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Quake 4 interview

Kon Tiki


(if old, I can not search for 'Q4')

WorthPlaying: Tim, you were playing Quake 4 on a pre-build of the Xbox 360 at E3. Tell me, what has changed in the 360 version of Quake 4 since then?

Tim Willits: Well, we had the beta kits for Microsoft at that time, but they still promised us about a 30 percent speed improvement. There is a new SDK coming this month, and I believe they are sending us some new CPUs. We don’t have those just yet. So, it’s still running a little slow, but we’re in the process of getting a 30 percent speed improvement. It should really help boost performance. It’s coming along nicely; we haven’t had to anything drastic yet. We’re still trying to nail down the particulars for multiplayer. With PCs, you have dedicated servers that can hold a LOT more clients. With the 360, you only have “listen” (non-dedicated) servers, and they work in-line with the X-Box Live system. That’s the coolest work for us right now. And then there’s the fine tuning like auto-assist aim, and making things on screen a little brighter. Since your average television makes things a bit darker than a PC monitor, we have to brighten all game assets.

Auto aim, yuck. I will stick with my '$5,000 PC'.

WP: Tim, off the subject of Quake 4, at E3 you alluded to wanting to make a kids game. Any chance that the “secret IP” you are currently working on is a kid’s title?

TW: That’s a good question…but no. Unfortunately it’s not. We just have too many guys at id that would be like “we’re going to make what?!?” Nevertheless, I know that Kevin Cloud, he’s a partner, myself, and a few artists would definitely like to do a kids game. One of the problems with kid’s titles is that parents want them to be educational games, which are all bad, or they want to buy IPs like Harry Potter and Shrek. We would definitely like to try our own thing, but that is an uphill battle. Still, I believe I’ll do a kids game before I retire. Even if it doesn’t make a lot of money, it’d still be fun…and that’s really why we make games.

Kids game? This must be the REV game Nightrain mentioned. :lol


[online distribution] allows them to change the game as they go. Like if there’s something that people really like, or they really didn’t like, they can modify it. Where if you make the whole game, spend 10 million dollars and then you find out that people really wanted a flashlight on the gun or something.

"Why are you laughing? All good console first person shooters having aiming assist."

And that's what makes the PC version the better purchase.


being watched
Teknopathetic said:
"Why are you laughing? All good console first person shooters having aiming assist."

And that's what makes the PC version the better purchase.

Yeah if you want to spend $5,000.
Does anyone know if the 360 version of Q4 will have strafe-jumping in it? I can imagine using the thumbsticks to replicate a strafe-jump fairly easy, I think. Strafe-jumping adds a whole lot of depth to Quake, imo.

In fact, I might consider skipping Q4 (360 version) altogether if there isn't any strafe-jumping in it.

Dave Long

I think the most important thing to take from that first answer is that the PC version will be on par with the 360 version. That's a sign that SOME 360 games will probably not be close to outpacing current PCs.


god. auto-aim on an online FPS... fucking lame.

flarkminator said:
I have it on good authoriety to get the PC version of the 360 version, lets just put it that way.

what does this mean exactly?


Daigoro said:
what does this mean exactly?

That PC version is a port of 360 version.

Fuck all the haters. The MP movies LOOKED like Quake 3 and probably FELT like Quake 3.

That's all I need.

Bunny-hopping, ultraspeeds, jump-pads, splash damage and railgun whores.



Could you even spend $5000 on a gaming PC? I mean, if we're really talking about games, it's only the graphics card, RAM, and procesor that matters. SLI graphics cards would probably be $1100.....dual top-of-the-line processors would be maybe $2000 (and would dual processors even make sense now that they are multicore?). 2 gigs of best-quality RAM would be another $400. After that the only way to get to five grand would be stacking it full of dumb shit that wouldn't make much of a difference....or buying a Dell ;)

Not that it matters since you guys are joking (at least I hope so), I'm just curious. Even the Extreme Buyer's Guide at SharkyExtreme sets the cap around $4000....and that's including a $500 monitor, $50 56K modem, $75 surge protector, $160 sound card, and $130 Windows XP (over $800 in shit that you probably already have or don't need).


border said:
Could you even spend $5000 on a gaming PC? I mean, if we're really talking about games, it's only the graphics card, RAM, and procesor that matters. SLI graphics cards would probably be $1100.....dual top-of-the-line processors would be maybe $2000 (and would dual processors even make sense now that they are multicore?). 2 gigs of best-quality RAM would be another $400. After that the only way to get to five grand would be stacking it full of dumb shit that wouldn't make much of a difference....or buying a Dell ;)

Not that it matters since you guys are joking (at least I hope so), I'm just curious. Even the Extreme Buyer's Guide at SharkyExtreme sets the cap around $4000....and that's including a $500 monitor, $50 56K modem, $75 surge protector, $160 sound card, and $130 Windows XP (over $800 in shit that you probably already have or don't need).

Yup the 5000USD tag is a joke that started a few days ago and has not stopped yet!


Shompola said:
Yup the 5000USD tag is a joke that started a few days ago and has not stopped yet!

Well I'll be damned, I started it, I!
The most hardcore PC gamer ever.

Could GAF please drop it now?


I have to laugh at all the people dissapointed by the auto-aiming comment...boycott HALO 1/2 while you're at it because the auto-aim in that series is AGGRESSIVE


The only way you're going to reach 5k is if you buy an Alienware, Voodoo, or Falcon-NW (they still around?) at ridiculous markup.


Borys said:
That PC version is a port of 360 version.

really? i did not know that, and i find that odd. the way i read it, he made it seem like there was a choice of versions

DSN2K said:
theirs "auto aim" in most console shooters....... Halo 2 for example.

the key word in my post being Online FPS'.

Wakune said:
I have to laugh at all the people dissapointed by the auto-aiming comment...boycott HALO 1/2 while you're at it because the auto-aim in that series is AGGRESSIVE

i have no interest in playing an oline FPS with Auto-Aim.

i think its complete bullshit. laugh all you want. not that i understand why you are laughing...

i find it more annoying than funny.
"I have to laugh at all the people dissapointed by the auto-aiming comment...boycott HALO 1/2 while you're at it because the auto-aim in that series is AGGRESSIVE"

I do. It's why I think they're fun for the little single-player campaign, but for any sort of multiplayer? pfft-pah. I'd play it if I was with a group of friends, but I wouldn't buy it for it online.
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