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Sony Annual Report is noncommittal over PSP release date in Japan


No mention of the supposed Japanese release in 2004 nor for that matter is there a breaking out of territories to confirm a Q1 release in the west.

.. Sony is working to develop a new market through its planned introduction, in the fiscal year ending March 31, 2005, of PlayStation Portable (“PSP”), a new handheld game system on which a variety of content can be enjoyed.
-- Sony Annual Report 2004 P.80

Perhaps it's standard Sony practice to just state the financial year of release and not segment geographically? Not so, see the statement they made last year about PSX:

PSX is slated to go on sale in Japan late in 2003 and in Europe and the U.S. in 2004.
-- Sony Annual Report 2003 P.76

Okay, so my next thought was they're just being unspecific for brevities sake. Oddly they didn't do this last year when they gave an actual quarter for the product introduction:

.. SCEI plans to introduce a new, all-in-one portable entertainment platform, PSP, which utilizes a newly developed small optical disc, scheduling a release for the third quarter ending December 31, 2004.
-- Sony Annual Report 2003 P.76

This was prior to the delay of the machine in the west, true, but it seems odd that they are being more specific about the release date eighteen months prior to the machines supposed release than they are six...

Links to SEC filed annual reports (warning: very large for html files)
2004 (2.3MB)
2003 (2.5MB)


It probably wont be out this year in Japan. Nintendo are ahead apparently with the DS. A long time before PSP will hit the shelves.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
If true, it doesn't seem like the DS is that much of a "knee-jerk reaction" huh Harrison?

Insertia said:
I can't imagine it coming out this year, either.

DS will also be pushed back into 2005...

DS is scheduled for Nov 1st.

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
BuddyChrist83 said:
prove that, please. not with gamestop or ebgames either.

You know what...I can't. I do believe that DS does come out this year and have reason to do so.


If this is true it's a big win for Nintendo early-on...

they'll be able to get an easy 2-4 million world-wide userbase before PSP even launches...


Bishman said:
It would be smart of Nintendo to delay it to 2005, but I think they will launch this Christmas.

Why exactly would it be smart to give themself less time on the market ahead of the PSP? It's not like they'd magically upgrade it or something.


Nintendo should launch the DS in 2005.

Their launch lineup does not look good. Metroid Hunters needs to e retooled.


Nintendo is probably going to sell out of their shipment no matter what their launch line-up is...

in fact, they could save up some really killer stuff to go up against PSP in early 05...


Mrbob said:
Nintendo should launch the DS in 2005.

Their launch lineup does not look good. Metroid Hunters needs to e retooled.

They haven't even shown their lineup yet. Just a lot of tech demos which may turn into full games.


force push the doodoo rock
BuddyChrist83 said:
prove that, please. not with gamestop or ebgames either.



efralope said:
Nintendo is probably going to sell out of their shipment no matter what their launch line-up is...

in fact, they could save up some really killer stuff to go up against PSP in early 05...

Pokemon DS would just about do it.


AniHawk said:
Pokemon DS would just about do it.

I was going to mention that possibility (since they had a Pokemon RuSa launch last year in March and could do the same in 05 against PSP, but there has been no official announcement yet (although they will announce something Pokemon-related next month I think) and it would be pretty close to the Fire/Leaf launch this fall...

It would be a VERY ideal situation, especially if both US + Japan, but unfortunately Nintendo usually doesn't do simultaneous releases with Pokemon...


I whinny my fervor lowly, for his length is not as great as those of the Hylian war stallions
I'd rather sony delay the system as long as they need to to get all the issues worked out and do some more consumer research, IE Battery.


olubode said:
You know what...I can't. I do believe that DS does come out this year and have reason to do so.

Mmmmhmmm. Well, do us a favor. Unless you can somehow prove your 'connections' - stop stating that it will come out this year, but rather, you believe. Your first post states a Nov. 1st launch as fact. If you can really risk letting us in on that, why can't you go a step further?


Seriously PSP is hopelesss. Sony is just throwing away their money. If it succeeds against DS, thats cool. But it will be crushed by GBE.


Nintendo DS is pretty much ready for launch this year. They've been working on the unit for some time, and it isn't a knee jerk reaction like Sony would like you to think (otherwise they would have released info for it right after the PSP announcement instead of waiting for E3) The PSP just wasn't ready to show. If you recall, sony only started pushing it once the GBA started outselling the PS2 and annalysts started wondering when Sony would enter the portable market. Sony had to show it's commitment to all gaming markets, thus the premature PSP announcement. Memories are short, I see. If anything, the early (and it's been proven time and time again as an unfocused and unready entry by sony of all entities) is a premature reaction to the Nintendo GBASP's achievements in the handheld marketplace. If anything, sony's noncommittal stance in this very report is proof of that.


And even i am moderately surprised
I think sony always planned to release a handheld, but i doubt they decided to enter the market now because the PS2 was being outsold by the GBA.

I`d think the timing of the PS3 (another 2 years to wait?) might have had something to do with it.


No, I'm sure they were planning to release a handheld when the time was right, but in this situation, I think the analysts and stockholders decided when the time was right instead of Sony proper if you get my drift. Thus the premature and unfocused info we've been getting as of late.


well, it's not just GBA's strong performance against PS2, but also that the PS2 has apparantely been late in recouping Sony's investment that probably prompted this hanheld...

like you said, DC, it comes down to a good release timetable, inbetween PS2 and PS3 and before the next-generation gets underway...

also, with XBox 2 about a year away, time is running out before Microsoft's new machine gets the spotlight...


Lost Weekend said:
No, I'm sure they were planning to release a handheld when the time was right, but in this situation, I think the analysts and stockholders decided when the time was right instead of Sony proper if you get my drift. Thus the premature and unfocused info we've been getting as of late.

I own Sony stock. They didn't contact me for advice. I doubt stockholders or external analysts are effecting the PSP release date. Battery issues probably a major influence.


I'd have to say that, if Nintendo grabs Christmas in both Japan and NA, they've got themselves a bit of a coup.

When it comes to a new Pokemon Title, I think the idea posted in the older thread of a Pokemon Stadium Title that would link directly with the GBA Cart Slot without any additional hardware, is probably the best, cheapest to develop, and quickest to get out option for Spring 2005.

Really, I'm not too worried about the DS Launch Lineup. Right now, it seems like one giant question mark, and rightfully so. Nintendo, we're pretty sure, will be able to launch with Wario Ware and Super Mario 64x4. Those two seem like the two absolute guarantees. So, they've got Mario title and niche title. We'll see what 4-5 months does for the development of MP: Hunters. The general media reaction is that the game needs a bit of tweaking to actually be good, and we'll see if NST can pull that off.

Will we see Animal Crossing at Launch? I'd expect Mario Kart to combat PSP, and the new Super Mario Bros. for Fall 2005. Nintendo wise, I think they have enough software. Throw in the likely Donkey Kong, Kirby titles (Considering their success in both the Japanese and American markets) and I think you've got enough ammo.

But, on the whole, it will all depend on if Sony can get that PSP out there. If they are unable to, it will only put them further behind.


I think Sony are in a great position and have handled everything superbly. They wont launch till next year and everything is going fantastic for them. Some of the flaws people are mentioning will be big assests by then.


Deg said:
I think Sony are in a great position and have handled everything superbly. They wont launch till next year and everything is going fantastic for them. Some of the flaws people are mentioning will be big assests by then.

...what flaws? Captain Vague, you are.


force push the doodoo rock
Deg said:
I think Sony are in a great position and have handled everything superbly. They wont launch till next year and everything is going fantastic for them. Some of the flaws people are mentioning will be big assests by then.

You are a funny poster.
Deg said:
I think Sony are in a great position and have handled everything superbly. They wont launch till next year and everything is going fantastic for them. Some of the flaws people are mentioning will be big assests by then.


So you're saying that the (allegedly) short battery life will be an asset when it releases? How so?
Deg said:
I think Sony are in a great position and have handled everything superbly. They wont launch till next year and everything is going fantastic for them. Some of the flaws people are mentioning will be big assests by then.

that's what you said.

EDIT: I'm wracking my brain trying to come up with a way any of the flaws that I've seen discussed could be an asset unless they are changed and therefore are no longer flaws. going by what you said, the flaws themselves would be assets: this is unpossible.


bune duggy said:
that's what you said.

EDIT: I'm wracking my brain trying to come up with a way any of the flaws that I've seen discussed could be an asset unless they are changed and therefore are no longer flaws. going by what you said, the flaws themselves would be assets: this is unpossible.

I said 'some'. Sorry for the confusion. Also they can change things or havent unveiled some things yet.
well like I said if they change the flaw it is no longer a flaw. For example, and good battery life is not the same as a poor battery life and is therefore not a flaw.


DS will be pushed back into 2005.

They just aren't ready. No price. No real games. No specified date.
Hell, Nintendo is still working on the design and "Dual Screen" may not even be the real name.

There are only four months 'till winter. No way will they have this thing out in both the U.S. and Japan in four months.

All signs point to a delay, unless they rush this thing out.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
...what flaws? Captain Vague, you are.
Well, connectivity with PS2 for one. That, to me, if done right, is a definitve asset, no matter how much people might laugh at it and point at GBA where it was flawed execution from the start (and only recently came into it's own a bit)

The larger price (which of course calls for really high-tech hardware and high quality build/materials) could easily be another laughed at 'flaw' that actually turns out to be their big asset.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
It's always been obvious that a 2004 launch was less likely than not despite Sony's claims. They're somewhat like the old Nintendo in this regard.

Considering technological development within the mobile sector, the PSP in 2005 isn't so remarkable. The MBX was being supplied to licensees since around the end of 2003.
Insertia said:
DS will be pushed back into 2005.

They just aren't ready. No price. No real games. No specified date.
Hell, Nintendo is still working on the design and "Dual Screen" may not even be the real name.

There are only four months 'till winter. No way will they have this thing out in both the U.S. and Japan in four months.

All signs point to a delay, unless they rush this thing out.

This is Nintendo, who prize secrecy above all else.

besides, to borrow from your post...

Insertia said:
PSP will be pushed back into 2005.

They just aren't ready. No price. Only a few real games other than "enhanced" ports. No specified date.
Hell, Sony is still working on the design and "PSP" may not even be the real name.

All signs point to a delay, unless they rush this thing out.

So, it goes both ways.
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