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Star Wars Celebration 2017 |OT| A thread forty years in the making. You'll be Omazed.

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I can finally go to this thing tomorrow but there's no way I'm getting my ass up and there before 7am. Hope we can still make it into some panels but I'm not worried about that really. I'm just excited that I'm going and can be apart of the atmosphere.


I was in the queue to get into the panel. It was delayed by 30 minutes due to technical difficulties.

It wasn't streamed cause of some of the stuff they showed. Some of it is ILM insider stuff. They prohibited video recording too.
Well thanks for that... but that's a bummer!


Do it.

It's gonna be great. I love Battlefront.

Do it for me, Haloid.

I'm mega excited for more Battlefront! I played the heck out of 2015's game, then sort of fell off from it. But those were grand times. I might jump in for a little while over the weekend since Star Wars is in the air. A bigger version of that game with single player, I'm very interested in that!


Looking at the trailer thread, anyone else get the feeling the number one issue with this film is with some people will be "It doesnt feel enough like Star Wars"

Probably the same people that called tfa a rehash


Looking at the trailer thread, anyone else get the feeling the number one issue with this film is with some people will be "It doesnt feel enough like Star Wars"

Probably the same people that called tfa a rehash

Haha, if we go from remake talk to too different talk, that will be some good stuff.

I'm expecting a hardcore character drama with a few action setpieces to pace it all out.


I'm mega excited for more Battlefront! I played the heck out of 2015's game, then sort of fell off from it. But those were grand times. I might jump in for a little while over the weekend since Star Wars is in the air. A bigger version of that game with single player, I'm very interested in that!
I doubt the single player will be any good, though. Even if it is outsourced.

I would love to be wrong.
This is fairly widespread honestly. It's not about how BvS wasn't up to par, it's 'Dogshit' or how Strange is formulaic, no, it's always utter shite. Or the fact that that One scene from that particular franchise is the worst of all time and you should feel bad for liking it. One of these days I'm gonna slam Fast n furious for having cars pursuing each other. Can't be good if it's done before, y'know.
It's pretty bad, and you're not allowed to enjoy any film others don't enjoy or consider to be good enough." You like this film? Instead of going about my business let me type 7 paragraphs about why you're wrong for enjoying this movie and you enjoying this movie gave my family member cancer and molested my dog in my front yard."

Looking at the trailer thread, anyone else get the feeling the number one issue with this film is with some people will be "It doesnt feel enough like Star Wars"

Probably the same people that called tfa a rehash
I agree and I find it hilarious
"This is too much like star wars, do something new!"
"This is too new, this isn't star wars!"


Haha, if we go from remake talk to too different talk, that will be some good stuff.

I'm expecting a hardcore character drama with a few action setpieces to pace it all out.

Given how people who have read the script, seen drafts of the footage have reacted im expecting real boundaries to be pushed.

Might be one of those films that has an immediate backlash but is appreciated much later down the line.

Im basing this on nothing really, just speculation.


I doubt the single player will be any good, though. Even if it is outsourced.

I would love to be wrong.

I'm expecting AI skirmishes with cutscenes, which is a-okay with me!

Given how people who have read the script, seen drafts of the footage have reacted im expecting real boundaries to be pushed.

Might be one of those films that has an immediate backlash but is appreciated much later down the line.

Im basing this on nothing really, just speculation.

I would be real interested in a boundary-pushing Star Wars movie. With the kinds of movies Rian Johnson loves, and old school cinema that he's always talking about, we could be seeing a large scale art film. But with explosions and lightsabers!
I'm mega excited for more Battlefront! I played the heck out of 2015's game, then sort of fell off from it. But those were grand times. I might jump in for a little while over the weekend since Star Wars is in the air. A bigger version of that game with single player, I'm very interested in that!
I just want animation characters, even as $15-$20 DLC each.
From what we see everything else should be a minor request(no freaking vehicle coins)
I love gaf. But the quality of discussion about Star Wars has really gone downwards in the last couple of years. Sigh.

We keep on having arguments in circles about the same things mostly as the result of a post about Disney's relationship with Lucasfilm or the similarities between TFA and ANH.


The quality of Star Wars discussion worldwide has gone down since 1999 when rabid nerds couldn't stop claiming that George Lucas raped their childhoods.
The quality of Star Wars discussion worldwide has gone down since 1999 when rabid nerds couldn't stop claiming that George Lucas raped their childhoods.

Definitely one of the single worst things to have ever crawled out of the AICN talkbacks.

In fact, I'd say it's probably that early community's single most lasting legacy.


The quality of Star Wars discussion worldwide has gone down since 1999 when rabid nerds couldn't stop claiming that George Lucas raped their childhoods.

Definitely one of the single worst things to have ever crawled out of the AICN talkbacks.

In fact, I'd say it's probably that early community's single most lasting legacy.
And here I thought the whole "raped my childhood" thing started with Michael Bay/Transformers.


The quality of Star Wars discussion worldwide has gone down since 1999 when rabid nerds couldn't stop claiming that George Lucas raped their childhoods.

Gotta agree with this.

The thing is. Those same people fail to realize that there are a generation of people who grew up with those movies. Who enjoyed them.

The people still harping about that are becoming a minority in the fandom. And even if you think those PT movies are terrible. The brand and fandom survived all of that. And I'd say it's much stronger now than it probably has ever been.
There's a reason South Park had that episode where George Lucas performs and unsavory act on a Storm Trooper.

I think a lot of the issues with internet discourse today could probably be traced back to kids misinterpreting South Park's satire as something approaching objective fact.
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