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Senran Kagura Community Thread: Cuteness Is Justice, Ninjas Are Life


Not quite SK, but I've been enjoying Valkyrie Drive a lot other than it's incredibly easy. I've only played on Hard mode and it's still ridiculously easy. The combat is slightly more in depth than SK (I think it gets a bit more credit than it deserves in this department though) but you really don't need to utilize it properly to win.

I definitely wouldn't recommend importing it since it seems like it'll come eventually. I think it's a good compliment to SK but the gameplay isn't really miles-ahead like some people would have you think. It's basically SK with a second set of combos (square combos for SK, Square AND circle combos for VD), and dashing adds into combo set ups.

It's also frustrating that one of the characters is just basically Minori, same voice actress, same voice, same personality except now she's tall and slightly, very slightly, less childish.

Is there a thread for Valk Drive?

amazon has what looks like the CE (Endless Summer) on sale for 40 bucks today

I liked versus but didn't finish it, is this more of the same or are there good gameplay improvements?

Very solid gameplay improvements especially if you get the PS4 version. It's the same core of course, but characters feel more different (though obviously the uniqueness is a bit limited since there's THIRTY CHARACTERS) and the story structure is no longer TERRIBLE unlike Versus.

If you liked Versus I highly recommend it unless you felt like you're "done" entirely. It's kinda easy to burn out on Musou-ish games, but I think it's easily worth $40 especially with the OST and art book (it's not a huge one, but it's got a decent page count).

Strongly recommend PS4 version though. The framerate and visuals make it feel so much better, quicker load times and the controller are plusses too.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
Not quite SK, but I've been enjoying Valkyrie Drive a lot other than it's incredibly easy. I've only played on Hard mode and it's still ridiculously easy. The combat is slightly more in depth than SK (I think it gets a bit more credit than it deserves in this department though) but you really don't need to utilize it properly to win.

I definitely wouldn't recommend importing it since it seems like it'll come eventually. I think it's a good compliment to SK but the gameplay isn't really miles-ahead like some people would have you think. It's basically SK with a second set of combos (square combos for SK, Square AND circle combos for VD), and dashing adds into combo set ups.

It's also frustrating that one of the characters is just basically Minori, same voice actress, same voice, same personality except now she's tall and slightly, very slightly, less childish.

Is there a thread for Valk Drive?

Very solid gameplay improvements especially if you get the PS4 version. It's the same core of course, but characters feel more different (though obviously the uniqueness is a bit limited since there's THIRTY CHARACTERS) and the story structure is no longer TERRIBLE unlike Versus.

If you liked Versus I highly recommend it unless you felt like you're "done" entirely. It's kinda easy to burn out on Musou-ish games, but I think it's easily worth $40 especially with the OST and art book (it's not a huge one, but it's got a decent page count).

Strongly recommend PS4 version though. The framerate and visuals make it feel so much better, quicker load times and the controller are plusses too.
Do you die in 3 hits in Valkyrie Drive?


Do you die in 3 hits in Valkyrie Drive?

Almost unfortunately no, but enemy bosses do. I almost like that about hard mode in Estival Versus, though, oddly, only trash mob swarms are that dangerous, bosses are still so-so.

Hard mode in Valk Drive feels like Estival Versus on easy.
Not quite SK, but I've been enjoying Valkyrie Drive a lot other than it's incredibly easy. I've only played on Hard mode and it's still ridiculously easy. The combat is slightly more in depth than SK (I think it gets a bit more credit than it deserves in this department though) but you really don't need to utilize it properly to win.

Indeed, you don't need to use the full depth of the combat to progress through the game but is a must if you want maximize your performance. The game is indeed easy one you know what you have to do and you're familiar with the mechanics but before you do that is quite challenging. Have you reached the Chaos/Order levels yet? The bosses have a massive spike in difficulty on them that make a necessity the consumable healing potions.

Although if you want to experiment a true challenge, you have to go to challenge mode and Survival mode. Challenge mode aside of having different trials to make you familiar with the different mechanics, has a gauntlet of fights against all the bosses in the game but the bosses have a considerable increase on their stats and their AI is set at the higher difficulty. Going there without level 50 and serious knowledge in the game's mechanics is suicidal.

I definitely wouldn't recommend importing it since it seems like it'll come eventually. I think it's a good compliment to SK but the gameplay isn't really miles-ahead like some people would have you think. It's basically SK with a second set of combos (square combos for SK, Square AND circle combos for VD), and dashing adds into combo set ups.

The game has a bigger depth and better balance compared to the Versus games, every character is actually fun to play and while Mana has a noticeable advantage due being the only one with long range attacks she isn't downright broken in MP like is the case on EV. There are certain mechanics that are better integrated in VD compared to SK like the destruction of clothing, while in SK is just something aesthetical, in VD it rewards you with a free super that paired with the Drive mechanics will become your main tool to even the odds against most bosses.

There's also the dodge mechanics that create a world of difference with SK but the main reason I find Bhikkhuni's combat superior is the fact it has a fully functional lock on.

It's also frustrating that one of the characters is just basically Minori, same voice actress, same voice, same personality except now she's tall and slightly, very slightly, less childish.

I take you mean Manpakumaru? She grew on me simply for being so damn expressive and hitting like a truck loaded with smaller trucks. Her VA isn't Minori's by the way, is Shiki's

Is there a thread for Valk Drive?

Nope, back when the game was released an Import thread was set up but it quickly devolved into arguments related to the anime and was closed. We can use this thread to talk about the game though.

And speaking of, I can't believe I just realized that Mirei and Mamori's theme in Bhikkhuni is an arrangement of Overdrive




Indeed, you don't need to use the full depth of the combat to progress through the game but is a must if you want maximize your performance. The game is indeed easy one you know what you have to do and you're familiar with the mechanics but before you do that is quite challenging. Have you reached the Chaos/Order levels yet? The bosses have a massive spike in difficulty on them that make a necessity the consumable healing potions.

Although if you want to experiment a true challenge, you have to go to challenge mode and Survival mode. Challenge mode aside of having different trials to make you familiar with the different mechanics, has a gauntlet of fights against all the bosses in the game but the bosses have a considerable increase on their stats and their AI is set at the higher difficulty. Going there without level 50 and serious knowledge in the game's mechanics is suicidal.

Yeah, I was suspecting Survival/Challenge mode would be the real hard stuff but I can't even access the higher levels yet. I assume they're story locked since I beat the levels I had available.

Not sure what "chaos" stuff is, I just started fighting the "error" palette swap enemies and I'm on Drive 9 I think. Enemies are taking a bit longer, but I'm disappointed how the fights between the main characters can be ended in seconds with a super or two. I actually ended one with a single hit from Not-Homura's Square super, but I had Atk x300% at the time too.

The game has a bigger depth and better balance compared to the Versus games, every character is actually fun to play and while Mana has a noticeable advantage due being the only one with long range attacks she isn't downright broken in MP like is the case on EV. There are certain mechanics that are better integrated in VD compared to SK like the destruction of clothing, while in SK is just something aesthetical, in VD it rewards you with a free super that paired with the Drive mechanics will become your main tool to even the odds against most bosses.

There's also the dodge mechanics that create a world of difference with SK but the main reason I find Bhikkhuni's combat superior is the fact it has a fully functional lock on.

I don't really mind any of that in SK other than MP balance (I don't play MP anyway). I enjoy playing almost everyone in Estival Versus (except Hibari, minori and Hanabi who are a bit slow/clumsy...all the stupid characters too, maybe it's intentional). I don't really feel the addition of the circle attacks adds half the depth people seem to credit the game for. It's nice to have a predictable "launch" button and the launch timer being a "circle" is a nice touch, but it's basically SK style weak combos + strong combo stoppers, but there's a second set of weak combos per character.

The lock on is definitely better (though I still dislike using it). I don't find the dodge mechanic that different, it's just hold then release instead of press and it has i frames where I think you just have to dash out of the way first in SK. For better or worse, activating your super is the primary way of "dodging" someone else's super in SK, I think that's kinda valid.

Despite the lock on I fond Phantom X attacks miss quite frequently too, other than Phantom Fall. They don't seem to be worth the time wasted to build attack % either frankly, I'm going slower and getting worse rank after I discovered how to use that system.

I take you mean Manpakumaru? She grew on me simply for being so damn expressive and hitting like a truck loaded with smaller trucks. Her VA isn't Minori's by the way, is Shiki's.

Oh, huh. If that's the case she's doing a dead on Minori impression. Either way I hate that kiddy voice she has. I could tolerate her comic relief if it weren't basically the same deal as Minori.

Speaking of, am I right in assuming there's much less comedy focus in this game? Maybe it's just in the text that I can't read though. There's less CGs in general so it's harder to tell what's going on without being able to read it. The characters are also a bit less silly on average I guess.

Nope, back when the game was released an Import thread was set up but it quickly devolved into arguments related to the anime and was closed. We can use this thread to talk about the game though.

Now that the anime's out and everyone hates it hopefully it won't dominate the discussion lol. I was only ever interested in the game (I love SK and I still haven't bothered to watch the anime). Watching just isn't the same as playing to me.
Yeah, I was suspecting Survival/Challenge mode would be the real hard stuff but I can't even access the higher levels yet. I assume they're story locked since I beat the levels I had available.

Correct, Survival is unlocked when you finish the game and Challenge "Licenses"have to be purchased in the store but they're only available as you progress the story and even then, higher challenges are locked until you finish the earlier ones.

Not sure what "chaos" stuff is, I just started fighting the "error" palette swap enemies and I'm on Drive 9 I think. Enemies are taking a bit longer, but I'm disappointed how the fights between the main characters can be ended in seconds with a super or two. I actually ended one with a single hit from Not-Homura's Square super, but I had Atk x300% at the time too.

The game actually has two endings with different levels each. The normal ending route is unlocked regularly and has the final five drives tagged as Chaos in the mission select menu. The good ending is achieved by getting SS rank on certain stages and its levels are named Order in the mission select screen.

Indeed Drive Breaks are pretty damn powerful but just wait until you have to fight the girls without being able to stock on Drive bars, there you will find a challenge.

I don't really mind any of that in SK other than MP balance (I don't play MP anyway). I enjoy playing almost everyone in Estival Versus (except Hibari, minori and Hanabi who are a bit slow/clumsy...all the stupid characters too, maybe it's intentional). I don't really feel the addition of the circle attacks adds half the depth people seem to credit the game for. It's nice to have a predictable "launch" button and the launch timer being a "circle" is a nice touch, but it's basically SK style weak combos + strong combo stoppers, but there's a second set of weak combos per character.

The launcher attacks can be linked to any attack and the charged one can be used to cancel any other attack, this paired with the handy teleport any circle attack has, allows for a much more fluid and fast paced combat. This is complemented perfectly by how different the girls are from each other, Mana for example can't really abuse launcher attacks in the same way that Ranka can, Koharu is a character that gets progressively stronger as she drives further, Viola has an excellent mix of close and long range attacks and so on. All of this helps to create a combat system that is way more satisfying and test than the Versus games.

The lock on is definitely better (though I still dislike using it). I don't find the dodge mechanic that different, it's just hold then release instead of press and it has i frames where I think you just have to dash out of the way first in SK. For better or worse, activating your super is the primary way of "dodging" someone else's super in SK, I think that's kinda valid.

The Dodge is actually more effective if you use it as you would in a DMC game, not only to avoid enemy attacks but to positionate yourself to use your combos. The dodge is also able to cancel most of the commands in the game, adding another tool to the combat. There's also the "just defense" mechanic that aside of looking really cool it builds little of your meter and again, you will need everything to help you against those boss battles where you can't stock on supers.

Despite the lock on I fond Phantom X attacks miss quite frequently too, other than Phantom Fall. They don't seem to be worth the time wasted to build attack % either frankly, I'm going slower and getting worse rank after I discovered how to use that system.

If you have the lock activated, the phantom attacks will never fail (provided you got the timing right) but you have to keep in mind that those are only triggered if the enemy is launched or tossed to the ground, so you phantom dash is able to carry them into the air. I'm guessing you need a little more practice because I've never failed my phantom combos and those are one of the fastest ways to plow through a wave of enemies, especially with the big focus on mobility this game has.

Oh, huh. If that's the case she's doing a dead on Minori impression. Either way I hate that kiddy voice she has. I could tolerate her comic relief if it weren't basically the same deal as Minori.

Speaking of, am I right in assuming there's much less comedy focus in this game? Maybe it's just in the text that I can't read though. There's less CGs in general so it's harder to tell what's going on without being able to read it. The characters are also a bit less silly on average I guess.

Manpaku isn't childish, she's just incredibly single minded about being well fed. Her voice is matter of tastes, it was one of the things it endeared her to me for example. I'd say the game is closer in tone to Deep crimson than the Versus games, there are silly moments mixed in the plot (like Ranka's crushing real hard on Rinka) but the focus is in developing the plot.

The game get particularly dark once the secret behind the island and the four gods is revealed.

Now that the anime's out and everyone hates it hopefully it won't dominate the discussion lol. I was only ever interested in the game (I love SK and I still haven't bothered to watch the anime). Watching just isn't the same as playing to me.


If you ever want to try the MP, here's my PSN ID Tzitzimine2814
We're finally getting the SK themes, at least in EU



Gives all the fucks
Hey, speaking of which.....released on Tuesday in the US....


lol $2.50 for a character specific bikini, no thanks.
Hey, speaking of which.....released on Tuesday in the US....


lol $2.50 for a character specific bikini, no thanks.

I can't imagine who would buy these individually VS the bundle. $9 VS $12.50 feels like a no-brainer to me, that's practically buy-three-get-two-free.

Bought the bundle without hesitation, need every piece of Senran Kagura I can get my hands on @w@

Also nice to see Miyabi sporting some camel toe O: my goodness


Gives all the fucks
Well crap, I think I triggered a glitch during Renka's 2nd character mission. I think I heard the sound that plays before enemies appear or didn't run into the area correctly (I think I got near it but wanted to explore), making the barrier appear, so I had to exit & start the mission over.


Gives all the fucks
Unlocked Kafuru's story missions....ugh, this won't be fun....

...can't believe I still haven't unlocked the other characters, if they're post game, it feels like I won't use them outside of their own story missions.

Also, out of the 3 sisters, Renka's the only one that's actually fun. Kafuru's shots & specials (save for the Level 5) don't feel like they connect half the time & while Hanabi's not as bad, she's just rather slow with her attacks.

Least I'm now on Day 8 & only need 5 more platforms to destory.

NCR Redslayer

NeoGAF's Vegeta
So i upgraded my 2ds strorage capacity from the stock sd card to 32gb sdhc card and you know what that means
I can download senran kagura 2!


Gives all the fucks
......it just totally hit me another reason why I don't like Kafuru & why her attacks don't feel like they connect.

Her attacks have no sound upon impact on the enemy. Everyone else, you get a sound that tells you you're hitting the enemy & doing damage. This sends the message that your attacks are effective, giving the feeling of satisfaction. But without it, it's harder to tell if your attacks are connecting & get that same feeling.


Gives all the fucks
"Patch 1.20 for #SENRANKAGURA ESTIVAL VERSUS is LIVE - Online Multiplayer stability improvements for both platforms! "


Nice, will probably try multiplayer again then, my experience was pretty bad last time with hits not registering and some opponent teleporting...
Takashi Sensui, the former general manager of Microsoft’s Xbox division in Japan, will take on the position of executive vice president and COO of Senran Kagura publisher Marvelous, according to a Nikkei report.

The newspaper says that Marvelous has solidified plans to place Sensui within the company and an official announcement will be made on June 21 during a general meeting of stockholders.

Sensui retired from his position at Microsoft in July 2015.


Anyone familiar with the guy's work can tell me if this is a good thing?


Gives all the fucks
Finally got the platinum for EV. Nice to see Daidouji & Rin have their own silly stories.

Also holy crap, need 18 more pairs of underwear from the lottery, I've spent over 5,000 zeni & nothing new. Thankfully have over 140,000+ still, but ugh, this is such a slog to constantly having to press X & Square over & over.....

....also did they get rid of the leaf-shaped underwear from SV? I don't recall seeing it when doing the lottery.
Try this

Also shipping only to US? :(

Damn all sold out except the Special and Overseers, even the art book from SV is gone D:

Also kinda confused because when I added everything to my cart and went to check out, it dropped everything except the 2 sets available bringing my total to $10 but the website says no orders under $20? It looked like it went through but uh.. I hope I didn't mess it up.
While not SK, this is sort of relevant: Valkyrie Drive Ataras are up on the JP PSN Store:

Buying all eight at once yields no discount, but it's an option nonetheless!

Awesome, defintely picking them up. Thanks for the heads up

So Marvelous report for their past fiscal year is out


I can't read japanese but going by Google Translate, XSEED has proved itself to be a very succesful branch for them with Story of Seasons and EV reporting record profits overseas.
Quoting myself from EV's OT, since this thread seems to be a lot more active.

I'm kinda interested in this game (just waiting for it to go on sale), but I have a few questions about it.

I see the game has a few interesting Multiplayer modes that are listed in the OP. Unfortunately, I have a very very very shitty internet connection so playing online is out of question. Is there any way to play those modes offline or am I out of luck?

Also, I recently played Onechanbara Z II Chaos and really loved the gameplay in that game. Is this game comparable to that? If so, how does it fare?

And lastly, how long is the game and how much replay value does it have? For reference, I played the hell out of Onechanbara and actually Platinumed it and I thought it had great replay values.

Honestly, I don't expect to get any answers since the game seems to be really niche (like Onechanbara) and it looks like everyone has already moved on from it, but I just said I give it a shot and ask the questions here.

Edit: Nvm, someone actually answered my questions in the OT. The game seems to be right up my ally, so I'll keep a close eye to snatch it when it goes on sale.


Gives all the fucks
Was gonna post that here, but accidentally did so in the EV OT (oh well, still technically on topic).

Weird that they never brought that one free theme that Japan got on PS4 & Vita, I nabbed the PS4 one.
I'm in day 1 for the PC version of SV.

After seeing how awesome EV looked on PS4, I really hope that SV is easy to mod.

Seeing the disparity between textures was pretty annoying and something I'd love to be able to fix on a PC version.

I have a feeling they re-used some of the Vita textures for the PS4 version of EV.

Here's an example of the disparity I'm talking about:

Look at the difference in quality between her eyes and the flower on her arm.

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