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R. Maddow is an American Institution (yes, in spite of the whole trump tax fiasco...)

Louise Mensch, is that you? Is it true Jill Stein and Bernie are Russian agents too?!

Snowden was stranded in Russia by the Obama admin while he was trying to get to Latin America. When you cross the strongest country in the world, there's very few places you can hide.

Snowden is an American hero, and he performed a public service. Gtfo

Greenwald and Mensch are cut from the same cloth so it's fitting you would bring one up in a defense of the other.


If Snowden is such a hero of privacy and human rights, I'm sure he would have no problems of outlining his issues with the notoriously corrupt and intrusive Russian government. Oh, he's not going to because they shield his ass and party with him?

You mean like this?






Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
Frighteningly reductionist take on what actually happened. Most of us are good liberals here but to hand wave what happened is to abdicate responsibility. That's exactly what fox news would do in their sensationalist FOX NEWS ALERT OBAMA SNEEZED ON A COFFEE CAKE AND WALKED AWAY level of irresponsible news journalism that people should be held accountable for.

That was reductionist? More like realistic. Please tell me what responsibilities Maddow has to take for Tweeting about and reporting accurately on her possession of 2 pages of Trump's 2005 Tax Returns. Oh! You must be talking about that 1 hour time frame where everyone got hyped on her tweet thinking that it must be a smoking gun even though she never said such things. Yes, Maddow must be now exactly like FOX News brand of bullshit news because of that 1 hour time period of vagueness (not a lack of facts, not a lack of integrity, not an ignorant show of bias).


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.

Falling right into Russian propaganda I see. Snowden lives in Russia, anything he does, he does with Putin's blessing only. Putin owns his life and future. Putin see's Snowden as an asset to spread dissent and mistrust of Western institutions like our Intelligence Community. If you don't think those tweets were to muddy the waters on his Russian partnership, than you are falling right into Russian propaganda. I guess it works for those on the left sometimes as well as a lot on the Right.


That was reductionist? More like realistic. Please tell me what responsibilities Maddow has to take for Tweeting about and reporting accurately on her possession of 2 pages of Trump's 2005 Tax Returns. Oh! You must be talking about that 1 hour time frame where everyone got hyped on her tweet thinking that it must be a smoking gun even though she never said such things. Yes, Maddow must be now exactly like FOX News brand of bullshit news because of that 1 hour time period of vagueness (not a lack of facts, not a lack of integrity, not an ignorant show of bias).

If you can't see the first tweet as a "heeeeeey you guys, we know what you want to hear.......... Sexysexy news" And then a later correction with what amounted to "jk lol" then I don't know dude. I was paying attention as it happens. I was in the thread as it unfolded

But whatever, if you just wanna keep waving it off then there's no point. I never once insinuated that she was anything like fox in this thread, nor was I one of the people claiming she was the lefts version of the super sperm salesman. She has a very real issues with her ability to sometimes contain her own hype for stories that aren't really anything at all in an attempt to always be at 100 just like every other need pundit. Not that sharing one characteristic doesn't make them equal

Edit: auto correct ate a few words
She's the Alex jones of liberals. They're not equivalents since there's miles between conservatives and liberals. She's not a liar but boy she's a bullshitter. And she's not a journalist, she's an anchor.

This is the hottest of takes. How you can actually say that and not actually be required to back it up is BS.

Alex Jones is a 9/11 truther, said Sandy Hook was a hoax, Pizzagate, Obama is a Muslim, etc. etc.

On Sandy Hook he said, "I know they had actors there clearly. But I thought they killed some real kids".


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
If you can't see the first tweet as a "heeeeeey you guys, we know what you want to hear.......... Sexysexy news" And then a later correction with what amounted to "jk lol" then I don't know dude. I was paying attention as it happens. I was in the thread as it unfolded

But whatever, if you just wanna keep waving it off then there's no point. I never once insinuated that she was anything like fox in this thread, nor was I one of the people claiming she was the lefts version of the super sperm salesman. She has a very real issues with her ability to sometimes contain her own hype for stories that aren't really anything at all in an attempt to always be at 100 just like every other need pundit. Not that sharing one characteristic doesn't make them equal

Edit: auto correct ate a few words

Yeh I was hanging on that whole story too. FACTUALLY and without your coloring of the situation to warrant the GAF-wide disappointment that happened, the tweet was "I have Trump's Tax Return". To which GAF went off and said OMG TRUMP GOING DOWN etc etc. for 1 hour (woopty fuckin doo) to which she clarified and specified exactly what she meant. That's what happened. It's not her fault GAF went into a frenzy of speculation and expectations only to be disappointed. The actual show itself was high quality and provided a lot of education in the usual awesome Maddow ways.

You keep saying i'm hand waving, I'm not. I'm viewing the situation for exactly what it was. People that want to vilify Maddow for that 1 hour of vagueness are blowing the situation out of proportion and coloring her in a way that's ridiculous and over the top. Acting like she's all of a sudden Fox News levels of journalistic bullshit. You say your not equating her to FOX news yet you said "That's exactly what fox news would do in their sensationalist FOX NEWS ALERT OBAMA SNEEZED ON A COFFEE CAKE AND WALKED AWAY level of irresponsible news journalism that people should be held accountable for."

So maybe I misunderstood you, or maybe you should walk back that comparison if you don't mean it.


Yeh I was hanging on that whole story too. FACTUALLY and without your coloring of the situation to warrant the GAF-wide disappointment that happened, the tweet was "I have Trump's Tax Return". To which GAF went off and said OMG TRUMP GOING DOWN etc etc. for 1 hour (woopty fuckin doo) to which she clarified and specified exactly what she meant. That's what happened. It's not her fault GAF went into a frenzy of speculation and expectations only to be disappointed. The actual show itself was high quality and provided a lot of education in the usual awesome Maddow ways.

You keep saying i'm hand waving, I'm not. I'm viewing the situation for exactly what it was. People that want to vilify Maddow for that 1 hour of vagueness are blowing the situation out of proportion and coloring her in a way that's ridiculous and over the top. Acting like she's all of a sudden Fox News levels of journalistic bullshit. You say your not equating her to FOX news yet you said "That's exactly what fox news would do in their sensationalist FOX NEWS ALERT OBAMA SNEEZED ON A COFFEE CAKE AND WALKED AWAY level of irresponsible news journalism that people should be held accountable for."

So maybe I misunderstood you, or maybe you should walk back that comparison if you don't mean it.

I'm not equating her. I never said she was like anyone on their line up, I said that what happened in that situation is similar to the tactics used by fox news in a clearly over exaggerated scenario meant to bring levity. I'm sorry you're so fanatical in your support that you cannot bring yourself to entertain the fact that many people here perceived it as a sensationalist bait as it was happening. This'll be my last post on the subject because we clearly will not agree.


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
I'm not equating her. I never said she was like anyone on their line up, I said that what happened in that situation is similar to the tactics used by fox news in a clearly over exaggerated scenario meant to bring levity. I'm sorry you're so fanatical in your support that you cannot bring yourself to entertain the fact that many people here perceived it as a sensationalist bait as it was happening. This'll be my last post on the subject because we clearly will not agree.

Glad to hear you aren't equating her, you and no one should be. What happened, again, was blown out of proportion and nothing about that situation even closely resembles "sensationalist bait" when you take into context Maddow's history of journalistic integrity, and the actual events and timeline that happened during Trump Tax Fiasco day. In any case, yes, let's agree to disagree. I like Maddow, but for valid reasons, I'm not a blind fan boy. I'm moreso passionate about this subject because there is so much more bullshit we Liberals could be focusing on, but were stuck attacking our own for stupid reasons. If we fell in line like the Right and supported instead of vilified our allies maybe we wouldn't be in this President Trump situation.


:lol She's not a news reporter and it's pretty sad that so many people conflate these things. She's literally NBC's version of fox news, she's as biased and a pat on the back that Hannity and fox news is for the right. You can argue about which has better viewpoints but they serve the same function and very much give their opinion and not all the facts to help push forward whatever agenda she has.

It's fine if you like her she is not a news source and should be viewed mostly as entertainment, same as Olbermann when he was still there.

Olberman was like O'Reilly because he could be a condescneidng prick sometimes, NOT because his views or presentation of the facts are wrong.

Rachel is in no way like any of those people though. She and her team laboriaously cite pretty much everything they say.

The worst thing she does on a regular basis is go overlong in her presentation.


As I said, they're not equivalents. Conservatives in America are scum 100% batshit crazy. Liberals are, for the most part, functional and decent human beings. That same difference carries over to the comparison, where one talks about lizard people while the other hypes up stories with little regard for the accuracy of facts or any sense of scale about them.

Just like president's merits shouldn't be compared to trump, Fox News is not a good barometer for network news media.

OK well I don't agree with the comparison, but respect for coming back to defend your post at least.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
You mean like this?


Schedule A is part of the 1040 form for anyone who has itemized deductions, as one would expect from a CEO. If Trump itemized anything, it would be part of his 1040/tax return. That tweet is still being obtuse about what she really had.

Jay Yarow, from CNBC, penned an Op-Ed, saying the reporting was ultimately a win for Trump. It appears the stunt has been good for her ratings, which is probably what matters most to her and MSNBC. Her ratings went up and Trump's taxes are no longer an issues--both she and Trump benefited greatly from that broadcast.


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Rachel used to be a decent progressive, but has since been changed by the establishment. Now she's more likely to attack leftists with reckless abandon than even consider that the Washington way of thinking is flawed
MSNBC is openly editorializing and their official motto is “lean forward” so yeah she’s good as a liberal host but she is most certainly not about presenting information so much as presenting a narrative that makes her opinions on information clear. It’s like Daily Show without comedy. Very much about having an audience

I respect her for her obvious intellect on presenting topics.

For this, I preferred Keith Olbermann... when Bush was president.

Well I mean facts tends to have a liberal bias.

You also can't spell "liberal" without the letter "L."


Maddow makes a slip up. Now all of a sudden she has lot all credibility despite the thousands of hours of good quality work. It's sad we have higher standards for an entertainment news host than the president of the united states and pretty much all other actual politicians making actual laws.

But anyway, she did mess up, no sense of denying it in my mind and I did lose some respect for her, but I got to say, she's still amazing and as long as what she did that one time doesn't become a theme, I'll continue to be a fan she puts in solid work which I'm not sure how many more you can say that of in the business.


Rachel used to be a decent progressive, but has since been changed by the establishment. Now she's more likely to attack leftists with reckless abandon than even consider that the Washington way of thinking is flawed

As someone who watches her show almost every night...what leftist has she attacked with reckless abandon?


I haven't watched her much, but what I've seen has been pretty good (except the click bait style tax return promotion). So critics... what has she been wrong about, mislead people on? What leftists has she gone ham on who didn't deserve it?

Edit: I have read her book "Drift: The unmooring of American military power" which was pretty good.

Edit 2: My biggest problem I've seen with her (and other pundits) is how over excited or panicky she will get over rather small things in politics.
Rachel used to be a decent progressive, but has since been changed by the establishment. Now she's more likely to attack leftists with reckless abandon than even consider that the Washington way of thinking is flawed

Another word that has lost all of its meaning.


There's 5 pages to this thread. Do we really need to rehash the for and against arguments instead of you getting caught up?
I read the thread, and for as long as she's been on there was a single example given of her misleading people in a story. The part about the lefty was just brought up this page and not addressed at all. Other than that, it was just some vaugue hot takes on presentation and comparisons eith right wing nuts with no explanation. So maybe you should just shut the fuck up if you don't want to bother with it.

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
I read the thread, and for as long as she's been on there was a single example given of her misleading people in a story. The part about the lefty was just brought up this page and not addressed at all. Other than that, it was just some vaugue hot takes on presentation and comparisons eith right wing nuts with no explanation. So maybe you should just shut the fuck up if you don't want to bother with it.

You should probably take a break from the discussion.


As someone who watches her show almost every night...what leftist has she attacked with reckless abandon?
I haven't heard of any in discussion about her (and asking seems to offend certain people). My guess though is she probably said something negative about Stein. Or maybe lit up Bernie at some point during elections?


Edmonton's milkshake attracts no boys.
There's 5 pages to this thread. Do we really need to rehash the for and against arguments instead of you getting caught up?

Read 5 pages myself. And for all the criticism that seems to be flung towards Maddox, I don't see any with valid backing. WOuld also like to know besides 1 hour of tweet Vagueness that amounts to nothing why the left shouldn't be happy as fuck we have someone as illuminating as Maddow on cable TV fighting the good fight. The left again, attacking their own because of their need to have an opinion about something. Trump is in office. Racists, the right, and corporations are kicking the lefts ass. And yet, leftists will throw rocks at our own soldiers like Maddow for the stupidest and most inconsequential reasons.


I can't find fault in any of her reporting, including the tax return thing. It was a story worth reporting, just not worth the hype. The initial tweet without details and the banner that MSNBC ran during the previous two hours were mistakes. Neither of those undercut her team's journalistic integrity.


If you can't make your point without telling someone to shut up, you're not really making your point.
I really don't care if you got the point. With the way you brought it up, I gave you the level of respect you earned. Basically, I thought you were a grade A dick, so I said something dickish back. That's all there really is to it. As far as I'm concerned, this is the end of the discusion with you. So go ahead, get your last word in. I'm not interested in wasting more energy on you, or shiting up the thread anymore with this stupid tangent.


There's 5 pages to this thread. Do we really need to rehash the for and against arguments instead of you getting caught up?

When, in this thread, was it mentioned that she attacked people on the left.. with examples provided (unlike the non sequitur post on this page)?

Maiden Voyage

Gold™ Member
When, in this thread, was it mentioned that she attacked people on the left.. with examples provided (unlike the non sequitur post on this page)?

I don't know as far as who she has gone on in. I haven't really watched her show since the mid 00's. The other points have been discussed in this thread, though.
Falling right into Russian propaganda I see. Snowden lives in Russia, anything he does, he does with Putin's blessing only. Putin owns his life and future. Putin see's Snowden as an asset to spread dissent and mistrust of Western institutions like our Intelligence Community. If you don't think those tweets were to muddy the waters on his Russian partnership, than you are falling right into Russian propaganda. I guess it works for those on the left sometimes as well as a lot on the Right.

Lol there you go again Louise Mensch. Drum up the Russia hysteria some more. Snowden, Greenwald, Scahill, and the like have all been very critical of our intelligence community long before the Russia hysteria began. They are just being consistent, while some liberals seem to forgotten that they used to be critical of our intelligence community too. They've all run to support the CIA, FBI, and NSA because of the political tension between these agencies and Bozo the Trump's administration. It's a cluster fuck.

I hope the FBI investigation into Trump Russia collusion results in his ousting from office too, but I haven't forgotten that our intelligence community isn't exactly a friend to progressive causes. I'm not gonna ignore all the shit that they've done, the things that Snowden exposed about them, just because Trump or Putin likes to ride on the populist dislike and distrust of our intelligence community. I can regocognize what those idiots are doing without discrediting the people who did the very important work of exposing the state of survalence in our country
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