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PUSHSQUARE - Reaction: PlayStation's Most Ardent Fans Are Feeling Frustrated and Insecure


There are PlayStation fans, and then there are PlayStation fans. If you’re reading this, you probably fall somewhere in the middle; we’re guessing your interest in games expands beyond the next Call of Duty release date, but hopefully you’re not one of these social media nutters who attacks developers for including a shoddy tarmac texture in their latest AAA title.

The thing is, there’s a corner of Sony’s community that’s irate right now, and it’s been feeling this way for some time. Microsoft’s community engagement has been absurdly strong for several years, and while the Team in Green is still very much playing catch-up in almost every department, we reckon it’s left PlayStation aficionados feeling neglected.

The issue is a delicate one: the Japanese giant hasn’t been particularly forthcoming this year, even if it’s shared an unprecedented amount of information on the PlayStation 5 and hosted a string of State of Play broadcasts. For many, the latter hasn’t really filled the void left by press conferences at E3 and PSX – even today’s showcase, which included every rumoured reveal, has received a negative reaction.

We also get the sense there’s some insecurity in the community, too. Exclusive franchises such as Yakuza are starting to appear everywhere, but even Sony funded titles such as Death Stranding and Detroit: Become Human are being ported to the PC. And that’s not to mention last night’s MLB The Shownews, which will see the manufacturer publishing on competing consoles for the first time.

There’s context that needs to be explored here, of course: Major League Baseball may have stripped Sony of the license if it didn’t agree to publish its baseball simulation elsewhere, and it stands to earn an obscene amount of money through Diamond Dynasty microtransactions. Similarly, auteur Hideo Kojima may never have agreed to create Death Stranding without the promise of a PC port.

But there are people who, perhaps unsurprisingly, believe that PlayStation is losing its identity – an identity which, let’s be honest, has been built on the strength of its exclusive games. But this is something that was foreshadowed by ex-Worldwide Studios boss Shawn Layden back in August, when he said that the organisation may need to lean into a “wider install base”.

It’s worth remembering what else he said, though: “We must support the PlayStation platform – that is non-negotiable.” In other words: Sony’s commitment to high-quality exclusive content has not subsided – it’s just expanding its horizons a little bit. The industry is changing, and games are riskier than ever to make – it doesn’t take a genius to understand why Predator: Hunting Grounds, for example, is coming to PC.

How will all of this affect the upcoming PS5? We’re ultimately going to have to wait and see. Microsoft publishes all its software on the PC, but there’s plenty of intrigue surrounding its own Project Scarlett. And it’s unlikely you’ll be able to play God of War 2 and Horizon: Zero Dawn 2 on any platform other than a PlayStation, but subscription services such as PlayStation Now could change that in time.

The thing is, as fans we need to embrace the changes, and see where they take us. Sony’s done things differently this year: some of it has worked and some of it hasn’t. Feedback is important, but some fans are coming across borderline insecure at the moment. Perhaps it’s time to take a break and see what the future holds – after all, there’s an all-new decade to look forward to right around the corner.


Interesting article until the last paragraph where the writer is telling me what I need to do.

I agree that Sony seems out of touch lately. I cancelled my PS+ sub for the first time, and I've had it since launch on the PS3. I've stopped buying any games for PS4 outside of a handful of (likely to remain) exclusives. They feel a lot like the Xbox platform during the last half of the 360's days. Ahead and coasting by on timed exclusive stuff and third party stuff.

Their inconsistent and weird censorship stuff hasn't helped them at all, either. I'm actually hoping that most of their catalogue comes to PC, where I've turned for general performance management (I can prioritize framerate on my own if they don't want to) and mod support.
Interesting article until the last paragraph where the writer is telling me what I need to do.

I agree that Sony seems out of touch lately. I cancelled my PS+ sub for the first time, and I've had it since launch on the PS3. I've stopped buying any games for PS4 outside of a handful of (likely to remain) exclusives. They feel a lot like the Xbox platform during the last half of the 360's days. Ahead and coasting by on timed exclusive stuff and third party stuff.

Their inconsistent and weird censorship stuff hasn't helped them at all, either. I'm actually hoping that most of their catalogue comes to PC, where I've turned for general performance management (I can prioritize framerate on my own if they don't want to) and mod support.
To be fair, it's the end of a gen and they still have some good games on the horizon.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Fans whinging about multiplatform games is just annoying. I'd personally prefer a 1 console to rule them all approach.
I don't get it either. I understand complaining about exclusives (ie "I won't be able to play this particular game because I don't own an Xbox") but whining because other consoles and/or PC players will also be able to play something you enjoy? I don't even have the area code.


Seems like a complete non issue to me. Fans complained that games were being announced too early, so Sony is trying to alleviate that. They were completely upfront about going silent and said well in advance they'd be skipping E3. Of course Microsoft is communicating a lot with their fans, they have to make up for a generation of failures (which they're doing a great job with btw). Sony has no reason to be communicating right now until PS5 specs and games are finalized/ready to go.

Playstation losing its identity is just ridiculous. When I think Playstation, the first image that comes to mind is not MLB or Detroit, lol. It's their core exclusive franchises (GoW, Uncharted, etc.) and the first party studios behind them. If these also go to PC, even better. Halo didn't stop being an Xbox game when it went to PC. Xbox game studios is still its own thing, I don't see why Playstation should be any different.

Next gen is looking fantastic atm, I see no reason to be upset but that's just me.
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So, you want a monopoly?

I would love a centralised place where I can get all the games from Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo.

You may think of it like a monopoly but I think of the video game industry just like the movie and music industry. Multiple studios producing content but you only need 1 DVD/blu ray player or CD player/phone to play them all. The 3 studios can still make their own consoles and still offer their respective services if they want just like Sony, Panasonic and Samsung keep making hardware and offering their own services. Just allow all games on all available consoles.


I would love a centralised place where I can get all the games from Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo.

You may think of it like a monopoly but I think of the video game industry just like the movie and music industry. Multiple studios producing content but you only need 1 DVD/blu ray player or CD player/phone to play them all. The 3 studios can still make their own consoles and still offer their respective services if they want just like Sony, Panasonic and Samsung keep making hardware and offering their own services. Just allow all games on all available consoles.

Yeah, you'll need the Sony model to get 60 fps for this game and the LG model to get 60 fps with another game. Doesn't sound great to me.


You may think of it like a monopoly but I think of the video game industry just like the movie and music industry. Multiple studios producing content but you only need 1 DVD/blu ray player or CD player/phone to play them all. The 3 studios can still make their own consoles and still offer their respective services if they want just like Sony, Panasonic and Samsung keep making hardware and offering their own services. Just allow all games on all available consoles.

Video Games are a Platform-Based business model though. It's more equal to Netflix Originals being exclusive to Netflix, or a new album from a band you like exclusive to iTunes. Platforms need exclusive content to survive, otherwise nobody will buy your platform.


Gold Member
Fans whinging about multiplatform games is just annoying. I'd personally prefer a 1 console to rule them all approach.
NNNNNo....Bad Gaffer...nnnno.

One platform means no competition. Lack of competition means less incentive to improve. Lack of improvement means stagnation. Stagnation means I come back to this thread, look you in the eye and say "you see what you have done...is this the future you were imagining?"


Today I downloaded GTA5 (under 20€ on Xmas sale) . I guess have to catch up with 6 years of games before I can join the frustration group :messenger_pensive:


Yeah, you'll need the Sony model to get 60 fps for this game and the LG model to get 60 fps with another game. Doesn't sound great to me.

Obviously the industry as a whole would have to come together and agree on a certain set of specifications that they'll all stick to. And just like with blu ray players having premium and lower end offerings, it'd be the same with consoles. Nintendo would offer the more budget hardware and Sony or MS the more premium hardware.

Video Games are a Platform-Based business model though. It's more equal to Netflix Originals being exclusive to Netflix, or a new album from a band you like exclusive to iTunes. Platforms need exclusive content to survive, otherwise nobody will buy your platform.

Than how do all the blu ray and CD manufacturers survive and make profit on their hardware?

NNNNNo....Bad Gaffer...nnnno.

One platform means no competition. Lack of competition means less incentive to improve. Lack of improvement means stagnation. Stagnation means I come back to this thread, look you in the eye and say "you see what you have done...is this the future you were imagining?"

You can still offer competition even if all games were available on all consoles. You can buy MS developed games on your Sony hardware but they are on sale or cheaper on the MS hardware. You can only have PS+ on Sony hardware or Gold on MS hardware and within those services there is competition.
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Obviously the industry as a whole would have to come together and agree on a certain set of specifications that they'll all stick to. And just like with blu ray players having premium and lower end offerings, it'd be the same with consoles. Nintendo would offer the more budget hardware and Sony or MS the more premium hardware.
Right, so the lower end hardware would give worse performance? Instead 3 consoles there may be 10 or more from different manufacturers, no thanks.


"exclusive games"

It's easy when you had the biggest share by a huge margin back in the 32 and 128 bits day, and also when game development was way cheaper, so the majority of releases came to you as exclusives.

Today its different and worlwide the studios adopted what the western had been doing for decades, multiplatforms.


Because movie and physical media are not platform based business models.

But they could have been if history was different.
Imagine having to buy 4-5 separate players to watch movies from Disney, Columbia, Lionsgate, Universal and Paramount?


What a nonsense article, massive sales and excellent first party support. Ok things are a bit quiet this holiday season but next year is a top year.


I keep coming back to it but to me it's just that someone at Sony screwed up with the timing of some announcements.
They showed too much of the final batch of exclusives too soon so this period before they are ready to fully reveal the Ps5 and talk about next gen has just been a bunch of "yep, it's still the same 3 games we talked about last year!". People complain abut no events but if they did an E3 and PSX and it was just "Here's TLOU2 again...and some Vr games?" you'd see just as many complains

As for the exclusives part, I think that's just the way games work now, deals for third party exclusives or IP's are harder to secure and there's no longer 1 platform where like 80% of the market is focused on. You have some like Kojima come up to you and be like "look, you help me fund this and I give you a timed exclusivity, or I go to MS and this thing will be PC and Xbox only"...what do you say?
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wants to fuck an Asian grill.
I guess if you care about literal 100% exclusivity and games not going to any other platform at any time

then yes, PS4 is doing bad.



But they could have been if history was different.
Imagine having to buy 4-5 separate players to watch movies from Disney, Columbia, Lionsgate, Universal and Paramount?

The modern equivalent would be the current fragmentation of the streaming market.


I guess if you care about literal 100% exclusivity and games not going to any other platform at any time

then yes, PS4 is doing bad.

Does Windows 10 count as a different platform than Xbox? If so Microsoft is doing horrible!!! :messenger_face_screaming::messenger_face_screaming:

Where exactly did he find these outraged, troubled fans? Sony is fine, Playstation will be fine.


The modern equivalent would be the current fragmentation of the streaming market.

The modern streaming market for games is Stadia, PSNow and soon XCloud. They are services and they can lock their exclusives behind the streaming services if they want.
Separate from the hardware and purchase of individual games model.


I need Sony to announce BC for PS1-4 on PS5. That’s the only thing that will bring me back on-board 110%. It’s unlikely gonna happen... just a pipe dream. But the again, for Sony to have me back as hard a fan as I have been since the beginning... that’s a bit of a pipe dream for them too.


What's the rush people?
There is no shortage of ps4 games to play, i don't get why people are so stressed about no ps5 info or lack of game announcements.

Exactly! And when did corporations need to start giving us information that we want on our time? Nobody else is held to that standard (Google, Apple, MS, Nintendo, etc.)


The modern streaming market for games is Stadia, PSNow and soon XCloud. They are services and they can lock their exclusives behind the streaming services if they want.
Separate from the hardware and purchase of individual games model.

Point is, hardware or no hardware, you need exclusive content sell a platform. People complaining about exclusives seem to forget about the success Stranger Things was as an exclusive original for Netflix. Or the Whopper being exclusive of Burger King.


Gold Member
Sony gamers have always been the wall garden-ish variety. It's like Gran Turismo is some family heirloom. Who cares if other people get a chance to play it?

It's gaming who gives a shit whether Mario or Halo or God of War are played on different systems?

Everyone has different budgets, user profiles, and preference for PC or console couch gaming. Some people like console simplicity. Some gamers with good knowledge love tweaking, modding and messing with files to maximize performance or overclock their specs.

The more platforms the better. That's where the money is anyway.

Apple sells shitloads of phones, tablets and Macs. How come they don't just force everyone to buy it at Apple stores or Apple online? YOu can even buy their shit at dingy Walmarts and grubby electronic stores.

If they forced everyone to go through their eco-system of stores, they could maximize profits by cutting out other retailers.
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But I thought the author was a PS fan?
I mean technically doesn't have to be.
I'm a nintendo fan now. I can't wait to pay full price for DMC 2!! Let's get it nintendobros!!!
That's basically what this site seems like anyway. Somebody pretending to be a ps fan and saying dumb shit. Who's complaining about sony games coming to other systems again?


Point is, hardware or no hardware, you need exclusive content sell a platform. People complaining about exclusives seem to forget about the success Stranger Things was as an exclusive original for Netflix. Or the Whopper being exclusive of Burger King.

You are using Netflix as an example again, a streaming service, Sony/MS/Ninty can release their games exclusively on their streaming service. My point is movies/music can be bought and used and any number of hardware and the industry has run fine for decades with no hardware exclusives.

If Nintendo release their next Mario game on all 3 platforms, it sells better on the Sony/MS platforms and Ninty have the weaker hardware and worse available service. That's called competition and Ninty know they need to improve their hardware and service. Just like the movie industry releases their movies in the digital realm before physical realm these days, Sony/MS/Ninty could do the same, release their own produced game via digital exclusively on their hardware for a week or two before it releases everywhere else.

I know it may be hard to comprehend but I'm suggesting a complete overhaul on how the industry functions. It would sort of get rid of this bullshit console fanboyism that currently exists.


I mean technically doesn't have to be.
I'm a nintendo fan now. I can't wait to pay full price for DMC 2!! Let's get it nintendobros!!!
That's basically what this site seems like anyway. Somebody pretending to be a ps fan and saying dumb shit. Who's complaining about sony games coming to other systems again?

That’s what I want to know, you’re thinking this guy wrote the article on bad faith and maybe he did, but if not then I’m curious where he finds these “ardent fans”? YouTube? Certainly not here.

I can see some fans being mad but he’s making it out like it’s a huge chunk.
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