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RESOGUN |OT| It's about kicking ass, and voxels


Junior Member
New game modes with trophies, SMAA, local co-op, 60fps Armageddon, VFX improvements.

That's my prediction.


Housemarque just posted this interview on FB.

Anything you guys would change about the gameplay if you had the chance?

Nothing crucial. Details, mostly. Clarifying some mechanics for example, what’s the relationship between humans and multiplier, things like that. Most of what we want to improve will be improved very soon. When we want to really change things up, we create new modes (wink, wink).
So for the "beat the game with ___" trophies, does that mean in 1 run or what? Beat all levels on Experienced with Nemesis but started the final level in a different sitting. Do I have to do it without continuing? I got it for Ferox on Beginner, can't remember if I did it without continuing.


Anyone on right now that wants to do a veteran play trough for the trophy? Remember continues are allowed for this trophy it's only the experienced one that needs a single plays through no continues.

Psn: sc-viciousds

Hopefully someone comes along in the next 30 minutes!


Last level on Veteran is kicking my ass hard, therei s just too many enemies at once and all are super fast and super aggresive, I have only reached teh boss maybo two times with zero lives and get killed at the last phase.

I guess I should practice then, that was only the second day of playing.


Last level on Veteran is kicking my ass hard, therei s just too many enemies at once and all are super fast and super aggresive, I have only reached teh boss maybo two times with zero lives and get killed at the last phase.

I guess I should practice then, that was only the second day of playing.
Try one of the other ships if you're struggling.


I do worse with the other two, I can't even reach the boss, I like Nemesis even if its weaker.
I was actually going to suggest Nemesis as most people are using Phobos (is that the right name? It's been a while) because of the scoring you can achieve with that ship. I did most of the progression trophies with Nemesis as well.


Last level on Veteran is kicking my ass hard, therei s just too many enemies at once and all are super fast and super aggresive, I have only reached teh boss maybo two times with zero lives and get killed at the last phase.

I guess I should practice then, that was only the second day of playing.

During the last phase of that boss you can go underneath it, and be safe from the firing. You just need to move with boost every once in a while to stay under the cover.

I platinumed the game with Nemesis, so I'd recommend using it just for the boost capacity alone.


I was actually going to suggest Nemesis as most people are using Phobos (is that the right name? It's been a while) because of the scoring you can achieve with that ship. I did most of the progression trophies with Nemesis as well.

Something really weird happened, you see I was confident I was going to do it with Nemesis but I got impacient because I always ended up at the boss with no lives and no bombs nothing, so I started changing like you suggested firs to Ferox or whatever the "balanced" ship is and I got destroyed pretty bad but then I went with Phobos, now this ship learning curve to master it is something else but once you master it you start destroying everything in sight.

I finally did it but not with Nemesis but with Phobos lols, is really powerfull and that overdrive is insane, I managed to beat it and get the 15x trophy too.

Now I only need the 1cc that I think will be with Phobos too and the other 3 trophies about finishing the game with one ship only, the Platinum is near I can feel it.

Thanks for the suggestion.


During the last phase of that boss you can go underneath it, and be safe from the firing. You just need to move with boost every once in a while to stay under the cover.

I platinumed the game with Nemesis, so I'd recommend using it just for the boost capacity alone.
I'm really good with Nemesis but for the last level I couldnt beat it I just couldn't.

Had to be done with Phobos.

Now that first level on Master, God damn son, everything is firing and everything is fast as hell, lol.


Gold Member
The last shmup I invested a lot of time in was Hades of Nebula on C64 when I was a kid.

That being said, I absolutely suuuuck at this game. Took me about 4 hours just to get to the final level last night on experienced. Then I spent another two hours trying to beat the final level so I could get the trophy for the specific ship I was using, didn't happen. I couldn't even make it to the final boss and eventually had to go to sleep, lol.

Super fun though, even when a little frustrating.

Does anyone have any tips? or am I just too inexperienced in the genre. Seems like my mind can't comprehend the amount of madness that's going on all at once and I always get hit by something I didn't see.


Yeah practice and learning every single enemy behavior is what helped me beat it on Veteran.

When you play lots and lots of it eventually will become a thing of pure inertia in where you can almost anticipate everything thrown at you but some tips I got reading this thread are:

Boost is good for when you are overwhelmed of enemies, using it as an escape, use it in short burts and you can always have it at your disposal, Nemesis is King with this.

Patience and learn patterns, this game teached me to be patient in learning patterns, you will get destroyed lots of times especialy in Veteran, but after some time you will master it and laugh at how you earlier got destroyed, similar to how Souls games are.

Of course this game demands pure focus and attention, a single bad move or mistake will get you killed lol.


Gold Member
Thanks to the both of you.

I've been playing for the last 30 minutes and I managed to get to the last 2 humans, so the last phase before the boss. I guess that's a bit of progress, even though my next couple runs were awful, lol.



Incredible game, really fun and a little hard to get the Platinum to someone like me that plays maybe 2 hours every other night.



Neo Member
i love this game, iv been playing every day since ps4 launch lol. I only play master since thats the only one that gives me challenge. The only thing i struggle with is the second boss. If there isnt any other player there , i usuallly die or lose two lives. it's brutal with phobos since its so slow. all other bosses are easy though.
I hope h,m does some dlc for this game, maybe add an extra plane and more abilities.


Here's an interesting interview with Housemarque.

Overall development from the concept stage to code:

So, while hard at work on the way the game looks, the team was also down to the nitty gritty iterations of gameplay. Over the months things have changed quite a bit in all the key areas of the game. There have been builds featuring “options” (like Gradius or R-type), meaning some small drones circling around the ship and adding firepower to your ship. For a long time we only had one central tower where the player had to deposit both humans and green energy cubes to generate power ups.

In this version the humans run around a treadmill and build the weapons for you – that idea was abandoned because it made the gameplay gravitate too much around the same spot. Experiments with a weapon shop worked great, but the idea was abandoned because it slowed gameplay too much between phases. We were also planning a World Map to track players’ progresses – that was axed because it felt like an unnecessary layer between the player and the action.

The gameplay elements associated with humans have evolved over time as well: for instance we used to have “normal” humans, “special” humans, and even “expiring humans” – all that is pretty much gone now, with the possible exception of the Throwing Human button, born as part of a “refill-human-energy” mechanic and kept because it was just fun to use.

One of the most crucial choices we had to make involved the “twin-stickness” of Resogun: we experimented with the possibility to shoot at 360°, but it didn’t feel right because it turned the player into some sort of “moving turret” – move a bit, shoot in every direction, move again – so in the end we settled for left and right. If we had made the opposite choice back then, you’d be playing a very different game now.


Creation of high definition assets optimized for 1080p:

Talking about 1080p, the lack of SD limitations means that we were allowed to design enemies, humans and pick ups in a specific way, using maximum contrast between blocks, shadows, etc. To make a long story short, if the game was working at a lower resolution, all these elements would literally look different in shape. The same is true for texts and particle effects: at 1080p we were able to communicate effectively abstract concepts without stealing estate from the gameplay.


Challenges faced due to PS4′s slower CPU speed/Core Speed and targeting 60fps:

One of the main advantage of consoles over PC is that, independently from the CPU speed, the console-specific libraries are usually much faster than comparable libraries on PC. Reaching 60fps was our goal from the beginning, because it makes the gameplay so much more fluid. It wasn’t a terribly hard result to achieve: all game code is heavily multithreaded, so all available PS4 CPU cores were put to good use.
Much more in the link.


Much more in the link.

That's a really good read, so what's this new content going to be... DLC or a stand alone affair? I confess to knowing nothing at all despite loving the game, getting the play and completing it on Master (whatever it's called with the revenge bullets).

I'd love another Resogun fix.


That's a really good read, so what's this new content going to be... DLC or a stand alone affair? I confess to knowing nothing at all despite loving the game, getting the play and completing it on Master (whatever it's called with the revenge bullets).

I'd love another Resogun fix.

These are the things they've recently posted on their FB site about the upcoming DLC.

A pic with a caption, "First of many things to come #RESOGUN #DLC #teaser"

Local two player mode?

Big Resogun Updates Incoming - Game Scoop!


Hey GAF, I'm playing through the game on Experienced difficulty using Ferox. I finished the first four planets, but since I was hitting a wall with Mefitis, I decided to finish it on Rookie in order to see what the final boss looks like. I beat the game, got the 'Cool trophy!' gold trophy for finishing the last planet, but didn't get either the 'Conqueror' trophy (complete all levels) or the 'You have completed basic training!' trophy (complete all levels on Rookie difficulty). Any idea why that might be? In between, I also played the first planet with another ship to get the boost-only trophy.

Does selecting 'Arcade' or 'Single Planet' have an importance? I know that the ship-specific trophies ('Pilot of ...') must be obtained in one sitting, but is it the same for 'Conqueror'? It appears that the difficulty trophies stack, so going Experienced>Rookie shouldn't have prevented me from getting 'You have completed basic training!'. I'm practicing to beat Mefitis on Experienced, I got to the boss's second phase twice, so I hope this will all resolve soon. I could also try and beat the other planets on Rookie to see if this changes anything, I guess...


Had this since launch and only played through through to the last level for the first time yesterday and have a few easy questions for the people who know the game.
  • People, I know to pick them up and save them when they're free but how do I know if one has been freed?
  • Sometimes they've died inside their little glass box thing, is it a matter of me shooting everything to keep them alive?
  • What the hell does a "keeper" look like?
  • The green pixels that fill the screen when destroy something, are they where your points come from?
  • Boost, Overdrive & Bombs. Is it just a matter of shooting a load of stuff to recharge them?
  • Why the hell haven't they released a Crossbuy version of Super Stardust on the PS4 yet???
Thanks!! :)


Hey GAF, I'm playing through the game on Experienced difficulty using Ferox. I finished the first four planets, but since I was hitting a wall with Mefitis, I decided to finish it on Rookie in order to see what the final boss looks like. I beat the game, got the 'Cool trophy!' gold trophy for finishing the last planet, but didn't get either the 'Conqueror' trophy (complete all levels) or the 'You have completed basic training!' trophy (complete all levels on Rookie difficulty). Any idea why that might be? In between, I also played the first planet with another ship to get the boost-only trophy.

Does selecting 'Arcade' or 'Single Planet' have an importance? I know that the ship-specific trophies ('Pilot of ...') must be obtained in one sitting, but is it the same for 'Conqueror'? It appears that the difficulty trophies stack, so going Experienced>Rookie shouldn't have prevented me from getting 'You have completed basic training!'. I'm practicing to beat Mefitis on Experienced, I got to the boss's second phase twice, so I hope this will all resolve soon. I could also try and beat the other planets on Rookie to see if this changes anything, I guess...

I think you need to complete all the five levels on arcade to get the Conqueror trophy.

Had this since launch and only played through through to the last level for the first time yesterday and have a few easy questions for the people who know the game.
  • People, I know to pick them up and save them when they're free but how do I know if one has been freed?
  • Sometimes they've died inside their little glass box thing, is it a matter of me shooting everything to keep them alive?
  • What the hell does a "keeper" look like?
  • The green pixels that fill the screen when destroy something, are they where your points come from?
  • Boost, Overdrive & Bombs. Is it just a matter of shooting a load of stuff to recharge them?
  • Why the hell haven't they released a Crossbuy version of Super Stardust on the PS4 yet???
Thanks!! :)

1. There's a green arrow right next to your ship pointing towards a freed human, and human icon flashing on the top of the screen.


3. They're the glowing ships, that free the humans when destroyed.

4. Not to my knowledge.

5. Boost and overdrive charge, the speed depends on the ship you use. You get bombs from certain Keepers.

6. No idea.


we all knew her
I had never heard of this game before I got my PS4 a couple days ago. Downloaded it last night and I'm in love. I like SSHD, but didn't love it (I think it's significantly less enjoyable than Geometry Wars, my twin stick shooter GOTF). This is great, though. I'm going to lose a lot of time to it.


Yeah, it's definitely a way up from SSHD and Dead Nation. The former never really clicked with me, and the latter was pretty good, but nowhere near as addicting as this. Playing DN again on the PS4 after all this time underlined its shortcomings.


Absolutely loved this game, I got addicted.
Just got the platinum trophy for it, actually it's my first ever platinum.

The music was great, and suited the game perfectly. The intense fast paced game play was absolutely addicting, especially at Veteran and Master difficulties. I've obtained every trophy and I still find myself playing to try to top my old scores! So glad I had PS+ in November, even if I didn't I'd buy it.


Thanks for the advice Melchiah, it fixed it self when I finished Mefitis on Experienced with Nemesis.

Hey GAF, anyone wanna join me on my quest for the 1CC trophy? I believe I could get it on my own, since it's the only one I'm missing, but I feel it would be more fun to share this moment! I tried with randoms, but couldn't get very far, except for one attempt where we both stupidly ran out of lives on Mefitis. I'm in France by the way, and can play in the evenings or on the weekend :)



Patch on 23rd, DLC on 25th (EU) and cost €4.99.

The patch will go live for everyone on June 23. The Heroes expansion will then go live on June 25 and the full price will be €4.99. But, we are also providing an option for you to buy a season pass that includes the Heroes expansion pack, and will let you be the first to download more great game add-ons that we are developing, as soon as they’re released, at no extra cost.

Future expansions will add yet more game modes, along with a range of other content, additional trophies and the original soundtrack, and the season pass is attractively priced at a lowly €7.99, which is simply a steal for the convenience it offers and ensuring you have the full and definitive RESOGUN experience.

And, if you don’t have RESOGUN, there will be a discount on the main game from 25-June to the 8-July.
Don't normally go for passes, but I'll make an exception for this.


Will totally be getting a season pass. I feel like I should give them some money for the hours I've spent playing the free copy of the original game even if the season pass flops. Also local co op is giving me a reason to finally buy a 2nd controller.


Awesome, so that season pass price might be $9.99 in AmericaBucks. I can imagine them pricing it at $14.99 though. Either way it's a good price to me.


Yeah so the game feels much harder now, especially if you try to use Phobos. That was my go-to ship before, but it feels kinda useless now. The gun doesn't seem to be powerful at all, even compared to Ferox. So it lacks mobility and firepower. I'm interested to find out what some of the better players think about the changes (paging JoeFenix!)

I don't mind very much, it's just weird to take bosses out faster with a Ferox build than a Phobos one. I've been using my custom ships but their stats hardly differ and you don't choose how powerful your gun is.


haha there's nothing like being the first to buy DLC so your first try at a mode lands you in the top 50. And then the next day you aren't even in the top 500.


Survival is awesome btw. It seems like it'll be a good idea to build a ship with lots of boost attribute.
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