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Senran Kagura Community Thread: Cuteness Is Justice, Ninjas Are Life

They actually gave one code that included all 3 PS4 and all 5 Vita themes. That's damn good value, even though I already bought 3. Thanks XSEED!


been playing SV on steam,it's more fun then the Vita because of the smoothness of the game.
fucking 60FPS ROCKS.

Katsuragi is beast,i was level 30 and reached chapter 4 in the level you must train to unlock the ultimate attack,switched to frantic mode and maxed Yin and level 50 in one level.
this level is so good to grind.
can i use that level on all characters?


Gives all the fucks
Is that the one where you have to break 3 or 4 rocks and the level won't advance & will keep spawning enemies until you destroy all those rocks? If so, then yes, it's a great level to go back to & just level up. Not to mention that 9999 combo trophy as well.


Is that the one where you have to break 3 or 4 rocks and the level won't advance & will keep spawning enemies until you destroy all those rocks? If so, then yes, it's a great level to go back to & just level up. Not to mention that 9999 combo trophy as well.
Yes,it's that level.
The trophy is for 7777 combo.
How to choose another character for that level?


Gives all the fucks
Once you beat it, you should be able to go back & use anyone you want. Or it might be once you beat all the stages, I can't remember. Might be "anyone from that school' on beating it, then "any character" after completing their story?


New update for senran kagura SV on steam,fixed most glitches,AND you can turn off cloth ripping and transformation animation
Those animation was cool at first,but they became annoying later.


7/5/16 patch notes
-Fixed various issues with visual effects for Secret Ninja Arts and thrust attacks
-Fixed an issue in the Japanese settings with CGs #13 and #24
-Fixed an issue where blocking Homura's strong aerial attack caused her to dive perpetually (now she only dives for an uncomfortably long time...)
-Fixed an issue causing the TabTip.exe process to interfere with the game running properly

Finally, we added options to turn off cutscenes for clothing tearing, Ninja Arts, and Shinobi Transformations! They're located in the Video section of the Settings menu.


Okay XSEED, you won, I give in.

I'm too weak to wait for another sale on PSN and I don't think EV would go on sale anytime soon anyways, considering that it was released just around 4 months ago.

So, I just bought the game on PS4 full price! Yaaay :)

Now the excruciating wait for the download to finish in a few days begins :(
Okay XSEED, you won, I give in.

I'm too weak to wait for another sale on PSN and I don't think EV would go on sale anytime soon anyways, considering that it was released just around 4 months ago.

So, I just bought the game on PS4 full price! Yaaay :)

Now the excruciating wait for the download to finish in a few days begins :(

Welcome :)

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag


Gives all the fucks
Pre-order bonus for the US confirmed for Valkyrie Drive.....which is just those 8 art cards that you get with the LE from Rice.
The game had a slow start but the more I play it the more I love it.

Thus far Homura and Ikaruga have been a blast to play with. Especially when you level them up and unlock newer moves for them. They are just so fast, I love it. Yagyu seems to be another character that I might enjoy playing with but I have to try her out a little more to be sure.

I've played until the end of fourth day. Story seems to be just an excuse to put characters in this situation and frankly (since I'm new to the series) I didn't have any exceptions from it to begin with so the lack of it hasn't really bothered me. That being said, the Homura side story and that special story about the virus were really hilarious so I hope the game has more of that kind of story.

Can't wait to play and try out more characters. Hoping for more fast & sword based fighting styles.
The game had a slow start but the more I play it the more I love it.

Thus far Homura and Ikaruga have been a blast to play with. Especially when you level them up and unlock newer moves for them. They are just so fast, I love it. Yagyu seems to be another character that I might enjoy playing with but I have to try her out a little more to be sure.

I've played until the end of fourth day. Story seems to be just an excuse to put characters in this situation and frankly (since I'm new to the series) I didn't have any exceptions from it to begin with so the lack of it hasn't really bothered me. That being said, the Homura side story and that special story about the virus were really hilarious so I hope the game has more of that kind of story.

Can't wait to play and try out more characters. Hoping for more fast & sword based fighting styles.

Glad that you're enjoying it. The game definitely picks up as your characters level up.
Finally jumping aboard this series and am primarily in it for the plot (no seriously).

Do Shinovi Versus or Estival Versus spoil any key plot points from Burst or Deep Crimson? Planning to start with Burst, but finding it hard to resist dipping my toes into Shinovi (bought in a PSN sale) whilst I wait for Burst to arrive.
While they aren't directly related, the Versus games do happen after Burst.

I played Burst before touching any of the other games and I'm glad I did. It's the best introduction to the series, story wise.
Oh my god I want dodgeball but the sexiness of watergun is so strong because we all know they're gonna develop some kind of wet t-shirt tech for that.

If only they could combine them. Honestly all four of them sound like they'd be minigames in a DoAX-esque Senran spinoff.
Oh my god I want dodgeball but the sexiness of watergun is so strong because we all know they're gonna develop some kind of wet t-shirt tech for that.

If only they could combine them. Honestly all four of them sound like they'd be minigames in a DoAX-esque Senran spinoff.

This is probably what's gonna happen.


Gives all the fucks
The ball in pinball will just be a boob.....& so will the dodgeball.

Wonder why cooking is listed when we had Bon Appetit.

Watergun sounds tempting, but then for some reason, I think of Bullet Girls....

....but yes, this totally sounds like a Senran Kagura Xtreme Beach Volleyball spinoff.
Dodgeball instead of volleyball is a great idea. Make the whole thing school summer festival themed with tons of cool minigames. Cooking can be in because they can easily re-use what they have from Bon Appetit.

This could be so great. I just need a mode where I can take cute pics like in DOAX3

EDIT also a maid cafe
They all sound great. Just make a game that combines all of them and more!

Fake edit: I just heard of "Bon Appétit!"... WHAT? That sounds so awesome! I wish this was on PS4 as well :(
Oh my god I want dodgeball but the sexiness of watergun is so strong because we all know they're gonna develop some kind of wet t-shirt tech for that.

If only they could combine them. Honestly all four of them sound like they'd be minigames in a DoAX-esque Senran spinoff.

My dream game would be a Minigame collection with support for PSVR so you can either play on a traditional display as usual if you want, or you can play in a "VR Mode" that lets you play specialized versions of the minigames.

For Dodgeball and Watergun fights you can either play in first person and manually throw the ball/shoot the watergun or you can play it like a traditional third person game with a camera view that's used in Luckys Tale that allows you to lean in and check out the player models :p


For Cooking they can implement Bon Appetit style gameplay for traditional controllers and have motion controls for PSVR like this:


and pinball they can make a traditional game for standard use, and a virtual machine for PSVR


Of course the usual dressing room would have VR support so you can check out the outfit changes in full scale.

That would be my dream game, but if I had to be more realistic and choose one to be made without VR support then I would go for Watergun with Dodgeball being a close second.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag

I've finally had some time to play a fair bit of Uppers. The game is overall pretty mediocre, unfortunately, mainly due to how simple and easy it is. It also feels pretty repetitive, even for a beat-em-up, but it's possible that things might get more varied with more play time.

Uppers' biggest flaw is that it's just too simple. You play on small, linear stages and beat up generic thugs- usually just a few at a time. The hook here is that there are girls watching and they request various moves or finishers during the fights. Doing these will give you a power-up/bonus so the goal is to beat up enemies in flashy ways.

There were a number of videos, pre-release, showing various moves the characters could do, which made me think that the game play was being improved from the demos, but a lot of these are context-sensitive and you simply have to be standing in a certain spot to do them, so for the most part it feels like you're just mashing buttons against fairly braindead enemies and then watching the finishers play out automatically. Some of these are pretty cool- you can dunk enemies into basketball hoops, kick them into electric signs, or even stomp them right through the floor, but this only works on specific stages and in specific areas. If you're playing with a partner character, you can switch in and out to keep combos going (and get health back), plus do dual-character finishing attacks.

One thing I should have done sooner was to change the difficulty. The game defaults to easy and it is far, far too easy, to the point that the enemies almost feel like training dummies. Setting the difficulty to hard helps a bit, but even on stages with bosses and thugs together, it still felt a bit too easy. They at least try to attack you on hard, though.

You're also forced to use the characters that the game wants you to on all the story levels. Even though more characters open up (and Daidouji is available as DLC), you can't play as them until you've cleared a stage once already.

The graphics have a very clean, colorful look and the game looks great on the Vita screen, along with a pretty stable, high framerate. Menus are easy to navigate and the load times are quick enough overall.

Since this is a game produced by Kenichiro Takaki, you can expect plenty of perversion, despite playing as (mainly) male characters. This comes from the girls cheering you on. You'll get "panty roulette" sequences for more power-ups, and you might even fall head first into a girl's crotch.


Yeah. It's Takaki, all right!


I'm hoping that more will open up with more play time and that the difficulty will ramp up, but right now is this game is the clear low-end of all the Takaki-produced action games. it doesn't have the speed, mobs of enemies, and crazy air combos that Senran Kagura has and it doesn't have the depth or enemy variety that Valkyrie Drive has either.

I've finally had some time to play a fair bit of Uppers. The game is overall pretty mediocre, unfortunately, mainly due to how simple and easy it is. It also feels pretty repetitive, even for a beat-em-up, but it's possible that things might get more varied with more play time.

Uppers' biggest flaw is that it's just too simple. You play on small, linear stages and beat up generic thugs- usually just a few at a time. The hook here is that there are girls watching and they request various moves or finishers during the fights. Doing these will give you a power-up/bonus so the goal is to beat up enemies in flashy ways.

Is definitely repetitive and for the most part you can blew through the game simply mashing square. The enemies do ge a little more variety as you advance but is not much, just they start using throws and there are like two that have a range attack.

The requests aren't really necessary to fullfill aside of improving your rank, not being able to read japanese I brute forced my way on some of them on the first few chapters but I soon lost interest as their requests got increasingly more obscure and complicated to fullfill. The gameplay also feels like is at odds with the requests mechanics, the gameplay is just to simple to properly allow the player to do some of the requests without trying and failing at least a couple of times.

On level design there's a single stage (a warehouse) where they try to do something different since it has three different "floors" where enemies are placed but again, looking for them is more of a drag than anything.

There were a number of videos, pre-release, showing various moves the characters could do, which made me think that the game play was being improved from the demos, but a lot of these are context-sensitive and you simply have to be standing in a certain spot to do them, so for the most part it feels like you're just mashing buttons against fairly braindead enemies and then watching the finishers play out automatically. Some of these are pretty cool- you can dunk enemies into basketball hoops, kick them into electric signs, or even stomp them right through the floor, but this only works on specific stages and in specific areas. If you're playing with a partner character, you can switch in and out to keep combos going (and get health back), plus do dual-character finishing attacks.

The thing that gets me with those context-sensitive moves is that every character uses the same canned animation when doing them. Is bad enough that there's not a lot of substancial differences between the characters but playing the same animation again and again gets old pretty fast.

The partner mechanic is something that I've found lacking as well. There's enough lag between the tagging out/in that it breaks the flow of my combos and there's not a real interaction between your characters beyond the finisher attacks. Finisher that I've failed to find advantages over the regular finisher.

One thing I should have done sooner was to change the difficulty. The game defaults to easy and it is far, far too easy, to the point that the enemies almost feel like training dummies. Setting the difficulty to hard helps a bit, but even on stages with bosses and thugs together, it still felt a bit too easy. They at least try to attack you on hard, though.

The game does get more difficult arouund the chapter 5. But only in hard and the way is handled doesn't feel fair for the player. Enemies become really fond of turtling, have their health ramped up noticeably and since you can't really cancel your attack animations, is pretty easy for them to gang on you whle you're defenseless. And if they manage to slam you into a wall you're pretty much done for. You just can't recover fast enough.

You're also forced to use the characters that the game wants you to on all the story levels. Even though more characters open up (and Daidouji is available as DLC), you can't play as them until you've cleared a stage once already.

While having the story locked to specific characters on its first run is a given, the two main guys absolutely hog the spotlight. I'm on chapter 6 (out of 7) and they've been the playable characters for roughly, an 80% of the total missions available.The blue haired guy is also the one forced on to you for the intercations with the main girls (the "queens") in what amounts for the Social Links equivalent and the one you are forced to you use on the hub level. So no Daidouji interacting with anyone.

Another weird choice is that the game comes with a dressing room very similar to the SK and VDB's ones but severly limited. You can only change the outfit and underwear of the queens, no accesories at all. Something new is that you can use the dressing room on the guys but only on the two main dudes and you can only change their shirts' colors and logos.

Add that there's no differen moveset among the playable characters (everyone shares the same basic attack string) and characters that punch harder are more valuable in the long term. I have to wonder why they bothered to add so many playable characters at the game.

The graphics have a very clean, colorful look and the game looks great on the Vita screen, along with a pretty stable, high framerate. Menus are easy to navigate and the load times are quick enough overall.

The game framerate tanks when you have many elements on screen. The scrapyard stage for example goes to hell when the different interactables are destroyed and there's a subway one that totally choked on me despite being a single corridor.

Only the playable characters are really well done (recycled animations aside) but the onlook girls' models are from a noticeable low quality and the enemies are just palette swaps of each other. The interactable elements are also pretty generic.

Since this is a game produced by Kenichiro Takaki, you can expect plenty of perversion, despite playing as (mainly) male characters. This comes from the girls cheering you on. You'll get "panty roulette" sequences for more power-ups, and you might even fall head first into a girl's crotch.


Yeah. It's Takaki, all right!

Worth noing those animations can't be skipped and honestly they get old pretty fast.

I'm hoping that more will open up with more play time and that the difficulty will ramp up, but right now is this game is the clear low-end of all the Takaki-produced action games. it doesn't have the speed, mobs of enemies, and crazy air combos that Senran Kagura has and it doesn't have the depth or enemy variety that Valkyrie Drive has either.

You open a store where you can buy health and damage upgrades and combo extensions for you guys plus a survival arena but the core game doesn't change much, so by chapter three you've seen everything the game has to offer.

I wasn't sold on the concept but still I'd liked for it to be good if only so Dai would've more exposure but alas, it wasn't meant to be. Poor Dai always get the short end of the stick.

And is a massive dissapointment coming from Valkyrie Drive, that for me, is the best game Takaki has delivered so far.
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