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Starcraft: Ghost screens


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not a medical professional
Tritroid said:
Some of the textures are pretty bad, but this shot:


Wowed me.

Hey Tritroid; update your avatar buddeh... 2006 :p

And this game looks... as bad as it did two years ago when they said I couldnt take pictures of it while i played it at e3... stupid blizzard.



Hey, guys, remember those old StarCraft: Ghost pics that looked awesome? Remember the developer, Nihilistic? Remember that the game was apparently shaping up so poorly that it kept getting delayed, and it just wasn't getting better, and then Blizzard kicked Nihilistic off the project and let Swingin' Ape take over? Damn, THOSE were the times. This game looks like shit! I want the one before that had the sweet graphics!


Still Tagged Accordingly
HeadsUpSevenUp said:
LOL @ goatse 'shopping!

So when do I evolve from a Junior Member? When I stop making stupid IAWTP's like these?
i think when you reach 100 posts


Chili Con Carnage!
Im not worried about the looks because it still has a year of development left. Sounds like SA fixed the gameplay, thats what's sold it for me.

Its amazing that Teddman comes in and says the game plays great now (and explains that it was crap before) and theres still a dozen people going "OMG THEY RUINED IT".

Btw Teddman

the combat is as fluid and intuitive as something like Metal Arms

I passed out for a few minutes when i read that, thanks. :D


Ghost said:
Im not worried about the looks because it still has a year of development left. Sounds like SA fixed the gameplay, thats what's sold it for me.

Its amazing that Teddman comes in and says the game plays great now (and explains that it was crap before) and theres still a dozen people going "OMG THEY RUINED IT".
I don't think anyone is saying they ruined it gameplay wise, it's just fugly as hell. I remember playing this on my N64 :p


I'm honestly suprised no one has photoshopped Wallguy into those screens, he'd blend right in with the horrible textures.
EGM92 said:
I'm honestly suprised no one has photoshopped Wallguy into those screens, he'd blend right in with the horrible textures.

and bad art.


Although these concepts look alright.


For some reason, I like this a lot.


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