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Rio Olympics : Egyptian Judoka Refuses to Shake Hands With Israeli

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Then he shouldn't have gone to the Olympics. He wanted the glory but didn't want the responsibility of adhering to the rules and customs of the sport. You don't get to pick and choose like that.

Maybe he didn't have the opportunity to pick and choose. But you brought me a doubt to mind. How would this guy reacted if he won?


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
It isn't anti-Semitism, it is the Arab people not condoning Isreals actions against Palestine.

Okay, so what does that have to do with two athletes from Egypt and Israel competing in the olympics?


So basically he's a loser on all fronts for losing with a name like Islam, dishonoring Judo/Olympic conduct and being unsportsmanlike . Ggs to Mr. El Shabadabadoo. The world needs less of you.


It isn't anti-Semitism, it is the Arab people not condoning Isreals actions against Palestine.

It wasn't Bibi he left hanging.

You're telling me he can't and shouldn't differentiate between policy makers and athletes? Too much to ask? These fucks need to set their calendars forward before leaving their countries.

Good for him. He shouldn't have competed against the Israeli in the first place. Normalization can't happen until the Palestinians get their civil rights.

They lost their land decades ago in war. Most of the borders on Earth are drawn by war. It sucks and it's the furthest thing from perfect. Most of us are able to deal with it civilly.


Good for him. He shouldn't have competed against the Israeli in the first place. Normalization can't happen until the Palestinians get their civil rights.


Good for him. He shouldn't have competed against the Israeli in the first place. Normalization can't happen until the Palestinians get their civil rights.

Then he should have not attended the Olympics in the first place instead of acting like a cowardly little bitch.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Spirit of the games? Boycotting is actually quite normal in the Olympics as well as throwing obscene gestures.

That's true. So he could... boycott the games and write a piece about why he is doing so. Not shaking his competitors hand isn't some grand form of protest. Say you won't compete against that person, sure. I could buy that. But what's the point of doing this? Winning a medal and turning it down would be something. But this is just rudeness. It doesn't tilt the scales or send any type of message.

What's the point of showing animus to competitors because of what their respective countries are doing? Should the US delegation start boo-ing North Korea or Iran during the parade of Nations as a protest?
Once the situation between Palestine and Israel is sorted out then things might become normal that is until Palestine becomes a country again.


Is antisemitism a just cause these days?

Was it antisemitism? You are automatically assuming that Israeli = Jewish which is a stereotype. Furthermore if it was a Jew from another country would Islam have acted the same?

You're using stereotypes to come to your conclusion.


That's true. So he could... boycott the games and write a piece about why he is doing so. Not shaking his competitors hand isn't some grand form of protest. Say you won't compete against that person, sure. I could buy that. But what's the point of doing this? Winning a medal and turning it down would be something. But this is just rudeness. It doesn't tilt the scales or send any type of message.

What's the point of showing animus to competitors because of what their respective countries are doing? Should the US delegation start boo-ing North Korea or Iran during the parade of Nations as a protest?

No one said that it was the best thing to do. I said the Olympics are not about the spirit of the games. The Olympics have always had nationalist undertones.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Is it that hard to put 2 and 2 together?

Egypt and Israel have had a peace treaty wtih each other for decades. These olympians are representing their nations on the global stage. Refusing to shake your opponent's hand is either anti-semetic, or being a poor ambassador. Both dishonor Egypt and the spirit of the olympic games.

Edit: and athletes from countries at war have no problem respecting each other


It wasn't Bibi he left hanging.

You're telling me he can't and shouldn't differentiate between policy makers and athletes? Too much to ask? These fucks need to set their calendars forward before leaving their countries.

They lost their land decades ago in war. Most of the borders on Earth on drawn by war. It sucks and it's the furthest thing from perfect. Most of us are able to deal with it civilly.

This argument always comes up to support Zionism but it fails to mention that you can acquire territory by war. That's per International law.

Furthermore it is a dangerous line of thought that justifies further war.

Deleted member 231381

Unconfirmed Member
It's pretty shitty of him. As much as Israel's policies towards Palestine are abominable and deserve condemnation, a fellow Judo player is just that: a fellow Judo player, who for all Islam knows might be against the current status quo. People might represent their countries at the Olympics, but they do so in the abstract. They don't represent every policy and every law.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Looks even ruder in gif form:


Dude even gave him a chance for a high five but was still shot down.

I sit here thinking: Is a point awarded for getting your competitor outside the square ring? Could avoiding the handshake end up getting the guy outside the ring, losing the match? Win by Handhake? Interesting possibility :D

But yeah, it's rude.


This argument always comes up to support Zionism but it fails to mention that you can acquire territory by war. That's per International law.

Furthermore it is a dangerous line of thought that justifies further war.

The damning line of thought should be damning people because of the historic actions of their governments. I don't agree with a lot of US foreign policy and it would be terrible for myself or my family (none of whom are statesmen) to be judged for it abroad.

I try to afford others what I wish for myself.


Egypt and Israel have had a peace treaty wtih each other for decades. These olympians are representing their nations on the global stage. Refusing to shake your opponent's hand is either anti-semetic, or being a poor ambassador. Both dishonor Egypt and the spirit of the olympic games.

Kind of reductionist there. Furthermore, a dictator in Egypt made peace with Israel in many ways so he can curry favor with the West. It was not a peace between people but a peace between the rich and the powerful which is part of the problem.


Maybe he didn't have the opportunity to pick and choose. But you brought me a doubt to mind. How would this guy reacted if he won?

He wasn't forced to participate. In fact, he was being pressured to not participate. He insisted on competing. If it were me and I were that insistent? Of course I would bow and shake the man's hand.


Was it antisemitism? You are automatically assuming that Israeli = Jewish which is a stereotype.
Ori Sasson is Jewish, so I'm not sure what your point is.

As for the handshake, political statements are made at the Olympics all the time. I'd consider this an extremely mild form of protest.


If it was legitimately out of curiosity, then it sure does. It lets him ask a question he has no answer for to learn whether the situation is evaluated differently or not. Is everyone learning something new? Probably not, but if one person learns something new then he has a right to ask questions, even if the politics of it make it intimidating to be direct.

Sure if that's what he's doing. But to be like "lawl im playing devils advocate anyway stop picking apart my argument" is annoying as fuck.


The damning line of thought should be damning people because of the historic actions of their governments. I don't agree with a lot of US foreign policy and it would be terrible for myself or my family (none of whom are statesmen) to be judged for it abroad.

I try to afford others what I wish for myself.

Nothing you said makes any sense whatsoever. You are spouting words to make yourself look smart.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk

No surprise if he's a salafi ultra-conservative, as reported on some sites. But still disgusting. Don't compete at the Olympics, hell, don't practice judo if you can't even follow the basic founding principle of it. Not shaking and worse, not bowing is just so disrespectful not just to your opponent but to the art itself. It's basically saying "fuck budo, I don't give a shit"

"Judo should be free as art and science from any external influences, political, national, racial, and financial or any other organized interest. And all things connected with it should be directed to its ultimate object, the "Benefit of Humanity."

-Jigoro Kano, the founder of Judo


Ori Sasson is Jewish, so I'm not sure what your point is.

As for the handshake, political statements are made at the Olympics all the time. I'd consider this an extremely mild form of protest.

So? Your point? People are saying antisemitism but did Islam refuse to shake his hand because he was Jewish? or because he represented Israel?

There's a big difference there.
if you cant shake another mans hand then you have nothing in the olympics to do.

Its the same if you come to my country of sweden and you cant shake someones hand just cause she is a woman and its not something you do in your culture. then you can just go the fuck back to your own country and stay there.

Respect the ways of the country your in or fuck off.


If Ori Sasson did not make the decision to take Palestine's land, why is he to blame for it?

That's not what you said. You said people lose land in war. You are basically justifying taking of land by war. I am saying that is actually false per international law and is also a dangerous form of thinking.


He wasn't forced to participate. In fact, he was being pressured to not participate. He insisted on competing. If it were me and I were that insistent? Of course I would bow and shake the man's hand.

Do we know that for sure? I read that he was pressured to not participate and forfeit the match but there could be some pressure from the federation or the Egypt olympic committee for him to participate. So a catch 22 kind of a scenario.
Don't militias in the area break and disfigure your legs or something horrific like that if you are even remotely caught being sympathetic to the other side, or am I thinking of something else?


Which is better?

Not shaking his hand because he believes in a different god


Not shaking his hand because he was born in a country that did bad things to another country

That's not what you said. You said people lose land in war. You are basically justifying taking of land by war. I am saying that is actually false per international law and is also a dangerous form of thinking.

I'm saying not to blame a person for the actions of their country. Does anyone here make high level foreign policy decisions that they should be held morally accountable to?


Should be sent home and banned. If you can't represent your country at an Olympic event because "security concerns" you should decline to take part. Your country should be banned from taking part as well.

Antisemitism in Islam is horrific and deplorable.

Not an inch should be given in supporting it because "security concerns". Not an inch.
They do this all the time, it's just more exposure now thanks to social media.

BTW Olympic is one giant rolling non-stop money making, currupted machine, there is no such thing as Olympic spirit.
Yeah guys, keep that stupid political ideology out of these incredible important Olympics! Can't people forget nations and regimes they have disagreements with for sport!? What's more important than sport!?

It's rude as Hell but he's trying to make a point. I think the SA comparison was apt enough even though it's not 100% the same.

Why are people making this an anti-Semitic or 'because they believe in a different God'? It's clearly because of Israels actions towards Palestine and Muslims living within their own borders.


I understand why he did it. Of course, sportsmanship is the desired outcome at the Olympics. Crucifying him for not shaking hands is hilarious. OMG SPORTSMANSHIP OH NOOOESSS
Ori Sasson is Jewish, so I'm not sure what your point is.

As for the handshake, political statements are made at the Olympics all the time. I'd consider this an extremely mild form of protest.
a mild form of protest? You should look up how the egyption government treats palestinians, two wrongs don't make a right but you can't ignore it. Protest would be not participating at all.

Anyway it's all nonsense, this is the olympics. Guy just comes off like a sore fucking loser. Same with the bus stunt and same with the guy that forfeited so he wouldn't have to participate with an israeli. Grow up.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Yeah guys, keep that stupid political ideology out of these incredible important Olympics! Can't people forget nations and regimes they have disagreements with for sport!? What's more important than sport!?

It's rude as Hell but he's trying to make a point. I think the SA comparison was apt enough even though it's not 100% the same.
Explain what point he is making, then, and how it contributes to improving, well, anything. It's pettiness, pure and simple.
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