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Sony cracks down on sexual content in games.


Gold Member
Japanese gamers love tiddies. I wonder how this will impact Japanese sales.
Well PS4 sales are already in massive decline because of Switch.....just now Japanese have 2 reasons......make that 3 reasons.
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down 2 orth

Japanese gamers love tiddies. I wonder how this will impact Japanese sales.

Japanese people see a foreign country trying to dictate foreign values to them, and like every single human being to ever experience something like that, they push back against it. I don't really think the more strategically-minded Sony execs had a say in this, because in a multi-billion dollar industry where brand loyalty can change in a heartbeat, the last thing you want to do is antagonize your core fan base.


Will they also stamp out nudity and sexual related content in their movies as well?

:messenger_neutral: ... probably not, what a shitty double standard.


Sony can s*ck a fat one. There is no excusable reason to take this stance.
Their censorship tactics as of late are utter bullshit, and I say this as a guy who never played an "senran kagura type of game" or whatever, but its just wrong.
I know it sounds petty, but this moronic and hypocritical policy is another reason I’m very skeptical about next generation. Always singling out sexuality, but excessive violence, gore, profanity, male sexuality are A-ok.


Yet, let's ask some real questions. Why aren't more publishers pushing or creating more AO content, Where are all the multi million selling AO games?

Sony is losing the battle in the region they tried to establish themselves into, Japan and it is losing it to its competitor, Switch, Sony's lack of games that appease the Japanese crowd had them do <PS3 numbers and this is without Nintendo eating her lunch, if they do 50%< of the userbase they have now (8 million) do you think Sony would be happy? Do you think Sony would be happy to sell 4 millions PS4s and almost that much less PS+ on their region and hand that money to Nintendo?

Are games which skewer to see themed all that popular?

Popularity has nothing to do with it, it is about pushing an agenda, and even if it did, almost all of the titilation games make bank, which is something we can't be said for everyone of Sony's 1st party.

Truth is, If Sony allowed AO games, the kids would get to play them just the same and Sony would get a million lawsuits.

Citation needed on the lawsuits department.

So pay no attention to those people saying they are iron clad and they can regulate their kids content, "I mean really" because you are with them 24 hrs a day, when they're with their friends and a new account or digital library where purchased content can be authorized by a simple "accept or decline".... What's your age? Come on now..... No matter what you're thinking, there is always a way around it and the kids are smart, you know very well how we bypassed stuff when we were kids...

So shouldn't Sony then get rid of the "TEEN" rating and parental controls of their own console? If they are useless as you say, why keeping them around?


Gold Member
I don't think there will be enough pressure to really make them feel the impact on a financial level. Sony's userbase is huge, and many of them won't even know or hear about this, so they will do just fine. I hope they reconsider their decision, but at this point I don't personally believe there will be enough outrage to change anything.

I agree with you, but the only way this slowly works is by people standing together until it becomes a big enough problem for the public to notice. This isn't on the same level as Xbox ones original always online issues but if it wasn't for the more hardcore gamers no one would of noticed.
To me it's better to upgrade their remote play app with parental control system that enable streaming if other user using it(like a child), Time Control and other control system that benefits better security for their children and other users that restricted to see that issue than pushing a simple push of Censorship


Gold Member


What a crock of double-standard shit. If Sony was REALLY worried about the effect on “young people”, it would be dropping the hammer of censorship on violent games, too. Mortal Kombat 11 wouldn’t even be a thing— sanitized harshly at the very least.

Sony won’t care about violence until the Puritanical Left inevitably makes it a big deal, which is a virtual certainty after getting a major video game platform holder to give in like this. One victory begets others.

There’s absolutely no reason— none— that Sony should be applauded for this move. You can’t make women sexy, but you sure can murder them! Think of the children, in-fucking-deed.


When GTA6 rolls around and Sony gives it the same level of scrutiny, then I'll be fine. It is still a stupid rule, but it is a stupid rule applied consistently.
Sony does not realize how large of an impact this will have on the future success of the Playstation. By censoring and sabotaging Japanese games, they are disaffecting their core audience. What we are seeing is a hallowing out of Sony's core fanbase. The loyal fans who have stuck with Sony through good and bad are leaving.

I was one of the few who stayed with Sony through the early days of the $599 PS TRIPLE-- when defending the console was a literal joke and trolling campaign by Chad Warden on Youtube. Exclusive games like Hatsune Miku, Metal Gear Solid 4, Persona 5, Yakuza, Demon's Souls, Disgaea, Neptunia, Atelier, etc. made the Playstation worth having, and these games are all Japanese.

Not only is this disaffecting fans, but it is also disaffecting Japanese developers. Because of this censorship policy, Japanese developers have begun hedging their bets by making games multiplatform.

I love Sony, but this policy will be a disaster for them. They are out of touch with their own fans and their own third party developers.
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Assuming Microsoft isn’t thinking of following suit, this would be an opportunity to send a shot across Sony’s bow, telling developers and consumers their content moderation will solely take the form of adhering to local ratings boards, specifically letting people know they aren’t in the business of dictating what games people are allowed to make and play.

Going forward, Sony’s first party content will be what it is, but ultimately, third-party developers will need to decide whether it’s better to try and shift consumers to new platforms or continue dealing with a company that right now is outright saying it’s going to arbitrarily decide what can and can’t be featured on their system. Otherwise, it's a shame this story has essentially already been buried, but then, people should expect nothing less from a medium, where the related press is no longer a consumer advocate.


Its time to Boicot Sony?

We have to Stop this right Now before is too late.
Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it. At best we can choose to not buy the censored game on Playstation and instead buy it on another platform (if we have the choice) but that is exactly what those pseudo-puritan scumbags want since it will mostly hurt the developer rather than Sony. Their goal is to make small,niche Japanase developers disappear from Playstation for their own twisted,SJW reasons. Keep in mind that these cowards who are hidden in anonymity are not getting any sales percentages. Instead they are getting fat paychecks month in month out and as long as Playstation in general continues to do well they will continue pulling off their "secret" SJW agendas against small,niche Japanese devs without anyone of their high ups being able to do anything about it.

Only if Sony in general manages to somehow make a major fuck up and then perform a massive re-evaluation across all their positions and departments that these idiots may get fired but even then it will be easy for them to find work in other companies since their previous choices were hidden in anonymity.
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Gold Member
Unfortunately there is nothing we can do about it. At best we can choose to not buy the censored game on Playstation and instead buy it on another platform (if we have the choice) but that is exactly what those pseudo-puritan scumbags want since it will mostly hurt the developer rather than Sony. Their goal is to make small,niche Japanase developers disappear from Playstation for their own twisted,SJW reasons. Keep in mind that these cowards who are hidden in anonymity are not getting any sales percentages. Instead they are getting fat paychecks month in month out and as long as Playstation in general continues to do well they will continue pulling off their "secret" SJW agendas against small,niche Japanese devs without anyone of their high ups being able to do anything about it.

Only if Sony in general manages to somehow make a major fuck up and then perform a massive re-evaluation across all their positions and departments that these idiots may get fired but even then it will be easy for them to find work in other companies since their previous choices were hidden in anonymity.
Like the video I posted a few pages back, there is not only truth to that statement, but they have already did that i the past(RIP Working Designs).
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Why is this specific to gaming?

We live in a culture where Game of Thrones is phenomenally popular. Wasn't Westworld hailed as an amazing show also?

Superhero movies are popular but people went nuts over Deadpool to the point of demanding more R-rated superhero content.

As far as I know pop music has not dialed down the "sexualization" aspect of the accompanying videos and/or live performances.

Phenomenally great selling books like 50 Shades of Grey and shite like that eventually feeds back into popular movies.

Yet in the videogame industry there is a sense that this stuff needs to be weeded out.


As much as I liked the news about the PS5 that came out yesterday, I'm not a goddamn child that needs Sony to censor my games.

WTF! Sony has really gotten cocky with the success they've achieved this gen to the point that they think they can now stick it to their fans.

Well I'm waiting to see what Microsoft is cooking up for next gen because I'm ready to jump ship and deal with a company that respects me as an adult paying customer.
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I think this is a responsible move for Sony and I respect them for it. Children shouldn't be exposed to sexuality in videogames. I wish Xbox would follow this path (I'm an Xbox owner and dad).

I don't understand how that follows?

If little Jimmy gets into daddy's porn DVD collection and watches them is it the manufacturer of the DVDs or the DVD player who's at fault?

Similarly people don't really freak out at Google or Microsoft because kids use Chrome and Internet Explorer to watch porn that is WAY more hardcore than ANYTHING on a videogame console.

With this comment you come across like someone praising a plumber for plugging the leak in the bathroom as a tsunami sweeps the entire house away.

If your kid has access to an XBox and also access to a computer, smartphone, then I reckon the content they might see on XBox is the least of your worries.


I would say the puritanical Sony does bother me and I do think that it will move more Japanese devs to mobile. The price is not going to hurt them that much because of Microsoft releasing the xb1x and getting folks accustomed to that price. If Sony releases ps5 next spring I can see them slowly building up the player base by releasing all games on both platforms for the first 2 years, milking that ps4 as long as possible. I've been debating on not buying the ps5 at launch since I'm not a big fan lately on where Sony has been going.
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Yeah I understand the problem, you guys want to see naked polygonal characters and Sony changed their internal policies. They don't want to be asociated with creepy shit.

Said the bible-thumping conservative republican in 1997.

Weird, someone called me a feminist left-wing swj bastard in another thread. lol

Hahahahahahaha. You absolute dunce.
As if your post wasn't idiotic enough.

Next up:

"Do jokes need an easy mode?"
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Gold Member
Ok, I get that this has ruffled some feathers but really is this going to hurt Sony's bottom line? NOPE! Because people will continue to buy their console and games regardless. They take way too long to change policies. Look how long it took for them to do the name change thing.

Hell, I'm part of the problem. Still buying exclusives and certain types of games on Playstation. I don't really purchase games that have a heavy sexual theme in general, and not because it has sexual content in it...it's just that the game as a whole doesn't really appeal to me. Just the way the dice fall I guess.


Ok, I get that this has ruffled some feathers but really is this going to hurt Sony's bottom line? NOPE! Because people will continue to buy their console and games regardless. They take way too long to change policies. Look how long it took for them to do the name change thing.

Hell, I'm part of the problem. Still buying exclusives and certain types of games on Playstation. I don't really purchase games that have a heavy sexual theme in general, and not because it has sexual content in it...it's just that the game as a whole doesn't really appeal to me. Just the way the dice fall I guess.

This right here. As long as Sony is the market leader, it will continue to do whatever it wants— regardless of opposition. It takes a PS3-level failing, where the console is in last place, to get the company to revisit its decision-making... and it’s not a given that this happens.

People will likely keep buying Sony’s consoles and games, which only serves to strengthen the company’s resolve. This also forces third-party developers and publishers to play along with Sony’s policies, because missing out on a big potential base of consumers isn’t an option.

What Sony is doing is truly shitty and speaks to the age of “Arrogant Sony” (as pointed out in the YouTube video posted earlier in the thread)... but as long as consumers keep buying and giving Sony their money, things will stay the same... or maybe even get worse.


Gold Member
in particular sexually explicit titles released exclusively in Japan which feature nudity of young-looking animated characters are said to be of concern.

Should include this part in the OP for clarity.
They’re not taking away sex and nudity in games unless it involves minors.

Hence why they’re worried about a lawsuit.
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Should include this part in the OP for clarity.
They’re not taking away sex and nudity in games unless it involves minors.

Hence why they’re worried about a lawsuit.
Yeah no this is not the case. Especially when they mentioned #metoo in all of this. It is not even to protect like they said it is to push a stupid imperialized agenda.


Gold Member
Yeah no this is not the case. Especially when they mentioned #metoo in all of this. It is not even to protect like they said it is to push a stupid imperialized agenda.

I think people are reading into it wrong without the full article being displayed.


I think people are reading into it wrong without the full article being displayed.
We have already seen consequnces of games like DMC4 Dead or Alive Extreme. Countles developers speaking against it while fearing to tell anything at all (Sony is evil) The departure of Developer from MArvelous and so on. No this does not go only against minor characters. It is a xenophobic and imperial attempt to stamp out Japanese "problematic" culture by Sony US.


Gold Member
We have already seen consequnces of games like DMC4 Dead or Alive Extreme. Countles developers speaking against it while fearing to tell anything at all (Sony is evil) The departure of Developer from MArvelous and so on. No this does not go only against minor characters. It is a xenophobic and imperial attempt to stamp out Japanese "problematic" culture by Sony US.

So far what we know it’s only targeting minors and Sony just confirmed that.

Why does DMC censor other parts of the game on all systems?


So far what we know it’s only targeting minors and Sony just confirmed that.

Why does DMC censor other parts of the game on all systems?
Why was one part only censored in the Ps4 version for a week and only the western PS4 Version? These "guide lines are so vague that developers even fear to create such content anymore. And agian we have seen already other victims of this policy. The assumption that it is no minors is just wrong.


Gold Member
Why was one part only censored in the Ps4 version for a week and only the western PS4 Version? These "guide lines are so vague that developers even fear to create such content anymore. And agian we have seen already other victims of this policy. The assumption that it is no minors is just wrong.

It’s not an assumption, it’s included in the article and I quoted.


Sony didn't feel the need to crack down on Loot-boxes even though governments are involved already...
I can only conclude fear of "legal and social action" is a load of horseshit.
The following is the text from the actual article. Please note, the following is not a quote from a Sony representative, but rather a sentence written by the piece's author that doesn't specify whether it solely summarizing talking points from Sony or attempting to provide clarity for the reader's edification.

Article Quote: "Sony officials said the company has grown concerned that its global reputation could take a hit from sexually explicit content sold in a few markets. A big worry is software sold in its home market, which traditionally has had more tolerance for near-nudity and images of young women who appear to be underage."

On the other hand, you have this quote, which I posted earlier in the thread and is from a Sony spokesperson: "'We don’t have criteria in written guidelines or that sort of thing because the policy was introduced kind of suddenly in the wake of the #MeToo movement,' the official said."

The actual quote from the Sony representative essentially tells you exactly what they plan to block and why.
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Those are all the games that Sony has censored thus far.

bitbydeath bitbydeath


Arch of the AlchemistCensored

Brave NeptuniaCensored

Catherine: Full BodyPossibly Censored

Conception PlusCensored

Date A Live: Rio ReincarnationCensored

Dead or Alive Xtreme 3: ScarletCensored

Devil May Cry 5Censored (only in Aus/Euro regions)

Dragon Star VarnirCensored

Game Tengoku CrusinMixCensored

Haruoto Alice GramCensored

Mary Skelter 2Censored

Nekopara Vol. 1Censored

Nora to Ouju to Noraneko HeartCensored

Omega Labyrinth ZBanned in U.S., Europe

PlayStation Static and Dynamic Themes – Censored

Saku Saku Love Blooms With The Cherry BlossomsCensored

Silverio TrinityCensored

Sengoku Hime 7: Sen’un Tsuranuku Guren no Ishi – Nipple Pokies Censored (PS Vita version for ref)

Senran Kagura: 7EVENCensored

Senran Kagura Burst Re:newalCensored

Super SeducerBanned

Williams Pinball Vol. 2Censored

Yuragi-Sou No Yuuna-SanCensored

So, no, Sony does NOT only goes against games that depict minors.
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I don’t know all those examples but DMCV was not Sony and Capcom fixed it.
The censorship existed because of Sony's guidelines. Developer are not sure whats ok and whats not.

And I bet many niche japanese developers will now leave Sony and move over to the Switch which they already do. This is also a HUGE change for MS to step into the japanese market as well. Sony fucks up big time and their censorship policy is just one example of many why gamer think like that.


The following is the text from the actual article. Please note, the following is not a quote from a Sony representative, but rather a sentence written by the piece's author that doesn't specify whether it solely summarizing talking points from Sony or attempting to provide clarity for the reader's edification.

Article Quote: "Sony officials said the company has grown concerned that its global reputation could take a hit from sexually explicit content sold in a few markets. A big worry is software sold in its home market, which traditionally has had more tolerance for near-nudity and images of young women who appear to be underage."

On the other hand, you have this quote, which I posted earlier in the thread and is from a Sony spokesperson: "'We don’t have criteria in written guidelines or that sort of thing because the policy was introduced kind of suddenly in the wake of the #MeToo movement,' the official said."

The actual quote from the Sony representative essentially tells you exactly what they plan to block and why.
Whcih is more than just content with minors. It is clear as the Day what they are going for.
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