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Tearaway Unfolded |OT|


I'm not keen on the art style, and the delivery of the narrators was an immense turn-off. I'll admit I only played it for about 20 minutes or so but I got bored of shining light on things to progress. I looked at some footage of later levels and they didn't seem particularly interesting. I understand that it was made as a Vita vehicle and that it's bound to lose some of its appeal when moving to a format which lacks its features, but I was disappointed all the same.

It gets better as you progress and get new abilities. The beginning is pretty bland because you're limited in what you can do, but once you get the jump and roll abilities it starts getting much better.


I'm not that far into the game yet but presentation wise, this easily goes into my list of favourite games ever. It just looks stunning. The art style is so nice and creative. I played the Vita version but seeing this wonderful imaginative paperworld come alive on a big television is something else. Also, the framerate is super smooth and the image quality is very clean. On top of that, the environmental sound effects are great and the soundtrack is lovely.


I just completed this today, and this is easily my game of the year. I absolutely loved it, even moreso than the original on Vita (which I was a huge fan of). It's very clear that MM and Tarsier have put a lot of dedication into this, and it really reflects on the game design for me. I felt that gimmicks are handled so much better in this version in comparison to Vita, and the fourth wall breaking moments are cleverly done.

By the way, am I the only one who thinks that..

....the music which plays when you decorate the head Scrap is adorable?

Also, in regards to the soundtrack issue, go on to the PS Store, find Tearaway Unfolded and hit download. That worked for me.


Played the demo yesterday. What a fun, lovely experience this game is! I wasn't paying much attention to it but now I'll definitely buy this game. It was a smart decision to release a demo for this game. Everything scream personality, creativity. Graphics are awesome and the gameplay looks really diverse, I really liked the motion controls.


Hi folks, sorry to butt in with what I'm sure is a stupid question, but can this game be played without a camera? I Ioved it on the Vita and wouldn't mind giving it another go, but I don't know if the camera is needed, for you know, seeing my beautiful face in the game n stuff.


Hi folks, sorry to butt in with what I'm sure is a stupid question, but can this game be played without a camera? I Ioved it on the Vita and wouldn't mind giving it another go, but I don't know if the camera is needed, for you know, seeing my beautiful face in the game n stuff.

No not at all! All you need is your controller. Camera and microphone are both optional


Thanks dude :) now I just need to find some way of getting hold of money for it..

Sorry one more question, how similar are the trophies compared to the Vita version?
My copy shipped from Amazon (UK) today. Really can't wait to play it as I haven't played the original. I was also surprised to see a code from Amazon in my inbox with a code for the soundtrack (and something else, I think?), so I've been listening to that. There was no mention of any preorder bonuses when I preordered it in June, so it was a nice little bonus.


Ugh, I just finished Gibbet Hill and the thought of missing collectibles and trophies is weighing heavily on my mind while playing and I end up not enjoying the game at all. Guess I'm going to take a break from the game for a while.


Tried the demo, and really want to like it but yet another game ruined by motion control gimmicks for me.

I remember seeing a video where they used analog controls but I'm not seeing it for the light etc

Visuals and music are so good I want to try it again when I've got nothing else to play.


Thanks for the Ot.

My copy sould arrive today.

Thanks dude :) now I just need to find some way of getting hold of money for it..

Sorry one more question, how similar are the trophies compared to the Vita version?

For the Cameraquestion: You can use a smartphone via playstationapp. I took a photo of my godchild in the demo, works well.


Ugh, I just finished Gibbet Hill and the thought of missing collectibles and trophies is weighing heavily on my mind while playing and I end up not enjoying the game at all. Guess I'm going to take a break from the game for a while.
Gotta go through the first playthrough without thinking too much about it. If you're going for 100% you'll have to replay since you'll need a few powers you won't have yet, but you can pick a chapter to replay so it's not that bad.


One of the most wondrous looking games I've ever played.

Looking forward to really digging in tonight and over the weekend.


Neo Member
Think I'll pick this up on the weekend. Played it on the Vita and always wanted to dive back in and collect everything.

Super charming game.
Look lovely in HD on the big screen. Camera causes some issues at times but otherwise plays great and keeps the charm and wonder of the Vita game well. Like the DS4 additions. Work decently.
It gets better as you progress and get new abilities. The beginning is pretty bland because you're limited in what you can do, but once you get the jump and roll abilities it starts getting much better.

Yeah, the beginning was awful, I almost shelved it myself at the time (Vita version I mean). It took too long to get its ass in gear. I enjoyed the rest of the game quite a bit thankfully.


Gold Member
Quick question folks - does the retail version come with a disc or code for the game? If code i'll just buy it on my ps4, else ill get it on amazon.

this game looks great and i'm enjoying it. my issues are occasionally with the camera. it seems like the game at times has a preferred perspective, but then using the stick (which i think is necessary to find presents) just mucks that up.
Got my copy at lunchtime. Not sure I'll able to play it right away, as I ought to finish a couple of games in my backlog first (Dying Light, and maybe EGTTR or Until Dawn), but I'll see. Might play this with my daughter if we have a chance over the weekend.
As a day one adopter of Tearaway on Vita, who adored it, I'm annoyed by how tempted I am to pick up this version so soon after release.

There are already so many games out...but this looks so good. Man...not sure.


Gold Member
Another quick question - do you get confetti for coloring all the scraps of newspaper? Im lookin for my last 6 confetti on standing stones and have scoured every inch of the level.

Loved the vita version of this game, enjoying how much bigger the ps4 game is.
Such a shame that Sony seems to give no fucks about promoting this game. It's release week and the game is buried like four entries deep into "what's new" section of the store, while Destiny 2.0 is front and center in both "what's new" and "spotlight" with giant banners and fancy backgrounds.

Such a shame. I don't know how Media Molecule employees feel about their own publisher not giving a fuck about their game.


Got my copy at lunchtime. Not sure I'll able to play it right away, as I ought to finish a couple of games in my backlog first (Dying Light, and maybe EGTTR or Until Dawn), but I'll see. Might play this with my daughter if we have a chance over the weekend.

Get the companion app and have her draw cool stuff while you're playing. Or vice versa.

Such a shame that Sony seems to give no fucks about promoting this game. It's release week and the game is buried like four entries deep into "what's new" section of the store, while Destiny 2.0 is front and center in both "what's new" and "spotlight" with giant banners and fancy backgrounds.

Such a shame. I don't know how Media Molecule employees feel about their own publisher not giving a fuck about their game.

When I checked last night, Tearaway had less than 600 "likes" which is awful for a retail game.
My copy should have arrived today. Doubt I'll get to play it though. MGSV is taking up all my life. It might be the game to play if I fancy a break from MGSV, but then again Broken Sword 5 was meant to be that game and all I did with that was install it, add the trophy list to my account and then go straight back to Metal Gear Solid.


Excuse me if this has been asked a million times but what's the word on the new stuff? Is it mostly control scheme adaptations and the like, or is there an actual decent chunk of new places to go and explore?

Excuse me if this has been asked a million times but what's the word on the new stuff? Is it mostly control scheme adaptations and the like, or is there an actual decent chunk of new places to go and explore?


I came here to ask the exact same thing! I'm wondering how much new content is here for someone who owns the Vita version.


Gold Member
Excuse me if this has been asked a million times but what's the word on the new stuff? Is it mostly control scheme adaptations and the like, or is there an actual decent chunk of new places to go and explore?


I came here to ask the exact same thing! I'm wondering how much new content is here for someone who owns the Vita version.

consider it like Tearaway 1.8

Lots of new content and reworked gameplay.



Im in love again
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