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Sony innovates again! PSP Connectivity for Jak X/ Daxter

Kon Tiki

SolidSnakex said:
I don't care if there are 100m PSP's out there at the time Sony starts doing it. People buy extra controllers for a specific system to play multipler games, they don't buy a handheld to do it. It's a bad idea no matter how many handhelds there are.

So in GCN/GBA case, there are ~20Million GCN , with a max of 4 controllers per GCN, that is 80Million controllers. There are more GBA than GCN controllers (my 70M figure was low, I do not follow sales, but I know there are at least 70Million GBA). :lol In this case, it is easier to find a GBA than controller. Unless you are a twat who hates buying new systems, i mean it is not as if the GBA (or PSP) does not have any value outside that connectivity situation.


Headmaster of Console Warrior Jugendstrafanstalt
dog$ said:
It wasn't quite Nintendo's idea, either:

Ain't that the truth.
Since I had the required hardware, I didn't earn V$ in Capcom vs SNK through the console game itself, but man did I feel retarded for dinking around with the NPC just to accumulate points.
Ehm, it was. Look at Pokémon Stadium. As far as I remember, GameCube's connectivity was annpunced before Dreamcast's was btw, although of course they couldn't do it before it was released ^^.


Deku said:
So had Nintendo not put an analog stick on the N64 controller, nor introduced a runble pack add-on, Sony will in their wisdom go out on their own and incorporate these technologies which were totally alien to consoles by themselves?

Getting bogged down in firsts misses the point. The games industry isn't a static organism, companies react to each other and you'd have to be a moron to think Sony created the dual shock controller out of pure conincidence and Nintendo's actions had no affect. It was obvious to everyone where the product had its genesis.

The point being made by the whiny Nintendo fans is that Nintendo has incorporated many ideas into their designs, L/R, 4 controller ports, rumble, analog, connectivity, wireless (wavebird) that its competitors copied because they realize it was a good idea.

Immitation as they say is the best form of flattery.

Another little innovation that Nintendo had back in the day was the creation of the digital pad.


Also, it was SNK who first gave us the concept of a memory card in order to save data between their arcade system and home unit.


Scary Euro Man
Deku said:
So had Nintendo not put an analog stick on the N64 controller, nor introduced a runble pack add-on, Sony will in their wisdom go out on their own and incorporate these technologies which were totally alien to consoles by themselves?





Deku said:
The point being made by the whiny Nintendo fans is that Nintendo has incorporated many ideas into their designs, L/R, 4 controller ports, rumble, analog, connectivity, wireless (wavebird) that its competitors copied because they realize it was a good idea.

And the point being missed by the whiney Nintendo fans is that Nintendo has copied many ideas from their competitors as well. If Nintendo introduce something first then it's TEH INNOVATION regardless of whether it was done before ("Oh, that was a long time ago, or totally alien to consoles..."). When they borrow ideas back, it doesn't count, because it was obvious, or because OH LOOK! A MONKEY! HAHA SONY CAN'T INNOVATE!

Don't get me wrong, Nintendo do do a lot of cool stuff, and when they do I think it's great that their competitors pick up on it as well (and sometimes do it better having had a chance to see Nintendo's first run at it). It's good that they reintroduced the analogue controller, and that this popularised it in modern consoles and led to the comparatively standard controller pretty much all systems have now (in an evolutionary chain that goes through the Dual Shock pretty clearly). I like a lot of the features they've provided on their systems that haven't become widespread too - the analogue-and-click button style on the GC controller is very nice for games designed to use it. But this attitude that they invented everything from analogue control to 3D platformers and that nothing from their competitors counts as innovative is just a joke. Sure, I like a lot of the things Nintendo has introduced. I also like Eyetoy, and dual analogue sticks, and breakaway controller cords, and hard-drive save games. Some evolutionary innovations, some revolutionary innovations, and they all make my gaming better, and some of them will feed back into Nintendo systems, or already have.


psycho_snake said:
WHOA! Sony, you rock. If only Nintendo could come up with idea's like these!

What really pisses me off is how most of the PS2 fanboys would bash conncectivity when nintendo did it, but as soon as Sony do it, they get fukcing exited over it.

Isn't that what fanboys usually do? :shakes head


psycho_snake said:
WHOA! Sony, you rock. If only Nintendo could come up with idea's like these!

What really pisses me off is how most of the PS2 fanboys would bash conncectivity when nintendo did it, but as soon as Sony do it, they get fukcing exited over it.

who cares what a few retards were trolling about. I didn't see anyone getting that excited then, and I don't see anyone getting that excited now. Just a few fanboys getting their panties in a twist is all I see.

Onix said:
I don't see Sony advertising this as an innovative feature ...

... why is everyone making a big deal?

that's what I'm saying

Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
iapetus said:




And the point being missed by the whiney Nintendo fans is that Nintendo has copied many ideas from their competitors as well. If Nintendo introduce something first then it's TEH INNOVATION regardless of whether it was done before ("Oh, that was a long time ago, or totally alien to consoles..."). When they borrow ideas back, it doesn't count, because it was obvious, or because OH LOOK! A MONKEY! HAHA SONY CAN'T INNOVATE!

Don't get me wrong, Nintendo do do a lot of cool stuff, and when they do I think it's great that their competitors pick up on it as well (and sometimes do it better having had a chance to see Nintendo's first run at it). It's good that they reintroduced the analogue controller, and that this popularised it in modern consoles and led to the comparatively standard controller pretty much all systems have now (in an evolutionary chain that goes through the Dual Shock pretty clearly). I like a lot of the features they've provided on their systems that haven't become widespread too - the analogue-and-click button style on the GC controller is very nice for games designed to use it. But this attitude that they invented everything from analogue control to 3D platformers and that nothing from their competitors counts as innovative is just a joke. Sure, I like a lot of the things Nintendo has introduced. I also like Eyetoy, and dual analogue sticks, and breakaway controller cords, and hard-drive save games. Some evolutionary innovations, some revolutionary innovations, and they all make my gaming better, and some of them will feed back into Nintendo systems, or already have.

his point completely went over your head. nintendo may not have been the first to introduce these things. but they were the first to introduce them successfully.
quadriplegicjon said:
his point completely went over your head. nintendo may not have been the first to introduce these things. but they were the first to introduce them successfully.

Cool, so then Sony kickstarted the advent of disc based media thus changing the gaming world forver? Man, Sony, always on the forefront of innovation unlike the dumbshits at Nintendo.


Scary Euro Man
quadriplegicjon said:
his point completely went over your head. nintendo may not have been the first to introduce these things. but they were the first to introduce them successfully.

No, you're trying to turn his point into something it wasn't, and something that's pretty retarded as well. I don't recall Atari being the world's biggest failure back in the day.

This is exactly the Nintendo fanboy kneejerk reaction I'm complaining about, though.

"Nintendo invented analogue control."

No, they didn't.

"But they were the first to do it on consoles."

No, they weren't.

"But they were the first to do it successfully on consoles."

No, they weren't.

"But they were the first to do it successfully on consoles in the 32/64-bit generation."


Sholmes said:
Cool, so then Sony kickstarted the advent of disc based media thus changing the gaming world forver? Man, Sony, always on the forefront of innovation unlike the dumbshits at Nintendo.

Bingo. Except, of course, they didn't really, because it was done before, no matter how unsuccessfully, by 3DO, by Atari, by Sega. And anyone who seriously claims they did deserves to be slapped down as hard as the Nintendo-invented-the-analogue crowd.
iapetus said:
No, you're trying to turn his point into something it wasn't, and something that's pretty retarded as well. I don't recall Atari being the world's biggest failure back in the day.

There are a lot of things that Nintendo didn't invent, but it is still due to them that these inventions are the way we play games.

Atari didn't invent cartridges, but it is certainly due to Atari's 2600 that we play on machines with swappable carts for games. You can credit Turbografx, Sega, or Sony as you like for the current CD/DVD format as game storage. I credit Sony--their PS1 is the world-dominating machine that made it work, used it successfully to compete on pricing, and introduced high-profile budget gaming.

Nintendo didn't invent buttons, but the standard controller layout (d-pad on left, buttons on right, shoulder triggers) is something they should get credit for, because the success of the NES/SNES is the reason gamepads look like they do.

Nintendo didn't invent the analog stick. I have no idea if they invented the decidedly non-analog 'analog' sticks we use now, but it doesn't matter. It is definitely a credit to them that we have them on our controllers. Nobody else can take credit for that. It was their idea; they weren't copying some obscure controller from a long-forgotten machine. But everyone copied them. So credit is due.

Sony put two on the controller. Now they all have two. Credit is due. There were dual-analog controllers prior to that, but none of those were going to get imitated and become standard.

Sony also put 'clickable' sticks on there--a nice touch that gets overlooked too much IMO.

Rumble was copied from Nintendo's implementation. Memory cards were copied from Sony's system. They both existed prior, but they're now standard thanks to Nintendo and Sony.

You get the idea, I hope. Who invented these things is often trivial, and all but impossible to find out. You can almost always find a pre-existing device that's similar to any gaming 'innovation'. But how often was some old novelty the inspiration for a controller or console design? Never. And when a new design becomes so popular that it gets copied by the entire industry and becomes standard, the credit should go where it's due--to the company that introduced that new standard. Not to some moldy old historical curiosity.


Onix said:
I don't see Sony advertising this as an innovative feature ...

... why is everyone making a big deal?

For this reason:

psycho_snake said:
What really pisses me off is how most of the PS2 fanboys would bash conncectivity when nintendo did it, but as soon as Sony do it, they get fukcing exited over it.
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