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Resident Evil Netflix Series Character Info Leaks.


NeoGAFs Kent Brockman

A report by Splash Report said that the Resident Evil Netflix series will have two main characters, Jade and Billie Wesker. The two women are half-sisters as they have different mothers but Albert Wesker is their father. Jade and Billie Wesker aren't characters in the games and the leaker has suggested that the Resident Evil series won't really follow the games. This should allow the creators of the TV show to do whatever they want with the series and don't have to worry about keeping to the plot of the games. However, fans may have been looking for their favorite characters and not new ones that haven't been in the games.


It appears that Wesker is the only one having sex in RE....

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It sounds like it'll be crap given the deviation from source matierial and fact that all they seem to think is worth talking about is the protagonists genders, not their characters.

The first game should be the easiest horror series/movie to make.

Cops go into the woods to look for lost/murdered hikers. Cops get attacked by unkillable dogs. Cops hide in Mansion. Mansion is full of zombies, secrets, monsters and betrayals, ramping up over the course of a night until a fiery crescendo of an escape. Sequel brings the monsters to town.

It's super simple and has a massive amount of room for characters, plot twists, tense cat and mouse games, action sequences, drama and steadily increasing stakes.
Well, this is probably going to be a letdown. I have no idea why Netflix always feels the need to deviate from the source material?


Where are you guys getting that characters will be LGBT? You can say the show is bad without using folks like me as a punching bag.

A lot of folks here have hatred towards lgtbq. It's stupid and if it's woke and sjw then they bring up gay or trans characters as if that inmediatly makes something bad.

But hey, just forget those people man, you do your thing :)
Where are you guys getting that characters will be LGBT? You can say the show is bad without using folks like me as a punching bag.
This has nothing to do with real LGBT people, just cynicism at the pattern of modern media focusing solely on characters immutable qualities like gender, race and sexuality, purely to cater to their Twitter echochambers political dogma, while putting no effort into making good stories or interesting characters.

The fact that all they really felt was important about the leads is that they're not dudes is not a good sign for the quality of the show.

It's hardly surprising others are already getting rheir woke bingo cards ready.
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Writes a lot, says very little
This has nothing to do with real LGBT people, just cynicism at the pattern of modern media focusing solely on characters immutable qualities like gender, race and sexuality, purely to cater to their Twitter echochambers political dogma, while putting no effort into making good stories or interesting characters

By that logic, what " gender, race and sexuality " is even allowed? One could argue this about anything and just state oh "Twitter echochambers political dogma, while putting no effort into making good stories or interesting characters" etc

Character is straight "has nothing to do with real straight people, just cynicism at the pattern of modern media focusing solely on"
Character is Jewish "has nothing to do with real Jewish people, just cynicism at the pattern of modern media focusing solely on"
Character is a guy "has nothing to do with real guys, just cynicism at the pattern of modern media focusing solely on"
Character is a girl "has nothing to do with real girls, just cynicism at the pattern of modern media focusing solely on"

and on and on and on.

Sooooo my advice to anyone like this, don't watch anything made by other people that might have different views then you. I have no clue how you or anyone would even know if they are creating something with effort into making a good stories or interesting characters or not. You not liking something doesn't mean someone didn't put effort into it btw. By that logic, all the games Anita Sarkeesian have played must have had zero "effort into making good stories" in any of the games she played. Yup, cause those games all had white males, it must = zero effort cause she mad /s


Writes a lot, says very little
if they are trying to copy the "2 sisters with one of them being les" trope like wolfenstein: youngblood, then it's gonna fail.

Regardless, I think its going to fail because the RE series just has a horrid storyline and they seem to be seeking an even stupider storyline to follow. Has nothing to do with "les" or not. Consider this, if they wanted to do the events of RE3 or Re2 or something and they made Clair a lesbian, if the damn thing is GOOD and is a legit horror with a high body count, most might not even care considering we don't really hear much about their love lives outside a few RE characters so its open season on such a topic.

So I think it will do bad simply because RE with its characters really isn't that good, they are better focusing on the city before the outbreak, the outbreak itself, zombies etc So I feel to do a great RE show, you either include those characters and make it about an active outbreak with zombies and a shit load of kills, or you make it about some nobodies that happen to come across those main characters during an outbreak. It can be done right, simply that I think the way they sound like they are trying to go about it sounds boring. I mean damn, I like the series and even I think its story with its characters is boring and shit lol


Consider this, if they wanted to do the events of RE3 or Re2 or something and they made Clair a lesbian, if the damn thing is GOOD and is a legit horror with a high body count, most might not even care considering we don't really hear much about their love lives outside a few RE characters so its open season on such a topic.

Team CLeon: :messenger_angry:


Writes a lot, says very little
Team CLeon: :messenger_angry:

If they could write a good love story between Clair and Leon, I'm 100% ok with it. I think Capcom could have done soooo much with that and didn't, but it was the 90's and game stories were just never taken that seriously.

A Netflix show could do allllllll that. They could make a season about 1 title or even 2 seasons about 1 game. Like, Season 1 is about Resident Evil 2 when they are in Raccoon City and season 2 they are no longer in the police station and underground or something.

Could work.
Seriously, Imagine if Netflix did this in a choose your own adventure style...

Play along guys!:

Walking down a dark hall you come upon two doors on opposite sides of the hallway, the way ahead is blocked by a wet floor sign so that's definitely a no go. From the door on the left you just heard a loud noise. From the door on the right you can hear faint thumping.

Choose which door to enter.

As you walk closer to it you can see now that the door has some sort of strange rune on it, a circle with many arrows pointing away from it... You open the door to find yourself in what looks like the men's bathroom, lights flickering on and off. You can slightly make out what might be running water. Tentatively you take a few steps inside and are hit with a horrendous stench. With your back against the entryway wall you peer your head around the corner into the bathroom proper and that's when you see it... Billie standing there, face to the wall, trousers down round her knees... It looks as if an m80 of a turd had just ruptured from her butthole from where she was standing... as you get a better look you realize... she's also using the urinal... while standing nearly two feet away from it...

As you make your way closer to the door, you can hear the thumping noise even louder and you can now hear slight moaning as if someone might be hurt. You open the door quietly and step in. You find yourself in a dimly lit bedroom. As you look towards the bed you see what looks like a ninja on top of Jade appearing to be holding her down. Without giving it another thought, honed by years of instincts, you whip out your gun and put a round in the ninjas head. As the body slumps off of Jade and the bed, onto the floor, you feel a sense of pride in your shot. Until you see a look of horror come over Jade's blood sprayed face as she quickly covers up... You walk over to the ninja and unmask him only to find... it was a girl... You can now hear Be My Baby by Alyssa Milano coming from headphones she had on, hidden under what you thought was a ninja mask... Jade begins yelling at you. "W-why dad?! That was my Muslim friend Rashida! We where just practicing our Jiu-Jitsu..."


Regardless, I think its going to fail because the RE series just has a horrid storyline and they seem to be seeking an even stupider storyline to follow. Has nothing to do with "les" or not. Consider this, if they wanted to do the events of RE3 or Re2 or something and they made Clair a lesbian, if the damn thing is GOOD and is a legit horror with a high body count, most might not even care considering we don't really hear much about their love lives outside a few RE characters so its open season on such a topic.

So I think it will do bad simply because RE with its characters really isn't that good, they are better focusing on the city before the outbreak, the outbreak itself, zombies etc So I feel to do a great RE show, you either include those characters and make it about an active outbreak with zombies and a shit load of kills, or you make it about some nobodies that happen to come across those main characters during an outbreak. It can be done right, simply that I think the way they sound like they are trying to go about it sounds boring. I mean damn, I like the series and even I think its story with its characters is boring and shit lol
The storyline in RE series isn't completely idiotic, it's possible to make smart changes to make it interesting and not dumb. And it's not like all attempts have failed so far - the first Resident Evil movie and RE Degeneration were both great.

Also I don't know if other people remember, but there were plans on making a show about Umbrella's origins. It was scrapped early, probably not being exciting enough to attract non-RE fans.


Gold Member
That's a RE6 level mistake right there. Don't make them related to Wesker, in fact, don't even include him in the series.


A lot of folks here have hatred towards lgtbq. It's stupid and if it's woke and sjw then they bring up gay or trans characters as if that inmediatly makes something bad.

But hey, just forget those people man, you do your thing :)
Yeah good luck hitching your wagon to a Netflix resident evil


I read on another article that the series is set on the year 2036 post apocalypse. I'm not sure why they cant adapt the series into a better setting.... like during the 90's. I will probably watch it but it doesn't sound promising.


Where are you guys getting that characters will be LGBT? You can say the show is bad without using folks like me as a punching bag.

It's not because they might be LGBT, but rather that it's usually a sign that the show is more interested in shitty woke virtue signaling and "making history" rather than telling a good story. I don't think anyone here cares what stuff you are into.


It sounds like it'll be crap given the deviation from source matierial and fact that all they seem to think is worth talking about is the protagonists genders, not their characters.

The first game should be the easiest horror series/movie to make.

Cops go into the woods to look for lost/murdered hikers. Cops get attacked by unkillable dogs. Cops hide in Mansion. Mansion is full of zombies, secrets, monsters and betrayals, ramping up over the course of a night until a fiery crescendo of an escape. Sequel brings the monsters to town.

It's super simple and has a massive amount of room for characters, plot twists, tense cat and mouse games, action sequences, drama and steadily increasing stakes.
You have to really wonder the motive behind some of their decisions.. I bet the creator of this new series just has a shit sense of vision and not really a Resident Evil fan. It's all corruption and profiteering. They have no loyalty to the original story.


Gold Member
I wish they'd just let the games stand on their own rather than trying to do these awful adaptations.
The adaptations can be good for the series, but they gotta get their shit together for it. If this Netflix series is really happening, the last thing I want is for it to be geared towards me, a player of the games.

The series should be made for the general public, which would hopefully mean new characters, new situations....

The series doesn't need the game's Japanese quirks holding it back.


You know what, I'm just gonna say it... I actually think the first RE movie was an OK one, while also being the one that "took less" from the games. So, curious to see what happens with new adaptations of RE, whether TV show or movie reboot.

All the others were dogsht tho.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Wesker protagonists? An excuse for matrix shenanigans by the two girls as they grow to fight against their father's legacy to destroy BOWs and maybe himself for what he did to their mothers, them and the world? Hmmmm...
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Wesker is the least interesting part of Resident Evil. In fact, the stories in RE games are a joke and the least interesting thing about them.
The star of the series is the foreboding atmosphere, the scarcity of resources and the threat of grotesque enemies.
If you distill the narrative of any game in the series down to a script, it becomes a laughing stock.
The RE movies are shit for a reason, Paul W.S. Anderson notwithstanding.
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Gold Member

There's no way that won't be the case, given who their "dad" is.

This is all very retarded though, and I very likely won't be watching it, so who cares.


Live action or animated?

If its live action I might be interested. If its animated then I'll probably take a hard pass since most of their animation sucks.


Gold Member
Maybe the Wesker Sisters can travel the US in a '67 Chevy Impala putting to bed the evil plans of the Umbrella corporation and trying to find dear old dad.

I can already see a 15 season run.


A Cure for Wellness (2016) directed by Gore Verbinski nearly felt like a live-action adaptation of Resident Evil. If you haven't seen it, check it out.
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