they're doing.

After owning and selling 2 PSPs, though, I'm not on board until I can see a nice amount of games on the system, and they aren't all just spin offs of big series on consoles that use the gimmicks of the portable.

The M.O.B

Kibbles said:
Call of Duty? Pics nao. Probably looks the same. tehehe

The one genre that Dual sticks won't help.


So from what I can gather;

This thing is going to be crazy expensive and a battery life best measured in seconds by the look of it.


I think the smartest thing Sony did with this was the 3G. I would not be shocked if the inevitable 3DS revision also has 3G.
KaYotiX said:
You got a point, Sony will prolly price it at $400 or more.

KaYotiX said:
Man its gonna be wierd seeing a handheld more expensive than the PS3...

KaYotiX said:
you think so? at $499 US dollars?

KaYotiX said:
so what Sony is giving us are games we already played to death on the PS3? SWEET!! Cant wait for GAF to explode at the price and battery life (or lack there of)

KaYotiX said:
Cant wait for the NEXT Gen Price

Dude, we get it.
Ashkeloth said:
Looks like Sony might have gotten their act together. The fact that this has 2 analog sticks alone has greatly increased my interest, without all of the other stuff they're doing.

After owning and selling 2 PSPs, though, I'm not on board until I can see a nice amount of games on the system, and they aren't all just spin offs of big series on consoles that use the gimmicks of the portable.

seems to me like they are just repeating the PSP.


Are they REALLY calling it "Next Gen Portable"?! I can imagine 10 years from now I'll be saying "Oh yeah I loved that game on the Next Gen Portable."


54-46! said:
Hardware: Neat, specifications seem pretty good.. it looks fat though, I think I'll wait for a slimmer version.

Software: Meh, bunch of games I'd rather play on my PS3.. give me MGS Peace Walker and Monster Hunter Portable 3rd with updated graphics and dual analog support.

This X's 100
Yeah the tech is freaking amazing but the games are whats gonna sell this thing. If all we get are ports of PS3 games then whats the point? So far thats all ive seen pictures of, i dont want those types of games on a portable system. If i wanted those ill just play them on my console at home.


So Sony is changing the portable landscape after their jilted effort with the PSP by... announcing the PSP all over again?

Still buying cause it'll have the games but I don't know about this.


Xellos said:
Heh, its DS/PSP all over again with respect to graphics. Still a generation gap between the two.
Except now, instead of awful N64 graphics, they look absolutely solid and current for a handheld.
Jaagen said:
With Hideo talking about his vision of cross PSP2/PS3 play, is it then sure to assume that MGS:Rising will be announced for the PSP2 as well?

No, his wording suggests that the game he's referring to will be made by him. He has very little to do with Rising.

Jea Song

Did the right thing
The possible battery life of this device scares me greatly. Battery tech hasn't improved much as does the rest of tech that uses them. Price is expected to be high.
That thing looks sexy! Yum. And it looks to be a powerhouse.

Only things that they weren't clear on:
- Battery life
- Price

No suprise off course. This was just to hype people up for it. But those 2 are the most important things for me, especially battery life.
Everything sounds great, (well except no BC, and no I don't consider having to rebuy all my games on the PSN to be BC) but I can't believe they didn't give a price. As good as it sounds I'm not buying it if the price it insanely high.


SolidSnakex said:
No, his wording suggests that the game he's referring to will be made by him. He has very little to do with Rising.

Oh, ok. I thought he was involved in Rising as well. Then it's probably "Next gen MGS" or, *gasp*, a new Zone of the Enders for the PS3 and PSP2.


Strider2K99 said:
I'm calling it... $399.

It's a quarter to 3 where I'm at and I'm drinking a tea to help me sleep, I almost spit it out when I saw your post! lol :D :D :D This PSP sounds sick, I'm just worried about price...


Xellos said:
Heh, its DS/PSP all over again with respect to graphics. Still a generation gap between the two.
I don't see that at all.

The difference between DS and PSP was quite clear. PSP2 does look better than the 3DS, but both look better than PS2-era games and worse than modern-era console games. PSP2 has a much higher-res screen but 3DS has the unknown "3D" factor going for it.


i just read some articles and damnn this has 3g oled screen 4x the psp resolution trophies friendslist and you can get out of games to message friends and get back in without losing progress wooooow bought day one.
i know this is going to cost 350 but i dont care im so buying this thing


Xellos said:
Heh, its DS/PSP all over again with respect to graphics. Still a generation gap between the two.
Not really. Gap is considerably smaller this time. Half a generation gap more like it.
Jaagen said:
Oh, ok. I thought he was involved in Rising as well. Then it's probably "Next gen MGS" or, *gasp*, a new Zone of the Enders for the PS3 and PSP2.

He's said that it's either going to be a new MGS or a completely new IP. But he's been hyping this thing for a long time. It seems to be a pretty big deal to him.


GAF's Bob Woodward
jman2050 said:
So Sony is changing the portable landscape after their jilted effort with the PSP by... announcing the PSP all over again?

There was a huge shift in strategy announced in Playstation Suite. One of the biggest Sony's done, I think.

Quite asides from the new system being a much more varied system hardware wise vs PSP - i.e. for touch based experiences etc.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Seems great.

Good moves by Sony:

two analogues. (will get todays big games like COD and make them easily accessible to current userbase)
touch screen (great for portable gaming)
3G ( the handheld of the future, always connected, always online gaming anywhere)
unquestionably good graphics (will absorb higher end dev japanese market)
flash carts (thank you sony for learning from nintendo on this one, loading not acceptable on a portable)

I believe the portable battle is going to be fierce. At least in Japan.
It will be exciting watching the portables duke it out from the sidelines...I will be waiting two years or more before buying a new system.

all we need to know is....PRICE!

edit: and battery life...


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
I was driving during all the madness. Just trying to get info now.... Was about to complain about the control nubs being convex but.....




ok, ok sony. I'm sold.


Souldriver said:
No suprise off course. This was just to hype people up for it. But those 2 are the most important things for me, especially battery life.

For me, the price is the biggest factor here. I am fine with the battery as I can always charge it if need be, but the price is a much bigger fence to climb over. And of course, the games. I was sold on Uncharted, but some of the other titles they showed had me less interested...some looked like ports, which is what I don't like about the 3DS.
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