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September 2010 NPD "Results" [Up3: Dead Rising 2, Metroid, Kingdom Hearts Numbers]


donny2112 said:
It's combined units even with PC. This really is the dark days of PAL Chart threads reborn in the U.S. Hopefully this means NPD threads will eventually get down to two pages per thread, too. :/
looks like they included PC for multiplat games but not PC only games, FFXIV and Civ 5 should be on the chart, weird.


bobbytkc said:
Channel stuffing is to pull up the numbers. No numbers now, so why would they want to do that?

you can channel stuff ahead of a quarterly or yearly report to meet your numbers for the year if you believe there will be a problem. As stated before this usually results in the next quarter shipments as reported to shareholders as very very low.
2 Minutes Turkish said:
Well, if it's all but confirmed that one of the big 3 was the impetus behind this, then evidence points to Sony.

In the US they'd have most reason not to show their figures.

Given they haven't put out their figures/PR where MS and Nintendo have.

Where there's smoke.
But look... Patrick Seybold says everything is hunkydory in Sonyland. Isn't that enough? Who needs numbers when you can have sunshine and lollipops and Sly Cooper and Kevin Butler and - maybe at some point down the road - Gran Turismo 5?


Psychotext said:
There's a difference in viewpoints at play there. The data as a whole belongs to NPD, but the data related to each company's products belongs to the respective companies. That's why the companies can release the data relating to their own products, but not the products of others.

(Else we'd have seen Microsoft posting Nintendo's numbers this month... for instance)
I can go back into my folder of PR statements to see, but I'm fairly sure that Microsoft has done precisely this before -- citing specific third-party software revenue or just software revenue. Sure, it's not hardware units, but it is something.

Edit: I should say, I think Sony has done the same as well. It isn't just one company, so I'm not picking on Microsoft specifically. I just happen to think that MS has released more useful info in their PR than the other two, so they came to mind more readily.


Fredescu said:
Nintendo publicly released their numbers despite having a very poor showing. Sony remain silent. I don't know what your point is.

unfortunately now that npd isnt sharing, i see more of this happening in the days to come.
Dead Rising 2 did better than I expected. There must be something about zombie games and the mass market.

I always had trouble believing the Left 4 Dead games do as well as they do. Those games sold multiple millions of copies in the launch month two years in a row, as if it were Madden or some shit. I can barely get it up for those games on release, and it took Left 4 Dead 2 being $6 for me to bite.
Massa said:
Simple, they want to hide the NPD numbers in order to commit fraud more easily.

I find it VERY hard to actually believe in that theory. I mean, we know that Sony has had issues with shortages this year, plus the PS3(and even the PSP?) had what we assume to be relatively good months..the idea of stuffing the channel's with product is a hard pill for me to swallow.

Additionally, Sony as a corporation has started to turn the corner and it has looked upward for them. I doubt that they would seriously do this when the corporation and the games division specifically are starting to turn profits once again
B-Rad Lascelle said:
But look... Patrick Seybold says everything is hunkydory in Sonyland. Isn't that enough? Who needs numbers when you can have sunshine and lollipops and Sly Cooper and Kevin Butler and maybe at some point down the road Gran Turismo 5?


Psychotext said:
There's a difference in viewpoints at play there. The data as a whole belongs to NPD, but the data related to each company's products belongs to the respective companies. That's why the companies can release the data relating to their own products, but not the products of others.

(Else we'd have seen Microsoft posting Nintendo's numbers this month... for instance)

If the data belonged to the companies, they wouldn't need NPD's permission to release it. NPD owns all the data they release. NPD allows their customers to reveal NPD's proprietary data for their own product only.

NPD's job is much easier if they don't piss off retailers and manufacturers, and retailers and manufacturers are their biggest customers. That's why they do as they're asked.
gcubed said:
if they stuff channels the it will be seen in the next quarterly report. When MS stuffed channels their next quarter shipments were very very low. It can't be hidden forever. They can't stuff channels for years, retailers wont order more... this is a stupid argument
How about this then. They stuffed the channels and purportedly sold 15 million units this year. Factual sales information gets cut from being reported in 65% of the world market down to like 16%. There's no reasonable transparency the call stuff into question now and since they aren't legally obliged to report shipped numbers, guess what? When it comes time to own up to overshipping the last year, shipped numbers are no where to be found in the finacial reports. And they only need to do it for quarter to hide it really. And there's no lieing or fraud going on. Just no info that ends with them being shined in a better light.


While I usually stay away from conspiracy theories, the Sony theory is interesting for a few reasons...

1. The PS3 price drop occurred in September 2009 so this would be the 1st month that YOY sell thru would be compared to $299/Slim PS3. A YOY decline for Sony would go against their main message which has been "X straight months of continued YOY growth"

2. NPD only came out a few days ago and stated they wouldnt be sharing numbers, if it was a plan all along wouldnt they have given a heads up awhile ago?

3. Both Nintendo & Microsoft have already shared their numbers and seem to have a statement ready while it's been all quiet at Sony
jvm said:
I can go back into my folder of PR statements to see, but I'm fairly sure that Microsoft has done precisely this before -- citing specific third-party software revenue or just software revenue. Sure, it's not hardware units, but it is something.

Edit: I should say, I think Sony has done the same as well. It isn't just one company, so I'm not picking on Microsoft specifically. I just happen to think that MS has released more useful info in their PR than the other two, so they came to mind more readily.
Still data relating to their products though, one way or another. Besides that, what we had then isn't what we have now. What we know for sure now is that each company is only allowed to release their own figures, one way or another.


Nirolak said:
I'm not as sure about that one. :p

:p KH and Metroid are probably in 100k-150k range, both Civ and a mainline FF should do better than that even if only most hardcore fans buy them. The whole thing is so vague and useless , they should clarify if this includes PC games or not like before :p .


Crystal Bearer
miladesn said:
:p KH and Metroid are probably in 100k-150k range, both Civ and a mainline FF should do better than that even if only most hardcore fans buy them. The whole thing is so vague and useless , they should clarify if this includes PC games or not like before :p .

Eh... FFXIV probably didn't do so hot.


TheRipDizz said:
How about this then. They stuffed the channels and purportedly sold 15 million units this year. Factual sales information gets cut from being reported in 65% of the world market down to like 16%. There's no reasonable transparency the call stuff into question now and since they aren't legally obliged to report shipped numbers, guess what? When it comes time to own up to overshipping the last year, shipped numbers are no where to be found in the finacial reports. And they only need to do it for quarter to hide it really.

the fiscal year is over in March...

they can overship for a quarter most definitely, but that will show up the following quarter with a low shipment total.

I am hoping you aren't suggesting that Sony, a huge company consisting of much more then a games division, would risk their entire company by covering up losses and missed targets in their games division. I understand a lot of GAF thinks the world revolved around video games, but its just silly now


jvm said:
I just happen to think that MS has released more useful info in their PR than the other two, so they came to mind more readily.

Overall, I have to completely agree. Since the start of the NPD debacle with just numbers for the Top 5, Nintendo's kept up the sales of their Top 10 games, but Microsoft has done that some, too. Overall, Microsoft has definitely given out more "data," though. Tie ratios and revenue, mostly.


Pride said:
2. NPD only came out a few days ago and stated they wouldnt be sharing numbers, if it was a plan all along wouldnt they have given a heads up awhile ago?
Well, NPD has been moving this way. PS2 data, then #6 - #10, then hardware data. And you're assuming that because you didn't hear anything, they weren't telling people like their customers. I was informed a while back that changes were in the pipeline, but given absolutely no details about what those changes would be.

If I were a betting man (and I'm not), I'd wager that we haven't seen the last of the changes.

Edit: Including one more change tomorrow. :|
jvm said:
If I were a betting man (and I'm not), I'd wager that we haven't seen the last of the changes.
It really couldn't get worse.

Hell, getting no numbers would feel less insulting right about now.


Zoe said:
I'm lost. Channel stuffing == fraud now? :lol

The post you quoted was me being sarcastic because the idea being defended by one poster that the numbers reported in Sony's fiscal results are fake is fucking ridiculous. As has been said they can't fudge the numbers significantly with channel stuffing when they report these numbers for every single quarter and have done so for the past 4 years.


Patriotsbball5460 said:
What else could they possibly do?! :lol

Take down everything???
Again, I'm not privy to anything going on at NPD; they're kind enough to answer my emails often enough, but I'm not an insider. But if I were NPD and I were getting enough data about digital sales to make fairly confident estimates, I'd start putting out a Top 20 All-Format chart that included online sales. Without numbers. Such a move would give and take with the same hand -- giving a broader picture of sales at the expense of any useful data points for people like us...

Edit: To be clear, a top 20 retail + digital. Ugly as heck to reverse-engineer...
jvm said:
Well, NPD has been moving this way. PS2 data, then #6 - #10, then hardware data. And you're assuming that because you didn't hear anything, they weren't telling people like their customers. I was informed a while back that changes were in the pipeline, but given absolutely no details about what those changes would be.

If I were a betting man (and I'm not), I'd wager that we haven't seen the last of the changes.

Edit: Including one more change tomorrow. :|

What traditionally happens the day after NPD?


"With a growing array of content options on PlayStation Network, including today's announcement that Netflix will be natively accesible on all PS3s, we are confident that the PS3 will be the console of choice for many families this holiday and beyond. And for all you know, it is. Because now that we don't have to release our numbers to the public, we're always number one."

- Edited Sony PR. Brings a whole new meaning to their Make. Believe. logo.
jvm said:
Well, NPD has been moving this way. PS2 data, then #6 - #10, then hardware data. And you're assuming that because you didn't hear anything, they weren't telling people like their customers. I was informed a while back that changes were in the pipeline, but given absolutely no details about what those changes would be.

If I were a betting man (and I'm not), I'd wager that we haven't seen the last of the changes.

Edit: Including one more change tomorrow. :|
It can't get any worse at this point. What will they do, take away the ranked charts?

Fucking useless.

edit: Ah, they're mixing their statistically suspicious digital estimates in with the retail stuff now? Yep, useless. NPDChartz.
gcubed said:
the fiscal year is over in March...

they can overship for a quarter most definitely, but that will show up the following quarter with a low shipment total.

I am hoping you aren't suggesting that Sony, a huge company consisting of much more then a games division, would risk their entire company by covering up losses and missed targets in their games division. I understand a lot of GAF thinks the world revolved around video games, but its just silly now
What are you going on about? Why would they be risking their company by doing that? There's no lieing or fraud if they leave exact shipment numbers out of their reports for a quarter or two. It'd actually be a really smart thing to do for the company image as the only way to eventually extrapolate it is a year or two down the road on that rare occasion when these companies state their LTD's.


donny2112 said:
No Top 20, then. Okay.
I'm speculating that they'll at the very least change the format. Look at the top 10 we got today ... that's what I'd expect for the top 20 tomorrow. It's the natural extension, no?


Nirolak said:
Well, when Borderlands came out, it only sold 11,000 PC copies at retail, so I think it's certainly possible.
I doubt it did 100k, but Borderlands had a particularly attractive four pack on Steam. No idea what digital options were available to FFXIV, but MMOs would have a higher than normal take up for digital delivery. The retail disks are useless after a year of patches anyway.


bobbytkc said:
I don't get it, the PS3 is actually selling well. Not number 1 in the US, but selling well nonetheless. They just announced they are on track to exceed 15 million this year. So why the conspiracy theories that Sony is the one that pulled the NPD numbers?

If you really want a conspiracy theory, then surely you would have thought that Nintendo would have been more likely since the first month it was outsold by its other 2 competitors also happens to be the first month NDP stopped releasing numbers. And I think even that is a real stretch.

Why would Nintendo pressure NPD not to release sales numbers and then go ahead and release numbers themselves? Despite being outsold, Nintendo still released the exact sales figures of their hardware.

And it's obviously not Microsoft either, they have been in first place these past four months. They've got the best selling hardware (360), software (Reach), and accessory (XBL Points card) at the moment. There's absolutely no benefit to them of hiding numbers when they are currently having their greatest success.

Sony is the only one keeping hush-hush of the big three, and they have the most to gain from these numbers being kept secret. If NPD was pressured by anyone it was most likely Sony.


sparkle this bitch
miladesn said:
<100k even? I can't believe that 0_o wow.
Game is getting ripped a new asshole. Not to mention retail PC titles have done very poorly(Exclusion for Blizzard+Sims :lol)


Crystal Bearer
Fredescu said:
I doubt it did 100k, but Borderlands had a particularly attractive four pack on Steam. No idea what digital options were available to FFXIV, but MMOs would have a higher than normal take up for digital delivery. The retail disks are useless after a year of patches anyway.



Psychotext said:
It really couldn't get worse.

Hell, getting no numbers would feel less insulting right about now.

Next month's top 10 will be presented in a Flash application consisting of a sphere, constantly rotating, with the axis of rotation constantly shifting.

Titles will be color coded, in order of NPD's top ten favorite colors.
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