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Sony set to buy Square Enix

Ask your mother.

These clickbait topics are getting on my nerves lately. From Microsoft buying Sega (on Wednesday), Sony taking over Silent Hill and now buying SE. Stop the bullshit!


If it's from that brothel in Toronto then that wasn't me.
I mean, what brothel? I don't know anything about no brothel.

Sure is nice to meet you though Mr. Brothel... err, I mean Bryank75 :)
I have no idea what you are talking about...

python GIF

I think Square and Kadokawa make the most sense in terms of big acquisitions, considering they are both involved in gaming and manga / anime and have aspirations to be involved in film....which Sony could help with.

But I think PlayStation is really missing a fighting game. I'd love Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat to be exclusive to the platform.


I have no idea what you are talking about...

python GIF

I think Square and Kadokawa make the most sense in terms of big acquisitions, considering they are both involved in gaming and manga / anime and have aspirations to be involved in film....which Sony could help with.

But I think PlayStation is really missing a fighting game. I'd love Street Fighter or Mortal Kombat to be exclusive to the platform.

lol, indeed. Square and Kadokawa are companies that Sony as a whole has relationships with on multiple fronts with gaming being the strongest one. Their recent push for anime has only reaffirmed to me how much sense it would make for them to make a move to acquire both. I'm curious to see how things might play out once Sony has begun the new fiscal year since the new year will also include their new budget for mergers and acquisitions and whatnot for the next couple years or so. Sony's other divisions have been spending billions on M&A these past few years, and I think it's high time SIE got to make some moves. I'm guessing Bluepoint and MAYBE Housemarque might be the first though.

As for fighting games, well they did have Street Fighter 5 as a console exclusive at least. While Capcom is in a better overall position right now I wonder if Sony might try to make SF6 another console exclusive. Who knows, maybe with the resurgence in popularity for PlayStation IP they'll take another crack at All-Star Battle Royale :)

Anyways, in a world where Sony does acquire Kadokawa or Square I would then have to wonder what sort of comments we'd get from people who think they're abandoning Japan. I mean, with the anime empire they're looking to build that alone should fuel a buttload of potential games for the Japanese market in the coming years. The idea that they're abandoning Japan is just crazy.


lol, indeed. Square and Kadokawa are companies that Sony as a whole has relationships with on multiple fronts with gaming being the strongest one. Their recent push for anime has only reaffirmed to me how much sense it would make for them to make a move to acquire both. I'm curious to see how things might play out once Sony has begun the new fiscal year since the new year will also include their new budget for mergers and acquisitions and whatnot for the next couple years or so. Sony's other divisions have been spending billions on M&A these past few years, and I think it's high time SIE got to make some moves. I'm guessing Bluepoint and MAYBE Housemarque might be the first though.

As for fighting games, well they did have Street Fighter 5 as a console exclusive at least. While Capcom is in a better overall position right now I wonder if Sony might try to make SF6 another console exclusive. Who knows, maybe with the resurgence in popularity for PlayStation IP they'll take another crack at All-Star Battle Royale :)

Anyways, in a world where Sony does acquire Kadokawa or Square I would then have to wonder what sort of comments we'd get from people who think they're abandoning Japan. I mean, with the anime empire they're looking to build that alone should fuel a buttload of potential games for the Japanese market in the coming years. The idea that they're abandoning Japan is just crazy.

And from those who cheered for the acquisition of Zenimax. It's fairly obvious the tone would be very different, because reasons.


And from those who cheered for the acquisition of Zenimax. It's fairly obvious the tone would be very different, because reasons.
MS buying Zenimax or whatever else means that people who play on PC will be able to play that games. It's basically way to be sure that game will not be exclusive for one platform in the future.

Anyway who cares about Square Enix? Their last good game (not being FF) was when? In 2013? They somehow were able to run Eidos studios to the ground and killed Deus Ex and Thief.
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Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
MS buying Zenimax or whatever else means that people who play on PC will be able to play that games. It's basically way to be sure that game will not be exclusive for one platform in the future.

Anyway who cares about Square Enix? They last good game (not being FF) was when? In 2013? They somehow were able to run Eidos studios to the ground and killed Deus Ex and Thief.

While I am not a fan of mobile games, its a good thing GAF doesnt run games companies.



While I am not a fan of mobile games, its a good thing GAF doesnt run games companies.
Much to some people's surprise, a lot of people care about Square Enix. :messenger_grinning_sweat:



While I am not a fan of mobile games, its a good thing GAF doesnt run games companies.
And why should I care about company operating virtual casinos (because that's what most of mobile games, especially gacha are) instead of making games?


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
And why should I care about company operating virtual casinos (because that's what most of mobile games, especially gacha are) instead of making games?

You shouldnt, you are just someone who plays games. But you asked teh question, "Who cares abotu Squre Enix" and then gave examples of them killing Deux Ex and Thief. That may matter to you but for someone running a company what matters more is the revenue being brought in from these other sources.


In the event a Sony/Square Enix acquisition/merger/whatever occurs, I can only see Square's IP benefiting from it. The technology, budget, developmental and support pipeline and freedom that PlayStation studios gives to their devs is amazing. As a Deus Ex fan I can only imagine what we could get if it were a first party title. It could even one day lead to my dream of a Bluepoint remake of the original Deus Ex which makes me giddy at just the thought.


Writes a lot, says very little
And why should I care about company operating virtual casinos (because that's what most of mobile games, especially gacha are) instead of making games?

To make those games, they still need money.....money they make from those virtual casinos.

So them making money to continue making games I like very much is a great thing. I don't really understand why gamers seem to have a hard time understanding that this is still a business, you need MONEY to make games.


In the event a Sony/Square Enix acquisition/merger/whatever occurs, I can only see Square's IP benefiting from it. The technology, budget, developmental and support pipeline and freedom that PlayStation studios gives to their devs is amazing. As a Deus Ex fan I can only imagine what we could get if it were a first party title. It could even one day lead to my dream of a Bluepoint remake of the original Deus Ex which makes me giddy at just the thought.
Deus Ex is polar opposite of what Sony is doing with their games. Really it's better for it to stay dead than be turned into another cinematic third person movie simulator. Did I ever mentioned that I hate most of Sony games with passion?
Also DEx don't need big budget everything that made it good was also making it niche game. Big budget means more games needed to be sold and more watered down game.

To make those games, they still need money.....money they make from those virtual casinos.
And they are not doing that games but forced both Tomb Raider and Deus Ex/Thief teams to make another shitty virtual casino in form of Avengers game. I lost any hope in good Square Enix (Eidos) game in the same moment they announced Avengers.
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This would be the biggest purchase Sony (as a whole) ever made. Bar none. In any case, we would know before they even had a chance to release the press release for their intent because SE is publicly traded on the tokyo stock exchange.

This seems like fanboy dreams to me.
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Deus Ex is polar opposite of what Sony is doing with their games. Really it's better for it to stay dead than be turned into another cinematic third person movie simulator. Did I ever mentioned that I hate most of Sony games with passion?
Also DEx don't need big budget everything that made it good was also making it niche game. Big budget means more games needed to be sold and more watered down game.

And they are not doing that games but forced both Tomb Raider and Deus Ex/Thief teams to make another shitty virtual casino in form of Avengers game. I lost any hope in good Square Enix (Eidos) game in the same moment they announced Avengers.

lol, what nonsense. Why would you assume Deus Ex would be turned into a cinematic third person title? "Movie simulator" dribble aside. Deus Ex could very well adhere to its roots under Sony, only with a bigger budget, a world class development pipeline behind it and the devs would be given the freedom and time to make what they want.

Also, by what logic do you conclude that a bigger budget somehow leads to a watered down game? That makes no sense whatsoever. They'd have more resources to make a bigger and better game.

This would be the biggest purchase Sony (as a whole) ever made. Bar none. In any case, we would know before they even had a chance to release the press release for their intent because SE is publicly traded on the tokyo stock exchange.

This seems like fanboy dreams to me.

This subject has long since moved on from a "rumor" to just idle discussion about the topic. There's no current reason to believe this is happening, we're just discussing what could be. :)

And yup, it'd be a massive acquisition for Sony. They certainly have the money to pull it off, it's just a matter of whether they feel it's a worthwhile move or if it'd be better to devote resources elsewhere.
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lol, what nonsense. Why would you assume Deus Ex would be turned into a cinematic third person title? "Movie simulator" dribble aside. Deus Ex could very well adhere to its roots under Sony, only with a bigger budget, a world class development pipeline behind it and the devs would be given the freedom and time to make what they want.

Also, by what logic do you conclude that a bigger budget somehow leads to a watered down game? That makes no sense whatsoever. They'd have more resources to make a bigger and better game.

This subject has long since moved on from a "rumor" to just idle discussion about the topic. There's no current reason to believe this is happening, we're just discussing what could be. :)

And yup, it'd be a massive acquisition for Sony. They certainly have the money to pull it off, it's just a matter of whether they feel it's a worthwhile move or if it'd be better to devote resources elsewhere.

How would it be a massive acquisition? Square are a joke of an organisation with only one good IP and that's Deus Ex.


Writes a lot, says very little
Deus Ex is polar opposite of what Sony is doing with their games. Really it's better for it to stay dead than be turned into another cinematic third person movie simulator. Did I ever mentioned that I hate most of Sony games with passion?
Also DEx don't need big budget everything that made it good was also making it niche game. Big budget means more games needed to be sold and more watered down game.

And they are not doing that games but forced both Tomb Raider and Deus Ex/Thief teams to make another shitty virtual casino in form of Avengers game. I lost any hope in good Square Enix (Eidos) game in the same moment they announced Avengers.

Just too dramatic man. Misses happen in the industry, it doesn't mean to NOT MAKE MONEY in an area that makes a shit ton of money. Its not an either or. What Avengers is as a game isn't some idea that all Square seeks to be or something.

Failures happen in the industry, would be like me saying I won't buy the new Ratchet cause that Insomniac game FUSE failed or I won't buy any Sony game cause Hidden Agenda is crap or something. It tries to make it sound like in order for you to trust the company, zero failures must happen.

Good luck with that. I don't think any publisher I like has had zero failures or something. I mean, you lost hope in the whole company because of 1 game? Sounds simply over dramatic man. You lost hope cause 1 team out of several made a bad game? Never mind that the fucking team isn't the only team that makes games at Square?

Sooooooo I'd say this is why some gamers need not worry about business. As a person that owns my own business and failed many times, if someone thinks a failure means to loose all hope, never enter business. Generally no fucking business only has 100% hits and zero misses or something. You are reaching for a unicorn, you are seeking hope in literally something impossible, unusual and unrealistic.

R RebellYell "Square are a joke of an organisation with only one good IP and that's Deus Ex." huh? Deus Ex isn't even the best selling game at Square so......yea, this is why I don't think gamers need to worry about businesses as many have no clue what they are talking about and keep forcing their feelings on if a deal is good or not.

Would be like me fucking saying buying out McDonalds isn't a good deal bro, only good thing they have is McChicken.... Sir, you didn't even spell organization correctly and ignored all the other IP at Square that FACTUALLY sell better then Deus Ex. I'm not sure why anyone could take a post like that seriously. I don't know why its hard for folks to separate their feelings from simply looking at a business deal. Be like "don't buy Activision bro, Call Of Duty sucks every year doe cuz"
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How would it be a massive acquisition? Square are a joke of an organisation with only one good IP and that's Deus Ex.

Square owns a LOT more than just Deus Ex. Square Enix has a market cap of about 8 billion dollars and an acquisition would cost even more. Sony's largest acquisition to date was Columbia Pictures back in 1989. More recently the most they've spent on a single thing was last year when they spent 3.7 billion dollars to take their financial arm private.

So yeah, Square Enix would be their largest acquisition by far if it were to occur which is why some feel a merger of some sort could be more likely if anything at were going to happen at all. Sony has more than enough money to buy Square Enix outright, but it's anyone's guess whether they'd want to drop that much cash.

Because Sony spend lot of time during previous generation killing all games that are not third person cinematic action games or open world ubiclones. I simply don't trust them (and especially Jim Ryan) with anything gaming related.

Sony lets their studios choose what they want to make. If some of them chose to make third person cinematic games then that was their own choice, not some mandate from up above. A studio chooses what they feel is best for the game they want to make, it's as simple as that.


Good lord third person is not a genre. Sony isn't telling their studios to make third person games stop with this nonsense
You are right. They just kill all under-performing (in their eyes) studios like Evolution, Studio Liverpool, Ready at Dawn, Sony Japan...

Also, by what logic do you conclude that a bigger budget somehow leads to a watered down game? That makes no sense whatsoever. They'd have more resources to make a bigger and better game.
Because average person is idiot with attention span of goldfish. You seriously don't see what happened with RPG games (compare Morrowind's cave of incarnate quest with Witcher 3 hunts with detective mode) and action adventure games (compare first Tomb Raider level design with Uncharted "press button to awesome").


You are right. They just kill all under-performing (in their eyes) studios like Evolution, Studio Liverpool, Ready at Dawn, Sony Japan...

Because average person is idiot with attention span of goldfish. You seriously don't see what happened with RPG games (compare Morrowind's cave of incarnate quest with Witcher 3 hunts with detective mode) and action adventure games (compare first Tomb Raider level design with Uncharted "press button to awesome").

You do realize Sony never owned Ready at Dawn, right? Those other studios all got their shots and screwed the pooch. We as the public only know about the games themselves and have no visibility on the behind the scenes events at those studios. Sony as the parent company looked at the overall picture (not just the small slice we see) and decided they weren't worth keeping on. Nothing at all wrong with that.

Also, you still have not explained how a bigger budget leads to a watered down game. There is no correlation between your examples and a dev having access to more resources and a bigger budget being the cause of a watered down game. Sony doesn't babysit their devs and force them to make things more or less intricate and complex. That's entirely on the dev and their vision. You seem to be set in your opinion and are trying to form a narrative to fit.


This makes absolutely no sense as Sony once had shares in Square-Enix and sold all of them, a few years ago (2014).

And Sony is a wannabe American company now anyway.
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This makes absolutely no sense as Sony once had shares in Square-Enix and sold all of them, a few years ago (2014).

Sony in 2014 was in MUCH worse shape financially than they are now. Those were the dark days when people were talking about either the company closing or someone buying them out. They've rebounded massively since then. Not to mention the gaming landscape has changed since then. These days devs are being scooped up all across the industry and strong IP is more valuable than ever. Sony also has current focus on PlayStation Productions where they're bringing their gaming IP to film and television, and Square would add to that. Then there's Square Enix's anime/manga IP that fits with Sony's recent drive to make anime the 4th core pillar of their business.

Square Enix in particular gets a lot of attention whenever speculation comes up because they've got a very close relationship with Sony and SIE is moneyhatting a lot of their projects as it is with FF7 Remake, FF16, Project Athia, Spider-Man in Avengers...

Again, no one's saying this is happening (or at least they shouldn't be), we're just chit chatting about the possibility :)


Because Sony spend lot of time during previous generation killing all games that are not third person cinematic action games or open world ubiclones. I simply don't trust them (and especially Jim Ryan) with anything gaming related.

Yawn, you would be better off on Era with this bullshit.

Sony concern threads, hot takes and bullshit memes ....... sad bunch of cunts going around these parts at the moment.


Sony in 2014 was in MUCH worse shape financially than they are now. Those were the dark days when people were talking about either the company closing or someone buying them out. They've rebounded massively since then. Not to mention the gaming landscape has changed since then. These days devs are being scooped up all across the industry and strong IP is more valuable than ever. Sony also has current focus on PlayStation Productions where they're bringing their gaming IP to film and television, and Square would add to that. Then there's Square Enix's anime/manga IP that fits with Sony's recent drive to make anime the 4th core pillar of their business.

Square Enix in particular gets a lot of attention whenever speculation comes up because they've got a very close relationship with Sony and SIE is moneyhatting a lot of their projects as it is with FF7 Remake, FF16, Project Athia, Spider-Man in Avengers...

Again, no one's saying this is happening (or at least they shouldn't be), we're just chit chatting about the possibility :)
Thanks for the clarification, I was not aware of the change of situation as I don't really look at these topics to begin with.
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