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Super Meat Boy |OT|


Campster said:
Oh god, I went back and A+'d all of Hell (both light and dark worlds) and it still hasn't given me that achievement.

How hard did they make it?!

It's not necessary to A+ every level. only the time is important.

I don't have A+ in every Hell level and I got the achievement.


Campster said:
Oh god, I went back and A+'d all of Hell (both light and dark worlds) and it still hasn't given me that achievement.

How hard did they make it?!

you need to beat Hell in its entirety (light and dark) in less than 495 seconds

not in a row of course, just as a total time
Family Fry said:
The Super Meat Boy Rare Edition including T-Shirt, Soundtrack, Sketch Book, Comic and Poster is finally being released in EU/UK, August.
On GAME it's priced at £19.99, GameGears have it for £17.95 also.
Know the game is currently £5.99 on Steam but if your a fan and like all the extra stuff, could be worth it alone for the T-Shirt!



Anybody know what version of the soundtrack that comes with? I already bought a digital copy of the standard one, but if it's the special edition, I might get it for that and the t-shirt.
Bought this on the sale. Today I got up to the boss of world 2, just doing the light world, not bothering with the bandages etc.

... it's really starting to kick my ass now. Great mechanics and wonderful platforming. Really awesome style, too.

I'll never be great and 100% it or anything, so I'll just feel proud if I complete it at this point :D


Have fun new guys. Don't cry too much!

Also, just beat the Dark World Final Boss for The Real End.

Next Challenge: Cotton Alley.

God Help Me.
Alright, I got this from the Steam sale but for some reason my SF4 360 pad won't work with it.

The buttons are working fine, but the d-pad doesn't respond. Any ideas?
Poimandres said:
Alright, I got this from the Steam sale but for some reason my SF4 360 pad won't work with it.

The buttons are working fine, but the d-pad doesn't respond. Any ideas?
Worked fine for me. You might want to check the switch on back of the controller and see if a different setting works for you.


Got the medium rare achievement after a few hours of playing. For people having trouble, if you have The Kid he can greatly reduce your times on some of the levels by bypassing parts where you'd usually have to wait.
TheShampion said:
Worked fine for me. You might want to check the switch on back of the controller and see if a different setting works for you.

Thank you, good sir. I'll test it out when I get home.

I look forward to grinding through this game!


SalsaShark said:
This is a thing, btw: SMBstats


could swear i made a post about this before, but cant find it. Extremely useful, specially for this summer cheevo[/QUOTE]
were do we type those letters to get those characters?


For those who do/did, how do i use the arcade stick with the game? Plugged it in, installed the drivers, but the game won't recognize it by default.
By the way, i can play trackmania just fine with it, so the computer does recognize it.

Do i have to set up something or should it work plug n play?
Game is great so far. Love the music and how responsive it is. Also hard as balls.

So what's the best way to play? I have a SF4 pad and my hands are getting murdered from holding in the run button all the time.


Still no mac version. I bought it 9 months ago.

I'm trying not to get pissed because they're indie developers, but this is getting ridiculous. I bought a wired controller just for the game, I pre-ordered on steam (it has already gone on super sale), I still have not played it on my computer, and I could have had a child by now. I want a release date or my money back.

Anyone else still waiting for the mac version?

I know I sound like a douche right now. They are only 2 hard working guys. Im just very frustrated.


Foliorum Viridum said:
Bought this on the sale. Today I got up to the boss of world 2, just doing the light world, not bothering with the bandages etc.

... it's really starting to kick my ass now. Great mechanics and wonderful platforming. Really awesome style, too.

I'll never be great and 100% it or anything, so I'll just feel proud if I complete it at this point :D

This is pretty much how I was when I got the game at launch. I have never been able to get the game out of my head though and plan on returning to it the next time I feel like playing the 360. I want to take that next step. The game is just that damn good.

Edit - I will toss this out, even though it probably is addressed elsewhere in the thread..for those that have played both PC and 360 versions, is the PC version easier to handle using a keyboard rather than the 360 controller? I have no problem double dipping for SMB if the keyboard gives me a little more precision.


Yanksfan said:
Edit - I will toss this out, even though it probably is addressed elsewhere in the thread..for those that have played both PC and 360 versions, is the PC version easier to handle using a keyboard rather than the 360 controller? I have no problem double dipping for SMB if the keyboard gives me a little more precision.

Not at all. It plays about a million times better with a controler.

I recommend using a Dual Shock 2 or 3 rather than the 360 pad though, since the d-pad sucks.
Maybe a bit stupid question, but I thought id ask here. My past laptop which I was running Super Meat Boy is falling apart literally so I am wondering if is possible to back up your save and continue with your achievements on another computer through steam?
storafötter said:
Maybe a bit stupid question, but I thought id ask here. My past laptop which I was running Super Meat Boy is falling apart literally so I am wondering if is possible to back up your save and continue with your achievements on another computer through steam?

Yeah, just copy these:


And paste them into the Userdata folder in Steam/Steamapps/Common/SuperMeatBoy

Card Boy

Ed and Tom need to add some achievements in relation to Super Meat World. I kinda don't feel like playing it. With the achievements like 'Rare' 'Forest Boy' etc i have goals and stuff to go after.

I normally hate achievements with a passion buy with games like this it gives you something to go after and it really extends the gameplay.
This game is killing me...

Is the Saturn pad the best way to go? My SF4 pad is annoying. I swear button presses don't register sometimes.
The Saturn pad would be fine, but it wouldn't really differ too much from a SF4 Fightpad. When it come to this game, aside from possibly a more precise D-pad...assuming you get your hands on one of the good models. Try remapping the sprint button to the right shoulder button on the SF4 pad, works way better than holding the "X".

The 360 pad is great though and I'd say the analog stick works better than a D-pad for some levels, but it really depends on the level.

I haven't tried the Neo Geo pad because I don't have one but it seems like it would be awesome. That's on my list as well as the SNES USB. I've also played around a bit with the new MvC3 fight pad and it has become my new favorite for this game. As long as I remap the sprint to a shoulder button.
i am yet to install this one lol...

For people like me that do NOT want to get every last achievement but simply beat the game, is the analog stick on a standard 360 pad good enough or will i need to look into other options just for that as well?
Winnie the Pimp said:
i am yet to install this one lol...

For people like me that do NOT want to get every last achievement but simply beat the game, is the analog stick on a standard 360 pad good enough or will i need to look into other options just for that as well?

The analog stick on the 360 pad is absolutely good enough. I 100%'d the game on 360 using the analog stick all the way, no problems at all. I'd actually prefer the stick in this game as strange as that sounds for a 2D platformer.
Winnie the Pimp said:
i am yet to install this one lol...

For people like me that do NOT want to get every last achievement but simply beat the game, is the analog stick on a standard 360 pad good enough or will i need to look into other options just for that as well?
The analog stick on the 360 pad is great for this game.
Murkas said:
oh yeah


My shift and space bar button are probably shattered by I don't care!

Excellent job man! I remember that feeling well. And kudos to you for doing it all using a keyboard (with the default mapping to boot), I salute you. I couldn't have done that on a keyboard.


TheExplodingHead said:
Excellent job man! I remember that feeling well. And kudos to you for doing it all using a keyboard (with the default mapping to boot), I salute you. I couldn't have done that on a keyboard.

Thanks <3

I've never used a pad and don't know if I even wanna try the game with a pad now since I'm so use to the keyboard controls


What time is it?
10,873 deaths later, I am a Golden God. To be fair, the achievement unlocked with five dark worlds in Cotton Alley unbeaten. A few of those might stay unbeaten (I'm looking at you Salt Shaker and Flipside).

I'm fairly certain I need a new controller at this point, my A-Button doesn't always register anymore. :p
So, after three hours and a lot of frustration:




Fuck me this game makes me feel shit at platforming. The thought of going for those bandages is disheartening, and it's only world 1

Something tells me I shouldn't try and 100% this as I go forward.


Foliorum Viridum said:
So, after three hours and a lot of frustration:




Fuck me this game makes me feel shit at platforming. The thought of going for those bandages is disheartening, and it's only world 1

Something tells me I shouldn't try and 100% this as I go forward.
Don't do that dude. Do the whole light world first, then start over in dark.
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