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STEAM | July 2014 – 25TH THREAD EDITION (2008-2014)

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The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
not gonna lie, im just about ready to disappear from the face of the earth for about 2 months again, aka getting back into WoW. Warlords needs to come out already


No, you don't understand. I need Frosty to give me recognition. I feel like he's been avoiding me ever since I came over here like an older brother would do to his younger brother in high school.

I don't have a dad complex, I swear.

I would be okay with No Man's Sky being like that. I would actually prefer it to be something like Journey with some light space combat gameplay, where you just travel through the systems and watch the generated worlds. It seems like something that would be very relaxing. :)

But Journey still has a goal.

NMS seems to have no particular goal and the gameplay in the videos doesnt really look like it could be fun for several hours.


That game is being so overhyped, the scale and idea are big but I doubt any part of it will be flushed out. The ground level gameplay looked bland and the space combat looked one dimensional in depth, this is coming from someone who owns a PS4

I'm just looking forward to having an entire galaxy to explore. To see something in the distance - whether in space on on a planet - and be able to just go there and check it out. That feeling when you run into something you've never seen before. The actual combat doesn't have to be incredibly deep or complex to hold my interest, so long as it works well within the greater context of the game.


Screw the Heat, those guys in the Italian Jobs, the Bank Jobs, Fast & Furious and all the other wannabes. we're the real shit.

More like 30 second stealth runs, then everything goes to hell runs lol.

I bumped into a security guard. I was like "crap"

"hey you there! hold on a minute"

"crap crap" *head shot*

alarm rings

"well there goes that...."


I would be okay with No Man's Sky being like that. I would actually prefer it to be something like Journey with some light space combat gameplay, where you just travel through the systems and watch the generated worlds. It seems like something that would be very relaxing. :)

In a way, I see what would make that appealing, and I totally agree that it's a valid path for games to explore, but Journey was a handcrafted experience. It's all about the emotions you're getting out of the player, which you can't do with randomly generated levels.

If No Man's Sky had multiplayer like Journey's, where you could run into other astronauts and maybe trade relics or spaceship parts that you found while you were exploring, that might be something. But as a purely single player thing, I don't know how this game would be an improvement over long YouTube videos or a podcast as a soothing time waster.


In a way, I see what would make that appealing, and I totally agree that it's a valid path for games to explore, but Journey was a handcrafted experience. It's all about the emotions you're getting out of the player, which you can't do with randomly generated levels.

If No Man's Sky had multiplayer like Journey's, where you could run into other astronauts and maybe trade relics or spaceship parts that you found while you were exploring, that might be something. But as a purely single player thing, I don't know how this game would be an improvement over long YouTube videos or a podcast as a soothing time waster.

It's a multiplayer game.


No Man's Sky seems incredibly over hyped.

I usually just ignore the "hype" on gaf, I'm not sure why, it used to be exciting back then but nowadays I don't feel like taking part of the "hype train" threads, I rather go on a media blackout and let whatever comes out surprise me. There are just so many games coming out unnoticed.
But as a purely single player thing, I don't know how this game would be an improvement over long YouTube videos or a podcast as a soothing time waster.

Well, it is multiplayer, and even as a singleplayer thing, travelling, exploring and discovering things at your own pace, at the routes you choose, would certainly be different from youtubes for me.

Then we already know that they are adding RPG like mechanics to the game. And they don't need to go too far with that, since we will have Elite: Dangerous and other games for the more complex gameplay in the genre.


I was under the impression that the Hello Games guys said that you wouldn't be running into other players. I'm remembering from the E3 Giant Bomb panels, I'd love to be proven wrong.

You won't be running into them often because the galaxy's immense, like an actual galaxy. So even if the playerbase is huge, they'll be rattling around like a handful of tiny peas in a 60-gallon drum. That doesn't bother me, though - that way, you get a sense of the vastness of space, and when chance encounters do happen, they'll be memorable.


Hey I know this is completely off topic, but I'm guessing since it's late.. it might not spiraled too much out of control. But I asked Hugstable if he wanted to do a Fantasy Football league with me.

He said yes, we need at least 6 more people. we might do a max of 10 people. I wanted to ask SteamGAF because I know you guys more so than any other gafers. So if you wanna play. let me know, so I can set up a league.

if you don't know what Fantasy Football is. it's pretty much a game where masculine mens like to play. Pretending they're armchair generals.

It's fun :) don't worry if you don't know how to play, its easy and we're all doing this just for fun.
And now I feel like I've derailed the thread with lots of discussion of my avatar. Back to Steam talk!
No no, bro...seriously, I've really enjoyed this run of Hawkeye, having read all the way up to Pizza Dog. There's always something to like about an issue, even the two drawn by Pulido (don't see what everyone complained about with the art in those).

How similar is the swordplay in Blade Symphony to that of Jedi Outcast? I've been playing the latter recently, but another game with similar combat + character-action genre influences could be cool.


It's a multiplayer game.
From this: http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2014/06...iplayer-sci-fi-and-objectives-in-no-mans-sky/

TSA: We were under the impression that it’d feature multiplayer… is that something you’re aiming for?

Sean: No, it’s not… you can come across other players, but it’s not like an MMO that we’re making, and actually space is so vast that the chances of you coming across someone is very slim.

TSA: But there will be other players existing in the universe?

Sean: Yeah, we all share the same universe, but we generally don’t want people to think of it in those terms, it’s not the core of the game.

TSA: So it’s kind of Journey style – you won’t know who someone is?

Sean: Yeah… bang on. That’s what I normally say: think of Journey, I really like the multiplayer in that.

Maybe they will change their minds, but it sounds like it may be a minimally interactive multiplayer.


Hey I know this is completely off topic, but I'm guessing since it's late.. it might not spiraled too much out of control. But I asked Hugstable if he wanted to do a Fantasy Football league with me.

He said yes, we need at least 6 more people. we might do a max of 10 people. I wanted to ask SteamGAF because I know you guys more so than any other gafers. So if you wanna play. let me know, so I can set up a league.

if you don't know what Fantasy Football is. it's pretty much a game where masculine mens like to play. Pretending they're armchair generals.

It's fun :) don't worry if you don't know how to play, its easy and we're all doing this just for fun.

...that just gave me an incredible idea.

Final Fantasy Football.

Somebody get Square on the phone, stat!
Awesome OT, man!

I'm still looking for some nice, hi-res promo art of Ghost Monk, though. I feel like I could sell a few people on the game just by his character design alone.

Ghost Monk is the only one of the 3 main playable characters I could stomach the design of. He is the reason I took a shot on my preorder.

Screw the Heat, those guys in the Italian Jobs, the Bank Jobs, Fast & Furious and all the other wannabes. we're the real shit.

I bumped into a security guard. I was like "crap"

"hey you there! hold on a minute"

"crap crap" *head shot*

alarm rings

"well there goes that...."

Notice how I started saying "I need better weapons for when shit goes bad..." It wasn't an if. :)

More like 30 second stealth runs, then everything goes to hell runs lol.

Between my scarface complex during the meth job and the urge to be John fucking Rambo during that last jewelry heist, I don't think it was wise to even try stealth tonight.

I also need to note on my GAF list that 40oz = Leader.

Vela from Jet Force Gemini, Atrocitus, Naughty Bear, and a Cyberman: The Ultimate Criminals

I'm just waiting for the right paint colors. If I can find them, I'm totally turning that mask into either Ironman or Megatron.

Can I get a Johnny Gat mask in Payday 2?

Why would you want one?

Don't worry about it. Go ahead and jump in with them.

No, you don't understand. I need Frosty to give me recognition. I feel like he's been avoiding me ever since I came over here like an older brother would do to his younger brother in high school.

I don't have a dad complex, I swear.

Indignate is awesome. I would play games with him whenever.
(I can't recall the last invite you sent me, indignate, but I don't think I had it installed at the time. Always appreciated though.)

It's fun :) don't worry if you don't know how to play, its easy and we're all doing this just for fun.

If it's a league just for fun, I'd probably play. When money gets involved, it just becomes an exercise in banging my head into the wall.


...that just gave me an incredible idea.

Final Fantasy Football.

Somebody get Square on the phone, stat!

I gets dibs on drafting Gilgamesh.

SteamGAF I rrally need to push myself tomorrow and beat Ornstein and Smough. I can't keep putting off my destiny! Plus I can't start any other RPG til I finish Dark Souls and I wanna give Divinity a try also before I start Dark Souls 2.


Ghost Monk is the only one of the 3 main playable characters I could stomach the design of. He is the reason I took a shot on my preorder.

Notice how I started saying "I need better weapons for when shit goes bad..." It wasn't an if. :)

I also need to note on my GAF list that 40oz = Leader.

If it's a league just for fun, I'd probably play. When money gets involved, it just becomes an exercise in banging my head into the wall.

Lol you're right. shit always goes bad. ALWAYS.

40oz got the highest level out of all of us tonight. he been doing this longer. he's a damn career criminal. we were just newbies.

and the league is just for fun Corrosive. no money :) just bragging right for all eternity XD lol wanna join?
See, you guys get it. The moment I start talking about a standalone Chao Garden game, Professor Beef and his cronies come in to start hatin'. But you guys got blitzball, for sure.


Deciding on strategies for EU4 felt more intuitive for me for some reason. When I play Civ it feels like I'm just randomly deciding what to do and hoping for the best.

You're mirroring how I feel about EU4. Then again I've been playing Civ since I was like...10...I guess it's possible I just learned some strategy during that time.
Deciding on strategies for EU4 felt more intuitive for me for some reason. When I play Civ it feels like I'm just randomly deciding what to do and hoping for the best.

It's the sudden decisions, Civilization 5 forces you to pick something every turn, you might start thinking deeply about every decision but soon enough you'll be worn out and doing random stuff. While with EU4 the game doesn't forces you a decision besides those rare "events" and those doesn't present more than 4 options at a time compared to civ5's large build list. So you can do something you really thought about without being rushed.


On the note of Shovel Knight I appreciate it changing to PS button prompts when I plug in my DS4!

That's pretty cool.

When playing Resident Evil 4 recently sometimes I switched to keyboard and mouse to aim more accurately and I appreciated the way the game switched on the fly between Xbox inputs and keyboard, no need to change any settings.
A full Blitzball game? Yes, please!

No. Just no.
You deserve anything and everything Salsa does to you. :p

Lol you're right. shit always goes bad. ALWAYS.

40oz got the highest level out of all of us tonight. he been doing this longer. he's a damn career criminal. we were just newbies.

and the league is just for fun Corrosive. no money :) just bragging right for all eternity XD lol wanna join?

If you have space when the league gets set up, I would probably join.


See, you guys get it. The moment I start talking about a standalone Chao Garden game, Professor Beef and his cronies come in to start hatin'. But you guys got blitzball, for sure.

I don't think Chao raising would work well as a standalone game. Half the fun is going through Sonic levels collecting animals, Chaos Drives, and rings. Remove all of that and you just have a lame pet raising game.


It's the sudden decisions, Civilization 5 forces you to pick something every turn, you might start thinking deeply about every decision but soon enough you'll be worn out and doing random stuff. While with EU4 the game doesn't forces you a decision besides those rare "events" and those doesn't present more than 4 options at a time compared to civ5's large build list. So you can do something you really thought about without being rushed.
I've found so far in my EU4 sessions that aggression us really frowned upon and will cause everyone to unite to cut you down to size. In Civ you can usually just steamroll smaller opponents, in EU those smaller opponents form a coalition with a bunch of other opponents and they're a real threat. I think it's a scale thing, there's just so many potential enemies and I haven't figured out how to maintain peace whilst being expansionistic yet.
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