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STEAM | October II 2014 - PC Gaming: Getting a D in Yoga class

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the twist?
turfster is sleeping, his evil hand is the one that's been typing this whole time
Lol reminds me of the movie Idle Hands. I saw it in a hotel once. I loved it. It was stupid but funny.

btw Eyeshield 21 anime is shit. Manga is great, except for the last arc imo.
Ehh the Eyeshield fan in me thought it was decent. I mean being able to see all the football action goodness on screen was amazing. Though I was disappointed they didnt do the Youth World Cup as well. But yeah the Manga was great! Hey :p I really enjoyed the Youth World Cup.
Being able to combine everyone in Japan to form the ultimate team was awesome.


Last one for the night. This is the motherload right here. the theme is thriller/suspense. You have to guess my favorite tv show AND my favorite movie in regards to the theme. Now in honor of the theme, the winner will get........ a copy of Alien Isolation!

PM me with the your guesses, please also include 2 pictures. One of each. To make this extra challenging, everyone only have 5 chances. So you can send me the answers for both tv/movie in one PM and that would count as 1 entrance.

1. One entry per post. You can guess as many time as you like, but you have to wait till I tell you it's wrong or right. Can't spam like 30 guesses in a row.
2. Gotta be a SteamGAF members I recognize. No lurkers. I know who's who.
3. Don't enter unless you absolutely want the game.

The director is pretty famous for directing this pretty gnarly/gory series, although this movie doesn't have a sequel. (yet)
This show has been going on for half of my life already and it's still going strong! One of my favorite actors on this show used to be on a comedy show.


This seems low.
I don't think I believe you.
Why would you do that?! I couldn't do it.
Leaving the Sexy Beach
(Today, 05:08 AM)
There comes a time in a man's life when you realize you are about to spring for a 4TB drive because your own porn's 2TB drive is full and you are wasting your life. It's pretty sad too, I had stuff there since 1998. 1.44 jpg porn from floppies and BBS's were in there too.

Though my porn games are in another drive. Not gonna delete those. Because they're games.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
Must resist watching atm. I'm on Chapter 3 of Book One of Korra -- much more in line with my tastes than Avatar TLA. Will keep watching, and heard that Book Three is the best so far?

youre not missing much, it looks awful and basic as shit. Looks like a budget ass Platinum game, which, plot twist, is what it is I guess

The excitment around this game is fucking bizarre. At least its cheap I guess, because it looks like the hundreds of licensed games from the PS2 era

sorry :/


The first 3 episodes of Book 4 have been amazing.

That's good to hear. I have the Blu ray of Book One and had to make sure that I'd like what I watched before I get Two and Three(Dec 4 is the listing). The picture is great, as is the sound. No regrets so far.


I need help from any of you guys. In this moment I cannot use my credit cards (due to bank protocol when someone has been assaulted and being robbed personal documentation incluiding credit cards), so I need someone buy me Humble Bundle Tier 1 (I only need Shank 1).

I have a little gift for the good will guy who can help me out: XCOM Enemy Unknown Steam Key. If some one is interested to help a fellow gaffer please PM me.


you're not missing much, it looks awful and basic as shit. Looks like a budget ass Platinum game, which, plot twist, is what it is I guess

The excitement around this game is fucking bizarre. At least its cheap I guess, because it looks like the hundreds of licensed games from the PS2 era

I was about to kill Rhaknar for saying that Book 3 of Legend of Korra is shit. But then I realized he was talking about the upcoming game... Still...
I need help from any of you guys. In this moment I cannot use my credit cards (due to bank protocol when someone has been assaulted and being robbed personal documentation incluiding credit cards), so I need someone buy me Humble Bundle Tier 1 (I only need Shank 1).

I have a little gift for the good will guy who can help me out: XCOM Enemy Unknown Steam Key. If some one is interested to help a fellow gaffer please PM me.
I have a copy of Shank from the bundle. I got you man.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I was about to kill Rhaknar for saying that Book 3 of Legend of Korra is shit. But then I realized he was talking about the upcoming game... Still...

I know nothing about the show, im taling about this stream. Like I said, all I see is a budget ass licensed game like the hundreds that came out in the PS2 era, now in digital $15 form. There is nothing from platinum on show so far

if thats what people expect, thats fine (but then, why?). If people expect the next Vanquish or Rising, you are in for a rude awakening (again, judging from the stream)


I know nothing about the show, im taling about this stream. Like I said, all I see is a budget ass licensed game like the hundreds that came out in the PS2 era, now in digital $15 form. There is nothing from platinum on show so far

if thats what people expect, thats fine (but then, why?). If people expect the next Vanquish or Rising, you are in for a rude awakening (again, judging from the stream)

what stream?


I was about to kill Rhaknar for saying that Book 3 of Legend of Korra is shit. But then I realized he was talking about the upcoming game... Still...

I have a copy of Shank from the bundle. I got you man.

OMG OMG THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I will PM you XCOM EU right know, ok?

Korra's combo tree and Ozium's dumb comment.


Axel Hertz
So this Korra game looks good enough. However, an Activision published licensed game....

How long until it's gone from the Store? 8 months?


My conversation with my Wife just now....

Her, "Why are you on the Steam store?"
Me "Just seeing what's new, or on sale"
Her "You have like a 100 games you never play"
Me "I know, it's fine, I'm just looking, probably won't buy anything"
Her "Why would you?"
Me "This is Steam, you just don't get it"
Her "You're retarded"

I'm fine, she just doesn't get it... which is probably a good thing for our bank account ;)

Steam taught me to finally understand why people end up with so many pairs of shoes.
Civ Beyond Earth really doesn't inspire me. I mean it's a good game sure, but outside of new tech branching it really feels like reskin the more I watch the videos.

The end game affinities are a part of that branching tech tree, you can start to select technologies in the early game that will shape your end game and lead you to a chosen affinity. As you progress down your chosen affinity the units start to diverge visually and in terms of capabilities and functionality. In Civ V, outside of a few early to mid era specific units per Civ, every Civ ends up looking the same unit-wise by end game. Beyond Earth is the exact opposite. Also in Civ V it's not like early game policies dictate what your end game is going to be. "You chose Honor....so you're going the Autocracy route end game." In Civ V you pick between 48 Civs (with DLC, Gods & Kings and Brave New World) with fixed game long bonuses, with Beyond Earth you pick all of these variables--8 sponsor nations, ship payload and crew--that change your early game start. In Civ V barbarians are really only an early game threat that's eliminated in the first hundred or so turns, in Beyond Earth the alien lifeforms are more of a game long rogue faction that escalate as a threat depending on your actions. Beyond Earth even has neutral faction and building quests, which is something we're more used to seeing in fantasy 4x games, not Civ. Superficially the games do look similar but mechanically and design-wise they look pretty far apart.

The only thing I'm worried about is the overall replayability of Beyond Earth within its first year. Even though there are all of these variables with sponsor nations, ship payloads and crew bonuses that change your start there are only 8 sponsor nations versus Civ V vanillas 24 Civs (I believe) and there's only 5 victory conditions: the 3 Affinity victories (two of which look remarkably similar), Conquest and Contact (which I guess is diplomatic). All of those early game variables won't make much of a difference if the A.I. always plays the sponsor nations the same way. If the largest game is 8 Civs, then you're always going to be playing those same Civs in every game. If those Civs are always played the same, the game could get boring fast.

That was the problem I had with Pandora: First Contact, it only had a few Civs (5 I believe) and to compound the issue they all had fixed playstyles. In a single player game of Civ V half the fun, for me, is discovering who your neighbours are because they aren't always the same game to game. Who you're playing against is going to change how you play a given game.


The story is really great..

Book 2 was the only drawback. I loved 1,3, and loving 4th. It's unfortunate this will likely be the last we see of the Avatar series I feel. At least until someone else picks up Avatar.

The game looks great as well from the Stream. Definitely one worth picking up.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
So this Korra game looks good enough. However, an Activision published licensed game....

How long until it's gone from the Store? 8 months?

who knows, but its a safe bet. at least its cheap and not a retail game :)

The game looks great as well from the Stream. Definitely one worth picking up.

really? running around in super wide empty enviroments until you get to a part where 3 enemies spawn and you kill them with 4 punch combos loks great? guess you need to be a fan of the show

edit: even tho it sounds like it (lol) im not trying to shit on the game, just completely removed from the show, which I am, it looks super basic and flat. If platinum has any involvement in this, it has to be a very small part of the team as a side project.

But hey, if youre a fan, just the characters moving around on screen is probably exciting, I know when I was younger every DBZ game looked amazing, and these days any One Piece game looks amazing so :p


Anyway to remove a quest in Skyrim? I got a bug when a quest sent me to go back to Eltrys. Eltrys was dead, guards give no dialogue except trying to scare me out of there. I already initiated the next part by setting the stage and getting locked up in the mine. But when I finished the quest, the one about returning to Eltrys is still there :(


Book 2 was the only drawback. I loved 1,3, and loving 4th. It's unfortunate this will likely be the last we see of the Avatar series I feel. At least until someone else picks up Avatar.

The game looks great as well from the Stream. Definitely one worth picking up.

No cant say its a drawback but not upto the other books...


Anyway to remove a quest in Skyrim? I got a bug when a quest sent me to go back to Eltrys. Eltrys was dead, guards give no dialogue except trying to scare me out of there. I already initiated the next part by setting the stage and getting locked up in the mine. But when I finished the quest, the one about returning to Eltrys is still there :(

I also had the bug and a lot more..but when the next part was done it went away..


For those of you who still doesn't have it.
ModBot said:
Instructions for participants:
I am giving away 2 Steam keys. To enter this giveaway, send a PM to ModBot with any subject line. In the body, copy and paste the entire line from the message below that corresponds to the game you want. (if you include more than one game, you will be blocked from entering). Confused? Watch this GIF tutorial or ask for help.

ModBot Basics:
- This giveaway has a manual blocklist. The giver has identified members who abuse giveaways and restricted them from participating.
- I really appreciate thank you messages, but please send them to me (Shadownet, not ModBot!) via PM instead of in thread.
- Do not trade keys you win off-site to enrich yourself. Don't try to claim games you have no interest in collecting or playing. Don't claim games to give them to friends off-site.
- If the key is already taken you will not receive a reply. Replies may take a minute or two.

Rules for this Giveaway:
- If you are a lurker you are not eligible for this giveaway. You need five or more posts in either the current Steam thread or the previous one to be eligible

XCOM: Enemy Unknown #2 -- MB-1826D71EFE8899DA - Taken by user237
XCOM: Enemy Unknown -- MB-55BCDCE1F6E0D90F - Taken by Ventara


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
combat looks better now with some water stuff going on, hopefully with higher levels cooler stuff happens. Environments still have that budget license "very wide, very open, simple block buildings on the edges" look to it tho, with no enemies until you get to mini arenas where 3 spawn. Also doesnt seem to be any sort of puzzles or anything, just boxes/vases to break for xp :/


combat looks better now with some water stuff going on, hopefully with higher levels cooler stuff happens. Environments still have that budget license "very wide, very open, simple block buildings on the edges" look to it tho, with no enemies until you get to mini arenas where 3 spawn. Also doesnt seem to be any sort of puzzles or anything, just boxes/vases to break for xp :/

it's a licensed mitsurugi kamui hikae with corridors instead of one arena

not that there's anything wrong w/ that
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