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Sony Annual Report is noncommittal over PSP release date in Japan

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
You've got to explain how a higher price turns into a big asset. Please
I think I just did, above. You get what you pay for. Some people think the cheap, low tech hadhelds are definite way to go, some people don't. Higher tech = higher price, you don't get one without the other. The question is - is the higher tech an asset for a gaming handheld? Obviously, I think it is, but we'll see.

Considering technological development within the mobile sector, the PSP in 2005 isn't so remarkable. The MBX was being supplied to licensees since around the end of 2003.
For all the talk about the MBX, I still have yet to see one announced device to use it, much less a significant device (say, a handheld made by Nintendo). Even in Q1 2005, there will be nothing quite like PSP on the market. Sure, you might get a Pocket PC that plays some nice 3D games, but hardly what I'd call a good software support to make some real use of that hardware.


Marconelly said:
Well, connectivity with PS2 for one. That, to me, if done right, is a definitve asset, no matter how much people might laugh at it and point at GBA where it was flawed execution from the start (and only recently came into it's own a bit)

The larger price (which of course calls for really high-tech hardware and high quality build/materials) could easily be another laughed at 'flaw' that actually turns out to be their big asset.

But HOW exactly does not releasing it until next year suddenly make the larger price any different than it is now? Other than in comparison to the DS price, which I'll give you, the value of a dollar won't be changing, and I still won't consider paying that much for a handheld. Hell, the DS will be less expensive and I'm not convinced of paying for that. I don't think that, in 8 months time, I'll be singing the praises of the PSP's high price point, nor will I feel any more sure of the value of connectivity between PS2 and PSP. Hell, I'm not sure why its so much of a flaw now, let alone how it will change into an asset in the future. There's nothing wrong with the plan, really.

But time doesn't make money grow on trees, there. And I don't think it will change the PSP enough to suddenly make it god's machine. A delay for the DS couldn't do the same, and neither will be perfect. And both will have their flaws.


Lazy8s said:
It's always been obvious that a 2004 launch was less likely than not despite Sony's claims. They're somewhat like the old Nintendo in this regard.

Considering technological development within the mobile sector, the PSP in 2005 isn't so remarkable. The MBX was being supplied to licensees since around the end of 2003.

So you're hinting at a low PSP price? ;) It will be 2005 afterall.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
But HOW exactly does not releasing it until next year suddenly make the larger price any different than it is now?
No, that's not what I'm saying. What I've said is really not at all dependant on the launch date. I'm just arguing that what many people now think is not a good thing (high tech + high price) might turn out to be one of the good things PSP has going for it, but the actual sales will prove or disprove that, of course.


Fafracer forever
Considering technological development within the mobile sector, the PSP in 2005 isn't so remarkable. The MBX was being supplied to licensees since around the end of 2003.
"Mobile sector" being the market segment where the currently upcoming devices haven't even caught up to DS spec yet. When there is a MBX using device that is technically and price competitive, maybe you can talk.


bune duggy said:
This is Nintendo, who prize secrecy above all else.

I don't remember Nintendo holding onto secrecy four months before a simultaneous worldwide hardware launch before...

And I've already stated in this thread that I believe PSP will be pushed back into 2005. Read the first few posts.
Insertia said:
I don't remember Nintendo holding onto secrecy four months before a simultaneous worldwide hardware launch before...

And I've already stated in this thread that I believe PSP will be pushed back into 2005. Read the first few posts.

Then again, has anyone done a simultaneous worldwide lunch for hardware before?

I didn't say that you did, I was just implying just that with the information we know right now both companies are looking likely to slip into 2005.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
For all the talk about the MBX, I still have yet to see one announced device to use it
It's been produced for a little while now, actually, in an SH-4A integration (exceeding Dreamcast) from Renesas for high-performance car information systems like next-gen GPS car navigation set-ups.
much less a significant device (say, a handheld made by Nintendo). Even in Q1 2005, there will be nothing quite like PSP on the market. Sure, you might get a Pocket PC that plays some nice 3D games, but hardly what I'd call a good software support to make some real use of that hardware.
That has no relevancy to the point about technological advancement, but that'll likely be the case, sure.
Nintendo just had a press event in New York City, where the DS was the star of the show and all sorts of journalists from mainstream pubs who weren't at E3 got to try it out. Everyone was told it was coming this year.

I highly doubt that Nintendo would have done this and been talking up a November release date to all these publications all the while if they thought they wouldn't make it. Because then, if the DS did get delayed, they'd end up with some mf'in serious egg on their faces.


Did any new DS info come out of the NY press conference, Kobun Heat? If so, please tell us about it.


Fafracer forever
Marc said:
Sure, you might get a Pocket PC that plays some nice 3D games, but hardly what I'd call a good software support to make some real use of that hardware.
PPCs that can play nice 3D games will cost nice $s too :p
Heck, the current PPCs that run your NGage level games aren't exactly cheap to begin with.

Anyway, Samsung is bringing a 3d phone out soon (if they can get the software support for it - hw is ready to go) and the specs are still just somewhere between NGage and DS. And what I've been hearing about other devices didn't sound much better.
bune duggy said:
is there a time when we can expect this news? like an NDA expiration?
When the magazine comes out, or if somebody else breaks it all. Within a month, I'd say. Don't hold your breath though, it's nothing ginormous.
neptunes said:
tell us if they have or plan to fix the design.

or if they actually intend to have online gameplay on DS games.
1) The design shown at E3 is not final.

2) I don't imagine they'll be announcing that until they announce the launch lineup, etc.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Lazy8s said:
Considering technological development within the mobile sector, the PSP in 2005 isn't so remarkable.

Lazy8s said:
That has no relevancy to the point about technological advancement, but that'll likely be the case, sure.
Ability to deliver cost efficient solutions to the market is pretty relevant to tech advancement, don't you think?

I'll be glad to live in a world where portable tech like PSP is so ubiquitous as to be unremarkable. But until it actually *is* abundantly available on the market from various manufacturers, its hard to claim that the state of technological development is wholly unremarkable in this regard.


Kobun Heat said:
Because then, if the DS did get delayed, they'd end up with some mf'in serious egg on their faces.

As if that would be anything new when it comes to the delay of their hardware...
efralope said:
As if that would be anything new when it comes to the delay of their hardware...
It's happened... once? And they took a good deal of shit for it. And it wasn't even nearly this close to launch, if I remember right.
efralope said:
It happened with N64 and GCN IIRC...
There was a nice little frenzy when Nintendo delayed the N64, but I don't recall anything concerning the GCN besides the normal pushing back of early release date estimates that have happened with every console since the dawn of time.

Right now, as has been noted, it's only a matter of months until the DS launches. The publicity has been big and Nintendo is ramping it up even more by having the press event in NYC (and other, similar events elsewhere? I'm not sure). They're clearly gearing up for a Christmas launch; if they were going to delay it they'd be holding back the DS hype.


Just wanna point out I think the DS is coming this year as well. I just doubt that Nov. 1st launch that was being flaunted as fact on page one.


efralope said:
It happened with N64 and GCN IIRC...

Nintendo's been good about getting things out on time this gen. Though I think the window for them to finalize the hardware and show us the lineup of games for a late 2004 launch is closing rapidly.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Ability to deliver cost efficient solutions to the market is pretty relevant to tech advancement, don't you think?

I'll be glad to live in a world where portable tech like PSP is so ubiquitous as to be unremarkable. But until it actually *is* abundantly available on the market from various manufacturers, its hard to claim that the state of technological development is wholly unremarkable in this regard.
What does this have to do with that discussion over whether the PSP will be technologically proficient?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Technological proficiency is a measure of what you can deliver for real world application and on what scale. When you're done playing at being deliberately obtuse, I'm sure you can connect the dots on your own.


I hope it has mario stickers on the side ;)

but seriously, They're going to have to stay up alot to make a sleek design that meets the PSP or even the GBAsp.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Technological proficiency is a measure of what you can deliver for real world application and on what scale.
Yes, and that's where the point about the PSP not representing the technological advancement of the mobile sector came in.


The GBASP is just a revelation when it comes to design. Its one of those once in long time type designs. Right now clamshell is hot on portable devices. Saves space, looks smart, clean, sleek etc. Nintendo were smart there.

DS, GBT or whatever it gets called wont be as small as GBASP. Two screens and controller buttons mean more space. On PSP the large screen means more space which is why they went with the old GBA design. I dont expect much differences in the final designs.

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Yes, and that's where the point about the PSP not representing the technological advancement of the mobile sector came in.
Which is the point, flawed as it is, that you brought (out of the blue), to be honest. I wonder why? :\


"GAF's biggest wanker"
^^Bingo. Lazy, you have yet to truly back up your initial comment that started this initial tangent.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
Which is the point, flawed as it is,
Flawed how?
that you brought (out of the blue), to be honest. I wonder why? :\
Knowing how the technology in our products stack up to what was comparatively possible is an area of interest.


The ghost of Dreamcast past
you have yet to truly back up your initial comment
I mentioned that the MBX, a performance competitive, comparable mobile graphics solution, was delivered far in advance of the PSP. Would you like links for research to MBX providers and manufacturers?


"GAF's biggest wanker"
"Delivered"? Delivered where, Lazy? There's no reason for us to already be repeating what's been said in a tangent that consists of only a few posts so far. It's already been pointed out that we're still eagerly someone to actually announce a portable device like the PSP using MBX. Automobile In-dash navigation systems don't have the same portability or price performance concerns.


Memles - its the other way around - Miyamoto said SMB 4 is way ahead of Super Mario 64x4. I read it at an interview on Gamespy or IGN. It funny - Nintendo hasn't let any news out since E3 - but with each tidbit of news - the PSP seems to be getting worse and worse. Battery pack on your hand? No MP3? Delay? Price? I predicted this all a year ago when the Nintendo d00med artists were declaring PSP as the best thing ever. Gamecube might go bust pretty soon - but the DS isn't going to be stopped by Sony's machine. If Nintendo could put some DS features in GBA games (like they did with GBC Zelda's) for the Zelda or Pokemon games this year - it could be a major coup.

I'dd like to see more info on the DS though - with 4 months until its supposed to launch - when is the new info coming?


The ghost of Dreamcast past
It's already been pointed out that we're still eagerly someone to actually announce a portable device like the PSP using MBX.
You're repeating this point which is irrelevant to whether the PSP's technology stacks up. Just because a device with a better solution doesn't come to market, it does not mean such a solution doesn't exist.
Automobile In-dash navigation systems don't have the same portability or price performance concerns.
Wrong. They do, and that's why the MBX was developed to address all such mobile markets and has been successful at getting licensed for architectures aimed at them.
If Nintendo could put some DS features in GBA games (like they did with GBC Zelda's) for the Zelda or Pokemon games this year - it could be a major coup.
I'd be surprised if Zelda: The Minish Cap *doesn't* contain some DS functionality...
You know, Memles' idea of a Pokemon Stadium title that uses the GBA media bay is a good one. I'm not sure how they'd work it, but being able to import your RuSaFiLe Pokemon into a DS game might be a big draw. Something on the order of Pokemon Box that lets you organize the various Pokemon that you have in all four games, trade them, then battle them with wireless link and 3D graphics...


If I were in charge, I'd just allow for the hotswapping of Pokemon carts in the GBA bay of the NDS (which should be possible...hell, even the N64 allowed you to hotswap carts if memory serves me) and have them organized through a NDS game (a kind of DS version of Pokemon Stadium with touch screen support for easier gameplay... both games would be in the system at the same time of course)

It's sounds like a great idea, Kobun. Hope some thinks of it :)


"GAF's biggest wanker"
Lazy8s said:
Just because a device with a better solution doesn't come to market, it does not mean such a solution doesn't exist.
The only proof that such a solution is truly viable is in becoming available to the market to subject it to real world, uncontrolled conditions. Otherwise, its vaporware.

Wrong. They do, and that's why the MBX was developed to address all such mobile markets and has been successful at getting licensed for architectures aimed at them.
Lazy, I can stick an Xbox in a SUV with an LCD screen but that doesn't mean that an Xboy is feasible anytime soon? The design requirements for something you can integrate in a car vs. something you can take with you are very different.

I understand what MBX was developed to address, but implementation matters more than intent.
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