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Rumors of a possible acquisition of CD Projekt Red by Sony

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Has it been 3 months since the last rumour about this already? Ah well, waiting for the inevitable response from CDPR once again.
I don't want to cheer on mergers and acquisitions, but I do think it makes sense for Sony. MS has a massive advantage in Western RPG's, Playstation locking exclusivity on the Witcher would be huge.


Seems like a genuine source and not at all some kind of raging fanboy spouting BS.



Yeah, this is hopefully just stupid troll drivel. CDPR already answered NO just a few days back.

And what the hell would Sony do with GoG? Shut it down? The PR would be horrendous.
It would be a pretty strong acquisition from Sony if true. I just really doubt it to be the case. Not to say nothing isn't for sale, but is CDPR even having that discussion? I highly doubt it. The Witcher 3 has had such strong legs for them and CP77 is having a strong resurgence.


Gold Member
Would be a great but I don't deem it very likely.
Why exactly? CDPR does third party games since forever... playstation will get their games anyway ... so why would be so great ?

The only way this is justified is if sony believes that MS is really going to try and buy out the industry so they are doing moves to guarantee that they have more good studios to keep their business afloat.

And I guess this scenario is possible, consolidations after this ridiculous movie of MS to buy ABK is inevitable I think.


Would be a very fitting response to fightback against Bethesda acquisition.

Do I see it happen?

No Way Commando GIF by 20th Century Fox Home Entertainment
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Maybe Sony thinks they should buy some companies so Playstation still has cool stuff if MS buys alot. A Japanese company here and there, maybe CD Projeckt, ect.


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Bloody tweet is in "foreign", so I ran it through Google Translate, to make it readable in the Queen's English*:

With permission of @MrDryES In his #DryCast today, he talks about the rumors of a possible acquisition of CD Projekt Red by Sony and as a reliable source for him he passed on some data that suggests that this acquisition is closer than what he thought. seems:

(should that be King's English now?)
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M&A negotiations are highly confidential and only a few people in the companies are even party to it. There’s usually an in-house team of 2-4 people involved and the rest is outside counsel lawyers. Most of the board and the CEOs direct reports have no idea about this stuff until after it’s publicly announced.

Put differently, there’s zero chance any random on twitter actually knows anything. Throwing darts against a board blindly and maybe hitting bullseye once doesn’t mean you knew anything.


Yup the consolidation war has begun say goodbye to independent studios now that MS opened Pandora's box. I honestly hope this doesn't happen but It would make sense when Microsoft bought bethesda they essentially took Sony's whole western rpg lineup off the table in one swoop and Sony has a gaping hope in that genre now and they havent had a first party rpg for a while.


I know this is almost 1000% BS but this is a move Sony needs to make before MS does.

They need more RPG's on their console and there's a risk of losing more.
I never would’ve thought as a kid/teen that Sony would be the one that ended up acquiring Bungie. Would’ve been a funny joke at the time

Yet here we are
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Gold Member
I may be wrong here, but it's rather weird that random Spanish dude on twitter would have access to informations about acquisitions of a publicly traded company. It's probably yet another "professional guesser" we have on twitter

I don't think it's gonna happen. CDPR greatly values its freedom and their back catalogue is very sustainable for them to fund more products. They don't need to be acquired by anyone to operate
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