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The battle over Gamestop is getting really interesting

Buggy Loop

Hey fellow bag holders?

(i cannot for the life of me just isolate the video about american psycho card exchange, i don't care about S3 research thing)

I'm personally holding at this point, i mean, at ~70% loss, why not see things through the end. If it crashes down further, i'll buy more shares to lower the average. I still do think that GameStop has a ~80$ to 100$ company in coming years, might not go "green", but it would lower my losses. This money was not something i needed anytime soon so.

There a few things that still give me doubt all cards are played, as the TradeSmith Daily article i posted earlier. I have a really hard time imagining Citadel blowing 2.75B$ on Melvin in the early bailout to just "pull out". These aren't the "pull out" type of persons, does pulling out sound very Wall Street billionaire with a background of illegal short practices to you? If in the end, history shows that they did pull out, i'll be flabbergasted.

I'm also very doubtful that other HF did not smell blood in the water and are not acting behind the scenes to bring down a competitor that is in a bad position. This is Wall Street, they'll backstab each others if they can. There's also a post on r/investing that is very informative about what kind of games can be played here. A competitor HF against shorts, as explained much better by that person than me, can find a sweet spot where the shorts are not comfortable to exit position, but low enough to be able to buy the share at low values, it's literally in their interest to accelerate this process and do a short ladder attack to lower prices, even if they are not on the short side. It lowers the short's position at a lower price, and also lowers the price for the trigger to squeeze. Even if it's not happening, it's a fascinating read on some good principles of capital flow, liquid float and volatility leverage.

If nothing happens to my favor, then i'll hand over my shares to my grandchildren like this grandmother did. At this point, the shock of it all is mostly over.
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I have 1000 $NOK shares (about $5k down to $4.4k). Should I jump ship now or wait it out? I am up overall, but they took a beating today after positive sales earnings. :/ Any hope for this stock?


Depends on why you liked it to begin with.

Did you like the direction of the company? What's changed since you invested?

Were you trying to catch the hype wave?
What's changed since you invested?
Sucks for anyone still "holding the line". I bought at $170 and sold two days later at $320. Anyone who got emotional about this should really consider jumping in next time. I went in to make a quick buck, not try to bankrupt wall Street. Remember pigs get slaughtered.


The Battle of GameStop is over. The Battle for the Stock Market has just begun.

Let's see what Yellen has to say about this.
probably outlaw naked shorts over 100% float

regulate meme forums like wsb to prevent pump and dump

faster settlement to avoid small brokers facing cash collaterals crunch


Sucks for anyone still "holding the line". I bought at $170 and sold two days later at $320. Anyone who got emotional about this should really consider jumping in next time. I went in to make a quick buck, not try to bankrupt wall Street. Remember pigs get slaughtered.

Grats on profit, good for you :)
You have your reasons and i have mine, I went in "for the lolz" like 2ish weeks ago or so, 1500 euro in total (90% AMC and GME).
I didn't spend a dime I wasn't prepared to throw away, I did not expect to win and I knew the gamble.

I didn't gamble on the stock, I gambled on the slim chance of this "entity" that it became, could be a gigantic fuck you to roches on Wallstreet and Hedge funds, the ones who lives and thrives of fucking people over without any remorse or penalty. This entire thing may be a scam, perhaps they became richer, perhaps they will still go down. I don't know what will happen, time will tell and regardless of the outcome it was money "well spent".

I won't sell unless they go up to some astronomical high, way above 1k. I'm gonna keep them as a reminder of this really fucked up start of 2021 for the rest of my life. In the grand things, that's a pretty cheap memory of something that will go down in history.

Buggy Loop

At worst, you either hold till the end of time because your bag does not have value.
At best, GME climbs back up in a few years (i still think that they have a chance with digital sales and a revamp with Cohen)

In the middle? You could always use the losses as taxe exemption a year that you make too much money, or to counter balance gains you made. It's up to 3k$ a year you can tax exempt from your trading losses i believe.

Buggy Loop

Interesting opening..

the lord of the rings pippin GIF


damn seems there is still money to be made on gme from intraday swings

whos throwing the kitchen sink at it?


If the short interest is still too high on the 9th, will ya'll be buying up some more to try again?

It's unlikely.

It's not clear how they did it or even if the data is precise but it seems more than half of the shorted positions were paid a few days ago.


So is Robinhood the app to use or is it the Devil? I can't tell. Or should I just use Fidelity or something?


So is Robinhood the app to use or is it the Devil? I can't tell. Or should I just use Fidelity or something?

What they are saying is that RH did not have enough money to back the operations users were having. Apparently it's a pretty unique case. However, you have to be aware that there is a risk of something like this happening again in the future and apparently there is no way to be protected so...

Mark Cuban did an AMA a few days ago and he recommended using bigger/more traditional brokers.


What they are saying is that RH did not have enough money to back the operations users were having. Apparently it's a pretty unique case. However, you have to be aware that there is a risk of something like this happening again in the future and apparently there is no way to be protected so...

Mark Cuban did an AMA a few days ago and he recommended using bigger/more traditional brokers.
Not to mention the CEO being entirely evasive in his interview explaining what had happened. The guy did not have a trustworthy aura.


Gold Member
So is Robinhood the app to use or is it the Devil? I can't tell. Or should I just use Fidelity or something?
You have to see which broker provides the best services for you.

You can readily search to see which platforms offer what. I know I wouldn't use Robinhood at all. They sheet the bed when it mattered and don't provide as many tools as other trading platforms.
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Buggy Loop

So Finra report shows 78% SI, which is still super high, and the thing has probably even been shorted higher since then with the drop off and retail shorting on it.

So anyway, regardless of squeeze or not, this might be the last train for bag holders to cash out if momentum picks up again.
So is Robinhood the app to use or is it the Devil? I can't tell. Or should I just use Fidelity or something?

Robinhood's a nope.

If they catch you discovering a good thing (GME), they'll just freeze your attempts to buy it to protect the hedge fund companies, then slowly release the restrictions until you've lost money and the hedge funds have saved themselves.

Also, they have occasional server issues and they seem to change their crypto policy depending on how badly it might cost them. The first day of major COVID news early in 2020 caused the entire app to freeze up right when all the stocks were plunging.

Webull I've heard okay things about, but Robinhood really screwed the pooch and burned what remains of their integrity with the GME run. They tried to portray their shutting down of GME purchases to "protect the consumer," but that was a crock of shit.

If anyone has a better trading app to recommend, I'm listening. (Also, still holding GME shares with no regrets beyond I wish I could have sold/bought them during the run if RH hadn't prevented it.)


Holy shit that increase in just the last 15 minutes, insane


Sorry I vanished, but I didn't need to respond to every bear taking a victory lap after the game board was thrown off the table. Still believed, but I didn't know it would happen again so soon!

Probable catalyst?

This guy suucked, RC is draining the swamp, was pretty much a company killer always

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Buggy Loop

Oh these motherfuckers closed it on a massive tradehalt, FUCK.

Fucking clear as day corruption. DTCC and SEC have to be dismantled from the inside out by congress.

Just to be clear :

“A market decline that triggers a Level 1 or 2 circuit breaker before 3:25 p.m. Eastern Time will halt trading for 15 minutes, but will not halt trading at or after 3:25 p.m.”

Edit : 123$ AH o_o
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Oh these motherfuckers closed it on a massive tradehalt, FUCK.
Closing up 104% is closing up 104%, I'm surprised it was allowed to get that high without more halt interruptions. Closing up on days like this is what got us our trail of gamma squeezes last time.

This time all eyes are going to be on the brokers, and if you believe their side they've still raised billions more in backing to deal with the sort of volume crunch we created last time
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Buggy Loop

Maybe my bagholding arse might claw some money back after all.

Might be the last bump, whatever crazy shit happens, at current price, 300$ or more, if there’s a squeeze happening (I have no fucking clue how it climbed so high), it’s really the last time I think. So yea, look into what you’re either comfortable of losing, or if you keep a mental sale price depending on how it goes tomorrow.
Well it just hit 150 and doesn't seem like it's stopping. I'm going to close the ticker now because this increase is just giving me anxiety.
I'll see where it's at tomorrow morning :messenger_tears_of_joy:


Good luck to you'se still in. After all the cheating of the brokers last time, not sure why this time would be different, but it's fun to watch regardless.


Ok so for people who may know more, what is the gameplan here? We wait until the morning and see where it's at? How long are people going to hold for?

Buggy Loop

Ok so for people who may know more, what is the gameplan here? We wait until the morning and see where it's at? How long are people going to hold for?

I'll be honest :

Last time, when it crashed down and peoples were down, bears were out to make fun of us, i had serious doubts of what had happened, if we had been played, had been part of a pump/dump... I had participated in the hype of GME in this thread, and while i doubt that's much influence in the overall picture, i felt bad man. Last thing i want is suggesting something that we don't fully understand and get fucked again.

So yea. Like i said, if you're a bag holder, this is maybe the last train.

Personally, tomorrow if it's aiming towards my avg price, i'm setting up a trailling sell order so that, if it goes up, i follow, if it drops X amount, i sell. So if there's a ginormous peak, i'm loaded, if it drops a tad under my security, i sell. Got greedy last time with ridiculous sell orders haha.
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Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
I bought a few at $233 and honestly didn't think it would go anywhere so I didn't buy anymore but kept holding the ones I did have for the next month. The greedy part of me feels like I should bought more haha.

I’ve somehow managed to time my buys and sells fairly well during this saga and have made a hefty (for me) sum of money. I’m going to use it to do some proper investing soon. I know if I keep going down this speculation path I will eat shit eventually.
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