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The 89th Academy Awards |OT| La La Land up 3-1, they got this

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I don't really blame Faye because she's really just there to present and not to apply quick thinking skills when stuff goes wrong, especially when it's been a loooooooong night. BUT let's be honest. It's fucking hilarious that she so blatantly missed the cue and just read it out immediately. It's comically tragic.
But he set her up. He literally said everything that needed to be said, apart from the name of the movie, and the handed her the card. Of course she (or anyone on that position) would read it out immediately.

Question to those who are blaming the incompetence on Beatty (not many here) and those who are blaming Dunaway for the fuck up...

If you were in her position, or Warren's ...You are given the responsibility to announce the Best Picture Oscar with a "legit" envelope in your hand ... You open the envelope, things look a bit off, as in there is a single actress' name along with one of the Movie titles i your category... You got literally millions of people watching you around the world on TV and a couple of hundred or so in a theater staring at you live!

1) Would you take an executive decision, halt the show and look off stage and say this envelope doesn't seem right..
2) Would you just go with whatever is there and announce the first movie title you see inside the envelope?

You gotta have balls of steel and confidence size of the moon, to take initiative and go with option 1 in my opinion, it's almost impossible, almost...
Exactly. The momentum of the entire night leading up to that one moment probably made it extremely difficult for him to contradict what he'd been handed.


I think it's bizarre that you think the reason people hate Vick is because of race. Using a racial slur or torturing and murdering animals. Both of them have "apologized". I think they're both trash.
One of them actually didn't apologize or do any of that shit. At all. They apologized for their anti-semetic comments. Not for the whole raped thing.

But again, off topic
But he set her up. He literally said everything that needed to be said, apart from the name of the movie, and the handed her the card. Of course she (or anyone on that position) would read it out immediately.

If that were the case though, she would've read "Emma Stone!" which would've been even funnier I think and much less unfortunate for La La Land.


ppfff at that rating

fuck Jordan Horowitz for being so angry and trying to look like "the good guy" for handing over the oscar to Moonlight personally, that's not his job to so.

calm down, chill, get off the stage

Breh, there was chaos on stage, he's the only one that took control of it and gave the Moonlight cast time to speak.

And I think he's allowed to be angry, not only is a potential dream that you're literally holding in your hands taken away from you, but you're embarrassed in front of millions.

He handled it like a champ.


Just waiting for the day where black people can celebrate their blackness without all this drama. Winning such an award, and still having to share their moment, that's the real loss here.


The only logical response is to say "this isn't the right envelope," not to guess that you might get best picture right.

Warren was confused and didn't say anything, then Faye just read the name of the movie on the card because that's probably all she was expecting to see. I don't know how much reasoning or thought went into it because none of them expected to have to reason or think about it, especially on stage in front of everyone.


But...thats exactly what he did by going so far as to say

And the Academy Award
For Best Picture
*hands over card*

Honestly, don't blame Faye. Don't blame Beatty. Don't blame bald dude for being harsh in a difficult situation. Blame shitty organization that made this possible.

I was just joking. I don't blame anyone here.
after Faye announces the LaLa land and the music ques and it cuts to the lala land crew... you can hear Warren telling Faye "it says Emma Stone" and Faye saying "WUT?"
ppfff at that rating

fuck Jordan Horowitz for being so angry and trying to look like "the good guy" for handing over the oscar to Moonlight personally, that's not his job to so.

calm down, chill, get off the stage

I can't even tell if you're serious, there's no logical way for him to "get off the stage" without addressing the fuck up first, since no one else is doing it for him.

As the producer of the movie that just "won" He is the "voice" and the leader of like a dozen and half people on stage, who most of them at that point are holding a statue, including himself, he is also on the spot (literally) has to give a damn speech... How's he going to "shut up" and "walk off stage what about the damn statue in his hand? who's he going to give that to? just drop it on the floor? what about the 18 cast and crew standing behind him like idiots and celebrating their "victory" and not particularly paying attention to him, how's he going to manage those people? herd them like sheep?


I was just joking. I don't blame anyone here.
ah...K cool

Time for me to leave the internet

If that were the case though, she would've read "Emma Stone!" which would've been even funnier I think.
If that were the case? But that obviously was the case. She looked for a movie name, saw it, read it. Why would she scrutinize the card she'd been handed, especially when Beatty had already said everything else?

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
Just waiting for the day where black people can celebrate their blackness without all this drama. Winning such an award, and still having to share their moment, that's the real loss here.

Imagine how much worse it would have been the other way around but though.

This is the far lesser of two evils.

Ideally, it would have been great if it was done properly. But honestly, long term? Moonlight will be remembered forever regardless of your opinion of the movie. Which is a good thing in the end.


The only logical response is to say "this isn't the right envelope," not to guess that you might get best picture right.

The letter inside the envelope I believe does not state the category, only the winner's name. Hence if the letter only said Emma Stone - La La Land I can understand if someone were to believe that the more likely outcome for the presence of Emma Stone's name would be a typing error or some other error instead of being handed the wrong result (especially when one is under such pressure). Beatty could have checked the outside of the envelope to check what category is printed on it but he needs to know that the categories are printed on there - which he may not have.
Just waiting for the day where black people can celebrate their blackness without all this drama. Winning such an award, and still having to share their moment, that's the real loss here.

Maybe. IMO, this controversy will help even more to get people aware and wanting to see Moonlight if anything, and I imagine that's all that the creators could really want.


I don't think it's fair to blame or look down at a single person on that stage tonight, whether it's the two old actors, confused on stage, or the bewildered producers and cast members.

This was an insanely unique and unprecedented moment.

Not Spaceghost

ppfff at that rating

fuck Jordan Horowitz for being so angry and trying to look like "the good guy" for handing over the oscar to Moonlight personally, that's not his job to so.

calm down, chill, get off the stage

What? I thought he did great considering how shit of a situation it was. Easily the stand out guy in the whole thing. Quickly tried to get everyone to stop fucking around and get the award to the right people. Him presenting it is a fairly nice gesture and a way to say "sorry they fucked up let me give this to the right person".
I don't think it's fair to blame or look down at a single person on that stage tonight, whether it's the two old actors, confused on stage, or the bewildered producers and cast members.

This was an insanely unique and unprecedented moment.

This will make them take different measures after this, it's one thing if it were the other categories which is bad enough but Best Picture? we wont see this happen again.


The letter inside the envelope I believe does not state the category, only the winner's name. Hence if the letter only said Emma Stone - La La Land I can understand if someone were to believe that the more likely outcome for the presence of Emma Stone's name would be a typing error or some other error instead of being handed the wrong result (especially when one is under such pressure). Beatty could have checked the outside of the envelope to check what category is printed on it but he needs to know that the categories are printed on there - which he may not have.

Says the name of the award at the bottom of the card. But it's small and easy to miss in the heat of things


The letter inside the envelope I believe does not state the category, only the winner's name. Hence if the letter only said Emma Stone - La La Land I can understand if someone were to believe that the more likely outcome for the presence of Emma Stone's name would be a typing error or some other error instead of being handed the wrong result (especially when one is under such pressure). Beatty could have checked the outside of the envelope to check what category is printed on it but he needs to know that the categories are printed on there - which he may not have.
the card they show to prove moonlight won says best picture at the bottom, albeit very small


Unconfirmed Member
The letter inside the envelope I believe does not state the category, only the winner's name. Hence if the letter only said Emma Stone - La La Land I can understand if someone were to believe that the more likely outcome for the presence of Emma Stone's name would be a typing error or some other error instead of being handed the wrong result (especially when one is under such pressure). Beatty could have checked the outside of the envelope to check what category is printed on it but he needs to know that the categories are printed on there - which he may not have.
I believe it does



There's so many obviously better ways to handle the cards and print the envelopes and cards to avoid this shit that it's a failure on all levels. Why is the category not actually printed on the card in the envelope? This is like elementary stuff they can do.

EDIT - oh it is printed on the card. I'm back to blaming Beatty then. Horowitz should have smacked him with the card after he grabbed it out of his hand.
If that were the case? But that obviously was the case. She looked for a movie name, saw it, read it. Why would she scrutinize the card she'd been handed, especially when Beatty had already said everything else?

"if that were the case" was a poor choice of words. I meant to say "be that as it may, she should've..." or something, I don't know. Clearly...

after Faye announces the LaLa land and the music ques and it cuts to the lala land crew... you can hear Warren telling Faye "it says Emma Stone" and Faye saying "WUT?"

...all she did was look for the name of the movie and went with it.


There's so many obviously better ways to handle the cards and print the envelopes and cards to avoid this shit that it's a failure on all levels. Why is the category not actually printed on the card in the envelope? This is like elementary stuff they can do.

Except it is? The only failure here is the presenter was given the wrong card. Human error, plain and simple.

People going so crazy over this...Beatty saw it, was confused and gave it to Faye to double check. She assumed he wanted her to read it so she did. Split second decisions had to be made while on live TV. There's nobody to blame but the person who gave him the envelope.


This will never happen again either, not only will they be triple checking every time from now on, but they'll probably adjust their procedure/rules for handling the envelopes to prevent it anyway.


ah shit my bad. it's hard to tell sometimes if its being taken too seriously, especially when it comes to these comic brands.

for instance all the nerd blogs are crying about it as we speak.

Suicide Squad is the biggest big budget amateur hour I have ever seen. I wanted my money back and I didn't even pay for it. Its a disaster. However some (Robbie obviously, Davis and the Makeup department) did well. And I can't mind praise/awards for that. No matter how shockingly bad the overall package is.


Maybe. IMO, this controversy will help even more to get people aware and wanting to see Moonlight if anything, and I imagine that's all that the creators could really want.

Yeah, you and a poster above mentioned this possibility. It just gets so tiring, having to work twice as hard to be seen as good, yet not truly equal. I'm sure LaLaLand was great, but Moonlight really, truly, speaks. And I just wanted the cast and crew to have as much time as possible, especially as an all black film. Shit, as an all black LGBT film, rather.

This is only the beginning, I'm sure. I boycotted the Oscars last year due to their white washing, and I'm just relieved, overall; with the results of this year. Moonlight did it, y'all. :)


I understand the optics of them opening the envelope on stage and having it look spontaneous for the sake of tv but is there any reason why they couldn't just tell the presenters who the winners are like 10 mins before they go on stage or have it written into the TelePrompTer?


I understand the optics of them opening the envelope on stage and having it look spontaneous for the sake of tv but is there any reason why they couldn't just tell the presenters who the winners are like 10 mins before they go on stage or have it written into the TelePrompTer?

They never write the winners down except in those envelopes, and only two people even know the winners in advance (the same people that handle the envelopes).
They'd never write it on the teleprompter.


I understand the optics of them opening the envelope on stage and having it look spontaneous for the sake of tv but is there any reason why they couldn't just tell the presenters who the winners are like 10 mins before they go on stage or have it written into the TelePrompTer?

So that it is a surprise and it can't leak like a minute before.
I understand the optics of them opening the envelope on stage and having it look spontaneous for the sake of tv but is there any reason why they couldn't just tell the presenters who the winners are like 10 mins before they go on stage or have it written into the TelePrompTer?

Because 99.9999999999999% of the time it works just fine.
This isn't a fucking Kindergarten school play...Organized and ran by Kindergarteners...

It's the fucking Oscars, a century old annual event, where the richest of the rich, Hollywood's elite celebrate their yearly craft!

The blame here without a doubt goes to the organizers of the show, the producers of the damn event... You can't count on your guests and presenters to get things like the "envelope" right...

If your job is to hand over the correct envelope to the correct presenter, then that's your fuckign job, and frankly it shouldn't be hard or even complicated by any stretch of the imagination to get that part right, considering how important it is to DO GET IT RIGHT. I swear, as a OCD person that is somewhat of a perfectionist.. I would've made sure at least the "Best Picture" envelope was clutched (glued) in Beatty's hands waaay before they walked on stage...(during commercial break)

Somebody will get fired or at least take a large amount of heat for it, and we'll hear on TMZ in the next few days, mark my words.

Mr. Sam

It didn't even occur to me that Emma Stone would have been nominated for her performance in La La Land, let alone win it, let alone the card end up back on stage and make the entire thing into a farce.

Moonlight doesn't deserve to be overshadowed by this nonsense, but it's too late now - that it won Best Picture isn't the story; most of the stories don't even include their acceptance speech.
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