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Star Wars: The Old Republic [Releasing Date: Dec 20 NA/EU - NDA Lifted]

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Trax416 said:
It has the potential to allow far more then EVE per shard. CCP helped Simutronics develop the technology if I remember correctly. Thats in theory. We will see if they can break the record or not.

Um ... EVE has a single shard with 300,000 people on it. Near 60k at the same time. For a more traditional MMO, pulling something in excess of that would be crazy. So yay if true.
Trax416 said:
I don't think the phasing will put people alone. I think it will put everyone on the same stage in the same space/area. Possibly allowing them to complete things together like the quests in Warhammer so you don't have to stand around and wait for the Jedi KNight on the Capital ship to respawn. Which would be lame.

Who knows though.

Yeah, who knows. I'm just speculating for people there. I'm not trying to be 100% accurate. There is a strong possibility this won't have a monthly fee. At the end of the day, I'm just really curious how they're going to pull this off. For a WoW gamer like myself whose pretty decent rig chugged through Icecrown's plague thing at the beginning (start of scarlet crusade) I'm skeptical, and it didn't even have moral choices, cinematics, or elaborate dialogue. :eek:


Arnie said:
Ok so, huge Kotor I and II fan, eagerly anticipating this game as I can see past the MMO aspect and realise that it is indeed still a KOTOR game. I don't own any sort of rig competent enough to pull this game off so it is clear I must buy a new one before the game releases. So here are the questions,

  • When does the game release? If no date has been suggested can you guys cough up an estimate?
  • What are the specifications looking like on this thing? Do you believe they will be high?
  • Finally, how much would a PC cost to play this decently? Have they announced any sort of Mac support?

1. No release date even rumored. I would bet my money on 2010, with closed beta coming late this year.

2. The game will be scalable. What that means is, you can play it with a bad computer, but it will look like dog shit. Similar to WoW. If you have a high-end rig, it will offer options to take advantage, if you don't, it will strip some away.

3. You can build a PC for $600 right now that can run absolutely every came, including Crysis you through at it. For $600 you can put together a pretty high end gaming rig. So think $600 and save for around the time of release. As all the new graphic cards and Windows 7 will be out.


vandalvideo said:
Yeah, who knows. I'm just speculating for people there. I'm not trying to be 100% accurate. There is a strong possibility this won't have a monthly fee. At the end of the day, I'm just really curious how they're going to pull this off. For a WoW gamer like myself whose pretty decent rig chugged through Icecrown's plague thing at the beginning (start of scarlet crusade) I'm skeptical, and it didn't even have moral choices, cinematics, or elaborate dialogue. :eek:

I am hoping it has a monthly fee. Otherwise, it means lots of microtransactions which IMO would ruin the game. I think Blizzard has the best formula for Western style MMO's.

A monthly fee, with minor micro transactions (changing servers etc..). A monthly fee means Bioware has a steady amount of money coming in each month, and can plan for the future and release lots of content. I don't mind paying $15 a month, if I get more playing time from the game that month, then I do out of a $60 Xbox 360 game.


Subconscious Brolonging
It'll have a monthly fee, I'm willing to bet.

I think all this story-driven stuff is just the beginning of the game, you go through a linear story-driven leveling experience and at the end of that, you get spit out into the main, open-world game. Sort of like how Guild Wars handled leveling, where you hit the level cap relatively quickly.


Trax416 said:
I am hoping it has a monthly fee. Otherwise, it means lots of microtransactions which IMO would ruin the game. I think Blizzard has the best formula for Western style MMO's.

A monthly fee, with minor micro transactions (changing servers etc..). A monthly fee means Bioware has a steady amount of money coming in each month, and can plan for the future and release lots of content. I don't mind paying $15 a month, if I get more playing time from the game that month, then I do out of a $60 Xbox 360 game.

And this is why I love good MMOs. I save so much money when I have one or two running at a time, it's ridiculous.


I am hoping end game is wide open. Similar to how SWG was. In terms of you go where the hell you want, you do what the hell you want. With lots of PVE, and PVP content.

They already let it slip that not only is there lots of PVP, but there are full sets of gear as PVP rewards. So I am also interested in finding out how their PVP system works.


Trax416 said:
1. No release date even rumored. I would bet my money on 2010, with closed beta coming late this year.

2. The game will be scalable. What that means is, you can play it with a bad computer, but it will look like dog shit. Similar to WoW. If you have a high-end rig, it will offer options to take advantage, if you don't, it will strip some away.

3. You can build a PC for $600 right now that can run absolutely every came, including Crysis you through at it. For $600 you can put together a pretty high end gaming rig. So think $600 and save for around the time of release. As all the new graphic cards and Windows 7 will be out.
Thanks alot that is really insightful. I am going to start saving and use any christmas bonuses to push me over the edge.


I just built a AMD X3 Phenom with 8gigs of DDR3 and a GTX260 for 500, I would think something like that will be able to handle it, or at least I hope. ;)


Are notebooks upgradable? Mine is pretty good(3GB's of ram, dual core processor etc.) but the video card is pretty lacking, I can run KOTOR at 60FPS about 70% of the time but it goes into slide frames the rest of the time, and that's with all shadows turned off and only 2xAA. I've never even seen notebook video cards being sold though.


laserbeam said:
Games been in development over 3 years now. Galaxies took 3 years, WoW took 4 years. The development Studio actually opened in 2005 and started then.

Also heres the IGN preview.


Bioware mentions they already have hundreds of voice actors recording the games lines etc

Not to mention they are using the Hero engine. Which cuts development in half, because all developers can be in the game, while working on it. With current MMO's you have ONE team working on ONE section of it, then have to create an entire build at the end of the day and or week to test it and see it.

With Hero engine, everyone works on it at the exact same time by logging in (like you log into any MMO). No need tro make a built, because everything is done in real time. You could have the art guys working on Ord Mantell while the AI pathing guys finish off Hutta. All at the same time.
Vinci said:
And this is why I love good MMOs. I save so much money when I have one or two running at a time, it's ridiculous.

Agreed 100%. I can never understand why people complain about the monthly fees of MMO games, when their $15 fee easily replaces at least one full-priced retail game each month.


Water is not wet!
Acid08 said:
I'm playing KOTOR 2 right now for the first time
I'm on Malachor V right now.
How much longer do I have to go?

You are pretty much at the end.

Damn i cannot wait to try this game.


Worships the porcelain goddess
BrokenSymmetry said:
Agreed 100%. I can never understand why people complain about the monthly fees of MMO games, when their $15 fee easily replaces at least one full-priced retail game each month.



golem said:
I would like to know more about the crafting, seeing as how its being led by SWG people

Crafting/Entertainer and housing stuff is gonna be a huge make or break for alot of old SWG players.

Considering just how many SWG people are now doing this game I would hope they recognize that


Number 2 said:
You are pretty much at the end.

Damn i cannot wait to try this game.
Damn I wanted it to keep going :(. I think overall I liked it more than KOTOR 1.

But there is one thing that I fucking hate and that is when they force you to fucking play as a different character. IT'S AN RPG. I PUT 30 HOURS INTO MY FUCKING CHARACTER, THAT'S ALL I WANT TO PLAY AS. Some of the sections were so fucking frustrating when i was all of a sudden thrown into into a fucking Sith tomb and had to make my way through 10 Dark Jedi's hitting me for 60 damage on a second rate character while my main character is off somewhere else.


Truly deserves to shoot laserbeams from his eyes
A friend of mine brought up a good point:
What do you all think the balance between PvP and PvE will be like? How does one have a PvE raid within Star Wars?

Catching up on the news right now, haven't seen anything relating to this sort of thing yet.


Water is not wet!
Acid08 said:
But there is one thing that I fucking hate and that is when they force you to fucking play as a different character. IT'S AN RPG. I PUT 30 HOURS INTO MY FUCKING CHARACTER, THAT'S ALL I WANT TO PLAY AS. Some of the sections were so fucking frustrating when i was all of a sudden thrown into into a fucking Sith tomb and had to make my way through 10 Dark Jedi's hitting me for 60 damage on a second rate character while my main character is off somewhere else.

Meh.. i kind of liked that. In Kotor 1 all of my B-squad stayed on the Ebon Hawk in their underwear. The last time they made an appearance was in the celebration for the Light Side ending.. still in their undies too :lol When shifts like that happened in Kotor 2, i just leveled them up real quick and things went pretty smooth. It would be a nightmare if the inactive party members didnt get xp though.
Arnie said:
Ok so, huge Kotor I and II fan, eagerly anticipating this game as I can see past the MMO aspect and realise that it is indeed still a KOTOR game. I don't own any sort of rig competent enough to pull this game off so it is clear I must buy a new one before the game releases. So here are the questions,

  • When does the game release? If no date has been suggested can you guys cough up an estimate?
  • What are the specifications looking like on this thing? Do you believe they will be high?
  • Finally, how much would a PC cost to play this decently? Have they announced any sort of Mac support?

Read up on building your own rig and you'll be able to do it for $500 quite comfortably. Though you'll get better results spending more ofcourse. Check out the 2009 "I need a new PC" thread once you've formed more concrete idea of your plans and we'll help put a config together for you.

Between this, APB and Final Fantasy XIV I'm going to have be jumping into my first MMO within a year I reckon, too much interesting stuff happening in the genre for me to totally pass it up.


Subconscious Brolonging
kozmo7 said:
A friend of mine brought up a good point:
What do you all think the balance between PvP and PvE will be like? How does one have a PvE raid within Star Wars?

Catching up on the news right now, haven't seen anything relating to this sort of thing yet.

Who says this game has raiding? We have no idea what end-game looks like, other than there is pvp of some sort.


Hmm the way they are talking it seems like by the end of the year we should have seen a ton of stuff so yeah 2010 is launch year for sure.

Both of these guys are the Heads of the Studio so they wont be very good for saying things they shouldnt and both are former SWG Producers


laserbeam said:
Crafting/Entertainer and housing stuff is gonna be a huge make or break for alot of old SWG players.

Considering just how many SWG people are now doing this game I would hope they recognize that
yeah those were some of the most interesting aspects of SWG, it would be a shame to see them tossed aside


Water is not wet!
Watching the streaming thing: i knew there were going to be cameos of Kotor characters.. but they are talking about basing it off all the Kotor canon... omg i want to see HK-47
leading an army of HK-51s
. :)


Number 2 said:
Watching the streaming thing: i knew there were going to be cameos of Kotor characters.. but they are talking about basing it off all the Kotor canon... omg i want to see HK-47
leading an army of HK-51s
. :)
they shhould let us go to the factory and buy one


They aren't showing the demo to the public. They just said on the forums. Next week is smuggler update + E3 highlights. Well, not really many highlights from E3 outside of the CG trailer :lol


cartoon_soldier said:
I guess my main concern with the game is how will Bioware handle everybody not rolling a Jedi (if it is a separate class).

By making every single class fuck-awesome, I guess. Honestly I'm more interested in the Bounty Hunter class right now. Also, the Smuggler.


Water is not wet!
Vinci said:
By making every single class fuck-awesome, I guess. Honestly I'm more interested in the Bounty Hunter class right now. Also, the Smuggler.

Yea Smuggler is probably going to be my first character. Hopefully there is PVP so i can single out anything with a lightsaber. Light sticks = kos. The thought of making some super SW fan nerd rage when i kick them in the crotch and heavy blaster them in the head for the kill is just too much to pass up on.




The story stuff is really what I want the details on.

The way they talk its like a Single Player Game stuck in an MMO type enviroment with other mmo stuff


I think the companion character idea is very interesting. We better be able to have an HK follow us around and help us make moral decisions.


Oh, bitch bitch bitch.
Knox said:
I think the companion character idea is very interesting. We better be able to have an HK follow us around and help us make moral decisions.

Go get someone else to make your black and white moral choices. I got people to kill.
pilgrim said:

This video: http://e3.gamespot.com/video/6211393/

It was the Gamespot interview with Bioware. I missed the livecast and wasn't able to find it at Gamespot until now.

This game sounds like people will start at a common ground (mmo starting points) and will branch out into different story themes depending on the choices the player makes. It seems like they are creating a story version of the typical mmo quest structure where players are taken to new areas based on the questline they are on. I'm just worried that the emphasis on the game being heavily story driven will deter players from exploring regions freely. Being able to freely go to new areas on a whim (not being forced to new areas due to a quest) and discovering new things is some of the things that make an mmo fun to play.
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