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Star Citizen Pre-Alpha: Hangar Module


Sorry, Xane. I didn't mean anything by it, just a crappy joke. I'm Zabojnik on RSI as well. I used to hang in chatroll during the initial pledging period and still join from time to time and you're the only GAFer I remember seeing in there. :p

Nah, is kay, no offense taken! Just was very surprised to see anyone from ChatRoll knowing me on here. xD

Dead Man

I am probably the only one who genuinely wants to downgrade from business to discount. I can't stand the sterile look, everything is too clean and neat. :p

I was disappointed when I found out I had a business hangar, but I ended up with a discount one. I must have got it wrong on what I was getting.


The hangar module runs pretty bad on my laptop (Qosmio X505), very low framerate and a bizarre input lag. I had hopes for playing Star Cit on this machine ;-;


The hangar module runs pretty bad on my laptop (Qosmio X505), very low framerate and a bizarre input lag. I had hopes for playing Star Cit on this machine ;-;

I have a beastly PC with dual gpu, still only get 20-30 fps in the hangar module. It's not optimized yet.


The hangar module runs pretty bad on my laptop (Qosmio X505), very low framerate and a bizarre input lag. I had hopes for playing Star Cit on this machine ;-;

Almmost every laptop chipset out there is way below minimum specs. You need at least a 2,5TFlops to run it smoothly.


Please guys. SPECIFY in which HANGAR MODULE are you getting what FPS on what GPU!
There is the cheapest one, business and deluxe hangar and in all of those, we get different FPS since they are different in size.


Please guys. SPECIFY in which HANGAR MODULE are you getting what FPS on what GPU!
There is the cheapest one, business and deluxe hangar and in all of those, we get different FPS since they are different in size.

Hah, sorry. Basic hangar, maybe it's the missing wall causing the huge performance drop.


I have a beastly PC with dual gpu, still only get 20-30 fps in the hangar module. It's not optimized yet.
Try turning off SLI or CF. A lot of games may run better without it.

I have a GTX 770 and 4.2 GHz 3570k, and I managed to get 60 fps in what I think is the basic hangar module (the dark one with catwalks). But I had to turn settings down to medium. Of course, medium presumably looks the same as very high so I didn't really mind, though better AA would be nice. Even AA still grinds the GPU at 99% though.

And yes there is weird half-second jump input lag for me, though other controls may not be lagged.

Really no point in discussing performance right now.

Optimization is one of the last things to go into game design.
Speaking as a software engineer/embedded systems person who occasionally messes with video game programming, I'm fine with this as long as they at least take into consideration what options are available to improve performance later. For example, making more LODs (which may in some cases make the game looks worse).

I am a little bit afraid that the full version will run horribly since it's on CryEngine3, and people will simply accept it and say that it's optimized, and just hardware's fault. But, if that happens, I will probably still have the suspicion that like that old PC-only spacesuit combat simulator (I forget the name), the graphics may not nearly make up for the performance loss, and a different engine might result in much better performance with similar visuals. At the very least, I hope that unlike Crysis 2 or whatever, they don't lock out console commands so people can turn off chromatic aberration or other stuff and eliminate a bit of the CryEngine3 "look".

But, of course that's just me having a suspicion, or a personal belief that the graphics don't make up for the performance, and it's not like I work on the development team. I'd be happy to be wrong about the above paragraph.

I guess one thing to watch as development goes along is, how many games dramatically improve performance from alpha to beta to whatever as content and effects get added? From now compared to 2015 they have a lot of time. But if it's early 2015 and people start saying "The performance will be fixed, this is only a beta", that might be a warning sign. :p


Hah, sorry. Basic hangar, maybe it's the missing wall causing the huge performance drop.

It was not aimed directly at you :)

I have the basic hangar too, with 300i and and am running VERY HIGH with locked&vsynced 60fps on single 7970 with ultra MSAA forced throught RadeonPro.

AND I have DISABLE AERO ON in the TWEAKS pane in RP - that helped me with black screen freezes.

Try setting it in RP or disable AERO in windows, maybe that will boost your performance.
If you want me to do some testing then tell me and Ill test :)


Speaking as a software engineer/embedded systems person who occasionally messes with video game programming, I'm fine with this as long as they at least take into consideration what options are available to improve performance later. For example, making more LODs (which may in some cases make the game looks worse).

I am a little bit afraid that the full version will run horribly since it's on CryEngine3, and people will simply accept it and say that it's optimized, and just hardware's fault. But, if that happens, I will probably still have the suspicion that like that old PC-only spacesuit combat simulator (I forget the name), the graphics may not nearly make up for the performance loss, and a different engine might result in much better performance with similar visuals. At the very least, I hope that unlike Crysis 2 or whatever, they don't lock out console commands so people can turn off chromatic aberration or other stuff and eliminate a bit of the CryEngine3 "look".

But, of course that's just me having a suspicion, or a personal belief that the graphics don't make up for the performance, and it's not like I work on the development team. I'd be happy to be wrong about the above paragraph.

I guess one thing to watch as development goes along is, how many games dramatically improve performance from alpha to beta to whatever as content and effects get added? From now compared to 2015 they have a lot of time. But if it's early 2015 and people start saying "The performance will be fixed, this is only a beta", that might be a warning sign. :p

I agree, I hope they add more options for the dogfight mode. That needs to be a higher FPS for people.
The hangar mode seemed to be rushed out.

I don't think what you are describing will be a problem. Planetside 2 was the same way, it was released very unoptimized and a minority was saying it is because of the hardware. The common consensus is because SOE never bothered to properly optimize the game, and now they are stopping updated for the next couple of months and going back to fix the base engine.


I don't think what you are describing will be a problem. Planetside 2 was the same way, it was released very unoptimized and a minority was saying it is because of the hardware. The common consensus is because SOE never bothered to properly optimize the game, and now they are stopping updated for the next couple of months and going back to fix the base engine.
That's good to hear about Planetside 2. Hopefully something similar happens. How does the CryEngine 3 SDK typically run on the demo map, by the way?


So I bought in with a Digital Mercenary bundle YAY.
Got the Discount hangar and a RSI Aurora MR.
I got 5000 UEC for dl'ing the hangar, but not my 1000 UEC for buying the Digital Mercenary, am I missing something?

Also, is a 360 pad or kb/m gonna be good enough? Found out that it is impossible for me to use a Joystick comfortably whilst comfy couching, and I do not have a desk setup.
Which is a great shame, because the Cyborg FLY 5 is a really nice budget stick.


So I bought in with a Digital Mercenary bundle YAY.
Got the Discount hangar and a RSI Aurora MR.
I got 5000 UEC for dl'ing the hangar, but not my 1000 UEC for buying the Digital Mercenary, am I missing something?

"Credits included in pledge packages are not yet represented here because you will need some credits in order to start the game itself; we don’t want players bankrupting themselves and locking themselves out of space travel!"

Also, is a 360 pad or kb/m gonna be good enough? Found out that it is impossible for me to use a Joystick comfortably whilst comfy couching, and I do not have a desk setup.
Which is a great shame, because the Cyborg FLY 5 is a really nice budget stick.

You'll be fine with the 360 pad and/or keyboard + mouse. In fact, for competitive playing it may actually be the prefered solution. Playing with a HOTAS setup is awesome and adds a ton to immersion, but you lose some precision and responsiveness.


"Credits included in pledge packages are not yet represented here because you will need some credits in order to start the game itself; we don’t want players bankrupting themselves and locking themselves out of space travel!"

You'll be fine with the 360 pad and/or keyboard + mouse. In fact, for competitive playing it may actually be the prefered solution. Playing with a HOTAS setup is awesome and adds a ton to immersion, but you lose some precision and responsiveness.

Thanks Zabojnik, I must look like a real tool right now!
I really like the idea of flying with that Joystick, but if other methods are going to be more user friendly for me then I guess it's not such a big loss.
Oculus Rift is gonna be the real immersion maker anyways.


How long will it take before Chris Roberts is caught with a suitcase full of dollarnotes while having booked a ticket to the Cayman Islands?


How long will it take before Chris Roberts is caught with a suitcase full of dollarnotes while having booked a ticket to the Cayman Islands?

Obligatory ...



The temptation to buy new ships, is so strong, I had to stop watching all the walkthrough videos posted here, especially the connie, I think I'm set with my Freelancer and 315p, and thanks to Mindlog, have the additional bonus of lti, thanks again bro, you're the best


Do you have a DirectX 11 video card?
That is of no consequence, it starts on my DX10 card and just displays a black screen.

He probably installed it into the programs folder (and has UAC active, which is good). Even without UAC Windows is often fussy when it comes to that folder.

Which is why I install all my games into another directory on another drive. Fuck that noise.


That is of no consequence, it starts on my DX10 card and just displays a black screen.

He probably installed it into the programs folder (and has UAC active, which is good). Even without UAC Windows is often fussy when it comes to that folder.

Which is why I install all my games into another directory on another drive. Fuck that noise.

Well, he didn't specify what he meant with 'can't get it to launch'. Was it just a black screen? Did it crash? Did the launcher refuse booting up? Or did the launch button do nothing?


Seek victory, not fairness
How long will it take before Chris Roberts is caught with a suitcase full of dollarnotes while having booked a ticket to the Cayman Islands?

Considering we've nearly funded his full ownership already, he'd be a fool to walk away with it at this point. The 18 million is chump change compared to what will be coming in after release, and he won't have to split it with venture capital partners.


Neo Member
The temptation to buy new ships, is so strong, I had to stop watching all the walkthrough videos posted here, especially the connie, I think I'm set with my Freelancer and 315p, and thanks to Mindlog, have the additional bonus of lti, thanks again bro, you're the best

They'd better not be selling that small torpedo bomber (Gladiator) again, or I think I wont be able to resist either. That's the only role that isn't covered in my fleet yet. I would also get the big one (Retaliator) but I never trusted AI's to perform, and I don't have 6 friends to stick into the turrets.

Oh Well. Hard to resist isn't it ?


Seek victory, not fairness
Some interesting stretch goals coming up:

18m (tomorrow probably): "Exclusive star system for pre-launch backers. Only players who support the game before its launch will receive the computer coordinates needed to allow their jump drives to access this system."
Neat. I can't see them putting anything too unique or useful in there or there would be too much backlash from new people after launch.

19m: "Manage Space Stations – Players will compete to own and operate a limited number of space stations across the galaxy."
Good, it's nice to see some more ways for people to build and exert power in the system. It seemed like it was a bit too superficial for the Eve people to really sink their teeth into it.

"Know your foe with a Jane’s Fighting Ships style manual free in PDF form to all pledgers."
- cool, hope they maintain it though.

"RSI Museum will air monthly, with a new game featured each time!"
- meh


They'd better not be selling that small torpedo bomber (Gladiator) again, or I think I wont be able to resist either. That's the only role that isn't covered in my fleet yet. I would also get the big one (Retaliator) but I never trusted AI's to perform, and I don't have 6 friends to stick into the turrets.

Oh Well. Hard to resist isn't it ?

How can you fly more than one space ship at a time?


Seek victory, not fairness
Easy. You hire NPCs and tell them to either follow you around or go off on their own. I plan to have every single ship I own to be "out there" and earn me monies.

Any word on how many of these they'll allow at once? I don't think it would be too many or there would be little incentive to do any piloting yourself.


Any word on how many of these they'll allow at once? I don't think it would be too many or there would be little incentive to do any piloting yourself.
Well, don't forget that those NPCs can be shot down by NPC and genuine player pirates. I bet that paying the insurance (LTI: on modules + Cargo), docking fees, repairs and wages will take a healthy chunk out of your profits.

I am sure there will be a system in place (e.g. exponentially rising wages) to prevent exploitation beyond a certain level. The guys at CGI are not THAT trusting... they probably have mentioned their fix already, but I'm not good at hunting down interesting morsels from their continuous onslaught of infos.

Maybe this thread has it listed (warning: 10 pages!). Or this one.

Early squad management demo. NPC wingmen.

If I remember correctly you can also rent out your ship to other players.
(Btw, sorry for being vague, but I'm barely awake. Hopefully someone from another timezone can type a genuine answer instead of inane sleepdeprived ramblings.)


I would be surprised if they let you send your own NPCs out on missions.

I'm not even sure they've ever confirmed that you can have your own NPCs piloting your own ships when you're not in them.


The Roberts, may Lamp shed light on His way, has already said that we will be able to hire both NPCs and players to fly our ships. This applies to Wingmen in your fleet.

The independent part may or may not have been an illusion of my sleep-deprived brain, but I'm pretty sure it was mentioned somewhere. I say, if worse comes to worst you just hire players to do your stuff instead of NPCs. I would hope they can act freely without your meddling.


They're going to hit $18M in the next 24 hours, possibly the next 12. If someone told me that the funding would turn out like this back when the project went live, I would never have believed it. This is ridiculous.


So this game requires you to be online or what? Is this like an MMO?

The primary part of the game is an online universe with social interaction, yes. It also has a campaign that can be played on or offline and private servers. If you're looking for an offline space sim check out X Rebirth.


You can also play on private servers or solo in a offline universe, these may be modded.

If they still plan on doing that.
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