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Sony innovates again! PSP Connectivity for Jak X/ Daxter


Gold Member
PSP Updates



Whoa whoa whoa....whoa....whoa...whoa........whoa............whoa................whoa.

So let me get this straight...you can hook a HANDHELD....to a CONSOLE? o_O

Sony is gonna be RICH.


Junior Member
Gaia Theory said:
Why is Nintendo being so secretive about their interface setup for Revolution? ... ohhh yeah! THAT's why!

As if it was some kind of incredibly innovative idea?


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Isn't this teh old?

And this connectivity shit was in Metal Gear Acid too. So I call this "late to the party sarcasm".

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
TTP said:
Isn't this teh old?

And this connectivity shit was in Metal Gear Acid too. So I call this "late to the party sarcasm".
True on both points. Jak X <-> Daxter connectivity thing has been known since last E3.
Innovation, in the game industry, is doing something that hasn't been done for at least 3 months.

Adding a meter to any gameplay mechanic is also innovative.

Agent X

Gold Member
jman2050 said:
I could've sworn I heard something like this before...

Yeah, you're right. The Dreamcast and the Neo-Geo Pocket Color could be connected together back in 1999.

Seriously, Jak X: Combat Racing for PS2 and Daxter for PSP both look like they'll be very high-quality games. Normally, I'd write off this sort of "connectivity" as being a cheesy gimmick, but when you've actually got two good games to connect together (unlike virtually every previous effort to do this)...well, this is now a feature worth anticipating! :D
Mallrat83 said:
"No no no, what we are doing is compatibility. Nintendo offers connectivity. See? Fuck off."
Actually, the word at E3 was "interoperability," which I was quite fond of. I hope they keep it.


I don't get all this ragging on Nintendo's "connectivity". Four Swords was one of my favourite games of this gen and Crystal Chronicles, Animal Crossing, Pac Man Vs, etc, all did interesting (and quite enjoyable, I might add) things with the connection. The only two problems were the fact that so many third parties used it for lazy-as-hell unlockables, and that Nintendo never used it to include a track editor for Mario Kart: Super Circuit with Double Dash (or a track editor for any of the GBA F-Zero games with GX, for that matter).


Thraktor said:
I don't get all this ragging on Nintendo's "connectivity". Four Swords was one of my favourite games of this gen and Crystal Chronicles, Animal Crossing, Pac Man Vs, etc, all did interesting (and quite enjoyable, I might add) things with the connection. The only two problems were the fact that so many third parties used it for lazy-as-hell unlockables, and that Nintendo never used it to include a track editor for Mario Kart: Super Circuit with Double Dash (or a track editor for any of the GBA F-Zero games with GX, for that matter).

I think the hate is not targeted so much at the actual connectivity but rather at the period during which Nintendo chose to promote it. While Sony and MS were going on about online gaming being the future (MS more so) and pimping their online 'services', Nintendo was saying that online was premature, that consumers didn't want it (when they did) and at the same time trying to shove connectivity (which nobody ever even thought of wanting) down their throats.
Agent X said:
Yeah, you're right. The Dreamcast and the Neo-Geo Pocket Color could be connected together back in 1999.

Seriously, Jak X: Combat Racing for PS2 and Daxter for PSP both look like they'll be very high-quality games. Normally, I'd write off this sort of "connectivity" as being a cheesy gimmick and on Nintendo consoles, but when you've actually got two Sony machines to connect together (unlike virtually every previous effort to do this)...well, this is now a feature worth anticipating! :D



works for Gamestop (lol)
The unlocking stuff is moot since you can just download a save file from Gamefaqs.com without doing the connnectvity bullshit


Mallrat83 said:
So sly Sony is.

"No no no, what we are doing is compatibility. Nintendo offers connectivity. See? Fuck off."

This was funny but the "See? Fuck off" bit made me ROFL :lol


Hates quality gaming
Wyzdom said:
Why Nintendo gave a bad idea like connectivity to this industry? :(
It wasn't quite Nintendo's idea, either:

slo said:
It was a dumb idea before, it's still a dumb idea now.
Ain't that the truth.
Since I had the required hardware, I didn't earn V$ in Capcom vs SNK through the console game itself, but man did I feel retarded for dinking around with the NPC just to accumulate points.
In all seriousness, I hope the next Game Boy / PSP hooks up wirelessly to their big brother consoles. It's not the worst thing in the world. Plus it gives you another excuse to own MORE HANDHELDS.

Also dog$, coolest avatar evar.


I have to laugh at all the Sony fanboys all of a sudden being excited about connectivity. I remember people bagging on FF:CC and Zelda Four Swords, which are excellent multiplayer games, that used the connectivity idea exceptionally well.

Now they get all excited about connectivity between these two titles? Please. It's just en vogue to rip Nintendo whenever you get the chance nowadays...


works for Gamestop (lol)
who says we're being excited?

the only people i see excited about connectivity are Madden fans (which lets you pick up your Madden progress on the go then dump them back to the PS2 version)

i dont think anyone actually likes connectivity that just unlocks bullshit stuff

Agent X

Gold Member
Jeff-DSA said:
I have to laugh at all the Sony fanboys all of a sudden being excited about connectivity. I remember people bagging on FF:CC and Zelda Four Swords, which are excellent multiplayer games, that used the connectivity idea exceptionally well.

Now they get all excited about connectivity between these two titles? Please. It's just en vogue to rip Nintendo whenever you get the chance nowadays...

Nobody's bagging on Nintendo here. I admit to having fun with Pac-Man Vs. and The Legend of Zelda: Four Swords Adventure when I tried them at a friend's house. But overall, the concept really hasn't been used all that well in the past, considering the hype behind it. It's wasted potential.

Frankly, the connectivity feature between Jak X: Combat Racing and Daxter doesn't seem like it's terribly compelling, either. It just seems to be some extra unlockables, much like many of the other instances of connectivity between consoles and handhelds. In and of itself, it's nothing to get excited over. It's just an extra incentive to possibly get both games--and, as I've pointed out above, both games look like they will both be top-notch productions.

I would still be interested in both games even if this function wasn't there. But, since it is there, it is a nice little bonus.


Connectivity in Zelda: FS was great but I only played it in single player. Forcing it for multiplayer was a fucking joke though

It definitely added a new, enjoyable element to single player though


Scary Euro Man
dog$ said:
It wasn't quite Nintendo's idea, either

Of course it wasn't. I presumed everyone already knew that GAF has a vocal minority of whiney Nintendo fans who bitch incessantly about how Sony stole Nintendo's innovations despite the fact that these innovations pre-date Nintendo. Whether it's force feedback, analogue sticks or connectivity it's the same old story and the same old straw men. Still, whatever gets them through the day. Though in this case you could make the claim that although it doesn't actually involve connecting a handheld to a home console, Pokemon Stadium on N64 was the first step towards it.

Meanwhile, connectivity is just as good an idea as it ever was - meaning mostly not a particularly good one, but occasionally with a neat gimmick that's good for a laugh. Pacman Vs remains the high point, but I still don't think I'd actually have paid real money for it.


iapetus said:
Of course it wasn't. I presumed everyone already knew that GAF has a vocal minority of whiney Nintendo fans who bitch incessantly about how Sony stole Nintendo's innovations despite the fact that these innovations pre-date Nintendo. Whether it's force feedback, analogue sticks or connectivity it's the same old story and the same old straw men. Still, whatever gets them through the day. Though in this case you could make the claim that although it doesn't actually involve connecting a handheld to a home console, Pokemon Stadium on N64 was the first step towards it.

Meanwhile, connectivity is just as good an idea as it ever was - meaning mostly not a particularly good one, but occasionally with a neat gimmick that's good for a laugh. Pacman Vs remains the high point, but I still don't think I'd actually have paid real money for it.

So had Nintendo not put an analog stick on the N64 controller, nor introduced a runble pack add-on, Sony will in their wisdom go out on their own and incorporate these technologies which were totally alien to consoles by themselves?

Getting bogged down in firsts misses the point. The games industry isn't a static organism, companies react to each other and you'd have to be a moron to think Sony created the dual shock controller out of pure conincidence and Nintendo's actions had no affect. It was obvious to everyone where the product had its genesis.

The point being made by the whiny Nintendo fans is that Nintendo has incorporated many ideas into their designs, L/R, 4 controller ports, rumble, analog, connectivity, wireless (wavebird) that its competitors copied because they realize it was a good idea.

Immitation as they say is the best form of flattery.


I went to WAGs boutique and all I got was a sniff
WHOA! Sony, you rock. If only Nintendo could come up with idea's like these!

What really pisses me off is how most of the PS2 fanboys would bash conncectivity when nintendo did it, but as soon as Sony do it, they get fukcing exited over it.
psycho_snake said:
WHOA! Sony, you rock. If only Nintendo could come up with idea's like these!

What really pisses me off is how most of the PS2 fanboys would bash conncectivity when nintendo did it, but as soon as Sony do it, they get fukcing exited over it.

The problem with connectivity was how it was done. Forcing you to have several handhelds just to play a multiplayer game is an awful idea. Using it to unlock minor things isn't a big deal though. No one was bothered by connectivity till the multiplayer aspect came into it. If Sony tries to force people to have several PSP's to play a game in multiplayer there's going to be alot of bitching from people. As long as they do little extras its not much of a big deal.


SolidSnakex said:
The problem with connectivity was how it was done. Forcing you to have several handhelds just to play a multiplayer game is an awful idea. Using it to unlock minor things isn't a big deal though. No one was bothered by connectivity till the multiplayer aspect came into it. If Sony tries to force people to have several PSP's to play a game in multiplayer there's going to be alot of bitching from people. As long as they do little extras its not much of a big deal.

You COULD unlock minor things with GBA connectivity as well. And I suspect PSP connectivity, if they were used as second screens, or as a wireless controller would also require multiple units.

There's nothing fundamentally new here really. I am surprised people are trying to paint it as if this is an evolutionary step in connectivity, it isn't. It's just copy and paste.

Kon Tiki

SolidSnakex said:
If Sony tries to force people to have several PSP's to play a game in multiplayer there's going to be alot of bitching from people. As long as they do little extras its not much of a big deal.

Well duh. 70 Million people do not own PSPs, it is a lot easier to find someone with a GBA than PSP.
Society said:
Well duh. 70 Million people do not own PSPs, it is a lot easier to find someone with a GBA than PSP.

I don't care if there are 100m PSP's out there at the time Sony starts doing it. People buy extra controllers for a specific system to play multipler games, they don't buy a handheld to do it. It's a bad idea no matter how many handhelds there are.
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