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so let me guess. FF11 wont run on Xbox 360 without HDD??. perfect


not only FF11. in fact come to think about it. any MMORPG will be needing HDD or most of them anyway.

so MS finally got SquareSoft on their console. just in time to pull off another sony with no HDD. i wonder how SquareSoft feel about MS now.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
As online gaming doesn't work without HDD, FFXI can't be played without one ;).


FFXI can't work without an hard disk,Square re-confirmed that during the E3 interviews.
They said that a game like FFXI can't run without an hard disk because that would require very high speed connections and a lot of space per user and maintenance work on their servers which would lead to higher monthly fees.
For these reasons they also added that they're no sure to bring FFXI on the PS3 beacuse it hasn't standard hard disk.Guess they'll have to revise their plans :lol
One would hope Sony does it so that the PS3 HDD works with FFXI for PS2.

Since it's going to be backwards compatible anyway, might as well got the extra mile and add HDD-support.


Elios83 said:
For these reasons they also added that they're no sure to bring FFXI on the PS3 beacuse it hasn't standard hard disk.Guess they'll have to revise their plans :lol

Good point. Maybe this SKUpendous mistake by MS has handed Square back to Sony? And as Sony lets you use any old 2.5" drive, its actually cheaper to upgrade than Xbox360





The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Yoshi said:
As online gaming doesn't work without HDD, FFXI can't be played without one ;).

Online gaming does work without the HDD, FFXI does not.


Actually that might cause some problems with Square right off the bat. Nothing like IMMEDIATELY pissing off someone you're trying to woo:p


"After hearing that the Xbox 360 would come equipped standard with a hard disk, it was decided that we had no choice but to jump on board."

---Hiromichi Tanaka, Producer, FFXI

"Taking into consideration [the Xbox 360's] hard disk and infrastructure, I think it's a safe bet that in the future, you'll see more and more cases of game makers creating their new network games on the Xbox 360 platform."

---Famitsu, Hamamura Tsushin (Famitsu Wavestream corner)
I wonder what they're thinking now...


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
If square knew ahead of time, it probably won't mean much.. if they just found out recently then.. :lol

Edit: then again, based on those quotes PhatSaqs just posted, they probably did not


Well, considering trying to get FFXI was a move prompted more by Japanese market needs, and we don't know anything about how the X360 launch will be packaged in Japan, there is the possibility that there will be one SKU that includes a HDD in the Japanese market, which might be acceptable to Square in this case.

Just speculation.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
teiresias said:
Well, considering trying to get FFXI was a move prompted more by Japanese market needs, and we don't know anything about how the X360 launch will be packaged in Japan, there is the possibility that there will be one SKU that includes a HDD in the Japanese market, which might be acceptable to Square in this case.

Just speculation.

Very possible speculation, very possible.
teiresias said:
Well, considering trying to get FFXI was a move prompted more by Japanese market needs, and we don't know anything about how the X360 launch will be packaged in Japan, there is the possibility that there will be one SKU that includes a HDD in the Japanese market, which might be acceptable to Square in this case.

Just speculation.

Given the Xbox's Japanese market share, a 'more prompted more by the Japanese market needs' is highly debatable, at least from Square's side of the equation. And those quotes from PhatSaqs would indicate that the HDD being standard (or so they thought) was a big motivating factor, and it's a motivating factor likely motivated by their experience with the PS2 HDD, which they had to pressure SCEA into releasing in the US and never came out in Europe, cutting out one console market all together.

Just because MS has got some Japanese developers on board doesn't mean that they are looking for the same thing.


Yoshi said:
As online gaming doesn't work without HDD, FFXI can't be played without one ;).

I don't believe the Ps2 version of Everquest required a hard drive (at least it didn't when I was in beta). The game wasn't as graphicly detailed as FF11, but it is possible to run a online rpg on a console without using a hard drive.

It will just look like crap :D


Cherubae said:
I don't believe the Ps2 version of Everquest required a hard drive (at least it didn't when I was in beta). The game wasn't as graphicly detailed as FF11, but it is possible to run a online rpg on a console without using a hard drive.

It will just look like crap :D

FFXI already has a sizable amount of patching on the PC and they'll have to do those patches for content on the X360 also.

PS2 EQ wasn't the same game as the PC one, so they could afford not to patch content.


Cherubae said:
I don't believe the Ps2 version of Everquest required a hard drive (at least it didn't when I was in beta). The game wasn't as graphicly detailed as FF11, but it is possible to run a online rpg on a console without using a hard drive.

It will just look like crap :D

please people, stop mentioning everquest ps2.

its barely patched, the graphics are shit, horrid framerates, horrid support, NO content updates... mmorpgs need huge chunks of memory that can be accessed fast. a 64 mb card wont cut it. you're kidding yourselves if you think Square and Blizzard are gonna retool their mmorpgs to make a gimped streaming version for xbox 360. they will require a hdd, simple as that.

and making the hdd non-standard isnt gonna put the much wanted world of warcraft on 360 anytime soon. waste of time and resources.


Redbeard said:

A small percentage of units sold will not include the hard drive? Cancel all development!

small percentage?? :lol :lol :lol

you give americans a cheaper version they will BUY the cheaper version.


Razoric said:
small percentage?? :lol :lol :lol

you give americans a cheaper version they will BUY the cheaper version.

Who the hell is going to buy the core system besides the utterly clueless? Moore said the SKUs would be heavily weighted toward the HDD version anyway.

Besides, do you really think Square was in the dark, when every other developer was told not to count on the HDD? Like it's some big surprise that's going to send them running and putting their MMOs exlcusively on PS3? This seems to be the scenario you have playing out in your head.


"After hearing that the Xbox 360 would come equipped standard with a hard disk, it was decided that we had no choice but to jump on board."

---Hiromichi Tanaka, Producer, FFXI

"Taking into consideration [the Xbox 360's] hard disk and infrastructure, I think it's a safe bet that in the future, you'll see more and more cases of game makers creating their new network games on the Xbox 360 platform."

---Famitsu, Hamamura Tsushin (Famitsu Wavestream corner)



The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Redbeard said:
Who the hell is going to buy the core system besides the utterly clueless? Moore said the SKUs would be heavily weighted toward the HDD version anyway.

Besides, do you really think Square was in the dark, when every other developer was told not to count on the HDD? Like it's some big surprise that's going to send them running and putting their MMOs exlcusively on PS3? This seems to be the scenario you have playing out in your head.

Square knew at some point I'm sure... the problem is Square's statements don't jive with MS' current stance(X360 w/o HD), so I'm curious about the timetable on everything... I'm actually really curious to see if there is any effect on future output from Square.


Redbeard said:
Who the hell is going to buy the core system besides the utterly clueless? Moore said the SKUs would be heavily weighted toward the HDD version anyway.

Besides, do you really think Square was in the dark, when every other developer was told not to count on the HDD? Like it's some big surprise that's going to send them running and putting their MMOs exlcusively on PS3? This seems to be the scenario you have playing out in your head.

i didnt mention PS3.

you guys seriously need to quit mentioning ps3 in all your posts.

And Square did assume 360 HDD would be standard they even said so in a few quotes.

^^ like posted above :O


You can post that quote all you want, it doesn't make any sense.

Either that guy didn't know what he was talking about when he said that, the translation was off, or by "standard" he meant "shipping with the primary version".

MS has been in talks with them for years, they've been telling every other developer not to count on the HDD, and yet somehow Square didn't know? That was one of the very first rumors we heard about the next Xbox, so it's not like it's a recent thing.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Redbeard said:
You can post that quote all you want, it doesn't make any sense.

Either that guy didn't know what he was talking about when he said that, the translation was off, or by "standard" he meant "shipping with the primary version".

MS has been in talks with them for years, they've been telling every other developer not to count on the HDD, and yet somehow Square didn't know? That was one of the very first rumors we heard about the next Xbox, so it's not like it's a recent thing.

Those are actually quotes from two separate people BTW.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Redbeard said:
Who the hell is going to buy the core system besides the utterly clueless? Moore said the SKUs would be heavily weighted toward the HDD version anyway.


When things get hotter in terms of competition, and MS realises the wider market wants the lower priced option, the proportions will start swinging in favour of the non-premium version. Most people beyond the hardcore will look for the cheapest entry possible.


DarienA said:
Square knew at some point I'm sure... the problem is Square's statements don't jive with MS' current stance(X360 w/o HD), so I'm curious about the timetable on everything... I'm actually really curious to see if there is any effect on future output from Square.

I'm curious as well. This simply doesn't bode well for MMORPGs on consoles (with neither MS, Sony nor Nintendo releasing consoles with packed-in HDD.)


gofreak said:

When things get hotter in terms of competition, and MS realises the wider market wants the lower priced option, the proportions will start swinging in favour of the non-premium version. Most people beyond the hardcore will look for the cheapest entry possible.


Imagine with the core system drops to $250. Holy crap. Bye bye HDD. :O


Razoric said:

Imagine with the core system drops to $250. Holy crap. Bye bye HDD. :O

Well, that's the thing. The core system won't sell great at first but over the long time it'll sell the most. This is what sucks. Lets just say Xbox 360 ends up selling 45 million total worldwide. Ok, how many of those do you think will be core bundles? Probably like 40 million over the long run. Which means 5 million users with the hdd. I doubt we'll see developers taking advantage of the hdd for such a small userbase with hdd installed. Coupled with the insanely high price of the 64MB memory card....why split skus? Ugh.


Well, let me post the entire comment from one of IGN's japan correspondents. Developer knew the hdd wouldn't always be there but I don't think they necessarily knew this would be at launch:

"After hearing that the Xbox 360 would come equipped standard with a hard disk, it was decided that we had no choice but to jump on board."

---Hiromichi Tanaka, Producer, FFXI

"Taking into consideration [the Xbox 360's] hard disk and infrastructure, I think it's a safe bet that in the future, you'll see more and more cases of game makers creating their new network games on the Xbox 360 platform."

---Famitsu, Hamamura Tsushin (Famitsu Wavestream corner)


Users here are concerned about potential developer backlash. Apparently developers were left in the dark regarding the system's configuration as well

Xbox fans and other hardcore gamers who were looking forward to the 360 getting a strong headstart (absolutely essential in the Japanese market in particular in order to offset the PS3 buzz) in Japan, particularly those who are tired of the Sony dynasty and the current state of the consumer game industry, are past skeptical and closer to disgusted -- such a high price point despite 1) 360 not being the most powerful hardware and 2) the low recognition and bad reputation of the Xbox brand here has been labeled as more or less suicidal

Despite the Japanese price not having been officially announced yet (TGS next month, along with release date), all past examples point to it likely being approximately $50/5000JPY more than the US prices

Because of the promise and balance exhibited by the platform was so high, the basic sentiment regarding the recent HD/price announcement, in a word, is "mottainai" ("Such a waste" -- meaning such a waste of a golden opportunity to establish some ground here)


Razoric said:

Imagine with the core system drops to $250. Holy crap. Bye bye HDD. :O

And that's where you are wrong.

Rhindle hinted that the core system will be terminated in the very near future and the premium system will get down to $300-$350 bucks.

Now I don't know why should I believe Rhindle but he was spot on on earlier issues.

Core Pack = Dead Alley but a great PR spin and MS knows that. After all they are the king of FUD not without a reason.


Borys said:
And that's where you are wrong.

Rhindle hinted that the core system will be terminated in the very near future and the premium system will get down to $300-$350 bucks.

Now I don't know why should I believe Rhindle but he was spot on on earlier issues.

Core Pack = Dead Alley but a great PR spin and MS knows that. After all they are the king of FUD not without a reason.

So it is exactly like the PSP in Japan.


As long as the core system is an obvious rip-off it will not sell.

Maybe if they dropped the price by $50 and dropped the price of memory cards $10-$20 it'd be different, but by that time the premium system will have dropped also.


Borys said:
And that's where you are wrong.

Rhindle hinted that the core system will be terminated in the very near future and the premium system will get down to $300-$350 bucks.

Now I don't know why should I believe Rhindle but he was spot on on earlier issues.

Core Pack = Dead Alley but a great PR spin and MS knows that. After all they are the king of FUD not without a reason.

I REALLY doubt that will be the case. If anything, the reason MS removed the dependency on the HDD was to be able to streamline the console later on the and sell it at a premium (e.g. PSTWO.) I am almost sure the HDD is the biggest reason they weren't able to do this without a big price hit on Xbox. I think it's very likely we'll see the Core System with a MU and a game being bundled for $299 when the PS3 is released.

Dammit, I'm still annoyed I'll be paying for a tiny 20GB hard disk. WTFBBQ! :p


IJoel said:
I REALLY doubt that will be the case. If anything, the reason MS removed the dependency on the HDD was to be able to streamline the console later on the and sell it at a premium (e.g. PSTWO.) I am almost sure the HDD is the biggest reason they weren't able to do this without a big price hit on Xbox. I think it's very likely we'll see the Core System with a MU and a game being bundled for $299 when the PS3 is released.
Yeah. They want the flexibility of not being tied down to the HDD when it comes to streamlining the console later. This is the sole purpose of having games that use but do not require the HDD. They couldnt streamline the Xbox by dropping the HDD since it would break games that required it and split the market.

Even with this, I still see NO REASON for the damn dumbass pack.


Didn't Peter Moore say that in th coming weeks they would make announcements as to what is pre-installed on the HDD? Any possibility FFXI is a pack-in?
Besides Square testing the waters with Microsoft why is there so much talk about FF11? A MMORPG isn't really a console mover is it? That said, FF11 for Revolution -- the only "next-gen" console with any internal storage by default! :lol


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
krypt0nian said:
Just don't buy the ghetto core system and you have no problem.

OMG PSP took handheld gaming out of the gaming ghetto... so Xbox 360 is putting console gaming in there in it's place! ;)
The irony of this situation isn't lost on me. Square complained when Sony abandoned the Hard Drive in their newer model yet Microsoft does the same thing and Square is feeling the Microsoft love.


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Redbeard said:
So I guess you guys were told it would always be there?

What's more likely, that this quote is off, or everyone knew but Square...

What's more likely? I'll take Choice C.

Potentially that the quotes were applicable for the time they were taken(possibly before MS definitely decided to go double SKU).
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