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Take Two Has Just Updated Domains For GTA Vice City and GTA VI


I think the idea that Houser's writing was the only thing keeping the GTA series afloat is asinine.
Its not just the writing. He is said to have had a real hand in the uncompromising quality of the single player experiences rockstar used to put out. Without him its just gonna be more online service focus.


RSI Employee of the Year
that they are prolly trying to do something =D

Big corps with large IPs have a stupid amount of registered domains for all possibilities to avoid people grabbing and squatting on them.

And those domains receive maintenance.
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There it is what?


Updating domains or renewing domains means fuck all. It happens to maintain ownership of a domain and/or to keep registrant information up to date.

The gaming press are trash. This isn't a story.

This! Most likely renewed it to keep their website running. You can still access the 2002 Vice City website.



I very much doubt GTA VI will be an exclusive. Better for Sony to use that money to further support their own projects on PS5 and VR instead.
Why not both!?

Growth now depends on maintaining their 1st party quality and possibly growing it at a slower rate.

But also on locking down games that used to be multiplatform.... very strong properties like those of From games, R* and COD. Leaving no options but to buy a PS5 for such experiences....

Not saying they will actually carry that out but it would be my approach.
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Why not both!?

Growth now depends on maintaining their 1st party quality and possibly growing it at a slower rate.

But also on locking down games that used to be multiplatform.... very strong properties like From games, R* and COD. Leaving no options but to buy a PS5 for such experiences....

Not saying they will actually carry that out but it would be my approach.
The best they can do with multiplatform games are exclusive post-launch DLC. Sony would have to pay Rockstar/Take-Two quite a lot to get GTA VI as an exclusive, given the fact that GTA V sold incredibly well.
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The best they can do with multiplatform games are exclusive post-launch DLC. Sony would have to pay Rockstar/Take-Two quite a lot to get GTA VI as an exclusive, given the fact that GTA V sold incredibly well.
Yeah, the rumor was 750 million... if it was an exclusive for the entire generation for just PS5 and PC, that would be worth it. (Coming a year later to pc)

But I doubt it would happen...
Depends if the contract is done or not but sure, it would be important.
I see no way that is possible no way on earth will MS let it happen it will destroy the Xbox if it did GTA is the biggest gaming franchise of all time it is a guarantee console system seller if it exclusive to PS5 than you might as well cancel XSX than.
Yeah, the rumor was 750 million... if it was an exclusive for the entire generation for just PS5 and PC, that would be worth it. (Coming a year later to pc)

But I doubt it would happen...
It wouldn't happen because GTA V released on multiple platforms and is soon coming to PS5 and Series X. It made $6 billion worldwide for the publisher. The first day it was released, it generated more than $815 million for them and you can bet GTA VI will make much more if it remains a multiplatform title.

Yeah, it would be great for Sony in that it would help sell more of their console and PlayStation fanboys would brag about there being even more games to play, but I'm certain Take-Two would want to continue releasing new GTA games on Xbox alongside PlayStation the same day. There is no reason for them to do otherwise.
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I see no way that is possible no way on earth will MS let it happen it will destroy the Xbox if it did GTA is the biggest gaming franchise of all time it is a guarantee console system seller if it exclusive to PS5 than you might as well cancel XSX than.
Hopefully not then, more consoles is better.


I hope the exclusivity rumours aren't true for this. Vice City is beloved by so many and the return should be enjoyed by everybody.


Gold Member
Wow, so they invested a whole $20 to keep a bunch of scumbag squatters from taking this domain? With an investment like that, game announcements have to be right around the corner.
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Its not just the writing. He is said to have had a real hand in the uncompromising quality of the single player experiences rockstar used to put out. Without him its just gonna be more online service focus.

But with him we saw the death of single player DLC. What makes you think he wasn’t a big reason for why they moved more into the GaaS direction?

Truth is no one knows what’s going on there.


Lazlow leaves and now this. Maybe voice acting/music is done already? I can dream right?

Summer ‘21 tease and it releases holiday ‘22. Sony exclusive for 90 days. Book it!
I hope they didn't stop making the Republican Space Ranger in-game TV episodes in GTA VI.

*beeping noise*
"What's that up ahead?"
"Uh, yeah... uh... wait a minute, hold up."
"I'm sorry, Commander. I was cookin' me up a quesadilla!"
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I think the idea that Houser's writing was the only thing keeping the GTA series afloat is asinine.

Yeah but, we need new ways to connect our hatred for online and sjw's in quasi tangible ways. Houser left? WELP, I guess GTA 6 will be a sjw-athon, if we even GET a single player. Cause rockstar hates single player now and only wants to make online games. Seeth!
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