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Sony's Gamescom Media Briefing On "Release Plans for PlayStation 4"


HEY GUYS, remember that huge moment when MS reversed their DRM policy and always online and remove mandatory kinect and put a headset with every console?!?! it was soOO moving!~

Hey, it's up to you if you wanna try to downplay everything with sarcasm, but don't pretend it wasn't a moment that basically set course for the industry.

And for what it's worth, hell MS announcing that DRM reversal was fucking huge. I don't think anyone really believed that MS would just throw it all out the window like that, especially not that quickly. I don't think I've ever seen MS so reactive before in my life.


HEY GUYS, remember that huge moment when MS reversed their DRM policy and always online and remove mandatory kinect and put a headset with every console?!?! it was soOO moving!~
Why are you shitting up the thread up with this? Take your agenda elsewhere.
why are we acting like its still huge when its been void by recent MS announcements though?
Because one wouldn't have happened if the other didn't first. Or at least started them down that road.

HEY GUYS, remember that huge moment when MS reversed their DRM policy and always online and remove mandatory kinect and put a headset with every console?!?! it was soOO moving!~
Oh, you mean that moment MS started acting all reactionary?
Yes, the E3 NoDRM announcement was probably the best thing to happen this year. So, so many crows were eaten. So many people here on this board were wrong about Sony doing the same as Microsoft, so many journalists who said Sony will do the same.
All turned out to be wrong and ate some crow.

Never forget. So happy this happened.
Oh piss off. This was one of the most masterful trolls in E3 history. Right after hearing MS basically fuck over gamers worldwide, everyone was waiting with baited breath to see Sony's responses and they delivered eliciting the response you saw. You two can be sticks in the mud, but to the thousands sitting in that auditorium, that was one of the biggest moments of E3.

It was like Tretton and House announced World Peace!
HEY GUYS, remember that huge moment when MS reversed their DRM policy and always online and remove mandatory kinect and put a headset with every console?!?! it was soOO moving!~

Shitting in someone's cereal bowl for months and then turning around and saying "My bad. I didn't mean it." doesn't seem quite sincere and moving afterwards.


Junior Member
Yes, the E3 NoDRM announcement was probably the best thing to happen this year. So, so many crows were eaten. So many people here on this board where wrong about Sony doing the same as Microsoft, so many journalists who said Sony will do the same.
All turned out to be wrong and ate some crow.

Never forget.

The $500 price for the Xbox One also caught some off-guard. I love how Sony learned from the PS3 and has priced the Vita and PS4 competitively.


Some may say putting online multiplayer behind a paywall is bad, but I see it as a positive. Not just saying it because Sony did it and they are invincible to wrongdoings, but for $50 a year, there is an INSANE amount of value to Plus. Knowing that I am getting a PS4 game on day one, and the dozens of more to come throughout the year puts me at ease. Paying that fee will surely strengthen the PSN servers and allow Sony to provide more functionality to gamers.
This is exactly what Xbox gamers used to tell me last gen. Didn't belive them then. Don't believe you now.

Don't forget that Sony narrowed the gap between Xbox Live and PSN during last gen to the point that even hardcore Xbox fans started questioning why they keep on paying for Live when it's free and perfectly functional on PS3. Some people even stopped playing online on 360 and went online on PS3 instead.

And then came the loved PS4 presentation and PS+ online play paywall announcement. And now we're back on square one. Both Xbox fans and PS fans is starting to think it's okay to pay for online gaming again. Thanks Sony! :(


why are we acting like its still huge when its been void by recent MS announcements though?

Because in the collective consciousness of those who cared, the damage was already done.

Most don't believe in the longevity of MS's "180 Moonwalk" sincerity...

Deleted member 80556

Unconfirmed Member
Without the Rebellion, that shit certainly would not have hit as hard at the conference. That's for sure. People were all riled and upset and loud, meanwhile every journalist and analyst said Sony would have some form of DRM. That contributed significantly to the impact of that moment.

4chan gives Gaben and Kojima birthday gifts, we protect gaming rights for an entire generation. Top that!


Mort killed my hype so much.
I will go into this expecting nothing.
If October is confirmed then that is great news. That's all I'm going in as far as expectations though.

Will be legit surprised to see anything like the Last Guardian or Uncharted 4 to show up.


"GAF's biggest wanker"
HEY GUYS, remember that huge moment when MS reversed their DRM policy and always online and remove mandatory kinect and put a headset with every console?!?! it was soOO moving!~
You promise if I go through your post history, I won't find you moved or excited by any particular company's announcements then?


People are bitter about MS trying to fuck over consumers. I agree it's time to just see how things play out and move on, but why exactly are you bitter about Sony doing everything right?

as others have said, we're making a hoopla over status quo with online paywall.


OH come on, this is relatively tame compared to an xbone thread.

Feels like we're dangerously approaching thread whining territory here.

"But people are so mean to my favorite corporation in other threads! Why do they get to be nice to a different one in another thread?"

as others have said, we're making a hoopla over status quo with online paywall.

I seem to recall some discussion about E3 in and of itself. Then folks got offended that Sony isn't getting equal parts shit as Microsoft, and started this whole strand of nonsense.
Mort killed my hype so much.
I will go into this expecting nothing.
If October is confirmed then that is great news. That's all I'm going in as far as expectations though.

Will be legit surprised to see anything like the Last Guardian or Uncharted 4 to show up.

*cashes check from Phil Spencer*


It was like Tretton and House announced World Peace!
This is exactly what Xbox gamers used to tell me last gen. Didn't belive them then. Don't believe you now.

Don't forget that Sony narrowed the gap between Xbox Live and PSN during last gen to the point that even hardcore Xbox fans started questioning why they keep on paying for Live when it's free and perfectly functional on PS3. Some people even stopped playing online on 360 and went online on PS3 instead.

And then came the loved PS4 presentation and PS+ online play paywall announcement. And now we're back on square one. Both Xbox fans and PS fans is starting to think it's okay to pay for online gaming again. Thanks Sony! :(

I agree with this. I have a hard time mustering up much anger about it because I've had PS+ since it launched and would have it anyway... but on an intellectual level I just do not agree with paying for online play. Especially since it is monetized in so many other ways already. We get ads, we get DLC, we get to buy games straight from them which makes them more money, we buy games in the first place because they have an online mode we want... to charge to play online sucks.

I just don't have any anger left. But intellectually i'm right there with you.


Junior Member
This is exactly what Xbox gamers used to tell me last gen. Didn't belive them then. Don't believe you now.

Don't forget that Sony narrowed the gap between Xbox Live and PSN during last gen to the point that even hardcore Xbox fans started questioning why they keep on paying for Live when it's free and perfectly functional on PS3. Some people even stopped playing online on 360 and went online on PS3 instead.

And then came the loved PS4 presentation and PS+ online play paywall announcement. And now we're back on square one. Both Xbox fans and PS fans is starting to think it's okay to pay for online gaming again. Thanks Sony! :(

So you're upset that Sony is letting you pay less than Microsoft and get free games that aren't over five years old? Blasphemy!


This is exactly what Xbox gamers used to tell me last gen. Didn't belive them then. Don't believe you now.

Don't forget that Sony narrowed the gap between Xbox Live and PSN during last gen to the point that even hardcore Xbox fans started questioning why they keep on paying for Live when it's free and perfectly functional on PS3. Some people even stopped playing online on 360 and went online on PS3 instead.

And then came the loved PS4 presentation and PS+ online play paywall announcement. And now we're back on square one. Both Xbox fans and PS fans is starting to think it's okay to pay for online gaming again. Thanks Sony! :(

Which is why my beloved PC gaming will always be there and will never let me down
I can't really get too upset over the PS Plus paywall thing because as a gamer who buys stuff regularly on PSN, the service always pays for itself with the discounts I get. I really can't say the same for any of the years I paid for XBL.


Junior Member
I can't really get too upset over the PS Plus paywall thing because as a gamer who buys stuff regularly on PSN anyway, the service always pays for itself with the discounts I get. I really can't say the same for any of the years I paid for XBL.

This is how I feel. Why LIVE is still much more streamlined than PSN is on the PS3, the $60 is really starting to lose its value. Xbox LIVE used to beat the crap out of PSN for the good first half of this generation. I love having Plus on my Vita, the amount of free games and discounts is mind-blowing. Auto updates are also a nice perk.
Free Knack in every console.

And preinstalled PlanetSide 2, Blacklight Retribution, DC Universe Online, and Warframe.

And DriveClub Plus Edition.

For only 399.

I know that some people seem underwhelmed by Knack. I personally think it looks like a perfect family friendly game, reminiscent of the old mascot games. Having said that, it really would be awesome to have a boxed copy of Knack packed in with every PS4 purchase (with the price staying where it is). It would be just like the old Nintendo days with SMB/SMW being packed into every NES/SNES or Sega systems with Sonic.


Junior Member
I know that some people seem underwhelmed by Knack. I personally think it looks like a perfect family friendly game, reminiscent of the old mascot games. Having said that, how it really would be awesome to have a boxed copy of Knack packed in with every PS4 purchase (with the price staying where it is). It would be just like the old Nintendo days with SMB/SMW being packed into every NES/SNES or Sega systems with Sonic.

Maybe the first million units or so? Sony did that with a Spider-Man 2 UMD for the PSP and a Talladega Nights Blu-Ray on the PS3.
So you're upset that Sony is letting you pay less than Microsoft and get free games that aren't over five years old? Blasphemy!

No matter how you spin it, it's still a huge let-down that you have to pay to access multiplayer. It was free on PS3, it's free on PC, and I see no reason to pay for PS+ only to access multiplayer. No matter how many free games I get. If someone only wants to play online multiplayer and isn't interested in game rentals or discounts, it simply sucks for him. I personally spend 200+ hours of Dark Souls on PS3. Always connected. I did a lot of PvP fights, summoned help etc. Dark Souls was already an exception because I usually don't play online multiplayer. I'm not sure if I would have played online if I had to pay for online access for a single game. Fortunately I have a good gaming PC and will be able to play online games for free. Nevertheless there is no denying that this paywall will be a pain in the butt for a lot of gamers.

It's great to see the majority of people coming together here being reasonable!

Sony's E3 was a big deal. Regardless of what naysayers think, the public response and preorder numbers speak volumes more than, "It wasn't a big deal. Status Quo! Etc etc"

You don't have to like the company, policies, or announcements to agree that it had a significant impact.
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