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STEAM Announcements & Updates 2014 - To Next-Gen and Beyond!

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Dr Dogg


What the?

Hahaha yeah I clocked that it's listing the price of the bundle. You'd have to be a nutty collector to drop $400.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
How to remove your game from Steam in (up to) five easy steps:

- If necessary, prepare a new publisher pack
- Remove the store name from the app
- Remove the store name from the subs (you have to do both, otherwise the game will still show up in search results)
- If necessary, prepare the existing publisher pack with the one you put together earlier
- A winner is you!


Pizza Dog
What the?

Hahaha yeah I clocked that it's listing the price of the bundle. You'd have to be a nutty collector to drop $400.

It'd be amazing if companies started removing games at random from Steam, then putting them back up at a hugely inflated price just to get all the collectors grabbing keys before they go again. And by amazing I mean terrible.

Dr Dogg

Nope, they're the "black label" editions. Here's mine:


Blimey they must be old. PEGI changed to coloured ratings in 2009. Still as the retail keys list shows any key in the specific format redeems in Steam.

It'd be amazing if companies started removing games at random from Steam, then putting them back up at a hugely inflated price just to get all the collectors grabbing keys before they go again. And by amazing I mean terrible.

Hahaha you'd be surprised. I bought Amalur and the dlc's at £39.99 when 38 Studios went tits up in fear it was going to get pulled. 6 months later it was on bargain basement sale.

I regret nothing!
What am I saying of course I do as I've only put 2 hours into it and it's about 40-60 hours long!

Joe Molotov

How to remove your game from Steam in (up to) five easy steps:

- If necessary, prepare a new publisher pack
- Remove the store name from the app
- Remove the store name from the subs (you have to do both, otherwise the game will still show up in search results)
- If necessary, prepare the existing publisher pack with the one you put together earlier
- A winner is you!

- (Optional) Leave the store name in the subs to give collectors false hope and drive OCD people crazy.


How to remove your game from Steam in (up to) five easy steps:

- If necessary, prepare a new publisher pack
- Remove the store name from the app
- Remove the store name from the subs (you have to do both, otherwise the game will still show up in search results)
- If necessary, prepare the existing publisher pack with the one you put together earlier
- A winner is you!
Not sure what you're pointing out or making fun of.
Blimey they must be old. PEGI changed to coloured ratings in 2009. Still as the retail keys list shows any key in the specific format redeems in Steam.
Yes, they should be leftovers from the first prints. I'm living in Lisbon now, I know there's a mall that had at least 2 copies of that game left, for 5€. I went there last week and they were still there.

I went to my hometown in Porto last weekend and I also saw it on other stores, not sure about the price but I think it is the same. However I only go there biweekly, since it's more than 300km from where I'm living now...
I had to start a new game at the entrance of the Cirromon Caverns in Dust, I changed the difficulty to Tough on Abadis Forest because the game was too easy on Normal but then I read that the achievement doesn't unlock if you change the difficulty mid-play. Replaying the beginning didn't take so long since all dialogue is thankfully skippable and the combat is very enjoyable too.

Really liking the game. After the middle section I started to get mildly annoyed by hits that leave you with 1 hp, but I'm not even mad considering that in the 360 version those were actually 1-hit kills (shieeeet.gif).

Got up to the end of the Sorrowing Meadow. Those Necromancers were a bitch to deal with, serves me right for not upgrading Fidget's range attack beyond the absolute essential. I ignored them right to the very last mansion, until I realized they dropped the Lost Soul item I was needing for my best three blueprints. Lol.

I'm at he same point on normal and think I wil restart on hard. Shouldn't be too rough I think. Hate to lose a few hours of gameplay. Really a fun game, great 3.74 spent.
This was the lot I bought few weeks ago on Amazon, you guys should clear their stock because it's so cheap. Some UK gaffer could easily buy multiple copies for low shipping prices (shipping to here in Estonia was a few eurobux so not as cost effective).

Blimey they must be old. PEGI changed to coloured ratings in 2009. Still as the retail keys list shows any key in the specific format redeems in Steam

If someone can guarantee that the physical copy of this game provides a key that is redeemable on Steam then I shall put aside my hatred of Amazon and pick up some copies for you horrible lot. I don't wish to be stuck with multiple copies of a game that won't do this however so please only assure me this is do-able if you actually are sure of your facts. Thanks.


I hope you don't buy them. The median sale price hasn't been over $1 since the game's release so it's not like anyone actually wants them for more than Smash88's listing.

Wasn't my listing. Just saw that the second JaseC listed his, someone undercut him purposely. Had a chuckle.

Last time I checked there were really a couple of copies left. Let me know if anyone is interested via PM. I don't mind to go there and purchase them for you guys.

PM sent.
If someone can guarantee that the physical copy of this game provides a key that is redeemable on Steam then I shall put aside my hatred of Amazon and pick up some copies for you horrible lot. I don't wish to be stuck with multiple copies of a game that won't do this however so please only assure me this is do-able if you actually are sure of your facts. Thanks.
If you get them save me a copy please.


If someone can guarantee that the physical copy of this game provides a key that is redeemable on Steam then I shall put aside my hatred of Amazon and pick up some copies for you horrible lot. I don't wish to be stuck with multiple copies of a game that won't do this however so please only assure me this is do-able if you actually are sure of your facts. Thanks.
They do indeed redeem on Steam, full steam ahead with the plan!
Anyone excited about Thief? It's coming out next month. Just a little bit concerned that it's already discounted ($33 with 25% off at GMG)


Anyone excited about Thief? It's coming out next month. Just a little bit concerned that it's already discounted ($33 with 25% off at GMG)

We are pretty down on the release, looks like they have made some poor decisions with the development.
They removed the XP system though!!!! (sarcasm)

You can pick it up incredibly cheap on ebay, but I would suggest waiting. Game will likely have a firesale.
If someone can guarantee that the physical copy of this game provides a key that is redeemable on Steam then I shall put aside my hatred of Amazon and pick up some copies for you horrible lot. I don't wish to be stuck with multiple copies of a game that won't do this however so please only assure me this is do-able if you actually are sure of your facts. Thanks.

You hate GMG and Amazon? Missing out on some really good deals man....


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Isn't Kingdom Rush supposed to be released on Steam today? I've spent way more time than I'd like to admit playing it on my tablet. I suppose it's too much to expect Steam keys for Humble Bundle Mobile #3 buyers...

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Something also I like in Rogue Legacy is that the sprite art isn't shitty.

It's not "sticker" style, but at the same time it's not also dirty 8-bit pixel crap a lot of people like to use. It feels like a clean 16-bit sprite. It's a rarity in indie games (the other game I can think of with this great feeling of pixel art is Jamestown).

There's also a lack of clutter in the HUD without missing out important details and it doesn't spam you with unnecessary messages.
(Seriously, I was pleasantly surprised by it. It's shamelessly B-movie God of Uncharted, but it's pretty well made)

Yeah, Marlow Briggs is a pleasant surprise; it's not reinventing the GoW wheel or anything, but it's quite competent and controls well, which is something that so many of these types of games mess up. It also features a truly *profound* amount of explosions. Every single environment blows up either as Marlow enters it, as a result of something Marlow does during it, or as Marlow leaves it.

Dr Dogg

If someone can guarantee that the physical copy of this game provides a key that is redeemable on Steam then I shall put aside my hatred of Amazon and pick up some copies for you horrible lot. I don't wish to be stuck with multiple copies of a game that won't do this however so please only assure me this is do-able if you actually are sure of your facts. Thanks.

Don't worry me and Amazon still haven't made up but that didn't stop me finding it cheaper.




I know the GameSeek ones are fine as I've bought about 6 copies for other GAFfers and so far no one has come to lynch me.


Anyone excited about Thief? It's coming out next month. Just a little bit concerned that it's already discounted ($33 with 25% off at GMG)

I'm just hoping I'll get enough enjoyment out of it for the money I paid for it after seeing the direction they've taken with the game.
(5€, for those keeping track.)

Yeah, Marlow Briggs is a pleasant surprise; it's not reinventing the GoW wheel or anything, but it's quite competent and controls well, which is something that so many of these types of games mess up. It also features a truly *profound* amount of explosions. Every single environment blows up either as Marlow enters it, as a result of something Marlow does during it, or as Marlow leaves it.

It's because Chuchu's BLOOD is BOILING WITH RAGE.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I don't know what the deal on Prey is, but here on Portugal there are a couple of stores that still sell the physical edition of the game for 5€. It's steam redeemable, at least mine was.

what chain? I should check Jumbo in the garbage bins.

Also son of a bitch I missed a Unearthed giveaway :(


Just thought I would mention that I played Slender: The Arrival last night for a little bit, and the controller support is horrible. It works, but barely. I don't really know how to describe it, but the stick movement is just terrible, barely hitting the stick makes the camera swing wildly, and changing the sensitivity options doesn't really help.

Seems pretty cool though after about 20 minutes with it, it's a nice upgrade from the old version and I'm excited to get further in.
We are pretty down on the release, looks like they have made some poor decisions with the development.
They removed the XP system though!!!! (sarcasm)

You can pick it up incredibly cheap on ebay, but I would suggest waiting. Game will likely have a firesale.

It looks very similar to Dishonored, doesn't it?
what chain? I should check Jumbo in the garbage bins.

Also son of a bitch I missed a Unearthed giveaway :(
Another Portugaffer? benvindo camarada!

Where do you live? Now that you mentioned Jumbo, I think there is a copy left there, in the Parque Nascente mall, near Porto.

Dr Dogg

For a minute their Nabs I thought you said Infestation. Isn't Isolation the one that Kotaku found a load of details about? The one where you play Ripleys daughter?


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
What's up with this?

This is the store listing:

Looks like you can buy it episodic and EP 1 is free?
Clicking on EP 1 gives this:

Question is, what is that? The store page has no description what's included in "Season One".

Season One is all 23 episodes. That sub seems to be a cheaper taste-tester of sorts that includes the first eight.


It looks very similar to Dishonored, doesn't it?

No, but you have a rope arrow!

...that you can only use when and where we tell you...

Gotta keep it simple for the lowest common denominator. One could argue that particular demographic won't be interested in a Thief game in the first place, but I digress.
They do indeed redeem on Steam, full steam ahead with the plan!

The deed is done.

I am holding you entirely responsible for this PriitV! If this goes wrong I shall punish you by spamming you with Steam screenies and suggestive captions until you either de-friend me or gouge your own eyes out with a spoon!

Only kidding :) I take full responsibility for my own decisions.


You hate GMG and Amazon? Missing out on some really good deals man....

Oh I know but that's okay :). Add Shop To to that list together with Facebook, Apple, Microsoft....

Something also I like in Rogue Legacy is that the sprite art isn't shitty.

It's not "sticker" style, but at the same time it's not also dirty 8-bit pixel crap a lot of people like to use. It feels like a clean 16-bit sprite. It's a rarity in indie games (the other game I can think of with this great feeling of pixel art is Jamestown).

There's also a lack of clutter in the HUD without missing out important details and it doesn't spam you with unnecessary messages.

Indeed! That was one of the aspects that wamed me to the game when I tried the demo. Of course I died pretty much instantly but my two minutes or so of play was enough to tell me that it would be a game that I would enjoy even if I was awful at it and had to really work at progression. In comparison I tried the demo of Teleglitch and found it hard to differentiate between all the different graphical elements :(. I like the idea of that game very much but it's the sort of game I would struggle with enough as it is without having to fight the graphics.


Thanks for the heads up DrDogg but I didn't see your post until I had already ordered.
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