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Steam Winter Sale 2020 |OT| Big Sales on 503's


The Oculus store is having a great sale as well. I just picked up Red Matter for 13 dollars as the Rift S version instead of the Quest. Quest version is more expensive for some reason.


What is the game like? I know there is a baby in a jar and you are like courier or something.

Do you want to roleplay as a courier played by a person who can't act in a post-apocalyptic game where nothing makes sense and you get dozens of useless emails to read? Do you enjoy walking back and forth from the same locations all the time delivering stuff like beanie babies and shirts?

disclaimer: I didn't finish the game, I got across the lake or whatever and lost interest, put it down and haven't gone back.


Why do the Trails of Cold Steel games never drop to 20 bucks on these sales? They seem to think that the 30-35 dollar price range is right for those games, but I dunno about that... I guess 23-25 bucks isn't that bad for the first one to see if I like it.

I feel like Death Stranding is going to be 20 in one of these upcoming sales. I've waited this long on it, what's a little longer.

Gears 5 for 10 bucks was a no brainer, even though I don't think I played Judgement (is that also 4, or is that a separate one?) Anyways, I only played 1-3, and 3 was getting a little too samey for me. We'll see how the series has changed since then.

Anybody here play Amber Throne or Necropolis? I'm trying to decide between the two, or if I want either of them for seven fiddy.


Gentlemen, we can rebuild it. We have the capability to make the world's first enhanced store. Steam will be that store. Better than it was before.
Why do the Trails of Cold Steel games never drop to 20 bucks on these sales? They seem to think that the 30-35 dollar price range is right for those games, but I dunno about that... I guess 23-25 bucks isn't that bad for the first one to see if I like it.
Yeah, their price point has always put me off. I bought the first game on the Vita for full price (lol), then didn't finish it (double lol) but made it 10+ hours in. Game is fun enough but the pricing is all over the place.


Wake me up when Dead or Alive 6 is on sale. I knew I should've gotten it last time it was 50% off!

So lame


Have my eyes on one or two of the following:

Halo Master Chief Collection
Devil May Cry HD Collection
Kingdom Come Deliverance
The Outer Wilds
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
Children of Morta
Command and Conquer Remastered
Warhammer II DLC

Older physical games I have but want digital
Star Wars: Empire at War
Dawn of War 1
Zeus: Master of Olympus
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I was gifted $120 in Steam gift cards today. Looking to hold onto it until something really grabs me.


Nothing on my wishlist is screaming "buy me" right now.

Both Mass Effect 3 and Dead Space 3 might be nice to own and round out my trilogies though

Hard to argue with those prices.

Will Smith Reaction GIF


Have my eyes on one or two of the following:

Halo Master Chief Collection
Devil May Cry HD Collection
Kingdom Come Deliverance
The Outer Wilds
A Plague Tale: Innocence
Bug Fables: The Everlasting Sapling
Children of Morta
Command and Conquer Remastered
Warhammer II DLC

Older physical games I have but want digital
Star Wars: Empire at War
Dawn of War 1
Zeus: Master of Olympus

Wow Kingdom Come Deliverance is $12?

Sounds like a cop. Good lookin Sin

santa claus thank you GIF by Macy's


I tried one milion time to love dead cells but i just can't.

And i know and admit that it's a great game, maybe it's just the artstyle or the progression system, i don't know...

Combat and weapons are great tho.
It's not really a roguelike in my opinion and yes, the structure they put around the game doesn't really suit it. You're not encouraged to experiment with different weapons, because to beat the game you need to go for a specific build (one of many, but you need to plan), so most of your pickups are useless. You never have the moment of "I found this really awesome weapon / item that changed my run", instead it's "I got the item I was looking for".

Because it's so build based, I think it would've been better as something more Diablo like, where you have a persistent character. They could still have had the random levels


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
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I already own DS2 SotFS but not the OG version.
Debating on getting Salt & Sanctuary as well. Probably too many souls likes tho.
Interesting that they're selling this, I didn't think there was any way to buy the original DS2. I've been waiting forever for them to put the DLC on sale, wanted to try it with my SL1 character and you can't import saves to Scholar.


Spent my $120 gift cards fairly wisely, I think

- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Detroit: Become Human
- Beyond Two Souls
- Heavy Rain
- Metal Wolf Chaos
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance
- Mass Effect 3
- Dead Space 3

Less than $6 charges to my PayPal total. Solid haul.
Spent my $120 gift cards fairly wisely, I think

- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Detroit: Become Human
- Beyond Two Souls
- Heavy Rain
- Metal Wolf Chaos
- Kingdom Come: Deliverance
- Mass Effect 3
- Dead Space 3

Less than $6 charges to my PayPal total. Solid haul.
Your list makes you look like a closet PlayStation fan!

Other than the quantic dream games the list looks great.
What I grabbed and why:

This is a 7.5 remake of a 9.0 game. The majority of concerns from reviewers who enjoyed the original game have been fixed. Most of which being quest markers and minimaps you can't turn off. Now it can be played "hardcore" using the menu map and you're brain, or the modern Ubisoft way of following a glowing yellow diamond. Both work fine in my opinion. I've already sunk about 4-5 hours into this remake and am remembering how great a story this game has. I've done away with some HUD markers and kept some. It let's you customize it to your liking. The cover system is a little rudimentary, but the gunplay is very lethal without spongey enemies (or players). You run into some snags when someone rushes you, but it doesn't happen often enough to annoy me. I recommend this one a lot and think it would have average a full point higher if it had the HUD customizations options day 1, as a lot of the older reviewers who were in the original rightly knocked it for this. This is a linear game set in an open world. There are no side missions or choices. It actually plays out in "levels" that spawn you in the open world, in a certain ToD with objectives. They really make use of picking their own ToD to make some scenes pop graphically. The story is fantastic for gaming standards and I can highly recommend this. It's got some warts that seem COVID related, like certain lines of dialog obviously being recorded outside of a studio, but it's ok. There aren't many. Very worth your time and money. After checking it out I think this remake should have gotten a lot more attention.

This is a game that surprised me a lot. I "borrowed" it when it came out on PC because of mediocre experiences with GG and some technical troubles. Well I didn't find much of either on my system and ended up playing it about 60% of the way through. (I usually stop after 4-5 hours of a "borrowed" game because I know if I'm going to buy it or not. For anyone out there in my shoes, the save transferred over just fine in my case). Decided when patch 1.5 came out to put it down until buying it to finish. This game is actually amazing. It takes the best elements of modern Assassins Creed and Tomb Raider and manages make them look very inferior in the process. This has the best feeling open world gameplay of anything outside of MGSV. Period. The player feels amazing, the environment is immersive and after 40 hours I'm still having fun with the combat finding new ways to be deadly. This is all coming from someone who could not have been more cynical about this title. Buy it. It was my #3 GOTY and I'm still wondering if I shouldn't bump it higher. Only thing lacking is the story. It's not bad or even heavy handed SJW crap. It's just OK. Nothing corny, but nothing compelling. Gameplay and world make up for it. It's not distracting or bad IMO.

This game is a pretty fun Dark Souls with guns but it's just too hard for me to play alone and I don't know how to summon help with the online component. Probably gonna collect dust in my library because of this. Wish the bosses weren't such big spikes on the difficulty curve. And not in a fun dark souls way either. It's the mobs that spawn behind you during boss battles. If I had a crew it would be feasible. Maybe someone wants to play? HMU

I've owned these for a while but gifted this bundle to 3 people. DUSK: If you're old, and played Doom when it was new, you gotta buy this. This is like some kind of awesome marriage between Blood styling with Quake gameplay. Great everything. Weapons, maps, aesthetics, SOUNDTRACK, enemy design, it's just all so good. AMID EVIL: is all of those things too, but the labyrinthian levels make me like it just a little less. But it's a must play if you're interested in this genre. these two games are so damn good. I play them on the couch with a controller. I'm old, and want to tell other old people that these games play just fine on a controller, you'll just have to notch the difficulty down one space. Still a fun way to burn some gaming time. Sure it's way more satisfying on a KBM, I know, but I don't have a gaming desk set up.

I would kill and die for Hideo Kojima, so it was a matter of time until I got this. Have only sunk around 3 hours in but can already tell it's going to be par excellance. If you have a Diamond Dogs moral patch on your EDC backpack, buy this game.

Most of these games are $10 cheaper on the Epic store if you're tight on funds.


Got Ultrakill cause I want to support the creator(s) as I loved the demo; won't be playing it until it's actually finished though. Also snagged Dead Space 3 to play co-op with the gf some time. Don't expect much from it but I enjoyed the first two and Extraction so I'm hoping its a decent co-op romp in that universe at least.

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So far I've bought:

- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
- Skyrim
- Superhot
- Sunset Overdrive
- Mirror's Edge Collection
- Hollow Knight
- Psychonauts
- Mortal Shell (EGS)
- Immortals: Fenyx Rising (EGS)

I think I'm good now.


Bagged a couple of more, latest Ori just because everyone and their dog praise it and it's on all the 2020 Top 10 lists. No discount on House of Gun, but it's cheap and I'mma sucker for roguelikes AND shooters. Crystal Crisis is a competitive puzzle game with characters from all over the place. Quote and Curly, Isaac, Johnny Turbo from the old TG16 ads back in the 90's and President Thompson from 1001 Spikes. Get that too, 1001 Spikes is awesomesauce.


So far I've bought:

- Dark Messiah of Might and Magic
- Skyrim
- Superhot
- Sunset Overdrive
- Mirror's Edge Collection
- Hollow Knight
- Psychonauts
- Mortal Shell (EGS)
- Immortals: Fenyx Rising (EGS)

I think I'm good now.

I refunded Mortal Shell with the quickness. Love Souls games but something really felt off with the combat in that game.

down 2 orth

Gonna pick up Strange Brigade and Virmintide 2 to do some co-op sessions with my roommate. Not sure what I'm getting into, but with those prices I probably won't be too disappointed.


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Picked up Vermintide 2.
Gonna pick up Strange Brigade and Virmintide 2 to do some co-op sessions with my roommate. Not sure what I'm getting into, but with those prices I probably won't be too disappointed.
I want to pick Vermitide 2 too, but all that DLC scares me. Is it necessary? Or will I be fine with just the base content?

Mister Wolf

I want to pick Vermitide 2 too, but all that DLC scares me. Is it necessary? Or will I be fine with just the base content?

I'm enjoying the base game playing it with my friends. Its a quality game and probably the best in its genre not counting Left4Dead series which is old and looks nowhere as good by today's standards.


Bit hit and miss so far. Double dipped on a few...

Double dipped for DLC. Hit.

Haven't played yet

Really enjoying this, speed runs will be amazing once I've really familiarized myself with the environments. Hit

Haven't played yet

Painfully slow, plodding crappy console shooter. Should have known better. Too late for a refund. Miss.

Now we're talking. Shooters should have stayed on PC. Hit.

Double dip. GOTY. Epic hit.

Bit meh at the moment. Communication with npc's is getting on my nerve, may as well read a book. Fiddly controls for an old shooter too. Miss?
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I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Orta Orta Stalker is the maximum slav jank.

Make sure to play on the hardest difficulty, if not, both your weapons and those of your enemies will do jack shiet.


Gold Member
Haven't even glanced at the store page. Mainly because none of my "isthereanydeal" or steam notifications didn't go off.

Would like to use my steam credit, about $125, on something (that is a good deal and not full price).


I bought a sex doll, but I keep it inflated 100% of the time and use it like a regular wife
Ended up picking this one too:

Not a big WH:40K fan (just have enjoyed a few games), but I watched a review no long ago of this one and both the art style and music captivated me,
while also not being the 100th copy pasta of the XCOM formula, but it´s own thing.
I've been spending too much on games lately but here are the ones that came out this year or last year that I think you should look into.

It's too new to recommend in a sales thread but you should keep an eye on this until it drops to a price you are willing to pay.

A klei deck based roguelike with great graphics and interesting twists on the genre.

If you haven't played this classic yet. The quintessential jrpg ps2 game.

Very good "run" game but if I had to choose between this and slay the spire I'd pick "anime mod the spire".

going up in price next year. You need to patch it in English right now. Also never on sale. Thought it would be worth mentioning for those who are interested in the 4th choose your own kung fu master adventure game by heluo studio.

Won't be finished until next year but looks really interesting. Haven't played it yet. Chinese but doesn't look like it.

Online srpg with a korean dev that is very responsive to fans and is still being updated.

Don't want to get into trails because you "need" to play 8 games, some of which are extremely boring for a long part of the game? Go ahead and skip to this one.

Looks like mobile but plays like an old school srpg. You can change the graphic style back to how it looked in the genesis era. Portraits and/or maps. Check out the mobile game if you want to experience one branch of the plot of langrisser 2 for free.

I was put off by the graphic style but this is a solid suikoden esque game (by the suikoden dev)

Really enjoyed this risk like game. You can put anyone in the game and max out their stats if you like.

classic rpg if you haven't played it.

French revolution srpg with anime titties. Chinese.

If you like strategy games with rpg components. Better than what koei has been doing with ancient chinese warlords for the last 30 years.

If you missed a better deal.

same as the above.

if you want to try something different in a hacking game.

interesting board like game where you manage mages and try not to lose them to the dark side.

Great if very long rpg.

about to come out of early access and increase in price. Manage a school. It has modding and you can choose which country you want but it doesn't seem to affect the gameplay.

feel free to check my curator page too if you like Japanese games on pc (look for that on google).
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I'm struggling this year to find games to add to my collection. I have around £20 left over. I have a 2080 so I'm actually looking for something that's going to push the card a bit. I've already picked up Ori and Untitled Goose Game so something with a bit of oomph to the graphics would be appreciated. I'm just stuck. Lol.


Gold Member
I'm struggling this year to find games to add to my collection. I have around £20 left over. I have a 2080 so I'm actually looking for something that's going to push the card a bit. I've already picked up Ori and Untitled Goose Game so something with a bit of oomph to the graphics would be appreciated. I'm just stuck. Lol.
What resolution?

Edit: recommend Control Ultimate Edition. Looks great at high resolutions and will push your card.
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Bit meh at the moment. Communication with npc's is getting on my nerve, may as well read a book. Fiddly controls for an old shooter too. Miss?
How far did you get? The game really shines in the underground areas that come a bit later.
Also, it's a game that has a ton of quality of life mods, and large overhaul ones as well.


What resolution?

Edit: recommend Control Ultimate Edition. Looks great at high resolutions and will push your card.

My PC is hooked up to a LGC9 and PG279Q so either 4k or 1440p. I have actually played Control it is great.

To be fair I own a lot a lot of the big games that come to mind for this sort of thing aside from Metro, but I don't think it's something I wMt to play.

I'll give it another attempt now quickly and see if there's anything I want. Wonderful 101 was on the cards, but it's too pricey for me at the moment.


I picked up Battle Brothers; this game is a legit blast. I'll probably end up grabbing some of the DLC for it as well.


Gold Member
My PC is hooked up to a LGC9 and PG279Q so either 4k or 1440p. I have actually played Control it is great.

To be fair I own a lot a lot of the big games that come to mind for this sort of thing aside from Metro, but I don't think it's something I wMt to play.

I'll give it another attempt now quickly and see if there's anything I want. Wonderful 101 was on the cards, but it's too pricey for me at the moment.
This is tough. Usually it's the big games with the budgets to push cards.

Bright memory looks great and plays great but ut is short. Metro Exodus (you probably already have it). Horizon Zero Dawn is okay (pushes cards because it's poorly optimized), Cloudpunk is good although a little like Death Stranding in a hovercar, Death Stranding will push your card maxed out and it's well optimized.

Cyberpunk 2077 will push your card. I'm having fun. With it on PC, but it is buggy. For reference I have a 3090 and can't run it full ultra with RTX on best settings at 60 fps. Cyberpunk is a mixed bag for people so I wouldn't necessarily recommend it though.


Question, is there any general thread for something like "Recommend me a game"? Anyway, does anyone know of a casual management game? I enjoy the build stuff > get resources > build better stuff with some objectives to guide me. On the other hand, I don't want anything complex or stressful (ex. timed objectives).
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