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STEAM Announcements & Updates 2014 - To Next-Gen and Beyond!

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Is it even possible to play 6-button Street Fighter on a 4 button gamepad? I just couldn't do it, no matter how many times I've tried.
Or were you using arcade stick?

It's possible but and some players play this way in tourneys, particularly I find it unconfortable to use R1 and R2 in a normal controller for fighting games.


I read the youtube comments.... OH DEAR GOD.... why did I read that.....



Unconfirmed Member
I want online people that actually talk and want to do stuff(play multiplayer games together) on my friends list. All of my buddies are on xbox and since the xbone doesn't launch over here I feel like I've been segregated into some sort of no friend zone hell of videogaming. I mean I'm getting these singleplayer games cleared out of my backlog but a lot of games are a lot less fun without friends.
This reminds me, we should do that SteamGAF L4D2 session we talked about a couple of months ago once and for all. Who's with me?


We don't have "get out of jail free" cards, but if we did, she'd have one.
I'm sure the special tier will be expensive enough not to be desired by many. Or do you have reasons to think otherwise?
...I think most people who've posted about the limited Humble Bundle just want something to be excited about now that virtually all the sales are over.
I just really hope the bundle isn't some horrific disappointment from my perspective.

inb4 Braid, Limbo, and dozens of other titles that have appeared in dozens of bundles over dozens of years

Papers, please!
I just really hope the bundle isn't some horrific disappointment from my perspective.

inb4 Braid, Limbo, and dozens of other titles that have appeared in dozens of bundles over dozens of years

Papers, please!

Papers Please, Gone Home, Stanley Parable, Spelunky and Don't Starve with DayZ as BTA. Believe.
Fuck Steam support.

Whenever Nether was on sale (and Steam was running like shit) I ordered a copy of it for my brother and gifted it to him. Steam told me the transaction had failed, so I put in another order. This one went through no problem. I'm sure you see where this is going already.

The first order did actually go through. So I was charged twice and now have an extra copy of Nether sitting in my gifts inventory. I contacted support immediately. They just now finally got back to me and asked me to send a picture of the error I'm getting. The fuck!? The error message is long gone obviously.

The message has a name attached to it, but it seems like it must be automated. That or the person completely doesn't understand. Hopefully they get it cleared up since there's not shit else I can do. If I tell my card company to stop the charge, they'll ban my Steam account and shit. Ridiculous shit.
This reminds me, we should do that SteamGAF L4D2 session we talked about a couple of months ago once and for all. Who's with me?

I'm in! Though I've never actually played a L4D game. So whoever gets stuck with me would have to carry me some, lol. It was really awesome of Valve to give that away as I had always wanted to try it, but didn't know anyone who played so I never bought it.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Fuck Steam support.

Whenever Nether was on sale (and Steam was running like shit) I ordered a copy of it for my brother and gifted it to him. Steam told me the transaction had failed, so I put in another order. This one went through no problem. I'm sure you see where this is going already.

The first order did actually go through. So I was charged twice and now have an extra copy of Nether sitting in my gifts inventory. I contacted support immediately. They just now finally got back to me and asked me to send a picture of the error I'm getting. The fuck!? The error message is long gone obviously.

The message has a name attached to it, but it seems like it must be automated. That or the person completely doesn't understand. Hopefully they get it cleared up since there's not shit else I can do. If I tell my card company to stop the charge, they'll ban my Steam account and shit. Ridiculous shit.

Valve stopped banning/locking out accounts almost two years ago. If you do a chargeback, your account will be placed in a restricted state (no purchasing/key activating/gifting/trading) until the issue is revolved or nine weeks have passed. If you don't mind that you can get your money back right now. ;)


Everyone, I want to bring up an important issue today. It seems to me that there are people who have some degree of appreciation of role playing games and haven't got themselves acquainted with Avernum: Escape from the Pit as of yet. I feel that these people are making a really big mistake, as the game is a really excellent CRPG and is, in fact, one of the secret best games on Steam. Please consider giving it a go — it might very well turn out to be your dream game.
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