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ResetEra Discussion -- Stay civil. Don't get personal. Keep it in here.

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Gold Member

This person has to be a troll. I mean come on.

People like that are REE royalty. The more mental conditions, gender stuff and abuse you claim to have the more of a protected poster you become. Then you can take all that bitterness and spew vile over whoever you want. You see it all the time there, people make a topic and then the OP is book-ended with all their "Conditions".


Nothing to do with the problems his girlfriend is having that the topic is about at all, but a classic Reee bookend example.


The fuck? How fucking sensitive do they need to be ban someone joking about one of their social media platforms of choice??


In context with the Paris Blob with no brain and 720 sexes, it’s making fun of your typical SJW pretty hard.

Which is completely hilarious and due, but getting into their messed up headspace, I understand it.


I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now.

After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine.

I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion.



Rapid Response Threadmaker
No ethical consumption under capitalism? If I am a farmer that picks my own apples and sells them for money at a farm stand, what's unethical about that.

Unless their bizarre view of unethical consumption includes someone owning their own land for their business and not submitting the apples for state level distribution.


Trump wrote a statement of heartfelt condolence. but Ree knows the unsaid hate that lies in his True Heart of Hearts!
He didn't write one word of that.
That Trump Tweet at least being called out as not being written by Trump himself:
Totally written by the President, thank you!
when you want to honor the life of a lifelong politician but you can't help yourself from talking about the Tweet style of your favorite orange man. even if he writes something entirely appropriate, you have to get mad at what you IMAGINE he would REALLY write.

TDS in full effect
No ethical consumption under capitalism? If I am a farmer that picks my own apples and sells them for money at a farm stand, what's unethical about that.

Unless their bizarre view of unethical consumption includes someone owning their own land for their business and not submitting the apples for state level distribution.

ResetEra think this is Capitalism.


Where Homer moans that he had to pick the Peaches, and pays them to pick their own Peaches. CAPITALISM!


"No ethical consumption" has gone from a declaration of wokeness to an excuse.

that's all it is now, a bothsides-ism to justify not caring when your beloved item of media is attacked as prolematic.

your favorite movie studio did something wrong? "no ethical consumption, brah, why bother caring?"

it's just an excuse to keep consuming when you know it's entirely against your whole justice persona. it's a way to avoid considering yourself a hypocrite.


Good day, everyone!

So, I see that everyone enjoys this rebooted forum. And I have seen the first posts about the moderators... seems like it's down to just about 25% of the initial moderation.

Not only that, but although NeoGAF is declining a little (Though it is due to just time, not it being unpopular), Resetera is losing popularity. In fact, is it just me, or does it feels like the member count has stagnated or is almost stagnant?

By the way, Cerium. Let me tell you this. You ruined some of the games because of you and your form. Hopefully one day you will think about your actions and repent.

That is all from your sincerely, Michele.

not to be taken serious



Who the fuck is totally innocent in life? Who doesn't have a carbon footprint? Have you had to heat your house this year? Have you had to take some sort of transportation somewhere? Have you eaten a hamburger? OMG you're complicit in global warming!!

What's the mentality here? That unless you stage a walkout every day to protest China you're just as bad as the APC drivers running over civilians in Tiananmen Square? Are video games that important to the Chinese government that they're going to cede control of their population because Blizzard won't market Hearthstone there? Do you think that game is somehow impossible for the Chinese to just copy and make their own version of, maybe? What about a company that sells medical devices? Should they not sell in China? Do Chinese civilians not need medical treatment? Aren't they just going to get it from a competitor if you go that route?

Fuck the evil Chinese government, absolutely, but also for fuck's sake: have some perspective here.


Is there a list of banned sources?


This guy got banned in the Crusader Kings 2 thread because he posted a SsethTzeentach video.
Not only do they not have a list, but they almost always ban (for rather lengthy periods) and edit out the "banned source" (from every post that quotes it too) rather than simply informing the poster (and thus, everyone else) when a "source" is not allowed.

The reason there's no list is because it will obviously not make any kind of sense. They have banned all kinds of things that will barely ever be posted anyway, while allowing the regular posting of things they immediately condemn as promoting child pornography, Donald Trump and his Gamergate allies, mass murder, the rise of the Nazi Party in Wiemar Germany, etc.

Their incompetent and insecure moderation has always been more of a problem than any ideological moderation. This dude got a month ban for posting a YouTube video related to the thread topic, but from a "banned YouTuber" he couldn't have possibly known about. (As well as being a "junior member" the lower class status of which was something that once was not to be a thing on ResetERA.com.) Yet all those people they banned last week for being outright racists and Nazis and murderers of transgender posters got like a week each.

Of course, if you have questions or concerns you are free to PM a staff member who will ignore it. And then ban you if you mention said ignoring publicly.


Not only do they not have a list, but they almost always ban (for rather lengthy periods) and edit out the "banned source" (from every post that quotes it too) rather than simply informing the poster (and thus, everyone else) when a "source" is not allowed.

The reason there's no list is because it will obviously not make any kind of sense. They have banned all kinds of things that will barely ever be posted anyway, while allowing the regular posting of things they immediately condemn as promoting child pornography, Donald Trump and his Gamergate allies, mass murder, the rise of the Nazi Party in Wiemar Germany, etc.

Their incompetent and insecure moderation has always been more of a problem than any ideological moderation. This dude got a month ban for posting a YouTube video related to the thread topic, but from a "banned YouTuber" he couldn't have possibly known about. (As well as being a "junior member" the lower class status of which was something that once was not to be a thing on ResetERA.com.) Yet all those people they banned last week for being outright racists and Nazis and murderers of transgender posters got like a week each.

Of course, if you have questions or concerns you are free to PM a staff member who will ignore it. And then ban you if you mention said ignoring publicly.


Unconfirmed Member
Wtf is this forums obsession with Resetera? I guarantee you women loathing, trans fearing thundercunts that nobody over there gives a flying fuck what two dozen emotionally stunted man children and a shower goblin think.
What is up with these suicide accounts that never posted much in the first place?
Come here to say how nobody cares about they say about ((((them)))).
Yet label the entire site as (((((them)))))?


Gold Member
What is up with these suicide accounts that never posted much in the first place?
Come here to say how nobody cares about they say about ((((them)))).
Yet label the entire site as (((((them)))))?

We like those guys, they amuse us greatly becuse they all think they are the first to do it and that they are sticking it to us expecting to crawl back to thier Discords for a pat on the back. They are just jealous they can't talk about GAF openly on Reee where as we can talk openly about them (but keep it in here).


Resetera demands his gay pokemon?!?!?!?!? 😨 😨 😨

Usually I take screencaps, but even this is a hot take too ridiculous for me to bother with.

Why does everything have to be gay? No, it's not just humans, he wants Pokemon to be gay too.

Are transgender pokemon next too?



Resetera demands his gay pokemon?!?!?!?!? 😨 😨 😨

Usually I take screencaps, but even this is a hot take too ridiculous for me to bother with.

Why does everything have to be gay? No, it's not just humans, he wants Pokemon to be gay too.

Are transgender pokemon next too?

Hahaha when I saw that trailer I totally thought some whiny bitch is going to complain about that attraction bit, and sure enough.


Gold Member

Today in posts that aged well

And in posts that actually aged well:

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Xaero Gravity

H Hoo-doo was always a prick. I remember during the transition people in the Discord were mentioning banning Trump supporters despite claims of wanting a more open and welcoming forum and when I casually mentioned it on GAF he, like the pathetic lap dog that he is, jumped on me and tried to ostracize me by labelling me as nothing more than a troll.

Funny how that worked out..
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Gold Member

Today in posts that aged well

And in posts that actually aged well:

Breaking out this bad boy again.




Expansive Ellipses
Staff Member

Today in posts that aged well

And in posts that actually aged well:

Some serious real talk from Mahadev Mahadev in that thread. All the true believer pushback against him has aged well:



the thread about the tear down of christianity in the us (and those cheering it on) is pretty goddamn tragic

bunch of degenerates
It would be tragic but the effects of them living in nihilist materialism are all too real: how many people posting are entirely miserable, have zero self respect, no hope for the future, a laundry list of mental illnesses, feel like the world is ending, want to cut themselves off from family, and have a “proud” desire to not have children or raise a family of their own, it’s hard to not feel anything but pity for this purposeless, useless generation of consumers.

It is also very ironic considering their favorite media is all superhero gods and space fantasy that is ultimately nth generation rehashes of religious mythology of old. Like LOL all of fiction they celebrate is full of Christian imagery.
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Some serious real talk from Mahadev Mahadev in that thread. All the true believer pushback against him has aged well:



This is incredible. It was obvious to all of us who got banned for no good reason that Era would turn out the way it is. And I'm with ManaByte ManaByte it'll be even more entertaining to see people who were like HStallion and defended Era, only to be band. EVEN MORE ENTERTAINING if they then returned here.

1 in 4 chance. A significant number of them stopped posting or account deleted, even the OG mod team bailed the fuck out.

Didn't they start a third forum? Whatever happened to that?
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Some serious real talk from Mahadev Mahadev in that thread. All the true believer pushback against him has aged well:


I'd brag about it if it wasn't so. goddamn. obvious. what would happen there. This reflects more on the people who actually believed (or pretended to believe) things would stay the same there with all these crazies running that place because imo anyone with half a brain can see from a mile away what will happen when you put in position of any type of authority dogmatic lunatics that not only despise opinions that disagree with theirs but actually support the suppression of these opinions.
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