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R. Maddow is an American Institution (yes, in spite of the whole trump tax fiasco...)


First heard her do an interview with Howard Stern. I had never watched her show before. He was just gushing all over her (which is part of his interview shtick), but it got me watching her show now. She's the real deal.


My dermatologist (who's also Jewish) called her "that MSNBC Jewish lesbian chick" this morning. lol


As a European, I didn't know her before the tax thing.

Yeah... I'm getting my sources of information from elsewhere now. First impression matters most.

Only if you really have no interest in the first place. She didn't even lie... which makes completely writing her off even more hilarious.


Alex Jones of liberals? GTFO with that trash.

ain't the same fuckin' ballpark, it ain't the same league, it ain't even the same fuckin' sport.
She's the Alex jones of liberals.
The is Alex Jones level of bizarro world bullshit right here. There is literally zero in common between the two. None.

She overhyped some tax returns sure, but she doesn't spin conspiracy theories as fact. Her stories are well sourced and she provides all the background, often speaking directly with the reporters behind the stories she sources for her segments.

If you're getting your news from the TV, you're already losing.
What she's great at doing is providing some historical context and providing the glue between disparate stories across the media. Some call that meandering or filler, but her style helps slot stories into a wider context where easily missed details can have the space to breathe.


As someone who follows the news closely at times, I am disparaged alot by her willingness to explain every detail every time. As someone who's worked with intel agencies, brevity is a hell of a trait. I understand why she does what she does but that and her cheesy delivery makes her pretty unappealing to me.

She should be applauded for her dedication though.
Rachel's self-aware enough to poke fun at her own tendency to over-explain and drag out stories as this happened during her appearance on The Simpsons.
Brevity and milking commercial time don't jive with one another.

FYI, I consider Rachel to be a revelation. Wouldn't change a thing about her.
She's the Alex jones of liberals. They're not equivalents since there's miles between conservatives and liberals. She's not a liar but boy she's a bullshitter. And she's not a journalist, she's an anchor.
She's less I.F. Stone and more this



Haven't watched a full episode since the trump tax stupidity. Really damaged my ability to have faith in the show's priorities.


Gold Member
I think she is inconsistent. Sometimes she is great...other times its a big ol'nothing burger, but its treated the same as as when there actually is a decent story. (Not signaling her out...most anchors are like this now).

That said...GTFO with that Alex Jones sheet. That guys is literally..I mean...literally making things up and yelling about it. Maddow doesn't even come close to this level of unhinged.


My wife loves her and Lawrence so we have MSNBC on a lot at night. I find her very engaging and like her show a lot..but I hate that stupid paper crinkle sound effect they use when going to commercial. Ugh!

She's the Alex jones of liberals. They're not equivalents since there's miles between conservatives and liberals. She's not a liar but boy she's a bullshitter. And she's not a journalist, she's an anchor.

This is one of the worst takes I've ever seen on GAF. Shit, on the internet. And that says a lot. I will not besmirch Always Sunny by even quoting that image.

D i Z

I watch her whenever I can. She's pretty fantastic at breaking down the information that other anchors skip over completely to get to the headline. I appreciate that she takes the time to walk it all the way through and sourcing all of the angles.


Been watching her show for about six years. I like how she cites sources, gives credit to the local journalists who often break the stories she extrapolates on, and makes genuine corrections when mistakes are made or facts misreported. It didn't surprise me at all when I discovered she had a doctorate in political science from Oxford. I was just like "oh, well that makes sense".


Rachel's self-aware enough to poke fun at her own tendency to over-explain and drag out stories as this happened during her appearance on The Simpsons.
Brevity and milking commercial time don't jive with one another.

FYI, I consider Rachel to be a revelation. Wouldn't change a thing about her.
She definitely has her pluses. She just isn't for me. This is the great thing about a free press.

I honestly only watch cable news for the panel discussions. I can read up on anything else myself.


Didn’t she just massively screw up a story about a false flag leak type thing involving The Intercept?
She's the Alex jones of liberals. They're not equivalents since there's miles between conservatives and liberals. She's not a liar but boy she's a bullshitter. And she's not a journalist, she's an anchor.
She's less I.F. Stone and more this


She's like the guy who started crying saying Hillary and Obama were secret demons who smelt of sulfur and left burn marks on the floor where they walked an that Trump JR is a true Patriot and was sussing out Russian spies? What drugs are you on and how do I get my hands on something not as strong.


I wouldn't call the Tax thing a fiasco.

She fell for the hype, and over hyped the reveal, before she realized it was a manufactured gotcha pos released by the Trump camp (which led to that super awkward introduction).

Love her though. Along with Hayes and O'Donnell they are the only reason to watch/ listen to Msnbc.


Didn't she just massively screw up a story about a false flag leak type thing involving The Intercept?

Yes, this was incredibly fucked up.

She's not quite as bad as Glenn Beck, but she's close. The people who love her are people who are deep in the echo chamber and just hear what they want to hear.


First impression matters most.

Maybe if you are like 11... and don't actually care about the validity and trustworthiness of your news. Then sure... First impression means much more than everything.

Yes, this was incredibly fucked up.

She's not quite as bad as Glenn Beck, but she's close.

She is no fucking where NEAR Glenn Beck, and the only people trying to even remotely equate the two, or force them into the same conversation are the folks too ignorant to tell the difference, or so far gone that they are desperate to point fingers in a "They do it too" manner. FOH
Didn’t she just massively screw up a story about a false flag leak type thing involving The Intercept?

Nope. She covered that story straight down the middle and laid down the facts as she knew them. She had completely legitimate questions about The Intercept's role in the timeline. The Intercept was angry that she didn't come to them for comment before she went on air, but she had a scoop and sharing a scoop with another news outlet isn't something you would expect anyone to do.


I haven't watched either one in months (don't have cable anymore), but I always felt like her and Chris Hayes were the only worthwhile parts of that network. I preferred Hayes a bit though.
I haven't watched either one in months (don't have cable anymore), but I always felt like her and Chris Hayes were the only worthwhile parts of that network. I preferred Hayes a bit though.

Nah I watch a fair mount of MSNBC, Steph Ruhle and that other guy do a good show. They actually have a really strong female lineup. Hard Ball with Christ Mathews is good. Plus they tend to get republicans on and there's always that awkward bickering.

I think they are pretty easy on the administration as a whole, considering the horrifying implications behind the Russia scandal.
She's the Alex jones of liberals. They're not equivalents since there's miles between conservatives and liberals. She's not a liar but boy she's a bullshitter. And she's not a journalist, she's an anchor.
She's less I.F. Stone and more this

delete your account


I just recently within the last few months started watching her show.

I don't see where people get the idea that she is sensationalist or some sort of shuckster.

From what I've seen of her show, she's well-sourced, thoughtful, and charismatic, even while getting into the minutiae of political details and historical background.

In fact, I find the comparisons to any high profile right wing pundit named in this thread odd since while her show is certainly liberal in what it covers, I don't find it to be filled with Democratic talking points and editorializing too much on the news. It seems like, from my time watching, she doesn't share much of her personal political opinions on stories nor does she fill her show with lots of punditry of people getting preachy, beyond the content of the show being left leaning. I'm sure people could watch her show and get those elements out of it, but I'd be surprised if people watched her show for that.

Even if she hypes up stuff, I don't find that she's being misleading or deceptive, I find that she has this fascination with piecing together the puzzle of politics and sometimes has an enthusiasm for stuff the average person may not. I think that is also the thing that makes her show interesting because she likes to make other people interested in the details which leads to those elaborate background pieces about a story.
I like her. She's got some insights to share when she's not being forced to cover some tragedy of the day. Her humor bits often land with a thud, but the best new thing in the world was awesome.


I just recently within the last few months started watching her show.

I don't see where people get the idea that she is sensationalist or some sort of shuckster.

From what I've seen of her show, she's well-sourced, thoughtful, and charismatic, even while getting into the minutiae of political details and historical background.

In fact, I find the comparisons to any high profile right wing pundit named in this thread odd since while her show is certainly liberal in what it covers, I don't find it to be filled with Democratic talking points and editorializing too much on the news. It seems like, from my time watching, she doesn't share much of her personal political opinions on stories nor does she fill her show with lots of punditry of people getting preachy, beyond the content of the show being left leaning. I'm sure people could watch her show and get those elements out of it, but I'd be surprised if people watched her show for that.

Even if she hypes up stuff, I don't find that she's being misleading or deceptive, I find that she has this fascination with piecing together the puzzle of politics and sometimes has an enthusiasm for stuff the average person may not. I think that is also the thing that makes her show interesting because she likes to make other people interested in the details which leads to those elaborate background pieces about a story.

I think there is some dissonance about how much of a BIG FUCKING DEAL the whole Russia story actually is. So the WH seems to be cohersed by Putin due to colluding with the Kremlin during the election.
Right now policy and decisions made at the highest level of the US government may be influenced by a geopolitical foe. And you guys are saying a reporter is making to much of a fuss about it? Really?


I just recently within the last few months started watching her show.

I don't see where people get the idea that she is sensationalist or some sort of shuckster.

From what I've seen of her show, she's well-sourced, thoughtful, and charismatic, even while getting into the minutiae of political details and historical background.

In fact, I find the comparisons to any high profile right wing pundit named in this thread odd since while her show is certainly liberal in what it covers, I don't find it to be filled with Democratic talking points and editorializing too much on the news. It seems like, from my time watching, she doesn't share much of her personal political opinions on stories nor does she fill her show with lots of punditry of people getting preachy, beyond the content of the show being left leaning. I'm sure people could watch her show and get those elements out of it, but I'd be surprised if people watched her show for that.

Even if she hypes up stuff, I don't find that she's being misleading or deceptive, I find that she has this fascination with piecing together the puzzle of politics and sometimes has an enthusiasm for stuff the average person may not. I think that is also the thing that makes her show interesting because she likes to make other people interested in the details which leads to those elaborate background pieces about a story.

It's simpler than that. Her reporting is based on demonstrable facts. When there are assumptions being brought up they are very carefully labeled as such.

On the other hand.... high profile right wing pundits. Their "facts" mostly fly in the face of common Sense and don't resist the slightest scrutiny.

On the one hand you have a clear prersuit of Truth supprted by facts, on the other.... Well, to be frank mostly fabricated lies to influence part of the population and often pander to their most negative and destructive instincts.
I agree she's phenomenal but dems really need someone who riles up the base to vote too. For some reason someone like Hannity can motivate voters; Maddow doesn't seem to have the same effect. Could simply be a numbers difference though.
As someone who follows the news closely at times, I am disparaged alot by her willingness to explain every detail every time. As someone who's worked with intel agencies, brevity is a hell of a trait. I understand why she does what she does but that and her cheesy delivery makes her pretty unappealing to me.

She should be applauded for her dedication though.

Ok but you are a VERY unique example. I mean I know that you are admitting that in essence but still find it strange that you seem to be accusing her of an inability to be brief. Do you think she talks this way to people in her circle? She is reporting for the average user and the reality is some of them are not that much better than FOX News viewers STRICTLY in terms of knowing the facts that support their view; i.e., they may hold views that are supported by facts but that doesn't necessarily mean they know the facts.

Maddow is fucking brilliant. Her and Hayes approach reporting the way it should be: claim, evidence, connection.

I agree she's phenomenal but dems really need someone who riles up the base to vote too. For some reason someone like Hannity can motivate voters; Maddow doesn't seem to have the same effect. Could simply be a numbers difference though.

Hannity motivates voters because he tells them exactly what they want to hear, not what evidence shows. In that sense Maddow will never match his influence and that's perfectly ok.
She needs to cut down her pre-reveals by half.

She has grit for digging news but she runs on too long before getting to the punch line
I agree she's phenomenal but dems really need someone who riles up the base to vote too. For some reason someone like Hannity can motivate voters; Maddow doesn't seem to have the same effect. Could simply be a numbers difference though.

I don't think a Hannity, Jones, Rush, OReilly would work for the left. Maybe I am wrong, but those people seem to do well and rile up the most ignorant folks. I feel the left would look at a left equivalent and be like "this seems insane" and not buy it.

Then again the left also pretty much has all the late night shows except I guess Jimmy Fallon so I guess their the closest equivalent, except they have more journalistic integrity.


I agree she's phenomenal but dems really need someone who riles up the base to vote too. For some reason someone like Hannity can motivate voters; Maddow doesn't seem to have the same effect. Could simply be a numbers difference though.
And therein lies the irony. Republicans are way smarter and pragmatic in advancing their stupid agenda. Dems are very stupid in assuring they advance and promote their more informed and sound views.

It makes sense to: when something is do clearly factual one thinks it's logical that the world will react and respond in accordance with those facts I guess. We by now should know that's far from the case.
She's the Alex jones of liberals. They're not equivalents since there's miles between conservatives and liberals. She's not a liar but boy she's a bullshitter. And she's not a journalist, she's an anchor.
She's less I.F. Stone and more this


I hope one day you think back to what a fucking idiotic thing this was to say and recognize it. If not, there's no hope for you. You're categorically wrong and the confidence with which you spew this bullshit is the worst part.
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