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Spider-Man 2: I want it. BUT...


Judging from the commercials, utilizing the PS2 engine, I'd hope the XBox has better graphics. Looks kind of blurry to me in the ads.


Finds Purchase on Dog Nutz
How are the PS2 controls better? I thought I heard somewhere that the black button on the XBox controller is used to shoot webs...is this true?

I really want to get this one too but I don't know if I can rationalize paying full price for it...especially considering the fact that I know it will be at this recovery sales outlet place near my in about two weeks for probably $21. ARGH!
Minotauro said:
How are the PS2 controls better? I thought I heard somewhere that the black button on the XBox controller is used to shoot webs...is this true?

I really want to get this one too but I don't know if I can rationalize paying full price for it...especially considering the fact that I know it will be at this recovery sales outlet place near my in about two weeks for probably $21. ARGH!

No its not true. I said in another thread I dont ever pimp Xbox games, but this one is Xbox get!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
john tv said:
Which platform is best?? Anyone? Help! 1UP's review made me want to play it really bad.

Xbox. I don't see how the PS2 version controls any better when the Xbox version already controls quite well; ditto for the GC version. The Xbox version also supports 480p.


I think its an awesome game, been playing it for awhile. very very similar to GTA or even moreso True Crime, except as a good guy super hero. They have secret things hidden all over the place and random missions and race trails all over the city, the controls are surprisingly good and very easy to use. After only an hour with it I was already easily pulling off impressive web slinging moves. There is anything really AMAZING about the game to fully recommend it but if you like open-ended gameplay and your average Super-Hero game I would say give it a shot.

Im playing Xbox version also.


Ya, IGN still has the head to head feature.. but they never do it when the game has been "officially" released for a few days to a week.

I thought I heard somewhere that the black button on the XBox controller is used to shoot webs...is this true?
Nah, black or up on the digital pad if you prefer, activates spider reflexes (slow motion, more + more powerful combos etc.). As far as the web controls go:

Right trigger is for swinging.
Y button is for web attacks.
Combination of L + R does the zip line.
Matlock said:
How's the GC version?

Apparently it's right there between the Xbox and PS2 as usual. The big difference beside the graphics is that neither the GCN or the PS2 support a progressive scan option. Thumbs way down for that.


Queen of Denmark
When in doubt, the Xbox version is usually at least techinically superior (unless it's a port), so then it just comes down to controller preferences and things like that.
Matlock said:
Hrm, good point on the controls.

Anyone want to divulge the controls on the PS2 or GC versions?

Gamecube :

A - Jump | B - Attack | X - stick to walls

Y - Shoot web | Z+start - map | L- Sprint | R - Swing

Musashi Wins!

The gamespot review says that the Xbox version looks the best. It has reflections and textures not in the PS2 version. The GC runs a close second.

They also say the PS2 version controls the best because you use a lot of buttons in the game. Typical breakdown. I'm sure any are fine. It will just be a little more comfortable as the white and black buttons aren't that great and the GC has lame triggers.


I just got the Xbox version and I got to say that my first half an hour with the game has been great. Its wonderful being able to swing around with so much freedom.......


Awesome game so far (xbox version), but spiderman should've had a walkman or something so you can use the custom soundtrack feature. Theres barely any music in the game, and when there is, it's very repetitive. Oh, and besides Bruce Campbell, the voices suck. Swinging around the city is just crazy....they did a perfect job with Spidermans physics and animations, the swan dive being my favorite so far. I also just bought some aerobatic moves (somersaults, etc) that do nothing, but look cool. And why in the hell can't spiderman swim?

Has anyone had the game crash on them yet? Mine crashed once during a loading screen, and I don't think it's my xbox since I've never had this problem with other games.


It's definitely the game, mine crashed twice, both at loading screens but never recreated themselves at those specific load locations afterwards.

Before this I had two games that would crash. Halo always tried and failed to load at a certain stage (resulting in a dde) and NFSU always crashed loading certain stage loads. Now it won't even boot (dde now as well). I've since replaced Halo and never had a single problem with the replacement, still own NFSU though I'll get it replaced pretty soon.

Hopefully the Spider-man problems are few and faaaar between or those were simply isolated incidents.

And why in the hell can't spiderman swim?
Well he doesn't swim in the movie as far as I know... soo... ;)


GameFan Alumnus
I've spent a lot of time with all three versions. Xbox is the one to get - higher frame-rate, sharper graphics, 480p. If you don't have a preference for the controller itself, I'd go:
Xbox > PS2 > NGC
Eggo said:
I've spent a lot of time with all three versions. Xbox is the one to get - higher frame-rate, sharper graphics, 480p. If you don't have a preference for the controller itself, I'd go:
Xbox > PS2 > NGC

Actually the framerate and graphics are the same in all three versions. It's nothing like Soul Calibur 2 or such. It's all the same game over all three platform. Just take the platform of your choice.


GameFan Alumnus
Littleberu said:
Actually the framerate and graphics are the same in all three versions. It's nothing like Soul Calibur 2 or such. It's all the same game over all three platform. Just take the platform of your choice.

Actually, they're not. How much time did you spend with all three versions to make this generalization?
Eggo said:
Actually, they're not. How much time did you spend with all three versions to make this generalization?

I rented the GC version, and I saw the Xbox version for 45 minutes. Well, I know I didn't test the Ps2, but what could it have less than these two versions? Anyway, the GC is the same version as the Xbox one. I'm sure of this.


Well the Xbox version that I've been playing looks like shit, dread to think what the other version look like. But the game is so fucking dull that I've come to the point I don't wanna play anymore.

Spiderman on PSone >>> Spiderman 2


we got is set up in all 3 systems at work, 12+ hrs looking at all 3 side by side and my conclusions is:

Xbox > GC > PS2

Xbox version is more detailed, more reflections and the least amount of slowdown. GC is right in the middle and the PS2 version is bring up the rear.

As for the controls PS2 and Xbox versions play identical. I had no problems hoping back and forth between the two. The GC version was a bit tricky (due to the GC pads abnormal button layout) but I guess if you are used to that awkward controller you should not have a problem.

I bought the Xbox version in the end, it was (like many other multiplatform games) clearly the best version.
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