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The discussion on ps5 recently makes me believe that Sony fans are not happy with PS5 GPU but they are not honest about.


It’s way more powerful than PS4. Put that power in the hand of Sony’s first party studios, which are really TALENTED, and voila!!

To me, it’s more like fans of certain other system that won’t shut up about SSD is the new TV TV TV (which now they have to shut up about it) or 9 TF yo! etc etc....
I am honestly sure if you are talking about xbox or sony fans.


What are you talking about, dude? I didn't see anyone that got disheartened by Nvidia's announcement. You're also comparing PS5 and XSX, and let me tell you, that difference in TF is going to be pretty negligible, is not even as big a difference of power as the PS4 to One, or the XoX to the Pro. Relax dude.
it looks like my main point was missed on a lot of people. I was not putting to much attention on the difference of xbox on ps5 GPU or if that matters. my point was that there are group of people who argued that the GPU advantage of xbox did not matter but still behaved and made comments that contradicted their position.


I was let down by the ps5 gpu, always being open about that.

yes i have a pc and i can't play the majority of games over there, doens't mean that i hate the idea of horizon 2 with 12-15 tf under the ass.

it's pretty simple, if 10 are good, more are better, but no, crybabies have to pay 500 dollars tops for a machine that it's gonna offer hundreds if not thousands of hours of entartainment for 6-8 years, but yeah i'm the unreasonable one here...
thanks for entertaining me in this discussion. I think what I understood from you is that if you are going to invest +500 usd on a console for 6~8 years, it should at least offer you the highest performance it can put under the hood in that price and squeeze the most results from it.

this does make since and I appreciate your input.


I am actually really excited for the PS5. Personally, I see diminishing returns on pure Tflops once you can hit steady 60 FPS at 1800p or so (should be around 8 Tflops or similar). Post-processing, ray-tracing, more advanced geometries, higher resolution textures etc is where my interest resides beyond that. PS5 really tries to address that - or at least it seems so.

Next step is more advanced physics and even more advanced RT. The Tflops game seems more and more to have come to an end in the road to me.
I agree, think they seem very shook in this area. Think its lead to a avalanche of anti Xbox threads. Also posting Spiderman and Clink every thread isn't really giving me a strong software vibe. I mean is that it? thats all. Kinda makes me wonder, if MS unleashes just a few surprises. Will they be able to outdo PS software launch. Cause if that is all they got, but it also just goes to show how MS has blown the launch on the exclusive front so far. Sony won last gen, so you're playing catch up. Exclusives should be dripping out of Xbox ears. Also i just dont see MS doing a good job and marketing what they do have, but we will see by Nov.


I personally think Xbox is the one that was put on notice by Nvidia, which is ironic since MS helped with the storage solution. However, I assume MS already was planning exiting the console market since they have everything they need on PC.

Price is the most important factor in consoles along with exclusive content.

What is annoying is PlayStation / Sony making statements about bringing ANY games to PC and being gullible or arrogant enough to think it will not hurt their sales.... even mentioning it undermines the strength of their hand.

The keys to the future are in PlayStations hands, with all the major publishers moving to GAAS. Including Crystal Dynamics and WB Games, there are going to be very limited AAA story driven games to chose from and Sony has many of the studios that will continue to do these games that are far too expensive for other companies.

If they want to solidify their position, they should acquire one of the major publishers that still make big single player games.... Zenimax would take Doom, Fallout, Elderscrolls and Wolfenstein off the table.

Then on PC you have EGS moving in aggressively against Steam and PlayStation will take other games off the Steam table, possibly leaving them with just a hundfull of big games over 5-6 years.

So in short, I am perfectly happy with the power for now but other issues are ambiguous and I would like to have them clarified.
Your point is really good and I understand your concerns with Sony but I think it might be very limited.
But you have to understand you should link your enjoyment with wither other people can play the same game. Also, Hopefully the management of Sony entertainment does not decide to go towards the GaaS route.


Gold Member
thanks for entertaining me in this discussion. I think what I understood from you is that if you are going to invest +500 usd on a console for 6~8 years, it should at least offer you the highest performance it can put under the hood in that price and squeeze the most results from it.

this does make since and I appreciate your input.
no, i'm ready to pay 1000 dollars for a console with top tier hardware inside, maybe i wasn't clear, sorry.

i was not mad because a 500 dollars console doens't have a 3090 inside, i'm mad becuase 500 dollars is the fucking limit that sony can't surpass because gamers with 1200 dollars phone can't pay more than that for a machine that even at a bigger price is still a steal for what it offer.
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If they are, they shouldn't be. Monster machines have never guarantees great games. It guarantees great numbers, bragging rights and all that stuff. I imagine that is what they might be most upset about, if they are at all, the dick measuring contest part of it.

Even in the face of better looking games, as of right now and I'm sure XSX will have some great looking games, throwing out that TF number is the counter to that 🤷‍♂️ I sometimes get the feeling that some "gamers" care more about specs than actual games which is a shame cause there are some great games on those "weaker" systems.
You should know that a lot of people here (including me sometimes) spend more time arguing here in GAF than actually bother to play games.


Theres no need to be upset about this:

This looks so fucking beautiful. I don't care about a small difference in power if the less powerful console can produce this. It's insane.
Xbox series x: microsoft decided to go as the strongest console from next generation. They still couldn't show significant software to demonstrate it's power. Still, you can't deny that on paper it has strength to argue.

PS5: while it's GPU spec is lesser than xbox series X, it still has big punch. However, Sony decided to have significant advantage on their io and SSD.

Prior to nvidia show, there were many comments by gamers who preferred PS5 over XSX that the difference is insignificant and that the higher TF of XSX won't show on games. They also argued that advantages of SSD and io will blow XSX (and pc, mind you) out of the water.

Yet, there were many comments even by hardcore Sony fans that they are waiting for the PS5 "pro" to release with increased GPU performance. Adding to the current meltdown and increased posts that compares the new nvidia cards with PS5, it is very clear to me that from start ps5 fans are not satisfied with the GPU performance and can't wait for Sony to upgrade their spec.

On the other hand , xbox fans have accepted the disadvantage they have o. The ssd part and their biggest complaint is on the exclusive software part (where Sony is hitting it out of the park).
The problem is most PlayStation fans that are worried about the GPU have no idea how these consoles work and just look at tflop numbers. With that said, I haven't seen anyone on GAF worried about PS5 GPU strength.

A few things to note:

1. I don't claim to be an expert, but asking around from people that actually have a better understanding than me leads me to this observation. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Both of these consoles won't hit those tflop numbers because they are theoretical. Those numbers assume 100% compute unit utilization. That shit does not happen in the real world, and from what I've read, it seems 30% - 45% utilization at best.

2. Another interesting factor seems to be the coherency and geometry engine on PS5. Again, from my basic understanding, these seek to improve compute unit utilization. How much is a mystery, but maybe Sony knows. I think the point is to push the GPU through means of efficiency to achieve as close to those theoretical numbers as possible.

3. PS5 GPU is faster, but Series X is wider. Both methods have their advantages, but at the end of the day, Series X has the edge. We'll see soon how much, but it could just simple be an edge.

4. All this talk about PS5 having to downclock because of heat seems suspect at best. I don't see any reason why the PS5 couldn't run at 3.5 and 2.23 at the same time. What I believe Cerny was talking about was a worst case of the console being hammered during max load at those frequencies. Series X would downclock too if that was the case. Someone may have to correct me here, but that's what I took away from it.

I listed all this shit for a reason. If you've been following PS5 news and trying to understand the hardware, than no worries here my dude. Anyone crying over tflops deserves to be that misinformed.


I do wish it was more powerful. I would happily pay $600-700 for a very powerful PS5, or even a few hundred more than that. But the average person wouldn't.

I'm not worried about it compared to the XSX though. It's a 17% difference, MUCH smaller than current gen. Not gonna be noticeable at all most of the time.
Just to get you clearly, you are willing to offer additional hundred dollars or more because you find what Sony offer in software is worth it? because when you are reaching 800+ range, you are close to building a new pc.


Gold Member
Just to get you clearly, you are willing to offer additional hundred dollars or more because you find what Sony offer in software is worth it? because when you are reaching 800+ range, you are close to building a new pc.

Not really a PC that can do everything the PS5 can (will) at the same level of quality.

But yes, Sony's 1st party output is a huge reason why I buy their consoles.
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I'm not hung up on GPU's, Flops etc, hell I don't even know what they really are. I'm just looking forward to seeing what the new hardware can do properly. It feels like all parties haven't yet shown their full hands, but the wait is killing me now - considering we are so close to launch!


Telling people what they feel and that they're not being honest about it -- that usually doesn't work out very well. I know, because I've done it at least a dozen times myself. Even if you're right, it just backfires.

Personally, I'd be glad if the PS5 had more teraflops, but I'm also happy with what they're offering. I know they have to keep costs down. You can't have everything. If PC guys have more flops, good for them, I hope they enjoy their extra flops. I don't game on PC, so that's sort of irrelevant to me.
........... you are right. Probably I was little ticked when I kept seeing it and decided just to make my point. also good way to increase my activity point.
No one would argue that every xbox fan would prefer better games than what they got.....


Gold Member
The graphics comparison for Demon’s Souls will be quite revealing I suspect.
What graphics comparison? its an exclusive unless you mean in comparison to the ps3 original or you mean a comparison between its "Performance mode" and 4k mode?

Thats some dumb logic right there.

The release of the 3000 series by Nvidia should make every console fan not happy. That thing is going to rock, particularly the 3070, for $499 is going to be a beast and will clearly blow the next gen consoles out of the water, day fucking one.

No sony or microsoft fan. Every console fan.
Bruh I don't understand. For probably 500 USD, you will get a ps5 with 3.5 ghz 8 core gpu, 5.5 to 9 gbps fast ssd with a custom I/O block that takes load off the cpu, a custom audio chip that also takes audio processing load off the cpu, 16 gig gddr6 ram with 446gb bandwidth, crazy good software optimisation (remember tsushima, uc4, spiderman were made on weak as hell hardware with a 70 to 100 mbps HDD!!). How in the name of the Sweet Lord will a 500 GPU blow the ps5 away?


Gold Member
It’s way more powerful than PS4. Put that power in the hand of Sony’s first party studios, which are really TALENTED, and voila!!

To me, it’s more like fans of certain other system that won’t shut up about SSD is the new TV TV TV (which now they have to shut up about it) or 9 TF yo! etc etc....
Nah man, its more like the "Power of teh SSD" :messenger_beaming:


Fault in this logic is that you assume that Playstation fans care about xbox or PC.

Truth is, many could not care less.

Like if we are definetly buying PS5, why would it matter if another brand or 3000€ PC is faster?

Are you 5 year old that cries when friend have cooler shoes than you, or what? (Not meaning you personally, just people whom see PS5 / xbox some kind of rivals)

Nvidia cards wont make PS5 games any less enjoyable, even ps4 games look great so it can be only better.

And maybe super fast PC hardware makes devs to push consoles even more, win win

YEs, there are many people who provide similar views. My issue that those people are currently behaving in contrast. Asking for PS5 pro and when it will release, how that the new RTX renders their console of choice "weak", etc.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
So peak mental gymnastic lately, it seems like everything needs to be fucking war. Hey I am buying both consoles and have pre-order on 3090, life is good, so why getting salty thoughts?


Bruh I don't understand. For probably 500 USD, you will get a ps5 with 3.5 ghz 8 core gpu, 5.5 to 9 gbps fast ssd with a custom I/O block that takes load off the cpu, a custom audio chip that also takes audio processing load off the cpu, 16 gig gddr6 ram with 446gb bandwidth, crazy good software optimisation (remember tsushima, uc4, spiderman were made on weak as hell hardware with a 70 to 100 mbps HDD!!). How in the name of the Sweet Lord will a 500 GPU blow the ps5 away?
I know! I'm getting the ps5 day one, but the 3070 will play all third parties at higher frame rates, higher resolution and better effect, I fucking guarantee it. Unless you plug that gpu into a stone age system.


First reply killed the thread.
It can be closed already.

BTW as PS5 buyer I'm pretty that nVidia is following Cerny's vision.... that benefices everybody.
Having 2 jokes , not 1 , in a single comment is so generous of you. Please continue to entertain us here :messenger_smiling_with_eyes:


I know! I'm getting the ps5 day one, but the 3070 will play all third parties at higher frame rates, higher resolution and better effect, I fucking guarantee it. Unless you plug that gpu into a stone age system.
If only better framerates and higher resolutions made boring stagnant AAA games less boring....


Known Xboy known for spreading fud, makes thread spreading fud about what Sony fans actually want 😂
"Someone is making a slightly negative comment on my choice of plastic box and my ridiculous behavior?! I must respond logically."

*opens his option cards to see his usual options:

  1. FUD
  2. Discord
  3. Craig meme

"1 will suffice this time. But if the enemy does not forfeit, we shall bring the big guns."
Bruh I don't understand. For probably 500 USD, you will get a ps5 with 3.5 ghz 8 core gpu, 5.5 to 9 gbps fast ssd with a custom I/O block that takes load off the cpu, a custom audio chip that also takes audio processing load off the cpu, 16 gig gddr6 ram with 446gb bandwidth, crazy good software optimisation (remember tsushima, uc4, spiderman were made on weak as hell hardware with a 70 to 100 mbps HDD!!). How in the name of the Sweet Lord will a 500 GPU blow the ps5 away?



It's a joke, but at the same time, not really.
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no, i'm ready to pay 1000 dollars for a console with top tier hardware inside, maybe i wasn't clear, sorry.

i was not mad because a 500 dollars console doens't have a 3090 inside, i'm mad becuase 500 dollars is the fucking limit that sony can't surpass because gamers with 1200 dollars phone can't pay more than that for a machine that even at a bigger price is still a steal for what it offer.
End of the day Sony runs a business and will do what guarantees biggest profit to their share holders while trying to keep their customers happy.


The problem is most PlayStation fans that are worried about the GPU have no idea how these consoles work and just look at tflop numbers. With that said, I haven't seen anyone on GAF worried about PS5 GPU strength.

A few things to note:

1. I don't claim to be an expert, but asking around from people that actually have a better understanding than me leads me to this observation. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Both of these consoles won't hit those tflop numbers because they are theoretical. Those numbers assume 100% compute unit utilization. That shit does not happen in the real world, and from what I've read, it seems 30% - 45% utilization at best.

2. Another interesting factor seems to be the coherency and geometry engine on PS5. Again, from my basic understanding, these seek to improve compute unit utilization. How much is a mystery, but maybe Sony knows. I think the point is to push the GPU through means of efficiency to achieve as close to those theoretical numbers as possible.

3. PS5 GPU is faster, but Series X is wider. Both methods have their advantages, but at the end of the day, Series X has the edge. We'll see soon how much, but it could just simple be an edge.

4. All this talk about PS5 having to downclock because of heat seems suspect at best. I don't see any reason why the PS5 couldn't run at 3.5 and 2.23 at the same time. What I believe Cerny was talking about was a worst case of the console being hammered during max load at those frequencies. Series X would downclock too if that was the case. Someone may have to correct me here, but that's what I took away from it.

I listed all this shit for a reason. If you've been following PS5 news and trying to understand the hardware, than no worries here my dude. Anyone crying over tflops deserves to be that misinformed.
I appreciate your input and I think you will really enjoy PS5 games more that way.
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