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Tatsunoko vs. Capcom: Ultimate All Stars official thread ~ Going across the border!

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
-PXG- said:
It's been a few months. Rusty as hell now. I've always used the CC. I have the Nyko grip, attachment, apparatus thingy, which makes it a lot easier to hold. More than sufficient for this game.

It's been like a year for me. :lol Nobody wanted to play TvC after SF4 came out...


Lyte Edge said:
I liked Viewtiful Joe. The characters that stand out to me as bland or even downright boring are Rockman Volnutt, Saki, and the two big single only characters.

Actually I definitely agree with you there. Rockman Volnutt is absolutely terrible. =/

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
-PXG- said:
All of my friends IRL flocked to Blazblue when that dropped :(

None of my IRL friends wanted to play BB. :/ One of them refused to even try the game, instead choosing to pimp his copy of Naruto UNS as "superior." :lol The ones into fighters that are left where I live only cared about SF4. Some of them used to be big into Tekken, and they didn't bother with TK6 either. Hell, they don't even really play SF4 anymore.

So for me the quality of TvC UAS's online play will determine if I take the game up full time or if it sits on the shelf collecting dust like the original.


not tag worthy
Online play will really make or break the game's longevity for me.

I am trying to get a mate to get a Wii and a copy of this for some online play

I can have people come over and play it but would be nice to stick it on a random times and be able to fight someone (and lose no doubt, but it is still a fun notion)

+ not having to pay monthly live fees is a bonus

I know the game itself is solid, jsut hope the Online portion is as well


Teetris said:
Is this as complex as SFIV regarding moves and such?
Not even close, which us a goid thing. Three button ( context sensitive) command system. Works very well and easy to learn.

Speaking if systems, i still don't know how to execute a Baroque :lol I've gad it for months and still can't figure it out

Ipod touch


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Lyte Edge said:
I liked Viewtiful Joe. The characters that stand out to me as bland or even downright boring are Rockman Volnutt, Saki, and the two big single only characters.
I like both Saki and Volnutt :(

His arm swtiching mechanic might prove to be fun.


-PXG- said:
Not even close, which us a goid thing. Three button ( context sensitive) command system. Works very well and easy to learn.

Speaking if systems, i still don't know how to execute a Baroque :lol I've gad it for months and still can't figure it out

Ipod touch

any attack button + partner button during attack when you have red life.


Anyone have the Nyko Wing controller? If so do you think it would be a good pad for a fighter like this? Or should I just get the Nintendo classic controller?



not tag worthy
Vgamer said:
Anyone have the Nyko Wing controller? If so do you think it would be a good pad for a fighter like this? Or should I just get the Nintendo classic controller?


classic controller pro FTW, I would say, great Dpad and great design if you can't get one get the plain classic controller great d-pad button layout, can't go wrong with either


xero273 said:
any attack button + partner button during attack when you have red life.

I knew it has something to do with having red life, just didn't know how to activate it. Thanks.

Vgamer said:
Anyone have the Nyko Wing controller? If so do you think it would be a good pad for a fighter like this? Or should I just get the Nintendo classic controller?


If you're willing to import, get the CC Pro. If not, just get the normal one. If you can get one of these too


GameStop has 'em for $2.99. At least, that's how much it was when I bought it.


Good news. GameStop is holding a midnight release for Mass Effect 2. TvC is also SD'd for the 26th. That means that you should be able to get TvC at midnight as well.
Apparently they would like to include Dante in the next TvC. Their reasoning for using Frank instead of a Resident Evil character is a little odd, though.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Recorded stream right here.

For summary.

- Breath of Fire/ Power Stone characters considered, but they would be too similar to other characters (I am guessing too similar to Souki).
- Shurato currently held by a Japanese TV company. Was intended to be in if rights weren't an issue.
- Inafune personally selected X series Zero.
- Another Female Darkstalkers character could appear in a sequel
- Speed was considered, but scrapped due to being to uninteresting outside the Mach 5. (no, they don't want to pull a Capt. Falcon, they want to keep him in his roots)
- Dante was considered for CGoH but the dev team held off to see how well DMC4 was received. If TvC gets a sequel, Dante's pretty much a lock.
- Resident Evil characters were considered "too dark" (Frank West, despite having zombies and gore, still have hilarious things in his game)
- Phoenix Wright characters would have took too long to come up with a plausible moveset and make them fit. I think there was confirmation that Phoenix made it to the concept art stages as well.


Ookami-kun said:
Recorded stream right here.

For summary.

- Breath of Fire/ Power Stone characters considered, but they would be too similar to other characters (I am guessing too similar to Souki).
- Shurato currently held by a Japanese TV company. Was intended to be in if rights weren't an issue.
- Inafune personally selected X series Zero.
- Another Female Darkstalkers character could appear in a sequel
- Speed was considered, but scrapped due to being to uninteresting outside the Mach 5. (no, they don't want to pull a Capt. Falcon, they want to keep him in his roots)
- Dante was considered for CGoH but the dev team held off to see how well DMC4 was received. If TvC gets a sequel, Dante's pretty much a lock.
- Resident Evil characters were considered "too dark" (Frank West, despite having zombies and gore, still have hilarious things in his game)
- Phoenix Wright characters would have took too long to come up with a plausible moveset and make them fit. I think there was confirmation that Phoenix made it to the concept art stages as well.
I hope it sells well enough here to warrant the sequel. Also I don't get the Resident Evil characters being "too dark".
- Dante was considered for CGoH but the dev team held off to see how well DMC4 was received. If TvC gets a sequel, Dante's pretty much a lock.

I can see it not making the December 2008 release with a six month window, but it's been a while since then.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
- Inafune personally selected X series Zero.

That's because he's awesome.

Resident Evil answer is laaaame. Now both Brawl and TvC have disappointed me as I want to play as Leon.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
I dunno about the dark thing - but hey, I guess they mean dark atmosphere or something.

And for some odd reason no info about SPC. lol
I guess the Resident Evil universe isn't allowed to be taken lightheartedly on occasion. It's a crying shame if you ask me. I would never expect them to include guns or knives but Leon's melee skills in RE4 already give him a foundation move set. Krauser mutilating his arm into a bloody hook/wing might be a little too dark. I say this only because I would much prefer Krauser over leon. While we're at it, why not put in Ashley? She can chuck lanterns at fighters.


Chopper Dave said:
I guess the Resident Evil universe isn't allowed to be taken lightheartedly on occasion.
This is a conclusion one can only come to by never actually playing a Resident Evil game.


Business & Marketing Manager @ GungHo
hooray, I have my copy. This, No More Heroes 2 and Mass Effect 2 are making for a splendid weekend.


Linkhero1 said:
I hope it sells well enough here to warrant the sequel. Also I don't get the Resident Evil characters being "too dark".
Well, next to such lighthearted characters as Karas and Soki they just stand out too much.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
It's kinda cute Capcom still believes Resident Evil is super mature and dark and serious.


Andrex said:
It's kinda cute Capcom still believes Resident Evil is super mature and dark and serious.
I don't think that's the case to be honest. I don't think they wanted to bother with more series just yet so they made up some lame excuse as to why no character from Resident Evil is in the game. They're probably just saving them for the next installment. Didn't the list of cut characters have Resident Evil characters on it or am I mistaken? I would have loved to play as Leon or Jill in TvC.
Gunstarheroes said:
What about Samurai Pizza Cats, any mention of them. Please?

I'm watching the replay now and they said that they were in talks but couldn't get it done in time. I'm guessing that the sequel is going to show a lot of love of the ones who couldn't make it this time. I want them to hit about the 60 character mark with some 3-on-3 fights with 2-on-2 as an alternate option.
LegatoB said:
This is a conclusion one can only come to by never actually playing a Resident Evil game.

"Where's everyone going? Bingo?"
"Small world, eh? Well, I see that the President's equipped his daughter with...ballistics too."
"Your right hand comes off?"

...and that's just from Resident Evil 4. Don't get me wrong, I know Resident Evil isn't to be taken too seriously. Capcom does seem to want to build the Resident Evil name into some serious Hollywood style action game though. Anyway, I understand what was trying to be said with "too dark" but still don't see that as nearly sufficient reason to exclude Resident Evil altogether. Shooting a shotgun point blank into Veiwtiful Joe's face is more understandably "too dark". Having Leon just punch/kick/suplex is a little less understandable to say in the least.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
Ah everyone's favorite Nintendo blog has a summary that explains the RE decision somewhat:

- The Samurai Pizza Cats were heavily considered, but the deal with Tatsunoko didn't go through at the end.

- Resident Evil "Monsters" were going to be playable characters, but the sharp visuals made the creatures look too grotesque. In Japan anyways, the rating would have gone up, so they had to remove them.

- Alex was chosen as the Street Fighter III representative because he is seen as the lead character of the game, and because he was a well-balanced close-ranger fighter.

- Powerstone characters were good candidates, but the developers said the character's from the series had too similar of move sets to the ones that were already in.

- Dante from Devil May Cry was also strongly considered, but didn't make the cut. If a sequel releases then he's pretty much a lock in for the game.

- Phoenix Wright characters didn't make it because their move sets would have taken too much time to come up with. Phoenix Wright reached concept art stages, but didn't make the cut.

- Inafune personally chose the Mega Man X version of Zero to be in the game.

- Speed Racer wasn't included because he wouldn't of been interesting as a fighter outside of the Mach 5. They also didn't want to go the Captain Falcon route by adding in moves the character wasn't originally known to use.

- The Classic Mega Man wasn't included because his moves seemed less varied than the Legends version, who has many more fighting styles.

...but it still doesn't explain no Leon.


Andrex said:
Ah everyone's favorite Nintendo blog has a summary that explains the RE decision somewhat:

...but it still doesn't explain no Leon.
No one wanted the monsters, we wanted Leon etc.

Edit: Is the producer still answering questions?
Ookami-kun said:
Recorded stream right here.

For summary.

- Breath of Fire/ Power Stone characters considered, but they would be too similar to other characters (I am guessing too similar to Souki).
- Shurato currently held by a Japanese TV company. Was intended to be in if rights weren't an issue.

- Inafune personally selected X series Zero.
- Another Female Darkstalkers character could appear in a sequel
- Speed was considered, but scrapped due to being to uninteresting outside the Mach 5. (no, they don't want to pull a Capt. Falcon, they want to keep him in his roots)
- Dante was considered for CGoH but the dev team held off to see how well DMC4 was received. If TvC gets a sequel, Dante's pretty much a lock.
- Resident Evil characters were considered "too dark" (Frank West, despite having zombies and gore, still have hilarious things in his game)
- Phoenix Wright characters would have took too long to come up with a plausible moveset and make them fit. I think there was confirmation that Phoenix made it to the concept art stages as well.



Andrex said:
...but it still doesn't explain no Leon.

Well, Leon, Speed and Samurai Pizza Cats are the biggest draws they can have for the next installment. Wish they were in, but yeah I'd buy a sequel in a heart beat for 2/3 of them.
Andrex said:
Ah everyone's favorite Nintendo blog has a summary that explains the RE decision somewhat:

...but it still doesn't explain no Leon.

This makes me feel even sillier for attempting to analyze "too dark". Wouldn't Dead Rising's zombies be considered grotesque as well? It's clear nobody could think of a decent reason to exclude someone like Leon. They might as well just say they couldn't get around to adding him this time due to other more favorable character inclusions.
- The Samurai Pizza Cats were heavily considered, but the deal with Tatsunoko didn't go through at the end.

At least they tried. Sounds like if this does well (which it sadly probably won't, but maybe, just maybe it will), they're likely for the sequel. It would be fun to see them fighting as a trio, instead of just picking one of them.


Neo Member
Ookami-kun said:
Recorded stream right here.

For summary.

- Breath of Fire/ Power Stone characters considered, but they would be too similar to other characters (I am guessing too similar to Souki).
- Shurato currently held by a Japanese TV company. Was intended to be in if rights weren't an issue.
- Inafune personally selected X series Zero.
- Another Female Darkstalkers character could appear in a sequel
- Speed was considered, but scrapped due to being to uninteresting outside the Mach 5. (no, they don't want to pull a Capt. Falcon, they want to keep him in his roots)
- Dante was considered for CGoH but the dev team held off to see how well DMC4 was received. If TvC gets a sequel, Dante's pretty much a lock.
- Resident Evil characters were considered "too dark" (Frank West, despite having zombies and gore, still have hilarious things in his game)
- Phoenix Wright characters would have took too long to come up with a plausible moveset and make them fit. I think there was confirmation that Phoenix made it to the concept art stages as well.

I think they're vastly underestimating the value of a Chim Chim based attack set.


If they REALLY had a problem with Speed/Go Mifune, why not just go for his more awesome bro, Racer X?

Practically everybody liked the guy who began the "mysterious older brother" motif more than Speed any way... :lol
As it turns out, it wasn't Resident Evil characters, they were referring to, but Resident Evil monsters (which makes more sense, as things like the Tyrant and Nemesis do look grotesque).

Remember, back after the original TvC came out, a Tyrant was on the list of considered characters. Now we know why it was cut.

Boss Doggie

all my loli wolf companions are so moe
Yeah, they're choosing between Tyrant or Leon. They can't have Leon because Frank's already there.

Metal B

BigHow said:
- Speed was considered, but scrapped due to being to uninteresting outside the Mach 5. (no, they don't want to pull a Capt. Falcon, they want to keep him in his roots)

They were just afraid, that they could not create something like the epicness that is the Captain and his Falcon Punch!

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