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Resident Evil (Netflix series) teaser trailer revealed


"Resident Evil Netflix live action series is nothing like the games, and that's a good thing."

"The cast of the Netflix live action series is diverse, stunning, brave and exactly what Resident Evil needs right now."

Sorry, what??
I cannot believe did say that lololol



and some humor?
I watched all 8 episodes in one sitting since I have Covid and nothing else to do I didn’t like it the daughters so annoying and whiny.


Man this show is terrible. Whoever did the zombie make up should never get work. Shit is so bad. And of course the daughters are depressed problematic children.


Gold Member
Can't say that I'm surprised or shocked that this is pretty bad. I mean, it does seem and sound awfully pander-y in a number of ways. Then you add characters that act like overgrown angsty children? Who wants this? Seeing Gamespot give it a 9 and said it was amazing basically solidified it being ass for me, lmao.
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Honestly, Lance Reddick as Wesker is the thing that bothers me the least. The guy is a great actor, he could even play Hitler and I'd be ok with it.

It's the entire cast made of strong, diverse women that seems to yell "AGENDA" that bothers me.
I rate Lance really high actually, it just makes no sense. But yeah im not watching this


advanced basic bitch
More boring forgettable content for this the era of streaming services. Nobody will remember this next month. Please be excited for next product. Stay subscribed!


I'm glad to see a large number of folks here appreciate Lance. He was honestly the only reason I had any interest in this at all. But it was always rivaled with other feelings, lmao. I hope he got a fat check for this.
He's literally the only good character here. Literally

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
They already did Resident Evil dirty, twice in a row!

I just want them to do a fucking Live Action of Arklay Mansion incident similar to how the FMVs were presented, but with better production value and dialogue.
But, because mfers want to tick boxes and score diversity points, they're running this shit into the ground. It seems they'll never top The Alice based movies, at this rate. The games are still king.
You know what? Fuck it, I'm going to throw on RE1R, right now. :messenger_sunglasses:


Writes a lot, says very little
They already did Resident Evil dirty, twice in a row!

I just want them to do a fucking Live Action of Arklay Mansion incident similar to how the FMVs were presented, but with better production value and dialogue.
But, because mfers want to tick boxes and score diversity points, they're running this shit into the ground. It seems they'll never top The Alice based movies, at this rate. The games are still king.
You know what? Fuck it, I'm going to throw on RE1R, right now. :messenger_sunglasses:

....the studio that made those films, made this show.


So like besides all the whining about diversity, how's this compare to the old RE movies? I mostly enjoyed those.


Can't say that I'm surprised or shocked that this is pretty bad. I mean, it does seem and sound awfully pander-y in a number of ways. Then you add characters that act like overgrown angsty children? Who wants this? Seeing Gamespot give it a 9 and said it was amazing basically solidified it being ass for me, lmao.

I wonder… if there was… any motive behind the Gamespot score… other than quality of the show…?

For real though, this is a HARD PASS from me. Garbage tier stuff.


I watched the 1st episode.

Eh. I liked it. I'm interested to see how the world ended and how the sisters are enemies etc.

I mean don't go into it expecting an action packed RE movie style experience and get its a pseudo-horror drama set in the RE universe... it's fine.

I have a high tolerance for this kind of stuff though.


Fuck are they going to 12 monkeys this shit? As soon as I saw the rabbits I had a sinking feeling. Hopefully not cause that'd be lame as hell.

I like it otherwise. At least the first episode


4-Time GIF/Meme God
Honestly, Lance Reddick as Wesker is the thing that bothers me the least. The guy is a great actor, he could even play Hitler and I'd be ok with it.

It's the entire cast made of strong, diverse women that seems to yell "AGENDA" that bothers me.
He could do a hell of a Wesker, but what happens? He is just a lame doctor who wants to do right and screw up with the virus and stuff

Also, the show is mostly about his daughters (because that's a thing now), and guess what, one it's a FUCKING VEGAN WHO CREATES A FIGHT BECAUSE OF IT AND THE EPISODE PASSES 10 MINUTES CRYING ABOUT IT

For fuck sake. It's worse than Halo

Fuck you, Netflix


Gold Member
I wonder… if there was… any motive behind the Gamespot score… other than quality of the show…?

For real though, this is a HARD PASS from me. Garbage tier stuff.
Probably. I mean, I didn't read that review, I didn't care to. But a lot of the snippets and blurb text throughout said things like it was "the best live action Resident Evil material yet" and other similar things. Which is extremely bizarre to me, lmao.

The only con was something about how "those that like canon stuff may not enjoy it" or something along those lines. The few individual reviews I read were far from positive across the board, lmao.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
I don't get those racists at Netflix.

Not holding to the universe, and cast people who doesn't look like the lore is straight up racism. It's white washing.

Just see witcher.





But hey, as long as its the crackers we remove then everything is OK because of diversity and such.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
I don't get those racists at Netflix.

Not holding to the universe, and cast people who doesn't look like the lore is straight up racism. It's white washing.

Just see witcher.





But hey, as long as its the crackers we remove then everything is OK because of diversity and such.

I'd just go back to Witcher 3 for my fix. It can't be beaten by it's live action counterpart, period. It leaves me with the question: What is the point of transferring these awesome IP to TV/Silver Screen if you're not going to respect source material?
Pointless endeavor.
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I don't get those racists at Netflix.

Not holding to the universe, and cast people who doesn't look like the lore is straight up racism. It's white washing.

Just see witcher.





But hey, as long as its the crackers we remove then everything is OK because of diversity and such.

2 of the 3 have at least one white parent no?


Writes a lot, says very little
Screen Gems/Columbia? I'll binge it just so I can shit on it with impunity.

All their stuff has always been like horror fast food to me. I've never felt any of the films where the best, but entertaining, even when you are shitting on them lol So I have nothing against the show as it doesn't look any better or worse then what I've known the film series to be so...


I'm on episode 2....and so far all of the male characters are either, evil, idiots or weak or a combination of the three (except for Wesker, but hey its still early)
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Gold Member
Can't say that I'm surprised or shocked that this is pretty bad. I mean, it does seem and sound awfully pander-y in a number of ways. Then you add characters that act like overgrown angsty children? Who wants this? Seeing Gamespot give it a 9 and said it was amazing basically solidified it being ass for me, lmao.
Can’t wait for my Rotten Tomatoes litmus test.
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