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Star Wars : Galaxy of Heroes |OT| The best chance to unlock Kylo-Ren

Not Spaceghost

It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.

It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.

And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.

Sent a request! My code is 359-177-551

Edit: Woo! Thanks for the invite! Time to dump my cantina energy now.


cheers im in.

so how do we eanr guild points or whateer? just do raid battles?

There are different dailies.

Until the reset time, our objective is currently cantina battle energy. You can also contribute by spending energy in general.

Raid battles are opened up with currency. I don't think there is enough to open one up yet.
Can I join also? AC is 413-292-376 ingame is Aselith

Invite sent.

And I'll bump this information for those just joining us.

It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.

It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.

And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.


I accepted your Ally request, but I cannot invite you to the Guild, presumably because you are currently in another one.

Ok, I have left the other guild, please send an invite.

Also, Force awakener just sent you an ally request, code 194-377-891. Please add him to the guild as well.


Hey guys, I'm level 75 with Top 100 Arena daily, complete all daily challenges, and am active. Can I join?

User name is JoRo
Ally code: 513-632-585

I will send a request to you Darth.


Thanks, Darth! :)

Could I ask one more favor for my friend? No NeoGAF account but he wants to play with his buddy. I noticed there's still some room in the guild, would it be okay to add him? He is



Appreciate it if you can.


Just sent an invite, Darth! My ally code is 998-247-385. Name is Tobor, I think? Where can I see my name? I can't seem to find it.

EDIT: I'm in! Thanks!

EDIT EDIT: I've screwed up somehow. I joined before you invited me, so now I have an invite I can't accept because it says I'm already in a guild. Not sure what happens if I reject


Crap, I hit reject and now I'm out. Can you send me another invite, please?

I think I just lost all the guild points I just accrued. This buggy ass game.

EDIT: Ok, I'm back in and my points are back. What an adventure, lol


Hey Darth, my friend would like to join up as well. No GAF account, but he's a whale. :) His username is Kal Lightheart. He should be sending you an ally request.


It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.

It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.

And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.

Sent you an ally request. My code is 837-727-855.

e: My name is Gavon Mothman


Do we know if we have to beat the raids sequentially? Or can we skip up a few levels?

You can skip up to any tier aside from Heroic. Looks like you have to beat the 2nd hardest to unlock that.

Fuck man, why does it cost so much to launch a raid? At this rate (i'm just in a guild with my friends), we won't have enough coins for a month. WTF.
It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.

It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.

And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.

Just sent you an ally request. My code is 648-824-566 and the name is just Alex. I can't request a guild invite yet for some reason though. Level 74 / 27,333 power. Not highly ranked in the arena but I haven't really been pushing for it - 793 atm.


Simplified Daily Guild Contribution Guide


Contribution: Cantina Energy THEN Light Side (LS) Missions

Use all Cantina Energy BEFORE PayOut
Use all energy on LS Missions AFTER PayOut
Do Not Complete Monday's Galactic War (Enter & Retreat to receive daily)


Contribution: LS Missions THEN Galactic War (GW)

Use all energy on LS Missions BEFORE PayOut
Complete Monday's/Tuesday's GW AFTER PayOut


Contribution: Galactic War THEN Hard Mode (HM) Mission

Complete Wednesday's GW BEFORE PayOut
Use all energy on HM Missions AFTER PayOut


Contribution: HM Missions THEN Dailies

Use all energy on HM Missions BEFORE PayOut
Turn in Dailies AFTER PayOut


Contribution: Dailies THEN Dark Side (DS) Missions

Turn in Dailies BEFORE PayOut
Use all energy on DS Missions AFTER PayOut


Contribution: DS Missions THEN Arena

Use all energy on DS Missions BEFORE PayOut
Fight Arena Matches AFTER PayOut


Contribution: Arena THEN Cantina Energy

Fight Arena Matches BEFORE PayOut
Use all Cantina Energy AFTER PayOut


It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.

It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.

And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.

Ally code: 978-527-817 username Fitzy. I play everyday, kind of hooked on this game haha.
The initial guild I joined on a whim (random invite from random person on friend's list) is totally dead. 50 members with like 4 people contributing anything. Left that pretty quick.

It's called NeoGAFFI Sticks. My ally code is 923-423-588.

It would be helpful if you also let me know your in-game name either here or in a personal message.

And to keep my Ally List clean and not full, once I accept you and you are officially in the clan, I will probably delete you from my Ally List. So don't be offended.

I request an addition too. Level 74, still active daily. Name in game is Sieana Rayley I think. It was auto-generated.

EDIT: Doh, forgot ally code: 685-998-563


I wish they had given people a one time instance of the first raid so people knew what to expect. I'm #5 for the day, but I didn't realize the GW was what counted tomorrow, so I already did that early this morning. Has their been any strategy suggested for the RAID? I'm just trying to figure out who to focus on until we unlock it.
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