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The battle over Gamestop is getting really interesting

Buggy Loop

it's over guys, nice pump and dump by reddit

baroness von sketch whatever GIF by IFC

There's no volume for anything to be perceived as "dump", from either bulls or bears. There's no reasons to spend millions of dollars on a short attack ladder (it's not free you know, every attack they lose money) if they are out, there's no reasons to spread so much FUD in media if they are out, there's no reason to hire bots if they're out.

There's also this :


This is no longer WSB. See these 800 calls and their insane premium values, all on the same date?

It's a battle of hedge funds. There's Fidelity, Vanguard who are long on GME and now Blackrock joined. There's so much bigger whales in % of the shares than WSB, it's not even comparable. Hell, it might even be Citadel offsetting their eventual losses by buying in the low dips, such a far out call in price knowing full well eventually they have to pull out and the squeeze happens, a calculated insurance on their side. Just a guess.

But one thing for sure, it's not about WSB vs hedge funds, it's HF vs HF. Way too big whales in the ocean for just WSB, at best, they have ~20% of shares. If it was not COVID times, these HFs would probably have made a party, including competitor HFs last week and snort coke off a hooker's ass and talk how they"ll make the other one a bitch and so on.

It's a war within Wall Street, and probably foreseen way before it blew up on Reddit by bullish hedge funds. So this is pretty much my cue to exit soon if price goes back up a bit. If it does not go back up by end of week, there's not much reasons to sell i would say, if i lose money, and i did not put anything i could not part with in it, might aswell see this throught and see how those big HFs are playing the game at the casino, because to get those 800$ calls, someone is confident it'll rocket up.
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I know no one wants to give away how high they are betting this goes if it goes parabolic other than "to the moon," but you know if it happens it'll be these other huge hedge funds and investors that actually set the bail. If Citadel and Fidelity say 10k, it will be 10k... will they leave a giant smoking crater and ask for 1mil per? How do you plan to maneuver around that? If they say 10k, but you put your limits at 15k, you might miss it entirely by being too greedy.


Gold Member
I'm retarded, but how would short interest be so high if all the short sellers have already allegedly covered or closed out their short positions? If that were the case would the short interest not be lower?

It just doesn't make sense that all these articles keep coming out bashing retail investors. Reminds me of a crazy butthurt ex-girlfriend who pretends like she doesn't care, but keeps posting stuff on social media about the guy being a dick. If you have no horse in the race and had moved on, WTF are you doing still perpetuating all this BS?
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premarket dumping,make it stop!

what kind of endgame we are looking at?

is it even possible to see another 2x, 3x jump? vw did not do that.

seems like a trap to get more retails in at 100-150 before the final dump
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I'm retarded, but how would short interest be so high if all the short sellers have already allegedly covered or closed out their short positions? If that were the case would the short interest not be lower?

It just doesn't make sense that all these articles keep coming out bashing retail investors. Reminds me of a crazy butthurt ex-girlfriend who pretends like she doesn't care, but keeps posting stuff on social media about the guy being a dick. If you have no horse in the race and had moved on, WTF are you doing still perpetuating all this BS?

Because they are lying, obviously.

Setting up that sort of short ladder attack costs lots of time and money - and being so blatant about it runs a significant risk of attracting adverse attention from the regulators.


Waiting for it to hit around 50 a share before jumping in.

Buying in at this price is asking for trouble, currently down to 138 pre market. Long way to go yet.

Buggy Loop

premarket dumping,make it stop!

what kind of endgame we are looking at?

is it even possible to see another 2x, 3x jump? vw did not do that.

seems like a trap to get more retails in at 100-150 before the final dump


See that dip back to almost retail normals? That was 6 days of red.

It’s not a question now if the shorts are still in a shitty situation, they are, but the question now is how they’ll control the damage? As a squeeze ala VW with today’s market caps would really leave a crater.

So why no peak? What’s going on? Most likely, Synthetic longs.

Unless a whale does not force a trigger by applying too much pressure, they hid the inevitable in synthetics, at best they hope to have a long stretch of high, rather than a peak. (And would explain those 800$ calls)

Creator of those synthetic shares has 21 days to deliver. They are not paying interest in the meantime..

/not financial advice, sir, this is a casino
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See that dip back to almost retail normals? That was 6 days of red.

It’s not a question now if the shorts are still in a shitty situation, they are, but the question now is how they’ll control the damage? As a squeeze ala VW with today’s market caps would really leave a crater.

So why no peak? What’s going on? Most likely, Synthetic longs.

Unless a whale does not force a trigger by applying too much pressure, they hid the inevitable in synthetics, at best they hope to have a long stretch of high, rather than a peak. (And would explain those 800$ calls)

Creator of those synthetic shares has 21 days to deliver. They are not paying interest in the meantime..

/not financial advice, sir, this is a casino

If this is right, or if gme follows this trend, today is the end game now.

gme dead down to normals



Was following and thinking of buying some shares via Revolut.

Someone's messing up big time behind the scenes as Revolut just withdrew the GME buy option!

No wonder the price is in free fall!


In all this, I still did not understand what purpose does an hedge fund accomplishes.
From a outsider perspective, looks just like high stakes gambling, but I'd like to think there's at least an hypothetical serious function to those.
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Should not be allowed to breed
If this is right, or if gme follows this trend, today is the end game now.

gme dead down to normals


Short squeezes don't operate on magic or hive-mind mentality like regular stocks do.

There is a cut off day for the HF to return their loans. Its a contract. That day is today so i'm told. So the heavy price movements you are seeing now already contemplates the HF buying stocks to return them. They are being squeezed but they also succeeded in lowering the starting point by triggering a panic sell.

Also, I don't know what i'm talking about.
Short squeezes don't operate on magic or hive-mind mentality like regular stocks do.

There is a cut off day for the HF to return their loans. Its a contract. That day is today so i'm told. So the heavy price movements you are seeing now already contemplates the HF buying stocks to return them. They are being squeezed but they also succeeded in lowering the starting point by triggering a panic sell.

Also, I don't know what i'm talking about.

This past week of ladder attacks could have been shorts trying to hedge their losses 🤷

If they know they're about to lose billions they better make as much as the can in the meantime


So did the redditors that could have cashed out millions ever cash out or are they on suicide watch?

That community has something called "Loss Porn". Users often post their reds.

A lot of them are not only not cashing out on their money, they are double dipping. That's the only reason it hasn't gone sub $50... Not only that, it's at 130 right now.

They are set on fighting off the ladder attacks.


Should not be allowed to breed
This past week of ladder attacks could have been shorts trying to hedge their losses 🤷

If they know they're about to lose billions they better make as much as the can in the meantime

They can now be on the two sides of the fence, losing on the contracts but winning on longs. They still have to return the stocks though.

I wish I knew how many stocks they have to buy to fulfill the contract. They are clearly buying.


Gold Member
baroness von sketch whatever GIF by IFC

There's no volume for anything to be perceived as "dump", from either bulls or bears. There's no reasons to spend millions of dollars on a short attack ladder (it's not free you know, every attack they lose money) if they are out, there's no reasons to spread so much FUD in media if they are out, there's no reason to hire bots if they're out.

There's also this :


This is no longer WSB. See these 800 calls and their insane premium values, all on the same date?

It's a battle of hedge funds. There's Fidelity, Vanguard who are long on GME and now Blackrock joined. There's so much bigger whales in % of the shares than WSB, it's not even comparable. Hell, it might even be Citadel offsetting their eventual losses by buying in the low dips, such a far out call in price knowing full well eventually they have to pull out and the squeeze happens, a calculated insurance on their side. Just a guess.

But one thing for sure, it's not about WSB vs hedge funds, it's HF vs HF. Way too big whales in the ocean for just WSB, at best, they have ~20% of shares. If it was not COVID times, these HFs would probably have made a party, including competitor HFs last week and snort coke off a hooker's ass and talk how they"ll make the other one a bitch and so on.

It's a war within Wall Street, and probably foreseen way before it blew up on Reddit by bullish hedge funds. So this is pretty much my cue to exit soon if price goes back up a bit. If it does not go back up by end of week, there's not much reasons to sell i would say, if i lose money, and i did not put anything i could not part with in it, might aswell see this throught and see how those big HFs are playing the game at the casino, because to get those 800$ calls, someone is confident it'll rocket up.
Its been that way since last week (and even longer). WSB started the fire, but Blackrock, Vanguard, Fidelity, kept the fight going. The "diamond hands" are the HF on the otherside from Melvin and a few others.

IMO, this is going to be a thing for awhile. Retail, using a crowd source, creates volitility in a stock, HF's take advantage. If you could ride that wave, you might make a few bucks.

Buggy Loop

It’s truely remarkable, AMC and GME short ladder attacks are identical this morning. As if a bunch of retards on WSB would sell in unison to make everyone think they’re leaving the ship and dumping haha. Can’t make this shit up.
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Darkness no more
On the garbage analysis
WSB has gotten so big it is hard to tell what is real and what isn't. There's people showing random data that says the short is 40%. Then there's someone else with a bunch of images that say the short is above 100%. A lot of times you can't even tell where the users are pulling their images and data from. It kind of reminds me of GAF tech threads where you have people throwing around random terms like "cache scrubbers!", "I/O bottleneck!", etc. but it doesn't really feel like a lot of people know what they are talking about outside of throwing around random stuff they saw on Twitter or Youtube.


All these newer people that bought in at $300+ will have to sell their shares back for a fraction of that. They are getting the authentic Gamestop shopping experience.

Never buy stock that is overvalued. If it's overvalued you're already too late.

There is no underlying reason for this stock to be the price it is at the moment (and was over the last week). Buy based on the business and it's overall capability, not based on whims and trends. If you do the latter it's only ever going to end in tears, especially if you don't give a shit about the underlying business.

The time to make a quick buck on this stock has passed. There might be another rise, but nowhere near the levels previously seen.
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WSB has gotten so big it is hard to tell what is real and what isn't. There's people showing random data that says the short is 40%. Then there's someone else with a bunch of images that say the short is above 100%. A lot of times you can't even tell where the users are pulling their images and data from. It kind of reminds me of GAF tech threads where you have people throwing around random terms like "cache scrubbers!", "I/O bottleneck!", etc. but it doesn't really feel like a lot of people know what they are talking about outside of throwing around random stuff they saw on Twitter or Youtube.

Yes, by their own admission most of them don't know what they are doing and sometimes it gets hard to tell good info from bad. Best is to do your own due dilligence.

What's interesting to me is that all that happened last week exposed them in a big way (halting buying from some platforms, media blitz, etc). Why would they do that if they weren't smelling blood?

I don't think this is over yet.


In all this, I still did not understand what purpose does an hedge fund accomplishes.
From a outsider perspective, looks just like high stakes gambling, but I'd like to think there's at least an hypothetical serious function to those.

There's a function alright. Let me put it this way, a lot of the big businesses have close ties to them.

On the whole they don't exist for us (unless anyone here happens to own a multi-million dollar public company).
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Buggy Loop

What's the implications of this?

Cannot buy a short, cannot sell a short.

They can still ladder attack I believe and there’s probably more than one way to get around this, but it’s less ammo. At least until tomorrow as per the document, unless NYSE extends it.
I'm holding. It's dumb to maximize losses based on fear and not reason. Squeeze may not happen, but lots of short shares still. They have to cover. But good lesson for me. If you are late to a trend that seems like a squeeze, wait for the panic and buy when people are fearful.
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