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so let me guess. FF11 wont run on Xbox 360 without HDD??. perfect


Rage Bait Youtuber
How exactly is MS pulling a Sony? The Xbox 360 supports a HDD no matter what package you buy (yes, you can always ADD a HDD to the core system). The PStwo does not support a HDD no matter what.
ManaByte said:
How exactly is MS pulling a Sony? The Xbox 360 supports a HDD no matter what package you buy (yes, you can always ADD a HDD to the core system). The PStwo does not support a HDD no matter what.
Although the PStwo will sell much more than the X360 during the same months, like the PSone did to the XBox, the valid comparision would be to the PS3, which at this point supports any 2.5 HDD, opposed to MS's overpriced proprietary HDD.

PS3 +1


Rage Bait Youtuber
Guy LeDouche said:
Although the PStwo will sell much more than the X360 during the same months, like the PSone did to the XBox, the valid comparision would be to the PS3, which at this point supports any 2.5 HDD, opposed to MS's overpriced proprietary HDD.

PS3 +1

Did you even understand what I posted or what people are complaining about?

Sony fucked over Square by completely dropping support for the HDD with the PStwo, which makes it impossible for new PS2 owners to play FFXI. People are bitching that "MS pulled a Sony" with the X360 Core Pack, when in the place called reality you can add a HDD to the Core pack and still play FFXI.


I'm glad they aren't doing what Sony did and release it completely separate for $99-never including it with the core systen discounted, then discontinue the model that actually has a space for it. I'm starting to think that all of the displaced outrage coming from these boards means that MS is actually doing something right. I mean, if Gertsmann is going on G4 TV and saying that this move is like Sega releasing the 32X and Saturn on the same day, then I would say MS is doing something right. Lots of worried folks out there all around. I guess we'll know this Fall if getting any publicity is good, even if its bad...


ManaByte said:
How exactly is MS pulling a Sony? The Xbox 360 supports a HDD no matter what package you buy (yes, you can always ADD a HDD to the core system). The PStwo does not support a HDD no matter what.

Maybe Square is banking that the money people saved from buying the PStwo will be spent on the HDD for the 360 :lol


ManaByte said:
How exactly is MS pulling a Sony? The Xbox 360 supports a HDD no matter what package you buy (yes, you can always ADD a HDD to the core system). The PStwo does not support a HDD no matter what.
Um, you do know the HDD/BBA package was available for years before the PStwo came out, yes?

The PStwo may have voided support entirely, sure, but prior to that, it was a very similar situation. About the only differences would be that the HDD was never bundled with the PS2 system, and that it wasn't available at launch, where-as it's just the opposite for the 360.

However, it is still a very similar situation, as the userbase is still being splintered. Whether or not it's as drastic as the splintering on the PS2 side is pretty irrelevant, as any splintering will result in developers/publishers raising the question: "Should we support this peripheral?" That is something you don't want publishers to be asking themselves, as more often than not, the answer will be "No."

It's a situation that will only get worse if the core package is successful. Imagine what it will be like if only 50% of the userbase (or worse, less) ends up with the HD, and publishers begin to find it to be "Not cost effective." It's more likely a scenario than people seem to think...
ManaByte said:
Sony fucked over Square by completely dropping support for the HDD with the PStwo
Make it more accurate: "Sony fucked over Square Enix, Koei, and themselves by completely dropping support for the HDD with the PStwo."

Why people think Square Enix is the only one out there with HDD-required titles is beyond me...
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