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Sell me on Divinity original sin 2


Gay porn is where it's at.
I've heard tons of good things about this one when it released, some even declared it the best RPG ever made, but since then, no one even talks about it anymore. Saw some gameplay videos online and it looks like it's nothing special?
I really want to get into the genre before BG3
I say just wait for baldurs gate, these games are hard to play back to back especially if you don't normally play this genre. The fun is in all the different ways you can do things.

Plus BG3 is going to have way more roleplaying and options...
And waifus


One of the greatest rpgs of all time. So good that my wife, who inst a gamer, played through it with me in co-op and loved every second of it (she's now chomping at the bit for the full release of BG3).

You just need to play it, it's nearly flawless and has something for everyone.
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I've heard tons of good things about this one when it released, some even declared it the best RPG ever made, but since then, no one even talks about it anymore. Saw some gameplay videos online and it looks like it's nothing special?
I really want to get into the genre before BG3

Ok, I'll sell it for you: it is to CRPG's what Zelda BOTW & TOTK are to action adventure rpg's, it focuses on gameplay first and foremost, but also on reactivity of its world, characters, and story at all levels, you'll thank me later mate, play it now.


I can't say that story and choices you make had a significant impact on me, which is why it's not my favorite game as an RPG. However, it has a delightful turn-based gameplay that effectively utilizes environmental factors and elements with various effects. The characters have diverse abilities, and each of them is pretty good in their own way. I must say that the pyramid/teleport system adds an extra layer of enjoyment to the gameplay too. It took me over 200 hours, but it was incredibly enjoyable. I recommend playing the first game first(it's my favourite); not for the story, but because it has a shorter and simpler gameplay and it makes you apprecite the second one more.


It includes a series of sex scenes fully narrated, straight-faced by the same narrator who does all the game narration. Other than that, the game is fantastic. Writing, combat, world interaction, it's all top tier.

Buggy Loop

… my wife, (she's now chomping at the bit)

Wait What Reaction GIF by MOODMAN

Not supposed to chomp down there


Go for it. It’s great.

But Larian is the same dev here so I can only imagine BG3 will be the better experience when it releases. Might feel a little repetitive too playing them back-to-back.


Gold Member
If you see it on sale grab it. It typically gets steep discounts.

As far as the game itself:
1. It's an Isometric Turn based strategic RPG. So think like Xcom but set in medieval fantasy land.

2. The story is fantastic, you actually start caring about your characters and their story.

3. The combat is deep...there are a massive fuck ton of spells and abilities.

4. There's a difficulty level to suit all skill levels.

5. There's a ton of freedom with what you can do in the game. This freedom does also require creativity to solve puzzles, beat certain boss battles.

6. Because the choices you make in the game are pretty much permanent, it adds replayability to the game to playthrough again not just with different choices, but to have your characters specced in completely different classes. This can result in different people dying or living in the game. For example you may take the Red Prince as a Tank in your first playthrough, but maybe have him as a mage that specializes in pyromancy the second time. There are set characters that are "Canon" for the story, but you can also create a completely new class of character. For example you you could have an undead dwarf rogue type character if you want. Or a Elven Battlemage.

7. It can be played solo or completely online co-op through the campaign and you can delegate what player controls which characters. T

8. There are modifiers that you can use for subsequent playthroughs like faster movement speed to make your second playthrough much faster than the first.

Questions? Ask me anything.
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Ok, I'll sell it for you: it is to CRPG's what Zelda BOTW & TOTK are to action adventure rpg's, it focuses on gameplay first and foremost, but also on reactivity of its world, characters, and story at all levels, you'll thank me later mate, play it now.
You woulda turned me off by saying zelda totk or botw lol as I'm more of the mind that witcher 3 scratches more of an overall action rpg itch than botw and totk do.


Its fun with friends, didn't think I would enjoy it as much as I did. You can almost do anything too with killing everyone/stealing.


Tentacles, exploding bodies, life is worthless. If you like that kinda of settings, you'll feel at home


It's a completely different game.

Different universe, different ruleset. He should play this as well.

My wife started playing it with me and said it was boring, then my buddy with whom we had a 3 player save bailed on us.

Maybe one day...


Never played these types of games but was in a mood for something else. Not gonna lie, it took me about 3 restarts (with some weeks inbetween) before i finally got it.
When I did, i was hooked. There are so many possibilities. The story is great, world (building) is amazing and there's a good set of characters to choose from and NPC with their own story.
Easily one of the best games I've ever played and no other CRPG has seemed to scratch that itch. Pillars of Eternity came close, but just wasn't it (still a good game though).


do you need to play the first one before playing the second one? I have both but havent ever played them sadly.
Best turn based combat in a crpg

I've played through it like 5 times

I hate to say this but, based on the early access build of BG3, DOS2 has much better combat than BG3
  • Surprised
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You can turn your enemies into chicken that runs around. Then turn floor into fire. Chicken takes damage constantly if it runs on fire.


You can throw fossil fuel on enemies, then set them on fire for extra damage. Then poison whole area to boost damage further.


You can backstab your foes, then go invisible. They will keep wasting their APs to reach your other party members.

I could go on and on ....


original sin #1 = eating the apple of knowledge
original sin #2 = inbreeding

So, what's the gist of these games in terms of story? Besides supposed good gameplay yadda yadda, what's it all about? I haven't played them and I need further motivation then "you can kill everyone and combat is great, and there's many choices, bla bla bla".


I can't. It really tries to be funny and doesn't take itself too serious. Some people like it, i don't. BG3 looks more promising, though i remain cautious because it's from the same studio. Their humor just doesn't do it for me.

If you like dumb humor and B-movie writing, go for it.
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It's pretty fun, I didn't know much about it, but picked it up anyway. It's pretty detailed and you can accomplish stuff in ways the game doesn't want you to, and they are okay with that


Gold Member
It’s widely considered by a lot people to be one to the top isometric CRPGs ever made.

If you like CRPGs you should at least try it. What other convincing do you need?
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I can't. It really tries to be funny and doesn't take itself too serious. Some people like it, i don't. BG3 looks more promising, though i remain cautious because it's from the same studio. Their humor just doesn't do it for me.

If you like dumb humor and B-movie writing, go for it.

Hum, guess it may not be for me either, then. Hope BG3 goes in a somewhat different direction.


Gold Member
Hum, guess it may not be for me either, then. Hope BG3 goes in a somewhat different direction.
I'd say the story takes on a more mechanical purpose, you get far too much freedom on what you can do to be able to have a properly cohesive and structured narrative. You meet a man plagued with a curse that rots his body and mind, what do you do? Kill him out of mercy? Try to find a way to cure him? Leave him be? Game is filled with these sorts of encounters that let you 'build your character'.

On the other hand, the origin characters offer much more interesting narratives with unique scenarios made just for them.


Its good buy it.

There ya go 🤣

Deep combat, complex systems that work together, decent writing, nice locations, requires a bit of input from you to get the most out of it though


You woulda turned me off by saying zelda totk or botw lol as I'm more of the mind that witcher 3 scratches more of an overall action rpg itch than botw and totk do.

LOL I get your point, but both BOTW & TOTK give the player more tools in order to interact with the game world, that's why I said Zelda, but I agree that The Witcher 3 does the same regarding story ramifications and player agency in that matter, maybe I should have mentioned W3 to our fellow Gaffer.
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