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Sony (and MS?) didn't subject Cyberpunk 2077 to full certification?

hemo memo

Gold Member
Yea but that's still wrong. You have to keep the quality of the game at a playable level.

When big money is involved it is always a different treatment. I’m just glad IGN of all sites ripped the old gen version apart by saying you should ask for a refund. For all the shit we give IGN.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
Yea but that's still wrong. You have to keep the quality of the game at a playable level.

That's a very fuzzy definition though, which I suspect will vary depending on the relationship between the vendor and the platform holder!

Lets be honest, to a lot of users not maintaining 30fps is seen as bordering on unplayable, but from a business definition its potentially acceptable even if its less than desirable. Its how things like Lichdom: Battlemage skate by from time to time.

My experience is check all TRC's and survive a basic soak test and your likely golden.
I'm not placing much blame on the Cyberpunk console performance fiasco on the platform holders.
Not sure what the certification process vets for, but at the minimum, it doesn't damage the OS, other files on the system and doesn't open vulnerabilities.
Should certification vet that the game doesn't crash to OS? Doubt they have the resources to do a full play through and do QA for other studios.

In the future, we need to make purchasing decisions off on platform specific gameplay and reviews.
If it doesn't exist, don't preorder until we know its performance. Demand that reviewers specify which version they reviewed.


Industry Verified
That's a very fuzzy definition though, which I suspect will vary depending on the relationship between the vendor and the platform holder!

Lets be honest, to a lot of users not maintaining 30fps is seen as bordering on unplayable, but from a business definition its potentially acceptable even if its less than desirable. Its how things like Lichdom: Battlemage skate by from time to time.

My experience is check all TRC's and survive a basic soak test and your likely golden.

So are you saying if cyberpunk was your game and you submitted to ms/ Sony and it passed cert that you would still launch the game the way it is now?


Gold Member
Any time we went through the certification process it was just making sure that expected functionality was in place. A lot of it revolves around platform interaction and overall functionality.

Regarding expected warnings, screens, etc. As long as they're present and remain onscreen long enough to be read, that's all that really matters. But that's a stretch cause sometimes it's so fast you can't even read the whole thing and it still works, lol.

My understanding was that the process has never changed really. The only things that get adjusted revolve around the platform and operating system itself. Along with any kind of new tech. But if it's all the same you just kind of replace the name with something else and move on, lol.

A lot of people don't realize that bugs have no affect on this process unless they're crucial A bugs that don't allow the game to be played whatsoever. As long as the game can boot, run, soak, and shutdown properly that's all that really matters to them.

The overall quality of the game in terms of bugs and otherwise is really on the developer and publisher. Which, usually isn't an issue because both want to be proud of the project that they've worked on and are submitting to cert.

CP:2077 is clearly a different beast through and through.


I shouldn't speak on this but this is my work. I don't understand how this happened because ms and sony have a 3rd party compliance(cert) team that sits on EVERY game for a minimum of 3 weeks so how it passed makes no sense unless ms and sony say the preorder numbers and just ignored the problems. I don't think both ignored issues but I do think cdpr was given way too much "ok we trust you". I've spoken to many and they can't understand how something like this passed cert so a lot of blame needs to be spread out cause this doesn't happen at all unless.....

What are you speaking of exactly? The seizures stuff?


Jeff Grubb seems interested in making a name for himself as games journalist, and tbh I prefer him to Shreier 1000% .. the article might be an interesting read.


I'm still waiting for an update on this one :

Not sure if he was shooting from the hip on this, or had info .. because there's a difference ..when you're a journalist.


Jeff Grubb seems interested in making a name for himself as games journalist, and tbh I prefer him to Shreier 1000% .. the article might be an interesting read.


I'm still waiting for an update on this one :

Not sure if he was shooting from the hip on this, or had info .. because there's a difference ..when you're a journalist.

Jason is 1000% better than Jeff Grubb. At least the stuff Jason says is backed up with facts and things that were actually said to him.


But this game crashes like crazy on PS4/PS5 atleast, and not always to dashboard but sometimes together with OS and this could brick console easily.
MS and Sony also partially responsible for this mess, because they take fairly big chunk of revenue from this turd.
How do you know that it could brick consoles "easily"?
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